Canon Fodder - Chapter (307)
I left soon after talking with Kyros and Rebecca. Allowing the father and daughter to have some time together I was left with my own thoughts. I had more answers than before, but not enough. I had assumed my dad was dead, but I had hoped I was wrong since everyone said he was so strong. Now I had a sister and mother to try to find.
A part of me wished I had the Forge Devil Fruit. A piece of my dad to help him live on, but the stronger part said no. I needed to stop getting money rewards as quests. Maybe if I robbed some big pirate I would get enough berries, but for now I needed to leave it alone. Instead I focused on my rewards.
One Piece Quest 12: Complete
Defeat Doflamingo
Turn the Toys human again
Destroy the Smile Factory
Reunite Father and Daughter
Conqueror’s Haki
Summon Choice
Pet Evolution
Weakness Eliminator
Conqueror’s Haki was no longer stricken from my Status Screen. Back to the full strength of my Spiritual Energy I felt whole again. With more Haki to play with it was like I had been working with weights and was suddenly unburdened as I played with my Spiritual Energy.
I used my Pet Evolution right away. I had been too scared to bring Nibi out when I was a teddy bear. But now that I was human I summoned her and used the evolution on her.
Evolving Pet Strength.
“Can you talk yet?” I asked the tailed beast after she grew to about half my size then shrunk down to her house cat form. The black and blue 2 tailed cat meowed at me then jumped on my shoulder instead of answering. I left her alone for now. She still had quite a few levels to go.
I hadn’t expected to earn an additional reward for helping Rebbeca and Kyros. I’d mainly helped because I thought she was hot and I had a pretty good chance with her. I wanted answers too, but mainly the horny thing. The only Weaknesses I had were my Empathic Psychic Links to the girls in One Punch Man and my Devil Fruit Lock Weakness. If I used the Eliminator on the Devil Fruit Lock I could potentially have more than one Devil Fruit, but I left it alone for now.
The last reward was the most confusing. A Summon Choice. My last choice reward had been a Pet Choice. Allowing me to summon Nibi whenever I wanted. If the Summon Choice was what I thought it was, I would have to put a lot of thought into it.
In my last Challenge my ex-friend had summoned a Terminator to kill me. I had originally thought that it was a Pet Choice. But if Summon Choice was a possibility I wondered if this was for summoning humanoid individuals, or those with higher intelligence.
“Can I summon anyone?” I asked. Could I assign it to Luffy and he could help me fight in Challenges? It was a scary thought. Also what was with my Companion Link reward? Moving into the city I decided to do some testing. When I tried to use my Companion Link and Summon Choice on a random person I was given a warning.
Warning: Insufficient Relationship with Individual
So that meant I needed someone I had spent time with. Which was good, I couldn’t force some really strong person to be my Summon or Companion. I decided to do some more testing. Going through my mind on the people I knew I noticed one not too far off.
Making my way toward her I found the dark haired woman shopping of all things. “Fancy meeting you here,” I said, sneaking up behind her. Robin jumped but turned around to see me. She blushed deeply as I eyed her. Shame wafted off of her. “What?”
“You have to hate me,” she said, her eyes looking to the ground. “I forgot you.”
“You did,” I said. “But I’m a forgetful person. I’ve forgotten most everyone in my life before I met you.” I pulled in close and lifted her chin up. Her dark eyes focused on me. She felt a little relief, but not enough. “What’s really wrong?”
Frowning, she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the store. Coming to an alley she dragged me down it until we were alone once more.
“I forgot you,” she said, too shy to make a scene in public. “The most important man in my life.”
“I understand that-”
“No,” she said, putting her finger on my lips to shush me. Biting her lip she actually formed tears in her eyes. I was surprised how emotional she was being. I’d only seen her this emotional once. “I love you.” A wide grin split my lips. “I know I haven’t said it. And you’ve been saying it so much, and I’ve just been-”
I pushed into her. Holding her hands against the wood plank walls as I kissed her deeply. I felt her joy as I did. Our passion increased. I could feel her legs weaken as I gave her the best kiss I could. Her lower half pushing into me she got more into the kiss as our tongues met. My stiffening member pushing into her the black dress she wore. It was extra tight on her, just the way I liked it.
“There is nothing to forgive, Robin. I love you. Getting mad at you for forgetting me would be like being mad that you can’t swim. It’s not something you can help,” I said.
“I can swim,” she mumbled. “I just get all weak.”
“Whatever,” I said, planting another kiss on her lips. “But I am happy to hear that you love me too.”
“I fought it,” she admitted. Biting her lip to stop from crying happy tears. “And without memories of you it all felt so much more bland. Our adventures. Time together.”
