Canon Fodder - Chapter (390)
“Come on,” I said again. “Just once.”
“For the last time, no,” Scott said. He was at the controls of the Blackbird flying us back to the Xavier School for Mutants as we finished another mission. “You can train on the Blackbird when you are out of your probationary period.”
“You know, when I signed up, Logan mentioned probation. But nothing about being restricted from flying the Blackbird,” I said.
“We decided to hold off after your stunts in New York,” Scott said.
“Dude, it’s been a month. I’ve been a perfect angel since then. A boy scout,” I said.
“Really? Boy scout? That’s how you’d describe yourself?” Scott asked.
“No one’s died,” I said with a shrug. The real trouble started when we were settled back into the school. Logan had decided to go all out to find out what I was really made of. He even took out the claws. Our fight should have been conducted in the Danger Room, but we had commenced it on one of the gym floors. It quickly degenerated into a no holds barred punching match as we became black and blue. I stayed blue, Wolverine’s healing let him come out refreshed and fine, but I was getting closer to outlasting him. Although a part of me knew it was like playing tennis against a brick wall, pointless. But it sure was fun. From how bad he beat me in the last few weeks I had risen almost a full percent with my Viltrumite Form.
When the dust settled we had a following of students that wanted to really learn how to fight. Logan and I started a Fight Club. A lot of students were sporting shiners or bloody knuckles lately, but it was for the best. At least I felt so.
Back when I joined the school a few months ago it felt like no one really talked. A few people made a couple of friends and stayed in their little circle. Now that the secret of the X-Men was out, and the fact that there was a Fight Club, I felt that a lot of people had really come out of their shells at school.
Most all of them had been ripped away from family. Either outed as a mutant and forced to leave, or simply running away to avoid the persecution. I felt I was doing good at the school. Giving many of them something to strive for by potentially training to join the still semi-secretive group, or just having fun fighting it out, it didn’t really matter to me.
But because a lot of the older students had taken to it, Scott decided I needed to be under his wing. Which wasn’t so bad at the beginning. Then we started doing missions and the choir director of a boy scout really got up my ass.
I still took regular trips to New York, causing Scott to pull his hair out because they usually coincided with trips he and I were supposed to take. Logan was no longer my trainer since I went so far off the leash. Scott took it upon himself to see that I was trained to the best of the X-Men’s capabilities. So I escaped to New York for fun.
Training Matilda, Betsy/Psylocke, and sometimes Elektra on Nen they had already figured out their aura type. Elektra was an Emitter, Betsy was a Conjurer, and Maddy was a Manipulator. I explained a few of the Nen abilities I could remember for their specific types from HxH, but made them focus on coating their body in Nen to make it stronger.
Along with training physically, Matilda helped me legally. My trust was almost dissolved and I would be able to access the full funds soon. My company WTR, Walker Technical Resources, was started. Gwen and I were officially partners. She was wrapping up her internship at the end of the year and was slowly digging into the Gantz suits.
Things really hadn’t progressed with me romantically with anyone but Matilda. I would usually spend every other night at her place. She left a window unlocked for me and if she was patrolling I would head to bed and wake up to a blowjob or something nice when she got back. It was simple, no hassle, and sorely needed. I practiced my Spark and was getting better at sending her into a cumatose stupor, but there was still much to learn.
The drama with the mutants we found in Connor’s horror show of a testing lab had died down fairly quickly. The majority of mutants were taken home, but quite a few decided to join the school or Genosha. I couldn’t blame them, who wouldn’t feel safer around your own kind?
Agent Colson showed up and arrested Connors as well as the other animal hybrid men. We were told the Vulture, Rhino, and Scorpion were cutting a deal. They claimed to be test subjects as well and were pointing the finger at Connors. Connors was expected to be sent to prison for a long time. Agent Colson wasn’t pleased that all the blue vats mysteriously disappeared, but we ignored him. Life went back to normal.
