Canon Fodder - Chapter (403)
A Straw Hat worthy party was going on below me. People dancing around huge bonfires, some sort of green goop for alcohol was free flowing around as the demon people celebrated. Even the boys from school were dancing with a few of the female demons. Though some were pretty hot I left them alone as I sat on the roof of the palace watching the city wide celebrations.
“What is with you?” Illyana asked as she walked over.
“Just…preparing,” I said.
“For what?”
“In a minute,” I said. “You never showed me your sword before.” I eyed the black hilt at her waist. I had seen her waving it around when the fighting started and was more interested as the knowledge I received helped me to recognize it.
“My Soulsword?” She asked. Pulling out the hilt, she closed her eyes and a shining white blade extended out of it. I couldn’t feel what she did, but the knowledge I received told me all I needed to know.
“How did you make it?” I asked.
“How did you know I made it?” She asked, hesitant.
I smiled wide. “Good guess,” I said. “Please, you mind?”
She frowned but sat next to me. Holding the glowing sword in her hand she admitted, “I can do anything here in Limbo. I have…a connection to the place. Magic is everywhere here. And I am attuned to it. Anything I think, I can do.” She smiled at me. “When I was just a girl I made this sword. At first it was simple. A part of me. The hilt fell out of me one day. As I used it, imagined it becoming a sword, it became brighter and stronger.”
“Cool,” I admitted. Growing excited to make my own I eyed her. “Are you good?”
“Yes,” she said. “It has been some time since I have been here. I did not realize they were going through such hardships. Thank you.”
“For what?” I asked.
“You know what.”
“I do, but usually when you thank someone, you tell them what exactly you are thankful for. For instance I am thankful you chose such a skimpy suit of armor to fight in.” Her armor was a glorified swimsuit with some metal pieces for flare. She blushed and looked down to her body.
“Thank you for helping my people here,” she said. “Without hesitation.”
I nodded. Letting out a sigh I looked out to the festivities. “I know I can be an asshole…but I try to do the right thing when its in front of me.”
“You can be such an asshole,” she said.
“Woah,” I laughed. “You suck at this thanking thing.” She giggled and leaned against me. My hand moved to her back and she rested her head on my chin. “Be careful step-sis. I’d hate to get any ideas.”
“You never have ideas, too dumb,” she mumbled. Looking up at me she smiled wide. “Are you scared of my brother still?”
“Ha!” I laughed then locked eyes with her, realizing she was serious. I wasn’t much for that sort of thinking. My hand moved down to her chin and lifted her face up. She froze as I kissed her lips. My hands sending some minor Sparks into her she moaned as the kiss lingered. “I’m not afraid of anything,” I lied as I pulled back. She blushed and pulled away.
“Yes, I see that,” she said, nervous and unsure what to do with what just happened. “Th-thank you.” She got up and moved away.
“For the kiss this time?” I asked. Her Haki exploded with embarrassment as she stuttered a reply in her retreat. I wasn’t sure what my relationship was with her, but I considered her a friend at the minimum. Letting out a huff, I felt I had let my Nen build up enough, so I got to work.
The schematics that had imprinted into my brain were far beyond anything I could have dreamed of. They were a step by step guide to make a Soulsword. Though Illyana was able to do anything in this world, in the real world I was probably the only person that could make one.
A Soulsword was a weapon made out of your lifeforce. I just so happened to be able to utilize my lifeforce, otherwise known as Nen. The power of every cell in my body becoming a pool of energy at my beck and call, I focused all I had stored up into both hands. Imagining the shape of the weapon I began to force the Nen into the air at my palms.
It was slow and tedious work. The sword wasn’t able to just magically be made. It had to be built over days, but the most important step was the beginning. The cornerstone of the weapon, I had to focus as I made my Nen into a physical object. Slowly it took shape in front of me. First the hilt, I decided to make it black. With wide guards along it, and a long handle to hold it two-handed if I wanted. I also carved a Watanabe heart at the end of each guard.
