Canon Fodder - Chapter (124)
When I was out of sight I ran home. Hinata had started something in me. I really needed to get laid. I got home to a waiting Mika.
“Hey, where are the girls?”
“Your maids are in your new quarters,” Mika said. “At the far side of the house.”
“Far side? Place isn’t all that big,” I said.
“We renovated the old part of the estate while you were away. You’ll find them all there. After a unanimous vote from everyone else in the house. You were volunteered to move there.”
“I asked Evey to get me a house,” I said with a frown.
“Evelyn has disappeared. She left a note saying she and her butler were going to find the land of the sea turtles.”
“Of course,” I said with a chuckle. “Well see you, Mika.”
“Young master,” Mika said, stopping me. “I waited up for you for a reason.”
“Oh, what’s up?”
“You shouldn’t be bringing strays here,” she said bluntly.
“Ah, Tayuya?”
“Yes. The other maids and I were raised for this job. We can be trusted. I know that you are a little more…open about your skills than most. But there is a reason for keeping things closer to home. Back in the day the men of the house used to bring in outsiders. It always ended up badly.”
“Badly how?” I asked, a little worried.
“Badly as in fighting. Not every woman is willing to accept this sort of situation. I know we don’t talk about your grandfather much. But he found himself in that sort of situation. Your grandmother died and there was infighting. Which made your father swear to never accept anyone not from the brothel or his wife.”
“I uh didn’t know that,” I admitted. My grandparents had died when I was young. They were the ones that had lived at the further part of the house.
“That was by design. Your skills have been stronger than most. Your father has wanted to let you experience youth. But as someone that has watched you grow. I worry that you may bite off more than you can chew,” Mika said.
“Do you regret it, Mika?” I couldn’t help but ask. “Joining my father?”
“No,” she said without hesitation. “But I am not everyone. I would request that you keep caution forefront in your mind. These are women. With their own hopes and dreams.”
I frowned but nodded. “I will do my best.”
“I know. You always have,” she said. Pausing a moment she stepped forward. Extending her arms out I moved into her with a hug. She had always been the person there for me. Back when I was young the woman was my shadow. She was there when I had a bad dream or wet the bed. Watching over me always. She was my second mother…honestly probably more of a mother than my actual one.
“Thanks,” I said. Patting her back.
“You’re so big now,” she remarked. I pulled back to see tears in her eyes. “I hate that this world has made you mature so quickly.”
“It’s alright. And don’t hesitate to talk to me with any other concerns.”
“Good,” she whispered. Kissing my cheek she moved away. I headed down the hall to the older part of the home. I hadn’t been there much. Doors that led to it had been closed off. As I stepped over the threshold I noticed that it really had been cleaned up.
New lights and furniture lined the freshly cleaned halls. I wasn’t too focused on it though. My mind was on Mika’s words. I had been mostly going with the flow. Meeting the women in my path. Not so much pursuing but letting what happened, happen.
I had Reina, Hina, and Shinju. Potentially Tayuya now, but I wasn’t fully sure. I considered Hinata mine. But she was delicate. It would be hard to make her accept the situation I was in with my maids.
There was also Mei Terumi. The Mizukage. I had feelings for her. She had opened up to me. Letting me be the first man that she allowed near her. And she was strong as hell. I wanted her with me. But would she accept my situation?
I hadn’t used my full powers, or she would have known something was up. I needed to get practice on bringing others into the fold. Despite what Mika said. I wanted these women. They were mine and no one else would have them. Temari would be mine too.
Then there were the other worlds. I planned to go to High School of the Dead next. There was Saeko and honestly I wanted Saya and the nurse. Back in Gantz I had three girls. That seemed the perfect number.
One Piece had me in a very sensitive situation. Nami had caught me being a little too intimate with Robin. And I had Hancock as well. I needed to know how to manage these situations. I knew I was supposed to be working on some sort of challenge. But there wasn’t any reason I couldn’t be enjoying myself too.
I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard chatter ahead. Coming up to the rooms I found the four girls sitting up, talking in a small sitting room. They conversed around a large table.
“Weston!” Reina said, getting up. She and the other two maids got up, moving toward me. Asking questions and kissing me on the cheek. I kissed them back but we turned one by one to face the new girl.
Tayuya sat at the far side of the table. Meekly watching us. She was pretty. My course of action was set.
“Did you get to know Tayuya?” I asked.