At least in the beginning. As the test-subject kids got acclimated to the Center for Degenerate Mutants, they began to talk. Rumors about me only increased in volume. Since I was the one that broke the imprisoned people out they blew a lot of what I did out of proportion.
Xavier ended up being forced to conduct an announcement to the whole school. Officially the X-Men were a group to help against unruly mutants. Not affiliated with the government, but also not a vigilante group. More of a collective of like minded individuals helping to maintain peace and prosperity for mutantkind…aka a cult.
Stuff was starting to die down now since I had been able to go on more than a few missions to get me away from the school. Also because of that my hero name of Bastard was sticking. Though I still slightly regretted the choice, I was learning to accept it.
I hadn’t talked to Xavier much since he allowed me to take the test for the X-Men. Supposedly he spent most of his time in Cerebro. Obsessed with finding more mutants, that was the story at least. I had my suspicions. Xavier was always working on something big in the comics. Cerebro amplified his psychic abilities exponentially, allowing him to hear thoughts across the world. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was hearing in the secretive machine.
But I was quickly sidetracked at the school. Scott was always ready for missions. He handled the day to day emergencies. Some kid beat up another with his mutant power. Have a talk with him, and offer him a position in the school. Oh no a girl began floating up in the air traveling at about 1 mile an hour. Grab Weston and pull her back down. She wants to join the school? Great. Lookie here, a Canadian set fire to the forest. Go put it out with Storm and get them some help. The work never ended with the laundry list of America’s Next Top Mutant.
We were just coming back from a mission in the desert where a kid had caused a lake to form with his mutant power. It was interesting, but the kid said no to the school and ran off to show off his cool new power. I doubted he would live long, but he had our information in case he got in too much trouble. I asked Scott yet again to teach me how to fly the Blackbird, but he always denied me.
My original reason for leaving Invincible World was to learn how to fly a spaceship. I had hoped to get experience on the Blackbird or any spaceship really, but it was proving very hard to get anything useful. Most all of my experience with flying anything was…non-existent. I had opted to float on my water most worlds. I needed another solution to learn how to fly.
The Blackbird activated it’s stealth mode as we descended from the clouds. Radar unable to see us. We got to the school easily enough. The side of the cliff by the ocean had a section slide away and the Blackbird was dropped off in the hangar.
I eyed the ever prim and proper leader. He was wearing his seatbelt, which was stupid in my book because if the plane crashed we were probably dead anyway. His nice new leather super-suit was pristine. Perfect jawline, cleanly shaven, brown hair gelled and immaculate. It disgusted me.
Not so much Scott himself, but I was slowly starting to realize why he was the way he was. He was All Might, at least the All Might of this world anyway. Everything had to be done by the book. There were rules to follow, and when something bad went down he always had a plan and was in the thick of it. Not to say I wouldn’t be in the thick of it as well. From recent experience it was fair to assume I caused the thick of it.
No, Cyclops was the ideal for a hero. Someone for most people to look up to. Clean clothes, never getting angry, no cursing, he was my opposite. I looked down to myself. The Hero Costume I had made for this world was my black hoodie with the Watanabe hearts sewed into it. Black pants, face mask, I had a pretty disheveled look. I cursed, drank, fought, and spoke my mind.
A part of me said I should really learn from Cyclops, like Midoriya learned from All Might. Not so much how to be a fighter, but how to be a hero. I played it through in my mind. Me cutting my hair so it wasn’t so unruly, less cursing, just try to be all around better. Be someone that kids could look up to. Then again…my name was Bastard for a reason.
“I think I’m done,” I said with a nod.
“What?” Scott asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt.
“I’m done being your sidekick,” I said. “Kick me out or whatever, but nothing exciting happens around you.”
“Exciting? This is a job!” He said angrily.
“Then I quit. I’m not a 9 to 5 kind of guy. I think I’m going to switch to vigilante crap,” I said.
