Canon Fodder - Chapter (292)
“How did it go?” I asked as the girls walked out.
“Shit,” Aiko said. “We didn’t get anything special.” She threw me her folder. Opening it up I noticed that she was assigned to C-Class.
“C-Class is good.”
“We start at the bottom, Weston,” she said, annoyed.
“You like starting at the bottom,” I said, pulling her to me. “How else can you work your way up to the fun stuff?” Kissing her neck she let out a long sigh.
“That was a terrible sex analogy,” she mumbled.
“What? I thought it was good.”
“No, you start at the top, with kissing, then work your way down,” she corrected.
“Oh, you don’t like it when I just go in without foreplay then finish on your face?” I asked.
“Well I mean, I’m not against that,” she said, eyeing me.
“Stop you 2,” Setsuko said. “Not in public.”
“I’ll give you some kisses,” Aiko said, pulling her over. “Some Australian ones.”
“What?” She asked, confused.
“Down under,” I clarified.
“Oh god,” Setsuko laughed. “Why do I have to love you perverts?”
“Just lucky,” Aiko said. They held hands as they walked down the steps outside of the Hero Association. I grabbed Jun’s hand.
“Hey, I’m proud of you,” I said. “Wasn’t so bad, was it?” She shook her head. “Good. This is the first step.” We had been training to control their emotions for over a week. They barely had any episodes anymore. Granted I hadn’t had to leave for long periods of time, but still.
Unfortunately the stress had got to Jun before the hero test and she had an episode. But we were able to calm her down before anything bad happened. Still unnaturally strong when she was scared she had blown off 2 of her bedroom doors with a psychic blast before we opted to just keep her door off it’s hinges.
“Was there anyone notable in the running?” I asked.
“Not really,” Setsuko said as we lazily walked down the street. “We got most of the attention. Kind of hard to ignore a girl that can lift over her head what you struggle to bench.”
“With one arm,” Aiko clarified.
“Were you able to hold your strength?” I asked.
“Yes, dad,” Aiko said, rolling her eyes. “Stop worrying, we are strong.”
“But I am still stronger,” I said. “I will keep worrying, thank you very much.”
“You, girl,” she said. “They did let us form a team though.”
“Oh yeah? What did you call it?” I asked. The ladies turned to Jun.
“Kanjo Girls,” Jun admitted.
“Emotion Girls? Kind of on the nose there, honey,” I said. “What happens if I want to join up?”
“Then you get to have your own matching dress with us,” Setsuko laughed. I pictured the Wild Wild Pussycats from MHA World. They had a very tough guy in their team as well.
“I could pull a dress off,” I assured.
“Please don’t,” Aiko said. “I’ve had a bad experience with guy’s in dresses.”
“Bad date?”
“Something like that,” she said. “I don’t understand some guys obsession with futa shit.”
“Oh god,” I groaned, picturing the worst. “Change the subject. Sushi tonight.” And for once we didn’t have to argue about it. Finding a place close by the Hero Association, we sat happily sharing our sushi between one another.
“So the orientation dude said you can’t be part of our group until we are within 1 class of you,” Setsuko said.
“I am almost S-Class,” I reminded, a smile on my lips.
“Yeah, yeah, Mr. Big Shot,” Aiko said. “How come your name doesn’t hold any sway with these hero asshats?”
“It’s all a big boy’s club,” I admitted. “If I was S-Class they’d roll out the red carpet for me. But as only an A, I’m less important.”
“Freaking society BS,” Aiko grumbled. “Those at the top get all the cool stuff. Where is my tax funded giant building with a bunch of assistants that run around while they make us go fight for them?”
“In the mail,” I said. “I’m sure they didn’t say it, but I’m really proud of all 3 of you. You’ve been working hard. Not for yourselves, but these people.” I pointed to the other patrons around us. “It’s not going to be easy. Or fun. But someone has to do it.”
“You’re so sappy,” Aiko mumbled, leaning into me. There was a moment of silence between us.
“And if it gets too hard, I want you to quit,” I admitted.
“I’m serious. I would let every person in the world burn in hell before I would risk losing any of you,” I said. “Your lives are not worth risking. If you lose, then lose. If you stumble, stumble. And if you can run away, do it as fast as possible.”
“Fine with me,” Aiko said. “I’ll just run to you and you can beat them up.”
“Perfect,” I said, kissing her forehead. The conversation quieted as we continued eating.
“Where is Nibi?” Jun asked. I sighed and summoned the blue and black 2-tailed cat. Looking around she jumped onto Jun’s lap and was soon eating the sushi off of her plate. Jun stroked the cat as she ate the leftovers.
I had been sure to summon the tailed beast in all the worlds I went to. Sometimes she enjoyed it, like One Punch Man, others I could felt like she was annoyed, like DBZ. Still unsure what to do with her I hoped that leveling her up would increase her intelligence or something, because for now she acted like a normal house cat.
“I’m full,” Aiko finally admitted as she groaned. “I need some exercise to work this weight off.” She grabbed her tits instead of her stomach, drawing my eyes.
“Chakra training or superpower?” I asked.
“Horizontal,” she corrected.
“Ah, my favorite,” I said. Paying for the meal we caught a cab back to B-City. Talking about random stuff as we headed up to our apartment. But it wasn’t long until Aiko was out of her outfit and completely nude, ready for some sex.
“Do you never get tired?” Setsuko asked. “I am so sore.”
“It’s part of my superpower,” Aiko said, unashamed as she dragged me to the bedroom naked. “I am the god of tits and wine and hanky panky. Best you accept-” A knock sounded at the door. “Goddammit, what now?” She moved for the door but I pulled her back.
“Best let someone dressed answer,” I said. Jun walked to the door to reveal a small boy on the other side. Aiko was nice enough to jump in her room so he wouldn’t see her naked.
