Canon Fodder - Chapter (306)
“I told you! Chopper is my doctor!” Luffy yelled as another bandage was wrapped around him. I walked into one of the palace rooms to find he was surrounded by nurses all trying to restrain him.
“Luffy! Get your head out of your ass. Do what the doctors say,” I ordered as I walked up to him.
“Weston! No, they want to give me shots. Save me. I just need some meat and I’ll be-” He shut up as I knocked him out with a Genjutsu.
“Thank you,” the doctor said with a sigh as Luffy’s body relaxed. “He has a few broken bones and his muscles are torn. He will need a few weeks of bedrest.”
“He will be up and about in a day or 2,” I assured. “Where is the kitchen? I doubt he will sleep for more than a few hours. They’ll need to start cooking now if they want to keep up with him.”
“Uh down that way,” the doctor said hesitantly. I nodded and was off.
Luffy got the crap beat out of him against Doflamingo, but he won. There were enough higher ups in the Donquixote crew to grab him and skedaddle when it became obvious they were on the losing side. I didn’t exactly remember how canon ended, but it felt right.
Usopp was now called God Usopp. He had pulled through in the nick of time to scare Sugar so bad she fell unconscious. Saving hundreds of people from the life of being a toy. Bringing families back together, and also creating a huge number of pirate followers for the Straw Hats. Apparently the fighters that had lost in the coliseum and anyone that had caused trouble in Dressrosa were turned into Toys. There were plenty of strong people appreciative of us, so we were pretty famous on the island.
One of the pirates that had been turned into a toy found and returned my Chikyugi Necklace. I had worried it would be lost forever. Once it was nestled in my Status Screen I felt a whole lot better.
Walking down the hall there were plenty of people scampering about. Maids, butlers, and general palace staff that had been following the Donquixote family were quickly trying to appease the former and now current rulers of Dressrosa. After stopping by the kitchen, people hopped to my request and I was off looking for Rebecca.
I was surprised to find her being bombarded by questions by her supposedly new royal advisors.
“We will have a whole new wardrobe made up for you,” a woman assured.
“You have been living apart from Dressrosa for years. The best tutors will be provided to you to help teach you how to convey a sense of royalty and radiance,” a man said.
“I-I- this is all going a little fast.” Rebecca said. I could feel the fear and anxiety emitting from her even so far away.
“Sir,” a guard said, blocking my path with his spear. I waited patiently as more advisors peppered Rebecca with information.
“The World Summit is coming up, so we will need to prepare for that,” one of the men said. That reminded me of what Hancock had said, about Leton being at the meeting at Mariejois. I really wanted to make an appearance, but wasn’t too sure how to go about it. For now I wanted to help my friend.
“Rebecca!” I yelled, my voice cutting through other conversations in the large throne room.
“Weston!” She yelled back, a smile of relief on her face. “Let him through.” The guard nodded and stopped blocking my way. The mass of people opened up for me as I walked toward her.
A haughty gentleman in a butler suit said, “You must not call her royal highness by her first name, she is now-” He stopped as he fell asleep, as all the others around me did while looking at my Necklace.
“How are you?” I asked as the people around us dropped. The pink haired beauty was in a large flowing gown that was expensive enough for her station. The yellow and white dress reminded me of Belle’s from Beauty and the Beast. But Rebecca had way more cleavage. My peripherals focused on it as I locked eyes with her.
“Lost,” she said, tears in her eyes. “It hasn’t been a day and they’re already talking about me taking over.”
“Where is your dad?” I asked.
“I don’t know, he disappeared this morning. I-I just, I don’t want any of this,” she said with a defeated sigh. “For years I trained to fight. These people hated me. But now they are latching on to me to have some kind of normalcy and I-”
“Then quit,” I said, cutting her off. She gave me a confused look. “Why do you need to be queen or whatever? You don’t owe these people anything. Go spend time with your dad. Go see the world. Go do anything, Rebecca. You get one life, live it.”
“I…couldn’t,” she said, but I could feel that her Spiritual Energy was feeling brighter.
“You said you had an aunt? Where is she?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “I think she might be too ashamed because she attacked us.”
“Then let’s find her. She is royalty too, right? Let her take over. Hell, she worked for Doflamingo, she probably knows what’s going on in the city better than you do. Abdicate or whatever to her. Who cares about these people? They didn’t care about you.”
“They were tricked…”
“Yes, but like how this is a new start for this island, it is also a new start for you,” I said. “Go out into the world. Figure out what you want.” I could tell that she wanted to. Without hesitation I picked her up in a princess carry.
“Weston!” She laughed with a blush.
“Just say no to them all,” I said. “No one is making you do something you don’t want.”
“What if I want you to put me down?” She asked shyly.
“We both know you don’t want me to,” I said, giving her my best grin. Biting her lower lip, her eyes sparkled as she stared into my eyes. It took a moment but her Haki shifted to full on joy. I nodded and walked her to the window.
“Where are we going?”
“Well, former princess, where do you want to go?”
“I would like to go to see my dad. Figure out why he ran off,” she admitted.
