Canon Fodder - Chapter (343)
My Fusion power really was a lot like my Tremor Devil Fruit. No special energy gained like with chakra, I could simply make things fuse, and thank god it wasn’t limited to flesh. As I played with the skill through the night I learned I could fuse anything of similar nature.
Two pencils side by side, I would think of using my power while pushing them together and the 2 pencils would become 1. Not one big one, but a freak of a pencil that had 2 tips and 2 erasers, merely conjoined at the sides. But as I used the power more I was able to force them into one bigger pencil. Mass staying equivalent as long as I used my fusion power continuously I could make them into 1, but if I stopped mid-way through the pencil’s would stabilize and I couldn’t force them to fuse anymore. At least not yet.
I wasn’t sure how the power worked until I began to watch the specific Spiritual Energy of each pencil. As I pushed them together their spiritual energy was separate, but as soon as my power clicked off, the 2 energies mixed and became 1. It was interesting to say the least. Trying to pull them apart was impossible at the moment, and the part of my brain that controlled the Fusion began to ache so I took a break as I thought about what else could potentially be done with the power.
My mind immediately went to Goku and Vegeta fusing in DBZ. Was there a way to do that? This power really could be the way that original Weston and I kept this Gemini thing going. We would continue to double our time between Challenges, giving us all the opportunity we needed to finish quests. No longer risking going up against someone that had planned out their worlds, and was able to min/max their time.
But I also thought on my dad in One Piece World. He supposedly had a Forge Devil Fruit power. Able to mix inanimate objects together to make something stronger. I wondered if I could do that now too. Fuse dissimilar objects together. I didn’t have my chakra so I couldn’t climb walls, maybe I could attach myself to walls through fusion and release. The possibilities were endless.
Excited to try out my power I decided to bring up something else that I had been neglecting. Summoning Nibi, the blue and black 2-tailed firecat appeared on my lap. I had summoned her now and then in the smut worlds, but never for too long. Simply allowing her out of the pokeball/status screen to stretch her legs. But as the cat stared up at me, I decided it was time to give her more focus.
“I am sorry I haven’t been bringing you out as much,” I said to the cat. “I’m not sure if you can understand me, or even know what’s going on, but I kind of miss Hancock and talking to someone. So I will promise to bring you out more. I don’t have chakra, and I kind of hope you can awaken it in me again. I will keep evolving you in hopes that you can talk someday, but until then, would you keep being my companion?”
The cat didn’t say anything. Simply blinking she moved to my lap and curled up there. I scoffed but nodded. It was too much to ask from the minor intelligence of the weakened Tailed Beast I had assigned as my Pet.
“I’m not sure if you know, but I was split into 2 people,” I said, scratching behind her ear. “Hancock is with the other me, and we are trying to…” I talked for a time, working through my plans and ideas on what to try. The beast listened but slowly drifted off to sleep. I continued to explain as I went through it all. Not tired, I ended up staying awake all through the night. So many ideas and possibilities running through my mind.
When my alarm went off I got up and put on my school uniform. Basically a kid version of a suit. I wore a white button down shirt. There were some blue and red embroidering in the black jacket and pants, but that was all. I would have complained, but the girls wore skirts so I was fine dressing up too.
“Come on,” I said to Nibi as she sat up. She looked at me confused. “I said I would take you with me. So you can hang out with me or in my room. Which do you want?” She thought about it for a moment and jumped up to my arm. Wrapping herself around my neck we stepped out.
I was always amazed by Nibi. Though she resembled a miniature bobcat. Her fur was blue and black that resembled a blue flame, but wasn’t. Her fur was soft to the touch as she wrapped herself around me. I had seen her spit fire, and use it to blast foes now and then, but I had mostly left her to her own devices. Trying not to tell her what to do I was committed to bring her out more.
We left the hall and a few other boys were awake. They gave Nibi and I a weird look but left us to it as we got ready. Once we left the boy’s dorm there was an announcement on the PA.
“Weston Walker, please come to the 5th floor infirmary,” Ororo’s voice said. I looked up to a camera mounted on the ceiling and rolled my eyes. Heading up to the infirmary it was really just a nurses office. I was surprised to find Ororo and one of my other teacher’s there.
“Miss Grey,” I said. “I didn’t realize you were a doctor.” She was in her mid-twenties. Red hair tied back she wore a pair of glasses and white lab coat. A beautiful woman in all aspects she was also the psychic known as…actually I couldn’t remember. Was she simply known as Jean Grey?
“Working on my doctorate,” she said. “But I like to wear the jacket.” Her eyes locked on Nibi. “What’s with the cat?”
“Oh this is my emotional support cat,” I said. “Since my family is dead, I thought it best to have something to help ground me.” Let’s see them deny me her with that.
“What um, is her breed?” She asked, awkward from my lack of hesitation about talking about my dead family.
“Hellcat,” I said. “Her name is Nibi, want to-” Instead of waiting Nibi jumped over to Jean. Sitting on her shoulder the cat had always preferred to sit on women. I suspected she was a lesbian, if tailed-beasts even did have sexual orientations.