“She was just telling us her story,” Reina said. “Sit. How did your mission go?”
“Good. We saved the Kazekage. Killed a couple Akatsuki members.”
“You killed Akatsuki members?” Tayuya asked. Her eyes wide. “I’ve heard of them.”
“Yeah. They were tough. But we knew they were coming,” I admitted. “So what to do with you…” I said aloud as I studied her.
“Do?” She asked with a blush.
“Yes, do. I promised to help you. And I plan to. If you want a room and job. I’m sure we could help with that. But if you want something more. I might have another job for you.”
“More how?”
“More as in do you want to be mine?” I asked. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed. But these are my concubines. And I love all three very much.”
The three women were sitting around the table staring at Tayuya. More than happy to be called my concubines.
“My question is, do you want to join their ranks?”
“Concubine?” She asked, blushing. “But I’ve never…”
“Still haven’t? Even better,” I said. “You experienced some of what I can do in my Makuramoto back during the Chunin Tournament. And recently I’ve decided I want something more out of life here. If you are willing to give yourself to me. We would love to have you as one of us.”
“What do you want?” She whispered, nervous, but also a little excited.
“I want you. Everything. Your body and mind. You know a lot. You were formally trained as a ninja. I want you to train these three on how to better mold their chakra. And strengthen themselves. War is coming. And I don’t want to worry about them. They can use chakra but not in battle. I would like you to help me remedy that.”
“And what do I get?” She asked in a challenge.
“A home again,” I said. “You were from the Sound before. Tell me, did you enjoy being on the run? Did you enjoy relying on others for the last year? You lost Orochimaru’s seal. If you give yourself to me I will give you my own.”
“Seal?” She asked, scared as she studied me and the other girls. “How?”
“It’s not any you know of. But it will grant you more chakra. While binding you to me. Something I understand you may not be up for after your experience with Orochimaru. Yet I am still offering.”
She thought for a while. Longer than I thought she would. I had been thinking on this for a while. With my increased lust skills more options had opened for me. I had heard Mika’s words. But I wasn’t from this world. I had no idea if I’d be here long enough to have issues with jealousy. So I was going to fix one issue at a time.
My biggest concern was the girl’s protection. I was going to make enemies. I wanted them to be able to protect themselves. Tayuya could provide the training for that. As I got stronger and stronger I planned on getting to the third stage of my Lust Element. But I also planned to go beyond.
The Tenkyugi was out there. A step above what I was currently at. I had no idea how to awaken it. But I knew limiting my women wasn’t the way to do it. So I would keep adding to the harem. Keep pushing. Keep having all the sex I wanted.
“Fine,” Tayuya said. “I’ll be your woman.”
“That was easier than I thought,” I said looking to Reina.
“We um, may have explained some things about our situation,” Reina said. “Sorry for being so forward. We just-“
“Don’t apologize. You have as much say in our course of action as I do,” I said. “All of you do. War is coming here. I want you each to start training to protect yourselves. I would be able to fight harder knowing you’re all safe.”
The trio smiled at me. My blonde Hina, blushing as she began to grow heated. Shinju, my petite lover was feeling it as well. Reina the closest practically radiated heat as she squirmed while sitting next to me.
“I leave in the morning. Let’s enjoy the time we have together,” I said.
“So soon,” Reina frowned but was getting up. She walked over to Tayuya and helped her up as well. “Come. You will go first.”
“First?! Now?!” Tayuya asked nervously.
“Of course. Trust me. It will be quick,” Reina said. She grabbed the ninjas hand and pulled her into a side room. I stood, taking Shinju and Hina’s hands as we followed.
The new room was larger. There was a wide short bed at the center of the room. “You finally had a real bed made?” I asked Hina.
“Yes, we got it the other day,” she said proudly. It was bigger than a king and took up the whole room. Actual cushioning inside, it was the style of those in the Land of Mist. We had all liked it so much we decided to have one at home.
“Missed you,” I said, kissing her on the lips. Her thick lips pursed, moaning as our tongues explored one another. When I pulled away I gave Shinju one just as heated. The red eyed woman had nothing but lust in her eyes.
“Hurry up with this one,” Shinju whispered. “I want my turn.”
“It’s her first time,” I said. “Let her enjoy it.”
“It won’t take long,” Hina said with a smile as the duo stepped out of a side room. Tayuya and Reina were in white nightgowns. This was some sort of ritual for adding women to the harem. A ritual that Reina had demanded we partake in.