“Then that’s where we will go,” I said with a nod. Opening the window I jumped out as guards began to chase us. Rebecca laughed as we landed on a frozen puddle and flew off. Using my Search quirk I was able to find him easily enough on the outskirts of the island. On a small hill there was a tree, and the remains of a burned down house next to it. In front of the tree stood the tall man Kyros, Rebecca’s dad. His head bowed, he was focused on the tree as we landed a little bit away.
“Dad,” Rebecca said hesitantly, stepping forward. The big man didn’t react, simply staring at the trunk of the tree for a while. “I’m sorry,” Rebecca cried out. “I didn’t know it was you and-”
“You don’t know me,” the old man whispered. “Just go away, Rebecca. Forget about me.”
“I can’t! I won’t!” She yelled. “Not again. For so long I thought I was alone, but you were with me the whole time. Watching over me. Protecting me. Raising me. I am done. Done being blind to what was around me.”
“You have no idea who I am,” Kyros growled. Turning around the big man had some tears in his eyes as he stared at her. I wanted some popcorn as I watched the drama unfold, but stayed motionless so as to not draw attention to myself. “I hurt so many people, Rebecca. I was a monster before I met your mother.”
“You are my father!” She yelled, full blown balling as she tried to put into words what she was feeling. “I don’t care about anything else. I want to learn about you. About who my mother was. I can’t do that if you are gone from my life!”
“The throne-” He tried to say but she cut him off this time.
“Damn the throne. Someone else can rule. These people hated us. You think I don’t know about the abuse you suffered when you were a toy? Or how you were the man that tried to lead others against Doflamingo? I found it all out and went after you. Not as my father, but as the Toy that raised me. And when I was made like you, I remembered everything. How I felt when it was you and I and mother. How safe you made me feel. This guilt I feel, never treating you like you deserved, is eating away at me. And the only thing I want to do is feel safe with you again.”
The old man didn’t have anything to say to that. They hesitated and both bawling their eyes out ran to one another. Whispering and crying as they were reunited once again. I was positive I had missed my chance to disappear without making it awkward for them. To help them have their moment I coated myself in chakra and disappeared into the background.
Lying in the thick green grass I stared up to the sky as they cried in one another’s arms. I couldn’t help but feel a little kinship toward the situation. My body had lost it’s memories as well. I had no idea who my father was. Whether the parents of this Weston loved him.
There was a deep ache inside of me that yearned to know the answer to all these things. I assumed my father left Leton because of some drama. What was it though? Did he condone me taking the journey to remember my past? What was my backstory? For years I had been traveling in One Piece waiting patiently to figure it out. The truth better be damn worth the wait to find out. I was gonna be pissed if it was some BS reason for all this hassle.
I continued to think about it all as the father and daughter reunited. It wasn’t until I heard my name that I was brought out of my thoughts.
“Weston?” Rebecca whispered. I turned to see that she was looking over her shoulder for me. Dropping the chakra I stood up.
“I knew it was you,” Kyros said, his eyes dry as he stared at me with pure anger.
“What the hell dude. Why do you hate me so much?” I asked, confused.
“He doesn’t remember us,” Rebecca said, putting her hand on her father’s shoulder.
Kyros looked confused for a moment, then his eyes softened as he stared at me. “The Grand Voyage?” He asked.
“What?” I asked, risking it as I stepped forward.
“You are on the Watanabe Grand Voyage,” Kyros said. I could feel his animosity towards me lessen, but it was still there in the back of his mind. For now he was a mix of joyous and intrigued. “I remember your father speaking of it.”
“Uh yeah, that’s what I was hoping to talk to you about,” I admitted. “Sorry if I overstepped by listening in. I just want answers.”
“Well too damn bad,” Kyros said, putting on a wider smile. “You’re left being lost.”
“Goddammit,” I growled, growing angry.
“Father,” Rebecca hissed. “He saved my life. Numerous times. You can’t still be like that.”
“He was a little shit when you were a girl,” he said without shame. “Always running around. Hitting on all the women on the island. I saw through you the moment I met you.”
I hated to admit but younger me sounded like an idiot. But who didn’t hate older people telling embarrassing stories from your past? Despite that, it was me, and I’d be damned if I let someone talk bad about younger me.
“Dude I was 8 or whatever. You were such a good kid? You literally just tried to talk your daughter out of being near you because you were such a bad guy!” I barked.
“Th-That’s different!” Kyros yelled. Flustered as he tried to find the words to deny it. “You were raised in a palace. I grew up in the slums.”
“Oh so you think you’re better than me cus you had a worse childhood? Screw you, old man,” I taunted. “You’re getting all angry now? What? You want to fight?”
“I would love to fight you,” he said, gripping his sword. “It seems your father failed to teach you manners, so it is left to-”
“Father!” Rebecca chided. “He doesn’t remember anything about himself.”
“Doesn’t matter. Personality is still the same,” he said. “The Beru affects the memories. Not the person.”
“Beru?” I asked. He didn’t appear to want to elaborate though. “Tell you what. Let’s fight it out. You win, you keep your secrets. I win, you tell me what I want to know.”
