Canon Fodder - Chapter (336)
I sat on the balcony of my penthouse apartment. Sipping my whiskey, New Castle city was loud as always. Sirens going off, people yelling, it was a comforting feeling. I had grown up with the constant noise and knew it well. Where old me had sat on the Sentry Tower listening in, ready to help, I was a lot more relaxed.
Heroes and villains were in a constant struggle that would never end. I had wanted to help everyone, but the current me knew that was impossible. Villains would show up and attack, heroes would step in, and balance would always be maintained. I was a little annoyed that I understood all the effort I had put into hero work had been in vain. My world was no better because of the actions of past me. It was time to change it up.
I continued to sip my drink, enjoying the fact that I was born into money in the world. The place I lived wasn’t exactly America, so there were no dollars that could help me in other worlds, but at least in this place I was rich. My parents were the top 1% and I had enough money to do most anything I wanted. Life was simple for me. It was too bad I planned to turn it all upside down.
As my target dropped down from the sky I drank the last of my whiskey. Still wearing her blue skin-tight outfit, gray/blue hair slicked back, she had a blush on her cheeks as she eyed me.
“Wasn’t sure you would come,” I said.
“I almost didn’t,” Justice admitted.
“Why did you?” I asked, standing up to face her. Justice was only about 5 foot 2 inches tall. A fact I did not realize until we were so close to one another. She had always appeared so much taller because she was usually looking down on me as she flew. It also helped she had quite the large chest that made her look taller. At least D-cup, probably bigger since her clothes were so tight, I wanted her more and more.
I hadn’t had any sex in this Smut world, but the women were still gorgeous. Her skin pale, her lips were almost white. Her eyes blue, small ears and chin, I could feel the cold radiating off of her body, but also sense the excitement.
She didn’t answer my question. I could feel a little expectation from her Spiritual Energy. “I am Weston Walker. Formerly known as Chargefist,” I admitted. A smile crossed her lips as she took a step closer. Hesitant but hopeful.
“Why did you call me here…Weston?” She asked, her voice reminding me of a phone sex operator. Or at least how I pictured they sounded like. I guessed it was her way to disguise her voice.
“You know why,” I said. Looking out onto the city as I turned from her. “I’m sick of the supposed heroes. Tired of the games and politics that they play. The Sentries have been around for decades. Maybe they used to protect this city, but the current generation of heroes ensure that the corruption and villains will never stop.”
“And?” She asked, more hope coming from her as she took another step toward me.
“And I want to do something about it,” I said. “I don’t know exactly what. Bring them down maybe? Start my own thing?” I turned to her. Eyes sparkling in the moonlight she blushed as I took a step toward her.
“Jules, I want you with me,” I admitted. Her cold body stiffened.
“What?” She asked, her eyes tearing away. Growing nervous as I admitted I knew her real name.
“Jullie Jerrod,” I said. “Famous defense lawyer. Over half of her cases are pro-bono. You started that class-action lawsuit against that makeup company dumping their radioactive waste in the river.” I didn’t know why the hell a makeup company had radioactive waste, but this world was a twisted joke of a superhero story. There were far outlandish crimes going on like last year I stopped a genetically modified dog fighting ring.
“I don’t mean to call you out,” I said. “I haven’t told anyone who you are, of course, but I wanted to let you know I have considered you one of the good guys for a long time. I would love to get to know you more. If you aren’t interested, I understand, and your secret will be safe with me.” She was scared, but less so as we studied one another.
Turning around I headed inside my condo. Leaving the door open I made myself another drink. After a sip she followed inside. The glass of the door fogging up as she passed.
“Care for a drink?” I asked.
“W-what do you have?” She asked, still not fully on board.
“Anything you want,” I said. “Sex on the beach?” I had a rather extensive bar. As a trust-fund baby my bank account and apartment was stocked with everything I would need. She blushed with the offer. I started making the drink. Handing it to her she smiled wide, taking the cherry out. Sucking on it slowly she moaned from the taste as her Haki began to show more joy.
