Canon Fodder - Chapter (290)
“I’m not jumping on your back,” Sugar Tits said. Crossing her arms over her chest I frowned, trying to remember where we were last. I’d just had sex with the girls. Fubuki and Sayuri stopped by to grab me for some big monster that attacked a city.
Fubuki was a tall woman wearing a long black dress. A large bust and short black/green hair she was gorgeous in my eyes. Sayuri was a blue haired model. Nice rack, wearing a lace hot pink corset and black skirt she went by the heroname Sugar and Spice. I typically called her Sugar Tits, because I felt like she liked the teasing and she had some nice tits.
“Then walk,” I said. Pooling water at my feet I froze it and lifted up.
“Wait!” She yelled, jumping on my back. “You don’t know where you’re going.”
“I don’t,” I admitted. “Fubuki, you coming?” I said to her as I raised up. She hesitated but nodded. Wind whipping around her the psychic began flying beside me as we headed off. Sugar Tits directed me where to go so I picked up speed.
“Slow down,” Fubuki ordered. “I can’t keep up.”
“Sorry,” I said. “But we need to get there, right?” I poured more water-chakra out, making my platform big enough for the 3 of us.
“What the hell?” Sugar Tits said as she dropped off my back. “How long could you do this?”
“A while,” I said. Fubuki landed on it and I flew us faster. There was a long silence as we headed off. A barren land of rocks and boulders underneath us we were in between cities. Not much to see around us I focused on flying.
“What’s the story with you and those girls?” Sugar Tits asked, breaking the silence.
“They’re my girlfriends,” I said with a wide smile. She frowned. I could feel a little sadness leak from her Spiritual Energy. “We were experimented on together.”
“What?” She asked, surprise in her voice.
“For months some sick doctor had us in drug-induced comas. Testing on us while we slept,” I said. “He changed something about us. And when he did he made it so that we were all psychically linked. We get pretty messed up if we are away from one another for too long.” Back in the world I could feel the 3 of them behind me. The girls were in our apartment. I hadn’t known for sure we were psychically linked until I used a Weakness Eliminator. I only wished that I had enough to eliminate the link from me and the girls.
“And you’re all dating now?” Fubuki asked, hesitant.
“We live together. Eat together. Sleep together. Might as well be dating,” I said. “I hope to break our psychic hold someday. But I doubt that will be anytime soon.” The girls quieted once more. Both leaking emotions of anger and regret. I wondered how I could progress things with them. They were beautiful and strong. Not impossible at least, but it would be tricky.
“You 2 know each other?” I asked. The women turned to one another.
“I asked Sugar and Spice to join the Blizzard group once,” Fubuki admitted.
“Ah, let me guess, you said yes,” I said.
“Fuck no,” she spat.
“What? I joined,” I said without shame.
“You did?!” Sugar Tits asked, surprised.
“Oh yes, Fubuki said she would be my girlfriend if I did,” I said.
“I m-most certainly did not!” The woman stuttered.
“Well shit, why did I join?” I asked. Giving her my best smile I turned to see the smoke in the distance. “Time to get serious.” I sped us up and was amazed by the carnage. Huge craters were hit into the ground. People crying out, other’s limping away with newly blown off limbs, it wasn’t pretty.
Fire trucks putting out fires at the edge of ground zero I dropped us to the center of where the fight had taken place. Feeling Spiritual Energy below me I powered up and dug down. “There are people here!” I yelled to my 2 passengers. Fubuki started picking up large metal beams with her psychic powers. Sugar Tits started digging with me. Using our hands we moved through the ash and dirt easily.
Finding an encased concrete bunker I punched through it. People yelled from inside, but light leaked down from the ever widening hole I was making. Dozens of people inside I jumped down and started passing them up to Sugar Tits.
All professional adults I guessed that we were in the remains of some building and they had been smart enough to find shelter. When that was cleared up I made 12 clones and sent them out to sense for more people. What followed was 3 hours of digging. I was glad that my Haki could sense those that were alive more easily. Otherwise I would have dug up plenty of dead people as well. With all the destruction around us I was glad we could at least save some people.
As the fires near the edge were put out, Fubuki, Sugar, and I walked out with a good 60 people. All saved from the rubble of the buildings that used to be standing in the area. Emergency services grabbed them and we were debriefed by a rep from the Hero Association.
“Blackheart, you didn’t answer our calls,” the man from the Association said. “We called in everyone we could.”
“I was busy. Any idea what did this?”
“Some virus man or something. Had black skin, antenna. You didn’t see him, did you?”
“This was all done by one guy?” I asked while shaking my head.
“A monster, yes,” the man admitted. “Reports say he blew apart buildings with a wave of his hand. He was killing indiscriminately.”
“Any idea who stopped him?” Fubuki asked.
“We have a report of a man here. All they saw was yellow. King was here, so we guessed it was him, but he is refusing to answer questions,” the assistant said. It was obviously Saitama that saved the day again. An impossibly strong hero that fought monsters for fun, he never stuck around for credit. I had decided to let canon happen with him. Although after the revelations about Goku, I wondered if Saitama was the same person as I knew. I sure hoped so. The world would become impossible to beat if Saitama turned bad.
“Can you talk to King?” The Association rep asked. “You’re his student, right?”
“Oh, right, I said that, didn’t I?” I asked. Annoyed by my solution to skip the low tier of the Hero Association ranks. “Yeah, sure.”