“She has 2 tails,” Ororo noted.
“Yep,” I said. “Now why was I called here so early in the morning?” The 2 women pet the cat a little longer. I was going to say a joke about not touching my pussy…cat but decided to save it for later. When they finished marveling at the cat Jean turned back to me.
“Ororo said that your power is no longer working,” Jean said.
“It’s working,” I admitted. “I just learned to turn it off.”
“So…” She reached out her hand. I clasped it without hesitation. There was some fear in her since she was starting to extend a finger instead of risking her whole hand, but when I let go quickly she let out a sigh of relief.
“Look at that, I’m cured,” I said. “Wasn’t sure it stuck.”
“What? You didn’t know?” Jean said, annoyed.
“Nope. I mean I tested on myself by touching…myself. At night, in my bed, alone,” I said until they gave me annoyed looks. “Low and behold I didn’t stick to me. You’re just the first person I haven’t simply grazed,” I admitted. “Anything else?”
“We want to study you a little,” Jean admitted. Picking up a bulky iPad like device. “Just a few tests.” I frowned but nodded. Sitting on the exam table Nibi jumped to Ororo and Jean began scanning me with her medical doohickey.
I wasn’t exactly sure if it was doing anything. I knew Jean’s power was all the basic psychic skills like telekinesis and telepathy, so she very well could have been trying to delve into my mind to find something, but I didn’t feel it. I had the Medium Psychic Resistance Bonus at least. I doubted she could delve too far into my mind even if she wanted.
Just to be safe I pictured her naked. Like full on, BDSM, tied up, freaky naked. Enough to make her flinch or react, but she didn’t. Eventually she stopped scanning and did a few more tests. Taking some blood I offered semen but she wasn’t biting.
“You are very different,” Jean admitted with a sigh. Sitting behind a small desk, Ororo leaned against it while she stroked Nibi in her arms.
“How’s that?”
“Your brainwave patterns,” she said, showing me the screen of the medical scanner. “We had you tested when you first came here. Just in case there were any…instances in the future. Your overall brainwaves appear different. But not too different. It is odd, almost like you are using more of your brain.”
“My go school get smart,” I said in my best dumb voice, playing it off. “Not sure what it is, but I feel different. In a good way.”
“We will just consider this a blessing,” Jean said. “It might be good to keep yourself distant from others to ensure your power doesn’t kick back on by mistake.”
“Sure,” I lied. I had no intention of wearing more clothes than needed. “Come on, Nibi,” I said. Reaching out the cat jumped over to me and we were off to classes. That was until I noticed Rogue waiting outside the infirmary.
Anne Marie was 17 like me. Long brown hair with a slight curl to it there were 2 white streaks of hair that framed her face. Puffy lips, deep brown eyes, light tan skin, she wore the school uniform with a blue skirt. She was young, but it was easy to see that she would grow into a beauty.
“Weston,” she said, relief in her voice as she ran up. Not hugging me of course, we didn’t want to risk touching before, but reaching her black gloved hands out to touch my shoulders. “I heard the announcement, are you okay?”
I felt a little awkward staring at her. I was in love with her a few hours ago. It was puppy love, of the me before, and the first time I ever felt any affection toward someone that I wasn’t related to. At least with a Memory Meld.
It was a weird feeling staring at her. Old me had pictured what it would be like to not have this rift between us, but current me knew that old me was just fooling himself. She was into him because he couldn’t pressure her into going past talking, but as I studied her I still felt that ache of longing that came over old me when Anne and I were close.
“Yeah I um,” I trailed off. Instead of saying anything I moved my hands together, touching skin to skin. She gasped, her eyes wide as she realized I was…touching myself again. Damn it was annoying to think even this was a feat past me couldn’t do.
“Did you try it on other people?” She asked. The doctors at my original hospital had given me gloves just in case I did fuse to my own body, and I hadn’t risked it once. Showers had been a pain before.
“Yes, I was able to grab Miss Grey’s hand,” I admitted. Rogue smiled wide, happy for me, but also jealous. It was a sliver and I couldn’t blame her. “Come on.” I took her gloved hand and walked her away from the nurse’s office.
“Who is that?” She asked, looking up at Nibi. The cat didn’t seem to mind the girl and jumped over to her instead. “No-I.”
“Eh, ignore her. Does your power even work on animals?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” she admitted.
“Well, if you do drain her, at least we would find out for sure.” I was curious if Rogue could drain chakra. That would be an interesting development, but Rogue’s hair was long enough, she was able to block direct skin to skin contact with the powerful tailed beast.
I took her to another communal/study room. I didn’t know why the place had so many, but it was kind of nice having so many secluded spots. This room had a theme of white and black. Black floor, futuristic white sofas, and checkered walls and ceiling…I hated it.
“I would like to try something,” I admitted to Anne. I could tell she was nervous as she looked around the room. We were alone, not our first time alone, but the first time a 17 year-old that could touch her was there. I reached out my hand. “Only if you agree. I would like to try touching you.”