“You mind uh, not freezing my floor?” I asked. I looked down and where her bare feet were touching the hardwood frost had formed.
“Sorry,” she said with another blush. Closing her eyes for a moment she shook her head slowly and her gray/blue hair turned black. Still slicked back behind her head the water in it thawed and became unruly as she turned off her power.
“Thanks,” I said with a nod. Her body was the same but with the transformation her blue eyes were now brown as well. “Very cool Power by the way.”
“Thanks,” she mumbled, sitting on a bar stool at my kitchen island. “How um, how did you know it was me?” She was the Jullie Jerrod that I had seen in the news a few times. Though she still wore her skintight outfit she was less confident when not using her Power.
“I didn’t know for sure,” I admitted. “I suspected a few months ago when you and I met in person.” She smiled wider, biting her lip as she studied me. “I saw you in that courtroom and thought, that ass looks familiar. Have I seen it running away from me?”
“You didn’t,” she said, a giggle escaping her.
“I did,” I admitted. “I was giving my testimony as Chargefist on the Jester’s involvement in the smuggling ring. You were representing that family whose car they stole. You bent down to get something from your suitcase, and I couldn’t help but wonder, is that the sexy villain that’s been narrowly escaping my grasp for the last couple of years?”
She blushed more, but her chubby and cute cheeks were turned up in a smile. “Yes, I have been narrowly escaping you, haven’t I?”
“You’re a very slippery villain,” I said. “I was always sure to tell the other heroes how ingenious your escapes were.”
“You know, I knew you were Charfist too,” she said.
“You did?” I asked. Moving around the island I sat next to her on a barstool.
She didn’t seem to mind the closeness. “How do you think I recognized you today?”
“It wasn’t my ass, I’m assuming,” I said.
She shook her head. “No, we met a few years back. Me as a paralegal, and you as the eligible bachelor Walker.”
“Really? I would think I would remember you,” I said, disappointed that I didn’t.
“Oh I was just in the background. You were giving your deposition on the shady dealings your Uncle had with those Jacobites.”
“Ah,” I said. “I forgot about that. And what? You saw me as Chargefist and knew it was me?”
“Maybe,” she said, sipping her drink as she side eyed me. Her legs kicking open air as they hung from the barstool.
“Star crossed lovers, are we?” I asked. “You the nasty ice queen of vandalism, and me the stupidly named Sparky.”
“Vandalism?” She asked, pouting.
“What? That’s usually what you do. Throw some ice here and there. Why do you think no one goes after you but me?” I asked.
“I’m a very dangerous villain,” she said, pouting more. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that a lot of the places I attack get a lot of media attention for some reason.”
“As you said, you’re a very dangerous villain,” I said. “Of course they need to keep an eye on you.”
“Yeah right,” she said. “And it just so happens your family owns a big stake in the newspapers that run the stories?”
“What? You think I have that kind of sway to influence where certain journalists investigate?” I asked.
“Yes, I do,” she said, the smile back on her face.
“Well…maybe,” I said. “What was the apartment building you were attacking today about? Asbestos in the walls?”
“Lead paint. Rather than disclosing it to tenants, the landlord was forging documents,” she admitted.
“And why not go to the police?” I asked.
She eyed me. “You know why.”
I nodded. They were just as corrupt as the heroes. I pulled out my cell phone. Dialing a number I said, “Hey, it’s me. Yeah. I need a favor. Apartment on Grand. I think the owner is forging documents. Can you look into it? Uh huh, normal price. Yep, thanks.” I hung up.
“What’s the normal price?” She asked.
“A night on the town, maybe? I am one of New Castle’s eligible bachelors,” I teased. She frowned and I couldn’t help but lean in closer. Stiffening at the close proximity I knew this had been building up so I kissed her on the lips. Pulling back, her wide eyes glittered in the light of the kitchen. “I know people don’t say it, but thank you for all you do.”
“I uh-yeah,” she said, moving hair behind her ear as she looked away. Her nervousness spiked, but I didn’t pull away.