“Again with this,” Scott said, rolling his eye. I assumed anyway since it was behind a red visor. “Weston, you need to put in the time here.”
“I have been!” I yelled, sick of his holier than thou attitude. “I at least don’t start shivering every time you mention a mission.”
“Lorna and Alex had a very traumatic-”
“Then cut them loose,” I said. “Is this not a job? If they aren’t doing it then they need to move on. You’re not helping anyone by holding them with kid’s gloves, dude. And you aren’t doing me any favors by doing it either. I was born for the action. For the fights. Flying shit, blowing it up, riding the wreckage until it crashes. Not this Honeydo list, X has us on.”
“Honeydo?” Scott asked.
“Honey do this, honey do that,” I explained. “We are his bitches. Thus, I’m done. Call me when something fun happens. I would be so much better off getting the shit beat out of me by Colossus or Wolverine. This here is filler episodes, and I’m sick of it.” I unstrapped myself, completely serious this time.
I had received a few quests at the beginning with my Cyclops missions. They got me a fraction of percentages of the Viltrumite form, but they dried up some time ago. I was ready to get the main story up and going. I hadn’t been involved in any more origin stories, and hadn’t heard of any more heroes popping up, but that didn’t mean they stopped. I should have been out there shaking shit up, spending my days trying to find the quests instead of letting them come to me.
I left the underground bunker in a bad mood. Close to an access elevator that shot me out in a supply closet, I walked toward it. Annoyed, I knew I was being an ass. In the manga halls I knew where things were going. There was a nice progression to follow. Some time in between arcs and I would train. But Marvel could be anything.
I knew most of the stories, or at least most of the characters. Since the worlds I went to always had drama there were things to experience, but I kept getting my hopes up that the next mission would be the one that started the ball rolling again. True canon would come my way and the real rewards would finally be reaped. That wasn’t happening though. It was all just…slice of life as a dickless X-Man. Which proved there was a reason that sort of stuff wasn’t shown in the comics. It wasn’t interesting.
Shaking my head I pushed the button for the elevator that would come out of the closet. Tapping my foot I considered walking back, but didn’t. Instead I thought about what to do. My immediate thought was to go see Anne Marie.
Rogue and I had talked sporadically over the last month. A phone call here, another there, everytime I called her she was doing something with her family. So I hadn’t bothered after a couple of weeks. I slightly regretted breaking up with her. The part of me from this world loved her dearly. The idea of her moving on from the X-Men had never really crossed my mind. She was synonymous with the X-Men in canon, but I had cured her. She could live a normal life again.
I had always hated how isolated she was in the comics. X-Men was never a feel good story. More of a soap opera mixed in with death and destruction. The world never reached some utopia but was always on the brink of destruction as people struggled to beat one villain after another. Rogue was there for all of that, at least she was supposed to be.
Frowning, I shook my head as I stepped into the elevator. Of all the things I had done in the world, at least I had helped her. I wasn’t always the best person, hero, or anything really. I was just a human with his flaws trying to make it in the world, but now and then I knew I did good. Helping her was one of those things I could feel good about.
Pushing the thought of seeing her out of my mind I frowned as I felt the Spiritual Energy of someone walking. They were moving to stand in front of the closet where I was coming up. I could feel that it was Storm. Moving to the sidewall of the elevator I made it so I couldn’t be seen when the door opened.
When the elevator dinged I held my breath. The elevator door opened inside the closet and Storm waited for me. I felt her tap her foot. Long seconds she waited then punched the code in for the closet door. Opening it she couldn’t see me inside the elevator. With a huff she closed the closet door and headed in the direction of Professor X’s office.
I let out a breath, punched in the keypad for the closet door and slunk away. My decision was made. I knew they would try to stop me. Walking through the halls I felt more people headed my way. Moving into a classroom I expertly maneuvered through the school on my way to the front door. I actually got to the lobby at the front of the school before I received a psychic calling.