“I know it’s a risk, and out of the blue. But I had inspiration last night. I learned to control my powers a little better. I think I could help you, but for now, I would like to touch you. Just fingertips. I can pull away if anything happens,” I said.
A part of me was still that kid that wanted to help her. I hadn’t asked once for this sort of thing because of the risk of hurting her. Anne told me that her power awakened when a boy she grew up with tried to push himself on her. A normal person, he was drained of his strength and hospitalized. Then Anne tried hugging her mom after the incident. The same happened to her mom. She had only touched one person since. When she got to the school Xavier tried to test a mutant that he thought could block her draining powers. She ended up draining his strength and mutant power. It took a while, but the mutant ability eventually left her and the guy regained it. She hadn’t touched a person since. That was 3 years ago.
“Fine,” she said, biting her lip. Slowly she pulled her arm length glove off. Her nails long, she extended her fingers out to me. I decided to try Haki first. Holding my Spiritual Energy firmly in my body I extended my hand out. Nothing happened, but as my fingers hovered a hair from her I felt something pulled away from me. It wasn’t my Spiritual Energy though.
Immediately charging my eye’s with Nen, I used Gyo. I saw her power working then. Just a trickle of my lifeforce was moving into her. Mixing with her own. “Amazing,” I said. She had an ability that drained lifeforce, which sounded very useful. I repositioned my hand so I could watch the trickle of energy being pulled into her. Nibi wasn’t skin to skin, or I was sure she would be feeling the same.
“Weston, what is it?” Anne asked, drawing me out of my focus.
“It’s your power. You’re sucking the lifeforce from me,” I said.
“What?!” She asked, pulling her hand back. I risked it. Using Zetsu I pulled my lifeforce in, and held it there. Eliminating my presence and any leakage of lifeforce. Grabbing her hand in a smooth motion. I felt the pull, but with focus was able to keep it from leaking out.
Anne stiffened, fear in her eyes as my hand held hers. Long seconds it took for her beating heart to slow slightly. “What-How are you doing this?” She asked, fear and wonder in her voice.
Instead of answering I changed my hold on her hand to be palm to palm. Extremely focused to keep my lifeforce in my body. I then reached out with my other hand. Nervous, our hands touching for long seconds she waited for me to faint, but I didn’t. Risking it, more than a little excited, she pulled her other glove off. She pushed both palms against mine. It took time but she eventually calmed down all the way. A smile on her lips as she did so.
“I didn’t fix your power, but I think I figured out a way to make it so yours doesn’t affect me,” I said. I risked it, moving closer. I didn’t know her feelings for me before. But as our hands pressed against one another her hormones or emotions began to rage and she wanted to touch more of me. She was beautiful so I didn’t fight it.
Moving my body closer and closer to her, my face began to hover an inch away from her’s. Nibi decided to jump down then. Annoyed by the situation, we ignored her. I made my move and our lips touched. My Nen the main focus as the kiss became a simple peck. Then to my surprise Anne moved her tongue into my mouth. Moaning happily as our tongues touched.
My hands moved to her body then. Grabbing her ass she gasped as I got more into the kiss. Those budding feelings that my prior self had for Anne, began to bubble to the surface, and my experienced hands took over. Pushing her into the wall our kiss became more heated. Her hands touched my sides, nails digging into my back as the simple kiss turned into a sexually charged make out session.
When I felt some of my lifeforce leak away I reined it in, keeping it rooted in my body and continued on. For long minutes we were a mumbling, hormone fuelled, mess of 2 teens that hadn’t had the chance to experiment with anyone else. When we pulled away my dick was hard and she was more than turned on enough to progress further.
“Wow,” she said, her brown eyes staring wide-eyed up into mine. “That was…like a movie kiss.”
“Better,” I assured. My hand moving up to her chin. I ran my thumb over her lip. Watching her she was a bundle of excitement and want. She nodded and we were soon kissing again. This time I picked her up and moved us to the couch. Straddling my thighs she moaned and shook on top of me as our kissing continued on. Her panties rubbing on my dick as she rocked back and forth on me, this was a development I had not expected.
I really thought she was interested in old me because neither of us was allowed to progress a relationship. As we continued on I began to wonder if she was only doing this with me because I was the only one available. Then I told my brain to shut up and enjoy it. If I could get a free Weakness Eliminator for her, I would find out what her feelings really were. If she wanted to move on, that was on her. There were more than enough women to go around in the Marvel Universe.
For now I enjoyed the long makeout session. Anne learning for the first time what it meant for someone to touch her, and touch someone else. I didn’t use any of my skills to make it more enjoyable. That was something to build up to. I instead practiced my Zetsu and kissing.
My hands kneading her ass she didn’t have any qualms as I used my experienced tongue to show her my version of kissing. Her panties practically drenched, I teased and felt her everywhere until she jolted and gasped my name as our mouths collided. It was a good way to start a school day.