“I have another favor to ask you,” I said, drawing her back to me. She yelped when she turned to see my face was only an inch from hers.
“W-what’s that?” She asked, nervous.
“I want you to join me,” I said. Leaning back I kept my gaze locked on her. “I know you see it. But this whole city is corrupt. The heroes are as bad as the villains. The villains not much worse than the heroes. The police are corrupt and the normal people are caught in the middle.” Her heart fluttered in excitement as I said the words. More blood moving to her cheeks as I tried to convey the truth of matters.
“I’m sick of turning a blind eye to it all, Jullie. I want your help.”
“I…Weston, I can’t,” she said, turning away as she got off the bar stool.
“What? Why?” I asked, surprised as her Haki turned to shame.
“I’m no better than any of them,” she said. “I’ve made mistakes too. I-I-”
“Is it about the man you froze? The one when you were a kid?” I asked. Her body became tight with tension, turning around to face me.
“How do you know about that?”
“Money,” I admitted with a shrug. “I know you were too young to help it. But juvie records aren’t exactly deleted.”
“H-How do you know about that? Why do you know about that?” She asked, more scared.
“I looked into you,” I said unashamedly. “Jullie, I want to show you something. Would you just trust me for a minute?” Biting her lip the short girl stared up at me. “5 minutes, that’s all I need.” Extending my hand out she took it reluctantly. I pulled her further into my apartment. Moving to my study it was a large room with wall to wall books and a heavy desk.
I walked over to the desk and pulled out the file I had compiled on her. I handed it to Julie, her hands shaking as she opened it.
“You awoke your Power when you were 12. A traumatic event, where a man approached you out of nowhere. You accidentally froze him. He was thawed but not in time. He lost his legs.”
“Why are you-”
“Just listen,” I said. I pulled a sheet of paper out of the folder she held. “This is the police report from that day. The man that approached you and you froze, in the report he was noted as being homeless. But I thought it was a little too cut and dry. And they were sure to call him homeless, labeling him a John Smith. Stating he didn’t have ID or know who he was. Your parents didn’t have money so you settled out of court. You were sent to juvie, the man had his legs amputated, and everyone went about their day. You spent 4 years there for aggravated assault. At first I thought that was the end of it. But I dug deeper.”
I pulled another sheet of paper from the folder. “What the police don’t note is this was the same day that the villain known as Wartorn was taken down. He was a famous villain back in the day. He was known for knocking over armored trucks. The guy could literally rip them to shreds. The old hero, Ghetto, fought against him that day. They fought near the river you were almost assaulted at by this homeless man. I dug into it more, and it turned out that at around the same time this all happened, the heir to the Baskin fortune had his legs amputated after a car wreck.”
“You don’t mean?” She asked, her eyes wide as she moved through the pages.
“I do. I think that the heir to the Baskin fortune was Wartorn. He knocked over armored trucks for the challenge of it, and because his trust fund hadn’t kicked in fully yet. Ghetto fought him. Reports said Wartorn fell into the river. You stumble upon him. Freeze him. Police find out who he is. Daddy Baskin steps in and you’re being punished for hurting his kid, while Wartorn just up and disappears.”
“You can’t be serious?” She asked, tears in her eyes. Instead of answering I left her to the file. It took time but her Haki radiated joy, apprehension, and a lot of anger when she closed the file. “Wha-How? How did you find all this?” She asked.
“A lot of Wartorn’s old pictures were wiped, but a few journalists keep clippings from stories they worked on. It’s easy to see that Wartorn is a Baskin.” There were some nice side by sides.
“Why did you do this?” She asked, setting the folder down.
“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug. “You always intrigued me. Here you were, lawyer by day, vigilante by night. Never taking credit for anything. Just this silent voice for the little guy. I respect you and what you do.” She blushed, looking down to the file as she was lost for a moment. “And you’re gorgeous.”
She looked back up at me. I wasn’t ashamed of my gaze. This was supposed to be a smut world, not a drama filled soap opera about the lives of heroes. Granted that’s what all the Marvel and DC comics were was a soap opera, but still. I had feelings for this girl. Feelings that only increased as she came to my apartment.