-Weston, my office, now please- An old man’s voice ordered in my brain. I opened my mouth to say something.
-No, I am not god. No, you know you aren’t crazy. Don’t play games right now, Weston.- I exhaled a long breath as I blew a raspberry. Deflating and annoyed that he didn’t even let me make a joke.
Hanging my head I walked back the way I had come. Half-way there I found an angry Storm. Before now I had been guessing Xavier had sent her to grab me. But with the psychic actually calling me directly it was easy to see he had been monitoring me.
“Why am I being sent to the principal’s office this time?” I asked Storm as she turned to walk beside me.
“You’ll see,” she said. My former teacher was still hot as ever. Caramel colored skin, white hair, pure white eyes, I could feel that she was strong. Immense Spiritual Energy wafted off of her like…a storm inside of her.
“You know, I’ve been thinking lately that I could use some tutoring,” I said, giving her my best smile. “I think the lack of schooling has made me forget a few things. Do you think you could help reeducate me a little?”
“You need
classes now?” She asked, hiding her smile. “Good, I think you’ll get your fill soon enough.”
“What?” I asked but she opened the door to the professor’s office. Inside was mostly who I expected. There was the professor sitting behind his desk. The bald headmaster wore a forced smile on his face. To my surprise he felt angry for once. I frowned, hoping it wasn’t at me. Across from him was an older man in a military uniform. With all the flare and ornaments mounted on it I guessed a general or something. He had a thick mustache and gray hair.
As I got used to the Haki in the room I could feel that the professor was actually angry at the general and not me. Letting out a sigh of relief I looked to the others inside. The big Russian Colossus stood at the back of the room in his human form. His form always imposing, he was like some herculean giant. In front of him was a blonde girl that looked about my age. Wearing a bright yellow dress that matched her hair she was easy on the eyes, that was for sure. I didn’t recognize her, but a lot of people from canon looked slightly different. I usually had to know their names to recognize them from canon.
“Weston, thanks for joining us,” Professor X said.
“No problemo. You don’t need to get up,” I said to him. Before anyone could react to the joke I asked, “So uh, what’s up?”
“Yes, um…” Professor X said, eyeing the military man. “We have a little situation and-”
“You’re damn right you do,” the stranger said. “Are you really human?” The general directed the question at me. I frowned, feeling like the center of attention, I didn’t see why I couldn’t be myself.
“Actually, no I was born on a planet called Viltrum-”
“Weston,” Xavier said in a mild but firm tone. “No jokes. Not right now.” Again I deflated. “General Ross here has a little issue that he has requested your assistance on.”
“Requested?” I asked, confused. “Aren’t we government dogs? We go where they point?” One major change to canon was that we were officially/unofficially part of SHIELD. Which I still couldn’t remember what the acronym stood for. Basically it was a super power division of the military, thus the X-Men.
“Ha! That’s right,” Ross said. The name sounded familiar but I couldn’t remember why. There were hundreds of characters in Marvel. Like Pokemon, it would be impossible to remember them all. “Look kid, they tell me you are fully human. Changed by some barrel spilling or whatever, right? I have a minor inconvenience I want taken care of. One that requires…” He looked around to the others, “Your type. I want it taken care of.”
“Is it like a growth or something?” I asked, unable to help myself. “Our leader, Cyclops, he could have whatever inconvenience you have, laser removed in a jiffy.” I actually felt Storm want to laugh from the comment.
“No, it’s my granddaughter. She is being targetted by a sick fuck,” General Ross said. “I spoke to Colson, and though he has reservations about you, he did feel you can take care of yourself.” Agent Colson and Nick Fury hadn’t stopped by once since the blue goo incident. I had hoped I was on the fast-track for the Avengers. I wasn’t too sure why they weren’t so hot to recruit me, but…
“That’s a mighty fine complement coming from Colson,” I said with a smile. “A granddaughter you say?”
