Canon Fodder - Chapter (305)
“Luffy!” Robin yelled as we landed. A line of Donquixote pirates were firing guns at our line. The dwarves were impossible to hit though so they had run ahead. Luffy knew what to do. Puffing up like a balloon the bullets hit him but bounced back, causing the pirates to dive for cover.
“Where are the others?” Luffy asked as he held his Straw Hat on.
“Usopp and Franky went with half of the dwarves through a secret entrance,” Robin said. “Apparently there are a bunch of paths underground leading to the basement of the palace.”
“I don’t know what that means,” Luffy admitted.
“Just attack everyone,” I said. “Head that way until you have to hit someone extra hard.”
“On it bear-guy,” he said. I forgot to introduce myself. Hopefully this whole memory thing wouldn’t last long.
“What are you going to do?” I asked Sabo as he smiled in Luffy’s direction. Still ecstatic to see the boy he had grown up with.
The blonde man pushed his tophat back down. “Meet up with my own crew,” he said. Twirling the metal pipe in his hand he ran off to somewhere else. I couldn’t remember what the revolutionary army was doing there, but it didn’t matter.
“Don’t you know that guy?” I asked Robin.
“How do you know t-” She was about to ask. “Nevermind. Yeah I know him. What about it?”
“Nothing,” I said. “Are we going to attack or flirt all day?”
“Flirt? You’re a toy,” she said.
“You love toys, trust me,” I said, failing to wink again. “Fucking Sugar. I hope you die.” Lifting my favorite traveling method, Rebecca and I headed toward the plateau where the palace sat. Studying the palace from above it appeared rather quiet so I guessed many were underground. Unsure where to start my attack the ground began to bubble up. The Spiritual Energy of the plateau under the palace began to skyrocket in power. Slowing down I watched as the palace began to rise up into the sky.
“Fucking Pica,” I cursed. The Rock Devil Fruit, or whatever he had, was annoying. Flying up I took us back to the top as the plateau stopped growing after about 50 feet. Heading inside there was already plenty of fighting going on. Looking to the North apparently another building was raised up higher.
A nondescript building now on it’s own platform I guessed it was the Smile Factory. Pica must have been trying to get it out of our reach. Unfortunately for him walking wasn’t how I liked to get around. Flying over the palace I was about to head toward it but was stopped as a giant stone man appeared out of the ground.
“You!” The high pitched voice yelled. Pointing at me I lowered down to his level.
Unsure if he remembered me or if Doflamingo told him to watch out for a black bear, I decided to go with it. “It’s me,” I said. “Rebecca, get off.”
“What?” She asked.
“Get off, I gotta fight this guy.”
“There’s no way you can win,” she hissed.
“Not with you on my back. Go find your dad,” I said. She hesitated, but I helped her decide by pushing her off. She fell the 10 feet and hit the ground with a squeak of a chew toy in her body. No longer hesitating she ran into the palace, yelling for her father.
I turned back to the stone golem Pica. “Didn’t like what I did in my Makuramoto?” I asked.
“You’re sick!” He barked.
“You literally allowed people to be forgotten then used them as slaves!” I yelled. “You got half what you deserved. Time to give you the other half!” I roared…which was to be honest probably a cute thing to see, but then I flew at him. A huge stone arm swung at me. Moving to the side I barely dodged it. Punching it with my Nen a little bit of the rock broke off, but not enough. It was time to refocus on the skill.
Pouring lifeforce into my fist I moved back toward Pica. Spikes shot out of the stone man. Skating on the air between them I wasn’t sure if this was his actual body or if his body was somewhere else like the villain I fought in Chisaki’s lair in MHA. So I just started punching.
Breaking apart the spike my little squishable paws tore through them but they increased in frequency. Swiping his arm I dropped down moving as fast as I could as my small body fought the growing man. He was over 60 feet tall now. His torso coming out of the palace grounds he got more serious.
Screeching with his high pitched voice I couldn’t close my ears. Floating toward him at high speeds I started throwing my Nen. Trying to emit it out. The first 2 fizzled just before reaching his body but the 3rd and 4th broke off big chunks.