I risked it and took a step toward her. My hand lifting her chin up she practically quivered in excitement as I touched her. Bending down I kissed her. She froze up, somehow surprised by the act of the kiss. I pulled back a little, studying her for a moment. Then she moved back toward me. Kissing me back.
Leaning into her I pushed her to the small sofa in the office. Her small body under mine she opened her legs up as I got closer. Pressing our sexes up against one another. My mind focused on sating my own lust with her. I was surprised to find that I could feel the pleasure she was receiving. Not in my body, but as it moved through her. Whatever had changed in my Spark was allowing me to trace the type of impulses my touch brought upon her.
As I felt it with my Mind’s Eye I began to explore. My hand gripping her thigh, another set of electrical impulses traced up her leg, causing her to whimper. All the while signals were running all through her body causing her to react in different ways.
Our tongues in one another’s mouths, the small and bubbly girl began to pant, catching her breath. As she did I grabbed her ass and lower back as I lifted her up.
“Weston,” she moaned as her legs latched onto me. I wasn’t listening, walking us to my room I was finally over the Utopia World blowjobs.
This feeling between us was so much better as I dropped her to my bed and began kissing her. In Utopia World it had been robots doing their job. They were experts at their tasks, yes, but this was passion. All of it impromptu, nothing programmed, simply 2 people who don’t know one another figuring it out as they tried to give and receive as much pleasure as possible.
Our kissing became more frantic, but her Haki told me she was ready. Pulling away Jullie bit her lip as I leaned over top of her. “Can you help me?” She asked, turning over to reveal the zipper at the back of her hero costume. I nodded, moving over top of her my dick sandwiched between her thick ass cheeks as I kissed her neck.
As I kissed her shoulder and moved down she shivered. Her body released from the tight confines the curvy woman had perfectly smooth skin. The zipper went all the way down to her ass and I couldn’t help but kiss each cheek. She giggled but began pulling herself out of the blue outfit. Her chest was still hidden from me. I helped pull the suit down. Sliding it off of her to reveal her thick thighs.
My hands were on them in an instant. Kneading them this way and that, unable to help myself as I was confronted with the perfectly round mounds. When I had my fill I got off the bed and disrobed. As I did she turned over shyly.
Her Haki leaking worry and shame, it began to overpower the lust she was feeling. I studied her and wanted her more.
Hancock was a perfect 10 model. Tall, skinny, curvaceous. But Jullie was a perfect 10 in every other way. Short, innocent, a little cushion on her, and even more curvaceous. Large globes for breasts that were their own hills to climb. Thick thighs that jiggled with every movement. Her stomach wasn’t flat, but just enough padding where I felt like I could be rougher with her. Dark hair covering her eyes I moved over top of her.
“You’re gorgeous,” I said. Moving a tuft of dark hair out of the way. I forced her to look up at me. I could tell she didn’t agree with me, and no words would help, only actions. I kissed her deeply, but pulled away to kiss my way down her body. My hands moving to the sides of her breasts I pushed them together and marveled at their size. I wasn’t sure how she stayed upright. Bigger than DD, they had large areolas that I licked and sucked as her legs began to rub together.
Sucking on both nipples at once I dragged myself away, promising I would come back to them later. Moving my way down I came to her cleanly shaven pussy and enjoyed it’s beauty. I was not the type of guy that would enjoy a vagina pic, nor was I the type to send a dick pic, but Julie had a perfect pussy. It was hard to describe. Thick lips that squeezed together tightly. Not revealing anything as I became desperate to find their secrets.
I kissed one lip, then the other. She jolted from the affection, but my tongue was soon entering her. A sweet flavor of nectar meeting my tongue I ate her out hungrily. Running up and down the inner lips to flick her clit. Each movement caused a jolt in her, and I watched it all happen with my Spark Power as her body spoke to me.