“Is Blackheart here?” The boy asked in a rush. He was shorter than Jun, but not by much. Wearing a simple shirt and shorts he breathed in and out heavily.
“That’s me, what’s wrong?” I asked, curious if another domestic dispute was going on in the apartment.
“It’s my sister. She hasn’t shown up at home since yesterday,” he said.
“Who is your sister?”
“Mizuki,” he said. I thought of the tall muscular girl and felt her to the North.
“I’ll find her,” I assured.
“She was seen-” He tried to say, but I cut him off.
“It’s fine. I know right where she is,” I said. “Can you get home okay?”
“I was hoping to go with,” the boy said. I could feel the worry wafting off of him.
“No, you aren’t a hero.” I pulled out some yen. “Get home. Make sure your siblings are fed. I will call you as soon as she is safe.” The boy frowned but nodded. Leaving reluctantly I was sure he would wait downstairs and try to follow us. Moving to the window I was stopped by Setsuko.
“Where do you think you’re going?” She asked.
“To save her,” I said. “She could be-”
“I understand, but we are heroes now,” Setsuko said. “We need to help.” I frowned, looking to the 3 girls, but I knew they were right.
“Fine, get your costumes,” I said.
The girls had settled on Gantz armor as the base of their costumes. Instead of black they had them dyed somehow to a color they liked. Jun’s was gray, Setsuko’s was yellow, and Aiko’s was red. They looked like that after school cartoon with the girl spy’s. I couldn’t remember the name, it was like Awesome Spies or something.
The Gantz suits conformed to their bodies as beautifully as ever. Aiko especially enjoyed showing off her curves. Since they provided armor and strength it was hard to pass up the gear.
We flew on my ice platform as I used my Search Quirk to find Mizuki. “How do you know where she is?” Setsuko asked.
“I have a cool power to know where everyone is,” I admitted.
“Damn you and your powers. How come we got just the one from the bad doctor?” Aiko asked.
“Just unlucky,” I assured. “The real question is, should I even be here?”
“What do you mean?” Jun asked, a little worried.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be here. But I shouldn’t be seen with you, or I will get the credit,” I said.
“Then hang back,” Aiko said confidently.
“How about I just change my face?” I asked. Doing a transformation jutsu I appeared to them as Boa Hancock in the same Gantz suit.
“Woah damn, you’re hotter now,” Aiko said, leaning closer. “Are your tits bigger than mine?”
“Probably,” I said.
“Who did you base this off of?”
“An old girlfriend,” I said with a smile.
“I want to meet her,” Aiko said, looking me up and down.
“I’d love that,” I admitted, but was brought back to the present as we got closer. I felt Mizuki down below in a large abandoned factory. “I swear, where do these guys find these places?”
“Prime real estate,” Setsuko said. “There are 4 major highways that converge down the road. Great for escaping.”
“Dang, you’re smart,” I said. “I hadn’t thought of that.”
“Please stop with the male voice,” Aiko said.
“What? Don’t like my manly voice?”
“No, just keep picturing you with a dick and pussy and it’s freaking me out,” she said. I really did not want to hear the horror story of the guy in the dress. I charged my throat and made my voice sound like Hancock.
“Better?” I asked.
“Yes, much. Okay, what do we do?” She asked.
“Jun, thoughts?” I asked as I stopped us about 50 feet above the building.
“Um, secure the area. Make sure no bystanders are present. Try to negotiate. Attack if you can’t ensure the hostages safety.”
“Good. Now we are in an abandoned area. So I think we are secure. Let’s assume they aren’t doing this for ransom. They could be beating her up…or worse. Either way, a hero is captured. We need to move quickly. Setsuko, how do you want to attack?”
“Can you tell where she is?” Setsuko asked.
“I can, I’m guessing 2nd floor,” I said.
“Then let’s start at the top and work our way down. They won’t be expecting people from the roof,” she said.
“Works for me,” I said. Dropping us down the 3 landed and ran off to the roof hatch. I followed slowly behind. Watching their bodies jiggle in the suits were worth every bit of the training.
The building had been some kind of processing facility before. Large machinery moving between floors the floors and walls were thick concrete. The trio ran down the metal stairs as I followed a ways behind. Pushing back my fear of guns, I had to trust them. We got to the 2nd floor and the girls halted as we heard talking.
“I told you to dump her man,” a voice said. “We don’t need hero heat.”
“She’s hot,” another said.
“Shut up! She is a freaking hero!” Another said. “They track these people.”
“I dumped her phone,” a 3rd voice said. “She was following me. It’s her own fault for thinking I didn’t notice.”
“What’s with the outfit? She looks like she just left PE.”
“It’s Captain Mizuki man. She is B-Class.”
“B-Class, I thought they were strong.”
“I hit her with the car,” a man said with a laugh. “So dump her body or what?”
“She’s not dead.”
“Not yet,” the man said. “You guys want a go at her before I finish the deed?” There was a long pause and we heard the distinct sound of a belt buckle being undone. I didn’t need to tell the girls to go. They rushed in. The veins in their legs bulging as they activated the suits. I hung back. Walking slowly into the scene.
Mizuki laid on the cold concrete floor. Her body and face battered. But she was alive. Aiko had broken one man’s arm, the bone sticking out he howled until she punched him in the teeth, causing a few to be knocked out. Setsuko knocked down a big guy, about 7 feet tall he appeared to be all muscle, but she was a hero for a reason. Jun held a smaller man, twisting his arm behind his back I could feel the fear from her, so she was currently very strong.
“Hey,” I said, bending down to Mizuki. Tapping her cheek. “You’re safe now.” Her eyes opened slightly. I released my transformation jutsu and she let out a sigh of relief. Passing out once more I felt her Haki calm down after seeing me.