“I have fought over a thousand times in single combat,” he said. “And won every single one.”
“Over 10 years ago,” I retorted. “You’ve been a toy for a decade. Freaking Tin Man. You had your joints greased recently?”
“I’ll kick your ass, boy!” Kyros yelled as he drew his sword. I pulled out my Seastone Jitte. But instead of water I began to force my Conqueror’s Haki into it. Much like defending my body and strengthening me, coating my weapon in Haki did the same for the weapon. Making it far more durable I was sure it would defend against his sword.
He and I eyed one another up. Then as one we moved, ready to attack. As our weapons met we were both punched in the side of the face. Throwing us away from one another.
“I said stop! So stop!” Rebecca yelled, surprising me by her strength. “I am not about to let you 2 beat one another up on the day I reunited with you. I want to look back on today with joy. So cut the shit and answer his damn questions or I won’t forgive you!”
The old man had the decency to look ashamed. “Well said, Rebecca,” I said with my best smile.
“You shut up,” she grumbled, blushing deeply to match her pink hair. She crossed her arms over her chest glaring at us for a long moment until her father sighed.
“Fine,” he grumbled. Standing up he walked over to Rebecca. “I am sorry. I will do better.”
“Damn right,” she said, cracking a smile. Turning back to me the old man eyed me up and down as I sat on the grass.
When he spoke it was a whisper at first. “I first met your father 12 years ago,” Kyros said. “I didn’t know who he was, of course. I’d heard of Copper Walters, but who hadn’t? He was part of the Jolly Rogers. World famous.” Rebecca’s eyes widened, apparently she hadn’t known either.
“He was the acting king of Leton at the time. It’s a large island near the Calm Belt. Quite famous since they ferry people across the belt. With a strong military they have a no pirates policy. They aren’t officially part of the World Government and have stayed independent for hundreds of years.”
“Walters came here as the king. Your grandfather,” he said pointing to Rebecca, “met him. But Walters wasn’t interested in treaties or any of that. He said he was on a journey of self-discovery.”
“Why’s that?” I asked.
“I’m getting to that,” Kyros growled, but a look from Rebecca calmed him down. Coughing he looked off to the field of flowers near the house. “He wanted to fight our strongest people. I was known as the best warrior on the island and it wasn’t long until we were crossing swords.”
“Did you win?” I asked, curious.
“No, I didn’t lose either, but he wasn’t interested in winning. He wanted a challenge,” Kyros said, actually putting a smile on his face. “We sparred daily for months. You were chasing after this idiot.” He pointed from her to me.
“I wasn’t chasing,” she blushed.
“Yes, you were,” Kyros said. “He was the cool older boy. And his sister was your age, so you were always together.”
“I have a sister?” I asked, getting a little choked up.
“Yes, Winona,” Kyros said.
“I don’t remember her,” Rebecca said.
“Little blonde girl. She called you Reby,” Kyros said with a smile on his face.
“Oh,” Rebecca said. “Winny? Right?”
“That’s her,” Kyros said. “Your mothers became friends.”
“What’s uh my mom’s name?” I asked. The memories inside me aching to be released I was surprised to find tears coming to my eyes.
“Juliet,” Kyros said. I had expected another W name, but was glad that wasn’t the case. “You look like your dad. Winona took after your mom. They were the best people.” He got quiet as he reminisced. When he was ready he admitted, “Something happened when you were younger,” he said to me. “Something your father mentioned only once.”
“He was at the World Summit, and something bad occurred. He left, went back to Leton, and told the people he was going on a journey to help bring alliances to Leton. Instead he went through the Calm Belt with you, your baby sister, and your mother. Traveled to the Reverse Mountain and started another journey through the Grand Line. He told me it was to find himself once more. Get back to his roots with the Jolly Roger Pirates. Can you imagine what that would take? A family of 4, 2 of them no older than 7, going from island to island on the Grand Line. That takes strength to have that kind of confidence.” He laughed. I thought it sounded pretty badass.
“By the time he made it to Dressrosa he said he realized that the answer he was looking for wasn’t in the Grand Line. He told me he was done being a king. Done with politics and all that. Then he left about 11 years ago. Haven’t heard from him since.”
“So you don’t know if he’s dead?” I asked, hopeful.
“No. I assume he is alive since he was so strong. But he hasn’t remembered me in the last 10 years. He wouldn’t have known to send me a letter even if he was alive,” Kyros admitted.
“Damn,” I mumbled. Trying to think what else to ask the biggest question came to me. “Did he have a Devil Fruit?”
“He did,” Kyros said with a node. “The Forge Devil Fruit. He could mix any inanimate object together. He did that with his sword. He had mixed so many different metals with it, the blade turned to a copper color. That’s where he got his name. Copper Walters.”
As he spoke I moved through my shop. I scanned down the Devil Fruit screen until I got to F, and as I did my heart sank. There it was, clear as day, the Forge Devil Fruit.
“Fuck,” I mumbled. Trying to think of any possible way that I could be wrong, I knew I wasn’t. “My dad’s dead.”