As the head maid, she had final choice. She wanted to be a part of adding girls. The white gowns were thin, almost see through. Clinging to their chests it hung down to their upper thighs, just below their pussy lips.
Reina stood proudly with her D cup breasts hiked up in the nightgown. A deep line of cleavage shown off in the window of the gown top. Tayuya was obviously nervous. She was pretty, but her main attribute was being a skilled ninja. Reina, Hina, and Shinju had relied on their good looks, while Tayuya relied on her strength. The thick muscles in her arms were obvious as she crossed them to cover her chest up. She was a big B-cup. Her red hair was tied back into a ponytail now, and her face was fully visible for once. She had wide cheeks that had a little baby fat still left. They made her all the more pretty.
“If we go forward, there is no turning back,” I told her. “You’re mine from now on. We are your new family.” Honestly I felt like a cult leader, which wasn’t too far off. This was how Reina wanted it though. She was used to bringing in other maids who knew the deal. Tayuya was our first outsider.
A part of me hesitated bringing her into the fold. She had been part of the Sound ninjas, betrayed them for Orochimaru. Then she betrayed Orochimaru for me. But I had made promises to her. I couldn’t trust her if I didn’t let her know my full skills. It was her choice to take the next step, and I guessed it was a good test for other worlds. If Tayuya could betray me, then other girls would be able to. This would let me know if sexing them up was enough to make them fully mine.
“I’m nervous,” Tayuya whispered as she looked to Reina and the other girls.
“As you should be,” Reina whispered. “This is a big decision. Your first time is a big step. But as someone who also gave him my first time. I think you will come to agree, it was the correct choice.”
Tayuya studied Reina, Hina, and Shinju. I was pleased to know that they all nodded. Sometimes I felt like they gave me too much loyalty. Loyalty I hadn’t earned. I had been away more than I had been with them. Missions at every turn. Disappearing with very little word. I was happy to have them on my side.
“Okay,” Tayuya said. “I um I don’t have anyone else. I’ve cut ties with everyone. Do you swear to keep me with you?”
“As long as you want to be with us, you will be,” I said walking up to her. I took her hands. Smiling up at me there were tears in her eyes. I hoped that was a good sign that she was taking this seriously. Leaning down I kissed her. She was shaking, but as my lips pressed against her she slowly calmed down. It took time but when I felt she was ready I picked her up.
Laying her on the bed, Reina followed. Not a part of this process she still wanted to be involved in some way. As I opened Tayuya’s legs Reina lifted the woman’s gown skirt, revealing her sex. Pulling Reina to me I kissed her deeply, then moved back to Tayuya. She was shaking nervously once more.
Leaning my body over her I began to make out with her. She hadn’t forgotten what happened to her in the Makuramoto. Her tongue soon in my mouth she was clumsy at first but quickly got back into the groove of what she had learned over the hours we had spent in my Genjutsu.
As her body began to relax I let chakra build up into the tip of my dick. Pouring as much as I could into it. It was time to use my true skills on someone that didn’t have the Lust Element. Someone had to be my guinea pig.
“Last chance,” I whispered. “After this, no turning back.” Tayuya looked down to my large dick at her lower entrance. Her eyes had fear in them, but she looked back up to me and nodded. My mouth went to her lips as I parted her lower lips. She came instantly. Yelling out, her body convulsed as I moved in inch after inch.
Tayuya didn’t notice her hymen breaking as my 2nd Stage of Pleasure touch channeled inside of her. It was called Love for a reason. It made her mind and body feel like I was the only thing in the world as her entire body convulsed in an intense orgasm.
Her cunt poured out liquid as I entered fully inside of her. “Fuck, you’re in my womb!” She grunted out as her legs wrapped around me. Her orgasm continuing throughout every word. It made her exclaim in a scratchy voice between moans.
I nodded and began to fuck her with all I had. My dick’s touch made her feel more pleasure than she thought possible as it stroked out. But once I was buried in again she cried out as another orgasm built up. More surface area of my dick touching her insides caused unimaginable pleasure for her.
I didn’t bother with Endurance. She was so far gone after a few short thrusts that Tayuya was a sweating and screaming mess by the time I came in her. My chakra soaked cum caused her to squirt. Yelling out as her hands held onto the bedsheet underneath her as if it was the only thing keeping her from flying away.