“Weston,” Xavier said, wiping the smile off of my face. “We are limited to the younger X-Men. The general’s granddaughter goes to school, so we need someone to watch over her there.”
“Oh 21 Jump Streeting it?” I asked, enjoying where this was going. I hadn’t spent too much time at the school so I felt like I had missed my chance for my MHA fun. “So what, watch your granddaughter? Don’t let her know we are there?”
“Exactly,” the general said with a nod.
“And who are we protecting her from? And for how long?” I asked, holding my breath in hopes of a quest. It didn’t pop up.
“One of their kind,” the general said, pointing at Professor X like he was an exhibit at a zoo.
“Bald?” I asked, confused. The blonde and Storm actually did hold back laughter that time.
“No! A mutant,” the General Ross said. “Can this kid really handle a job like this if he asks such stupid questions?”
I felt my anger flare. “Weston,” Xavier said, reading my mind somehow.
I ignored him. Casting my Nen out I sent a wave of fear to the general. His eyes wide he stared at me as I walked over to him. “The real question is why do you feel so safe in a building full of people that can do the uncanny?” I asked. Each step of mine toward him made the immense fear I let out only increase in strength. I had to give props to the general, though he was scared shitless he didn’t step back as I approached. Sparks of electricity began to jump across my fingers as I raised my hand. “Why would you think it’s okay to talk about mutants in that way in their own home?”
The general didn’t answer. His face hardly showing any fear, he actually put on a bored look. “I’m sure you don’t know this,” the general said as I stopped a pace from him. “But I’ve spent my career hunting types like you. Like weeds in the grass. Wants you pull one out, another pops up. Mighty fine trick you have here, kid, but I’ve seen it all.”
“Oh I doubt you’ve seen it all,” I said, wishing so bad I had my Genjutsu to use the Makuramoto on this guy. Instead I let out a breath and pulled my nen back in. The air in the room became much brighter for some reason and I noticed quite a few had taken a step back. Except X anyway, for obvious reasons. “So when do we start?” I asked as chipper as possible.
Professor X let out an annoyed sigh. “Illyana will be going with you,” he said, pointing to the blonde. She caught herself, gulping as she waved hesitantly.
“Fun fun,” I said with a smile. I looked back to X. “What do I get out of this?”
“Your flying lessons,” Professor X said. At least he didn’t pretend to be in the dark about what I wanted.
“Perfect,” I said, and with that I got a notification.
Marvel World Quest 6:
Protect Lyra Talbot
Viltrumite Form +1%
“Fuck me,” I mumbled. The name didn’t register with me, but the reward was pretty damn good. That was a huge increase. Something told me that things were starting to pick up in the Marvel world. I was also getting the impression that this quest would be harder than these people assumed it would be. “Well, General, consider your grandaughter safe in my care.” I put on my best smile.
The older man frowned, his Spiritual Energy in turmoil. There was still a mix of fear, but a lot of skepticism coming off of him. “She better be,” he decided on saying.
“Shall we?” I asked the blonde Illyana. I was pretty sure she was Colossus’ little sister. I couldn’t remember much about her from the comic since most of what I read had her off screen. But he always had a sister in the canon.
“Uh yeah,” she said as I walked over.
“By the way, what’s your super secret code name?” I asked, hoping maybe that would remind me of who she was.
“Oh, um Magik…with a k,” she said.
“Kmagic?” I asked. “Cool.”
“No, the k is at the end.”
“Oh, Kmagick, got it. Well good to meet you,” I said.
“Don’t bother,” Storm said, rolling her eyes. “You’ll just make him say it more.”
“Oh Stormy, how do you know me so well?” I asked, giving her my best smile. “Now about those lessons? I was thinking nightime of course, since I apparently have a mission…”
“Are you sure about this?” The general asked Professor X as I continued on.
“Yes,” Professor X said with more confidence than he felt.