Stone spikes then came at me from the ground and his chest. Too many to count. I punched those close but got too cocky. Stabbed by one, some of my white fluffy innards leaked out. Cursing I focused on going up out of their reach but more spikes formed from the others reaching out toward me.
The spikes acting like a cage I dodged more. Running out of chakra I focused on Nen. Breaking those in my way I was stabbed and scratched another 4 times. Yelling out as I feared I would die forgotten in the world I shot through the ever closing stone around me, narrowly escaping like some fighter pilot leaving an alien ship.
Breathing in and out heavily with lungs that weren’t actually there I raised my hands just in time to block the blow from the massive palm. Unfortunately it weighed about 20 tons. Swatting me like a fly I coated my body in Nen as I hit the ground. My body squeaking from a toy somewhere hidden inside me, I hit a few more times, squeaking each time.
My lifeforce mostly protected me. I stared at the giant man. Breathing in and out heavily he raised his arm up again. This time though I began to grow. Quickly I shot up and as I did I felt my power increase.
My white stuffing covered paws became hands covered in blood. My clothes I had been wearing reappeared with deep gashes as I bled from a dozen scrapes.
But I was strong again. As Pica roared while slamming his hand down toward me I tugged at my Devil Fruit. Punching the air above me it cracked like glass and his arm broke apart in huge chunks.
Moving around the falling debris as I felt the Spiritual Energy of each rock I headed to the giant spike covered man. Too big to move fast enough I drew my arm back and yelled as I punched just in front of him.
A powerful wave of force assailed him from my Devil Fruit. Breaking him apart at the middle. Dust billowed out of him as he screamed. Pieces breaking off I wasn’t sure if I killed him, but I didn’t care. I was whole again. Usopp had succeeded and beaten Sugar. I could hear yelling and screaming from the streets as citizens remembered the people the Toys used to be.
With a smile on my lips I turned around as the top half of the Pica giant hit the ground. Ready to do the real work and start finishing my quest. I ran straight off the plateau.
Pooling water under me I flew at the raised Smile Factory. People fighting there I wasn’t in the mood to care. Happy to have my Devil Fruit once more I focused the power in my hands.
Building up the tremors to a huge amount I flew down at the factory. Once at the roof I focused it into my palms, but made it spread out as I released it. Pushing out the tremor into the building. The air cracked and the building burst apart in a huge crater.
Like a giant game of dominoes I watched the building collapse under me. People yelled and escaped before it landed on top of them, but before I celebrated task 2 of my quest I felt someone’s health dip down.
Searching through the names I knew, I understood it was Rebecca. Flying back to the palace at top speeds I slammed through a glass window. Hitting a larger woman hard into the wall before she could finish off Rebecca. I picked up the pink haired girl by the water in her body. Setting her in my arms.
“Miss me?” I asked. Locking eyes with her she was much more beautiful in person. Pink hair, bright eyes, perfect lips, she blushed as I held her in a Princess carry. Wearing a very thin set of scale armor I struggled to only look at her face.
“Maybe,” she whispered but then winced. A deep gash in her side, I ripped off my sleeve. Tearing it I wrapped it around her waist.
“Put pressure on it,” I ordered. She nodded holding the gash as I picked her back up.
“Have you found your father?” I asked.
“No,” she whispered. I could feel the pain overtake her excitement so I knew the moment was ruined.
“Let’s fix that,” I said. “Bosses are always at the top floor.” Floating up I sent a few ice bullets into Donquixote pirates who tried to attack us. Not killing shots, but enough to make them bleed badly and realize it was a bad idea to approach us.
We went up to the top floor and the sounds of fighting continued. Moving through the palace we dodged more fights and came to what looked like a throne room. Inside was Trafalgar, Doflamingo, and Luffy fighting. On the sidelines was a black haired muscular man fighting what appeared to be a drape.
“Dad!” Rebecca yelled but winced. “There. My dad,” she pointed to the black haired muscular man.
I nodded and set her down by the door. Pulling out my Seastone Jitte I moved toward the 2 fighting. I guessed the drape was the Donquixote officer Diamanté who could turn himself into fabric.
I jumped into the fight stabbing the drape with my Jitte. He cursed, thrown into the wall. “Need some help, old man?” I asked, giving Rebecca’s dad my best smile.