I kept my dick buried inside of her with each spurt of cum. Keeping it stuffed inside of her womb to make sure she had enough chakra for the next step. She continued to squirt until I finished unloading into her. Then with a sigh I stopped using chakra. Tayuya breathed in and out heavily as she stared up at me, as if seeing me for the first time.
“That’s not normal,” she sighed out.
“She’s conscious,” Hina noted. “You went easy on her.”
“I did,” I said. “Look.” I told Tayuya pointing at her muff. She looked down to her lower navel, just above where her pussy was. A small heart appeared. Exactly like the ones on my balls and dick. The same as the one on the other three maids. “This is my Mark. Chakra from my semen will be focused there. As you absorb more, you will store more here. Used for an emergency to help you in times of need. Eventually this will evolve into something stronger. But for now, this is the best I can do.”
“How?” She asked, amazed.
“The girls will explain that after I go on my next mission,” I told her. “Now, would you like the real treatment or to take a break?”
She looked at the others. “A…break?” She asked.
I nodded and pulled Reina down to the bed. The woman laughed and it wasn’t long until I was buried inside of her. She came with my touch as I impaled her. But she had more endurance than Tayuya. As I entered and exited her she took it all happily. Pushing me on to fuck her harder.
Because she and the other girls had lust element, they had a stronger sex drive. Their bodies built for this sort of treatment as I made her cum over and over. When I unloaded inside of her the busty woman’s back arched up as I sucked her nipples. Her nails scratching through my hair as the intense orgasm moved through her body she loved every second of it.
When I finished she let out a sigh as I looked at the other girls. This time I had Hina ride my dick while Shinju rode my face. Both girls screamed loudly. Shivering as they took everything I could give them. Hina scratched my abs as she dropped down and lifted herself up. Shinju began rocking her lower half back and forth over my face as I ate her out. They were my lust demons, and I missed them terribly.
Hina was eventually filled and Shinju demanded to 69. Begging me to cum in her mouth I didn’t use Endurance and was happily unloading as she sucked the head and Reina licked my balls. Then she was riding me in reverse cowgirl as Reina stuck her tits in my face. I made my head maid cum hard from simple touch of my tongue on her nipples. She moaned my name over and over.
When Shinju was exhausted Reina was jumping on for her turn. It was a nice moment where we locked eyes and I humped into her slowly. Whispering how much she loved me and my dick I redoubled the chakra causing her to almost pass out when I came inside her.
The three main girls exhausted, I turned to Tayuya who had been playing with herself as she watched. Once noticed she blushed as I beckoned her over. She shyly walked over and was guided to sit on my dick as I sat up. Her naked body against my chest I waited to channel chakra.
“I’m glad you came to me,” I admitted.
“Is this normal?” She asked looking around to the other girls. Some still in an orgasmic stupor.
“For us? Yes,” I admitted. “When I am here, anyway. I am trusting you with my secrets, Tayuya. I will never abandon you. But I expect complete loyalty.”
She nodded, understanding what I wasn’t saying. Letting out a sigh she grunted as my dick bulged inside of her. “I’m yours.”
“Good,” I said and really started to fuck her. The strong ninja tried to pull away as my chakra caused intense pleasure to move through her body. My hands on her thighs I pulled her back and we inadvertently had sex. As she tried to pull away I would pull her back. She cried out as the orgasm only continued on.
Her eyes rolling to the back of her head she stopped fighting as her arms wrapped around my neck. Letting me do what I wanted with her. Biting her neck, giving her hickies, pulling and pushing her tight pussy around my dick she felt heavenly. I gave her the full treatment.
When I groaned as I unloaded inside of her she spasmed. No longer fully conscious as my cum entered her womb once more. Once done I pried her arms off of me. Falling to the bed with a spasm she didn’t react. Then it was Hina’s turn. She took her seat over my crossed legs and made me fuck her in the same way.
We didn’t stop at all that night. It would be days until I was back. I needed them just as badly as they needed me. Tayuya woke up now and then. Taking a turn her body reacted the same every time. Unable to process the pleasure I had to find a sweet spot between Love and Pleasurable Touch so she could stay conscious. But everytime she woke up she was more than happy to jump back on. By the end she was screaming how much she loved me and my dick.
I was still worried she would betray me. But I had set a cornerstone in her. A place to build trust with her. There was more to the girl than I knew, and someday I would get that story from her. For now, I simply trusted her. Trusted that she wanted to be with me. It was all I could do.