I began to get serious. Moving faster as her hands moved to my head, gripping my hair. She moaned my name as I sped up. I spent long seconds simply enjoying her reactions. A lick here brought these nerves to explode, nibbling there made her groan and feel a mix of pleasure and pain. I used the time to learn her body. Every little reaction as I felt her orgasm come closer to being fulfilled.
Like some great map was being revealed as you explored it. The nerves in her body became alight as they fired. Her orgasm building up until it was ready to be released. I sped up, feeling the nerves fire off certain signatures until the strength of it had increased enough to flow throughout her body like a dam bursting. The nerves fired out like an earthquake, starting at her pussy, moving down her legs and up to her brain as she cried out. I couldn’t help but wonder if I could replicate it.
As she breathed in and out, struggling to catch her breath, I moved over top of her. Licking her nipples and causing more nerves to fire.
“Take me,” she mumbled, looking up at me.
I didn’t hesitate to do so. Moving into her lower lips she wasn’t a virgin, but she was tight enough to be. My 7 inch dick moving in slowly you would have thought I was still 11 inches with how she reacted. Practically crying out in pain and pleasure I groaned as her cunt tried to restrict my entrance.
When I was buried in her we kissed deeply. Her chest against mine I could feel the pleasure this brought to her as my Spark power worked unconsciously. Lost in the wonder of what I was doing to her, I reluctantly pulled away and slammed back in. She gasped but opened her legs wider. I began humping into her with all I had. Not fast, but forceful as I pulled all the way out and shoved back into her deepest parts. Watching her and becoming amazed by the electricity moving through her.
I sped up, changing positions, and continued to map out the nerves that had fired out from her last orgasm. The map was built, increasing in strength piece by piece, thrust after thrust, until it exploded outward once more. I was turned on by the anticipation and found myself cumming with her. My cum hitting her as far in as possible she held onto me, pulling me into her glorious pillows.
Our tongues meeting again it wasn’t long until I was hard once more. That session far too short, I began humping into her more fervently. This time I began to use my Power.
I had been practicing making people heal themselves, attempting to talk to other bodies with my own electrical impulses. It was time to see if I could tell bodies to do other things. I drew out my spark. Hair thin bolts of lightning ran between my fingertips like spiderweb bridges.
“What are you doing?” Jullie asked, some fear in her voice as she watched the electricity crackle.
“Trying something,” I said. I wasn’t in the mood to ask for permission. Moving my hand to where the cluster of nerves was I pushed my electricity in her. She jolted from the touch, holding back some pain. I tweaked the power slightly, causing her to gasp as a line of nerves began to brighten.
My dick still buried in her. I didn’t feel any pain, but her cunt reacted. Muscles spasming I groaned as I pushed more Spark into her. More nerves fired, the fear and new feeling causing her to jump I began to hump into her again. All the while I watched her pleasure fire off like lights sporadically turned off and on.
Focusing on humping into her I would randomly push energy in as well. Causing nerves to shoot pleasure to her body she grabbed onto her nipples. Pulling them hard as she cried out. Her head shooting up to face the head of the bed she didn’t care what I was doing anymore, as long as I kept going.
Thrusting and shooting Sparks, her body began to stretch out. Legs kicking against the comforter Jullie cried out louder as I kept going, building up. When I felt the time was right I only pounded into her. Pulling out and in, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as a soundless scream tried to escape her lips.
Her body convulsed as the masterpiece I had built rushed through her body. Squirting up my abs she continued to stretch out and hold onto the bed as the orgasm kept going and going. When she was done cumming she let out a long sigh and passed out. Her brain relaxing, I watched as the sparks seemed to slow, sending her into a deep stupor.
“Fuck the Chikyugi,” I mumbled. “This is fun.” My dick still buried in her. I waited until she woke up and began humping again. Cumming into her hard she fell asleep but I was ready to keep going. Turned on by her reaction I continued to play with the Spark, making the nerves fire in her body.
It wasn’t long until she was brought out thanks to the pleasurable feeling. Working almost on autopilot she let me do as I wanted. Take her in any position as I did all the work. I had training to do, and she was the perfect guinea pig.