Canon Fodder - Chapter (135)
I shook my head. Trying to get my bearings as people screamed and yelled around me. Stumbling back the bus wasn’t pushed anymore. There were deep trenches in the ground from where my feet had dug in to try to keep the bus from being pushed further.
“Weston!” Saeko yelled. My mind was still reeling. I noticed her running toward me, fear in her eyes as mass panic broke out in the school yard. “What happened?”
“Zomays,” I mumbled, waving at the bus. I was slowly getting my bearings. “On the other side of the bus.” I pulled my Seastone Jitte out of my screen. My head aching I struggled to push chakra through the blade, but succeeded.
“In your suit?” I asked. She nodded. “Let’s go.” Unsheathing her blade we moved around the bus to see one of the zomays trying to get in. “Ready to try one?”
She didn’t hesitate. Dashing forward Saeko moved her blade to the side as she closed in on the multi-headed zomay. It roared at her, swiping a meaty paw. Dropping down she smoothly cut off an arm. That didn’t phase it. The other hand swiping at her she severed it as well then cut off a leg.
Always moving, never pausing she cut the heads off in a smooth motion. I had a lot to learn from her yet. Nodding, I was starting to feel better. Moving around her and her foe I walked through the beaten up gate. I was surprised to find not just one more. But 3 more zomays.
I didn’t wait for them to react to me. All three were gnawing at the prisoners from the bus. They screamed as they were eaten alive. Huge chunks bitten out of them they were tossed to the side when the zomays were sure that the person would turn. Almost methodical as they moved onto the next living person.
“Oy!” I yelled out to the zomays. “Bring it steroid junkies!” 2 of the 3 noticed me and roared. Their arms out they ran at me.
I tried to copy Saeko’s moves. But where her moves were like a dancer’s. Mine were like a truck driver. Straight forward and hard to turn. I knew how to dodge a blow though.
Ducking down I felt the wind in the air from the zomay trying to grab me with his meaty paw. Slicing through the heads in an arc I twisted in the air bashing my Jitte in the other’s head.
They dropped to the ground as I landed. The last one had the leader from the bus in his arms. I was about to run forward but Saeko beat me to it. Dashing inhumanely fast she jumped up slicing the zomay across the chest from over its shoulder to under an arm.
The top of its body slid off. Throwing the man it held as it split in 2. Saeko stabbed the heads ensuring they were dead. I gave her a thumbs up scanning for more. There were some zombies walking our way but no more big boys.
“You’re pretty sexy running around like that,” I said, moving to Saeko.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” she said with a smirk.
“Th-thank you,” the man from the bus said. He had short black hair but was unassuming. “I don’t know-“ he stopped talking as his head was lopped off.
I didn’t hardly see the blade of Saeko’s move. Before I knew it she had ended his life and was sheathing her sword. A few men behind us gasped. They were the inmates. Looking around they decided on risking somewhere else to ride this out.
“Uh there a reason you killed that guy?” I asked Saeko.
She stood over the man. Staring down at his severed head. “This is the man that attacked me,” she whispered. “The one whose bones I broke. The one who accused me of attacking him and I was sent to jail.”
“Ohhh damn, that’s a coincidence,” I said. Walking away I killed two zombies then walked back. “Come on. Let’s go.” She hesitated but I grabbed her arm. Pulling her back to the school.
We came into the school area to more chaos. People yelled and screamed. Others pointing guns. Others crying. I looked around unsure what the hell they were all yelling about.
“What the hell is going on?!” I bellowed. I had pretty strong lungs from my time learning Kame Mode. My voice echoed in the courtyard in front of the school as it quieted everyone. “Stop pointing guns at each other. Stop yelling. Stop everything!” I glared at people.
“You, why are you fighting?” I pointed at one of the teachers.
“The school. We are screwed. We won’t be able to stay here anymore,” the teacher said.
“Who cares!?” I yelled. “Nowhere is safe. Is the evacuation not happening in a few hours? Were you not planning on leaving?”
“No! Why would I leave? This is our home,” he said angrily. “This is where my life is.”
“So because your stupid sandcastle was broken into you think it’s okay to point your gun at someone? I don’t know if you noticed. But these zombies are getting stronger. They just pushed a bus. You think that wall means anything to them? If you aren’t willing to go out there and fight them. You’re fucked,” I said.
That appeared to be news to him and a few others. “I will ensure this place is safe. Until the evacuation happens. After that I am leaving. I will be working toward saving more people out there.” I doubted many knew me. I was sick of their turtle attitude so far though.
“What did you people do while Saeko and I fought the zombies? Stayed in here. Arguing and fighting. Put the weapons down. Now. Go find a corner to sit in. And when the troops come. I expect you all to be evacuating with them,” I said. Putting my Jitte away I decided to wait outside the school grounds.
Letting out a sigh I found an overturned police car and sat on it. Waiting for any zombies to show up. Rubbing my temple I wasn’t surprised when Saeko moved to sit next to me.
We sat quietly. Comfortable with one another. “Are you disgusted with me?” She asked out of the blue.
“No, why?” I asked, surprised.
“I killed that man,” she said bluntly. I nodded.
“That was a good kill,” I said. Moving my arm over her shoulder. “You’ve been holding back on me with moves. I’m going to need some more sword training from you.” My head pushed into the side of hers, but I could feel she was nervous.
“No, I’m not disgusted,” I said. “I killed the last bus driver. Guess you and I just hate them.” She laughed with that one. A smile on her lips as she wiped a tear. “No. Just make sure you don’t kill me in my sleep. I don’t care who you kill. As long as they deserve it.”
She nodded. “I can do that,” she whispered. I kissed the top of her head and we relaxed into one another. It wasn’t long until others from our group came outside.
First Saya, sitting on the other side of me, then Emi, Shizuoka, Khota, Rei, and Takashi. I looked around at them. Unsure what they were hesitant about. But then it hit me.
“Who’s going and who’s staying?” I asked. There were some dejected looks.
“I’m staying,” Saya said first.
“Me too,” Saeko said right after.
“I don’t know,” Khota admitted.
“Whoever goes, I expect the suits back,” I admitted.
“What? Why?” Rei asked.
“Because you are leaving to go somewhere that the military can protect you. You won’t need them. I only have so many. Need to save them for people staying to fight,” I said. She frowned, a little upset.
“I-I have to go,” Rei admitted. “My parents are safe. I want to stay with them.”
“There’s no shame in that,” I told her. “Suit please.” I extended my hand.
“What?! Here?” She asked, nervous. I eyed her up and down and smiled big. Laughing she rolled her eyes but crossed her arms.
“Who else?” I asked.
“I want to stay,” the nurse said. I gave her my best smile. I turned to Emi. She nodded instead of speaking. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail for once, showing her face. She really was pretty.
“I…I’m going,” Takashi admitted. “I don’t know where my dad is. But my mom is going so…”
I cursed. I’d hoped his mom would stay. I kind of forgot he had a dad. “We will keep an eye out for him,” I said. The first helicopter sounded overhead.
It became a madhouse after that. Helicopter after helicopter flew in. All the while I kept guard at the gate killing the zombies attracted to the noise. Some of the military joined but ended up just watching us kill the zombies.
It was near dusk by the time the last group was flown out. It was me, Saeko, Saya, Shizuoka, Emi, and Khota left. My Harem of the Dead, plus a random sidekick dude.
The military guys triple checked with us that we were fine staying. We waved them off. As they lifted off the ground my quest was completed.
High School of the Dead Quest 4: Complete
Get as many people as possible to the Shintoko Elementary School.
Due to amount of people saved: Reward Increased
Tough Organs (Upgrade)