“Walters?” He asked, confused for a moment. Then his face turned to hate. “Weston, you bastard.”
Caught off guard, I left it as Diamanté attacked us again. Moving my Jitte in the way, wherever I hit was starting to become thicker. His Devil Fruit disappeared from touching the seastone of my weapon. The old man began to attack Diamanté where I had hit him. Working together we overwhelmed him then as one stabbed him in the gut.
Pushing hard we forced him out the window. The man screamed as he fell but I doubted he was done. Rebecca’s father, Kyros, moved to go after him but I grabbed his shoulder. The old man sneered at my hand.
“Dude, don’t know what your problem is, but your daughter needs you,” I said. Pointing to Rebecca she was limping her way to us. Kyros’ expression dropped and he ran to her.
I left the family reunion alone and turned back to Luffy and Doflamingo fighting. Trafalgar had joined in once more and the duo had him on the ropes. Spinning my Jitte by a finger I walked toward them.
As Luffy used his Gear 3 he punched Doflamingo my way. Acting like I was at bat I pulled the Jitte back and swung as hard as I could into the Shichibukai. The blue stone of my weapon connected with him in the spine he yelled out.
He spit up blood as he hit the ground hard. Getting on his hands and knees he looked to the 3 of us. “Guess I underestimated you,” Doflamingo said. But shaking his head he stood up. “Time for the Birdcage.”
I ducked down dodging a line of invisible strings as Luffy and Trafalgar did the same. When we looked up again Doflamingo was gone. I ran to the window he had escaped from.
The flamboyant Doflamingo was floating in the air then thick strings began to shoot up and out of him. Far thicker than before they made a giant dome around the entire island out of tiny strings.
We walked out to the balcony as the very large cage began to shrink. Tearing apart buildings on the edge of town as it closed in on itself.
“If I can’t have this kingdom, no one can!” Doflamingo yelled.
“Fucking psycho!” I yelled back. “Luffy, you take care of this guy. I’ll take care of the cage.”
“Right,” Luffy said. His eyes never straying from Doflamingo. “Time for Gear 4.” I knew that was like a super muscular version of his fighting style but I needed to focus. Floating up I dodged a few strings from Doflamingo but Luffy soon had his attention. Moving up I got to where the strings were centered.
Barely touching the strings they cut deep into my hands. They were slightly vibrating. Making it easier to slice through the buildings below as the trap collapsed. I moved through my options but knew it was time to use my actual Nen move.
Where Gon had used his Nen Enhancement on his fist to make a strong punch I had originally been focusing on using it on my entire body. When I went to DBZ world I realized my idea was wrong. Like Piccolo’s Special Beam Cannon, I needed to focus my nen on one point.
You could kill most anyone if you focused all your strength on a tiny surface area. Like a bullet piercing your body. Granted a cannon does a lot more damage, but I wasn’t looking to blow off limbs, I wanted a move that if it came down to it no one could defend against it.
Focusing my lifeforce into my fist I condensed it down further. Pushing it into the tip of my pointer finger it burst out and became unruly. Cursing, I tried again but failed again. There was too much Nen in one finger. It couldn’t hold it.
Like Piccolo, I needed more surface area. I extended out my pointer and middle finger together. Forcing all my Nen into the 2 fingertips. I moved to the center of the mass of strings. Yelling out I forced it away from my body.
A bright light escaped my fingertips. All my available Nen shot out, striking the focal point of the Birdcage Doflamingo had made. The strings vibrated and burst apart. Blowing away they fell to the ground mostly harmless. I breathed in and out heavily as I tried to recover from using so much Nen. Dropping down I noticed Luffy and Doflamingo fighting but ignored them.
I’d had a busy ass day and was too tired to keep fighting. My mental reserves shot. I knew we had won. It was time to take a break and sleep for a little bit. Maybe a little revenge sex with Robin for forgetting me so easily. But I knew she’d like it.
I got to the palace grounds where the remains of the Pica golem lay scattered. Sitting my butt down I laid on the cool grass of the palace garden. Looking up to the clear blue sky I smiled. Happy to be alive.