“The sex is pretty great,” I admitted. She blushed but nodded.
“That and when it all came rushing back I felt this sense of…completeness. Like I finally saw why I would give up so much of myself for the crew.”
“You would do that anyway,” I assured. “But it’s nice to hear.”
“It’s nice to say.”
“Say what?”
She blushed. “I l-love you.”
“There it is. Not so hard is it?” I asked. She frowned but I kissed her. Leaning in, my hands released her wrists and moved to the hem of her dress. Lifting it up she gasped but was enthusiastically nodding.
Neither of us cared where we were. It wasn’t long until my dick was out and I was thrusting inside of her. Her long dark legs at my thighs, my hands held her firm ass as I humped into her. Both of us a grunting and moaning mess as we felt the desire to help bring the other to completion. It wasn’t long until she was cumming. Her arms wrapped around my neck she gasped with every thrust as her pussy practically poured liquid out.
“I love getting fucked by you in public,” she whispered in my ear between gasps. “You rock hard cock filling me up. It’s all I think about when I see you. I just want your cum in me.”
“You’re my hungry slut,” I growled. She nodded, squeaking as another minor orgasm moved through her.
“Faster. Cum in me!” She gasped in a high pitched voice. I nodded and sped up. Her ass hitting against the wall hard I could feel the building shake a little as I put some real strength into it. As another strong orgasm moved through her I thrust one last time and started to cum in her. Thick spurts of semen shot into her making her cry out louder. My mouth moving to hers we kissed to quiet her down.
When my climax passed I stayed buried in her. Breathing heavily as she moaned happily. “I love you,” she whispered.
“Love you too, Robin dear,” I said. She beamed a smile and kissed me again.
“Now about that bite mark on my ass. You were right, it was there,” she said. “What was this punishment you spoke about?”
“I thought that was obvious. I’ll need to fuck your ass to teach you a lesson,” I said.
“That sounds like a great idea,” she said with a toothy grin. “Should we get a hotel?” I nodded, reluctantly pulling out of her. She fixed her dress but was happily holding my hand as we headed out of the alley.
“Who was that pink haired girl I saw you with?” Robin asked.
“The princess of this country, or at least she was,” I said. “She was the other teddy bear.”
“Oh boy, so should I expect someone else to join us?” Robin asked, giving me a look that said she wasn’t against it.
“Probably not,” I admitted sadly. I had hoped, but she had enough drama going on. “Maybe in the future though. I mean, she’s a princess, I’m supposedly a prince.”
“You know, I’m starting to believe that you’re a prince less and less,” Robin said, still holding my hand as we walked around an overturned cart. Dressrosa was a lot more busy now that there were no Toys running around. The Donquixote’s left and the regular people went about their lives. No big changes happened to them. Except of course most had learned that their loved ones were alive and well. There was still a lot of drama going on with that.
“What? I’m very princely,” I said.
“We literally just had sex in an alley,” Robin reminded.
“Like a prince,” I assured. “You think just because I probably grew up with a silver spoon in my mouth that I don’t like to do commoner activities.”
“Like sex in alleys?”
“Exactly. I am a man of the people, because I am one of those people. And when I’m a millionaire-”
“You’re already a millionaire,” she corrected.
“Trillionaire, I will be sure that you’re there with me swimming in berries,” I said.
“That sounds like something Nami would want to do,” she commented, side eyeing me but still wearing a smile.
“True. Then a library. I probably have a castle. I’m sure there is a huge and extensive library you can bury yourself in and we can have sex in it.”
“That is…far more appealing than I would like to admit,” she said.
“Perfect. You’ll have to dress up as a librarian for me.”
“How do I do that?” She asked, playing into the game.
“Glasses. Your hair tied up in a bun. Long skirt. Tight shirt that you spill out of,” I read off quickly.
“I might have all of those things,” Robin whispered.
“Then we need to get to the ship,” I said, turning us around.
“The ship is gone, remember?” She asked.
“Dammit,” I mumbled. “Then let’s go shop-”
“Weston!” Luffy yelled in our direction. He was wrapped up in bandages but a huge mass of pirates were in his wake. “Did you kidnap the princess?!”
“…Maybe. She’s with her dad,” I said.
“Well the royals didn’t like that. They sent the marines after us all,” Zoro grumbled. He was beat up as well, but not nearly as bad as Luffy.
“All of us?” I asked, seeing the myriad of different sized pirates that ran past us on the way to the dock.
“Yeah, these guys want to team up after Usopp saved them or whatever,” Franky said.
“I’m not talking to Weston,” Usopp said, turning around in a huff.
“What? Why?” Luffy asked.