“Thank you,” the rep said and guided me over to him.
King was a big man, over 6 feet tall. Long blonde hair slicked back he had 3 scars over his left eye. Because he had the extremely bad luck of running into monsters, he was typically in the middle of all the big fights. And since he was there, most people assumed he had helped defeat whatever big and bad foe showed up.
“You alright?” I asked King as I stepped up to him. He was sitting on a lone park bench. Ashes and piles of rubble all around him. He leaked fear from his Haki. Lost in his thoughts I sat beside him. “Hey, wake up.”
King jumped as I touched his shoulder. “Weston?” He asked, confused. “When did you get here?”
“A while ago,” I said. “You alright?”
“It happened again,” he said. Tears in his eyes he wiped his nose of some snot. “Why does this keep happening to me? I go out, get some groceries, the place blows up. I wait in line for a video game release and some villain destroys the building next to me. Every time I go anywhere, something is always happening.”
“You lived,” I said, stopping his tirade. He looked at me confused. I pointed to a line of paramedics carrying people on stretchers. “Not everyone did. King, you have terrible but at the same time, amazing luck. You are at the center of lots of battles that you have no business being in, and yet you live. You keep surviving. What happened today?”
“I uh was in the city for this limited edition of a Sprinkle Squad Glitter Time release of this action figure,” he said. Pulling a very scantily clad and very underage action figure out of a bag in his hand. “And then things started blowing up.”
“And yet you survived?”
“Yeah, I uh guess I did,” he said. “I grabbed this mom and daughter. Threw them out of the way of this car that was going toward them.”
“See, you were important,” I said. “You helped save someone. You and I both know that you aren’t strong. But you have an uncanny ability to be where you need to be. So try not to worry about it. Tomorrow some new monster will attack. You most likely won’t be there, but if you are, just do what you can to help.”
“I uh,” he said, wiping his nose. “Thanks. I think I needed that.”
“No problem,” I said. “Now I want you to go out there. And I want you to console someone that is crying.”
“What?” He asked.
“I hear 3 separate kids crying in that direction,” I said pointing to where the fire trucks were. “People are scared. They see you as one of the top heroes, and think you killed this guy. Play into it. I want you to tell each of those kids that it’s alright now.” It was the All Might method, so it had to work.
“But I didn’t do-”
“They don’t know that. King, they think you’re the strongest man in the world. Act like it,” I said. It took some more prodding, and I had to drag the big guy to them. But as he appeared in those recovering the people quieted down. He approached one of the kids that was crying and the boy stopped.
Standing in front of the child he hesitated. But eventually mumbled, “Everything is alright now.” A stunned silence followed but eventually someone clapped. Then another, then more and more people clapped. A few cheering the destitute people started to have their Spiritual Energy reflect hope. Honestly I was surprised by the reaction. King was as well. He kept his face placid, but the cheers got to him.
I walked away finding Sugar Tits resting on a broken off chunk of a building. She smiled at me as I approached. “King really do all this? Fighting whatever was here?”
“King? Hell no,” I said without hesitation. “Just wrong place, wrong time for him.”
“But-but he’s acting like-”
“Those people need some hope,” I said, pointing in the direction where King was shaking some people’s hands. “King gives people hope. That’s good enough.” She quieted, her energy all over the place. Unsure what to think she let out a long sigh.
“Then what the hell did all this?” She asked, confused.
“There are plenty of heroes out there that don’t do it for glory,” I said. “I’m sure some caped crusader stepped in before things got too bad.”
“I don’t know, things look pretty bad,” she said.
“And they could always be worse,” I said. “I think our job is about wrapped up. Want a ride?”
“Uh-” She stopped as someone walked toward us.
“Sugar and Spice,” the man said. We both looked up to see her brother approaching. He was a tall man, light blue hair down below his chin. Wearing a white suit it was rather pristine. Blue undershirt he was somehow dodging a lot of the ash flying around. “What happened here?”
“Sweet Mask,” she said, sticking to hero names. I knew it was her brother. “No idea. We were just talking about it.”
“Oh, you’re Blackheart?” Sweet Mask asked as he stopped. The name given to me because of my MHA hero costume, it was black with some pink Watanabe hearts on it.
“And you’re Sweet Mask,” I said, reaching out my hand. It was dirty so the man acted like it wasn’t there.
“My sister says you act like a true hero,” Sweet Mask said. “It’s good to have you aboard.”
“And what are you exactly?” I asked. Something about Sweet Mask rubbed me the wrong way. A model by day and night, he put in some hero work now and then. But he held his spot as A-Class Rank-1. Acting as the gatekeeper to S-Class. Facing him now I could tell he was strong. Stronger than I expected. But I’d won a fight with a Saiyan a few days ago, I wasn’t too worried about him.
“What do you mean?” He asked, confused.
“I mean, are you a hero or a model?” I asked.
“Both,” he said immediately.
“Oh,” I said in a disappointed tone. Allowing him to make an assumption about what I meant by that. “Well, see you Sugar Tits. Sweet Mask, maybe I’ll see you do some hero work someday.” I pooled some water beside me and jumped on. Floating away before they could say much of anything I found Fubuki directing some of the Blizzard Group around. Not in the mood to play for now I opted to go see my girls. It had been a long time since I’d been with them last. A felt a reunion was in order.