“Lovers spat,” I said, causing Zoro and Robin to bark a laugh. Even Trafalgar chuckled. “Well let’s go.” Throwing Luffy over my shoulder he cursed at me until he sat on my shoulders.
“Forward my steed!” He yelled laughing. We got to the docks in time to see 3 large marine ships open fire on the anchored pirate ships. A single man stood at the end of the dock. Dark hair cut short, in a white kimono, he had a cane sword at his side. Scars over his eyes I guessed it was Fujitora. An Admiral with the marines he had a pretty awesome Devil Fruit that allowed him to control gravity.
“Run!” Everyone shouted as we made a break for the ships. Rubble began to be pulled into a large ball over Fujitora’s head. Growing quickly I didn’t think this was good news.
“What ship are we taking?!” I yelled.
“Who cares! Just steal one!” Luffy said.
“Luffy-senpai! Ride my ship,” Bartolomeo yelled. The fanboy revealed his ship that was the size of Sunny. But instead of a lion’s head carving at the front was a large figure of Luffy.
“That’s a good sign,” Luffy said, admiring the likeness.
“That’s a serial killer sign,” I mumbled, but the large ball Fujitora controlled continued to grow.
“Wait! We all want to celebrate!” One of the captains said.
“With the Marines on our tail?!” Luffy yelled as we started moving to the creepy ship of Bartolomeos.
“We all want to create an alliance with you,” a blonde man said. One of many captains Luffy had fought in the coliseum their loyalty had been won when Usopp turned them back into humans. A long line of captains appeared. One was a giant over 50 feet tall. Another was one of the dwarves. They too had decided to make their own pirate crew.
“An alliance? I’m already in one,” Luffy said. Everyone ignoring the growing ball of rubble above our head.
“We want to be under your flag,” Bartolomeo corrected.
“I don’t want underlings, that’s too much work,” Luffy said as he picked his nose.
“Luffy,” I said, grabbing his arm. “You said you wanted to protect Fishman Island, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“So, if something happens there, wouldn’t it be better to not give up whatever adventure we are on and instead have help to deal with problems?” I asked.
“What?” He asked, confused.
“Goddammit,” I said, looking up to the ever growing rock meteor above us. “Just do what you want. I’m gonna stall that Marine guy.”
Rolling my shoulders I moved back to the dock. “Weston, what’s going on?!” Kinemon asked as he ran up to me. Beside him was a large man with a painted white face and red hair. I recognized him as the traitor, but I’d deal with him later.
“Just get on the ship,” I said, pointing to Bartolomeo’s. The samurais nodded and ran up the gangplank.
“Nice to meet you!” I yelled to the marine at the end of the dock. The large rock was getting ever bigger, hanging over my head like the moon. “Mind not doing this at the dock right when these people became free?”
“I don’t mind. I’ll wait until all of your ships are out a ways before dropping this on you,” he assured.
“Mighty fine of you,” I said. “There uh anything I can do to talk you into missing our ships?”
“I don’t think so,” the man admitted. “You are the Watanabe, correct?”
“That I am. You are Fujitora?” The man nodded. “You want to fight it out?”
“This ball is rather heavy,” Fujitora admitted, his hands still outstretched toward it. I guessed the ball was 200 feet across. “If I were to lose focus, it might fall.”
I let out a long sigh. No wonder he was making it over the dock. I couldn’t attack him. “Guess we are at an impasse then,” I said.
“Guess so,” Fujitora said with a wry smile on his lips. And for once I was the one that had to back down. Running back to the ship I moved to the helm.
“Negotiations are over. I hope you made your alliance or whatever but we gotta go!” I yelled to the large group of pirates.
“Let this be known as the Straw Hat Grand Fleet. 5,600 men and women strong,” Bartolomeo said. I was impressed by the number and people ran off to their ships. I moved the wheel to direct us out to sea.
“What are we going to do?” Luffy asked excitedly as he stared up at the ball.
“Give him the slip,” I said as Bartolomeo’s crew scrambled to get us more speed. “Fujitora! All the Straw Hats are on this ship!”
“Thank you for letting me know,” the man said with a slight bow. I waited for the ball to be thrown. It wasn’t until we were far off shore that Fujitora dropped his arms and the meteor went right for us.
“I’ll cut it,” Zoro said confidently, but I jumped to the back of the ship. Doing hand seals as fast as I could I poured chakra down, forming a giant water dragon. It roared and pushed us out of the way of the meteor. The huge rock splashing a large wave on us Zoro looked disappointed he didn’t get to try cutting it. But we were safe and sound off the island and off to our next adventure.
I didn’t realize I hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye to Rebecca until later. I doubted it would be too long until I saw the pink haired beauty again.