After a half hour I was happy with it and began making the blade. This of course was what I had been thinking of for a while now. I had considered making it into a massive Buster Sword from Final Fantasy, but I needed something versatile. I made the blade more like my Jitte. Straight and to the point. the blade was about four inches at the base, and ended up being four feet long. Not too long, but not too short.
When the physical sword was in front of me, I hardened it as the schematic had shown me. My body acting on instinct the final touches finished and the weapon glowed white. The physical weapon in my hands it was light as a feather. Waving it around from a sitting position, I knew I finally had my forever weapon.
Unlike many I had run into, this was a growth weapon. As I grew stronger, so would it. If my Nen grew, and I continued to pour my lifeforce into it, the blade would eventually become indestructible. The perfect addition to my arsenal I couldn’t believe that I had the power all along, I just didn’t know how to do it. Curious what other secrets my powers had I pulled up my Status Screen.
Weston Walker
Current Quest:
Save Lyra
World 1:
World 1 Quest:
Save Lyra
World 2:
World 2 Quest:
Passive Skills:
Memory Meld
Dead Man Walking
World Lasting Physique
Matatabi – Level 7
1 Challenger Slot
Viltrumite Physiology
Usable Abilities:
Status Screen
4 Challenger Slots
World Escape
Berserker Mode
Major Psychic Resistance
4 Challenger Slots
Body Modification Resistance
Hardened Organs
Minor Radiation Resistance
4-Leaf Clover
Venom Resistance
Poison Resitance
Illusion Resistance
Gantz Armor
Stored (27)
1 Challenger Slots
Item Choice
Bonus Copy
Hero Costume
Bonus Upgrade
I read it and frowned. “You cheap fuckers,” I said. They hadn’t automatically assigned the Soulsword to my Items. Frowning, I was about to make it my Item Choice but then recalled that I didn’t need to. Breathing in slowly the sword glowed white and turned into energy. Entering my body it became my Nen again.
Letting out a sigh, as long as I had Nen I could call the weapon. No longer forced to form it, with a thought it appeared in my hand in the matter of two seconds. Pulling it back instantly, I practiced sheathing it and unsheathing it from my body until someone else came up.
“What are you doing?” Jean asked.
“Playing with myself,” I said, looking back at her. “You?”
She chewed her lip. “I…don’t know,” she mumbled. Her Haki all over the place I raised my hand to her.
“Sit,” I said. She paused, but slowly walked over. Taking my hand the now demure Jean blushed as she sat next to me. We stared down at the party for a bit. Her feelings easy to read, they were harder to understand. First excited, then nervous, shameful, angry, manic, then horny, she didn’t know what to feel.
“You alright?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” she said. “For some reason I thought you would have the answer.”
“To what?”
“The question,” she said. “The question I have been asking myself since I woke up. What the hell happened to me?”
“You fought with us,” I said.
“Yes, I heard. The girls were saying I was flying and throwing fire. Killing the robots as I laughed. I-I don’t see how-”
“Ignore it,” I said.
“What?” She asked, surprised.
“Ignore it,” I said. “For now at least. I think you…might need to get some of your own answers.”
“To what?”
“The question that is Jean Grey,” i said. Looking her up and down she was modest once more. No longer showing me cleavage, I couldn’t help but frown. Forcing myself to realize this wasn’t the same girl. I pushed out the idea of a possibility of Nix coming back out. “You became a new person when the demons hit you the first time. At least that’s what I thought. Now…I wonder if distance from Professor X had something to do with it.”
“What do you mean?” She asked, knowing the answer.
“You told me about it at the school. The Professor changed you. He put up psychic blocks to keep your power from going out of control. I wonder if that maybe…changed you a little.”
“How so?”
“Just stop with the questions,” I said, angry at this weaker Jean. I chided myself, reminded that it wasn’t her fault. She quieted though. When I had my train of thought set I spoke again. “I have no fucking idea what it takes to block a mutants powers. Back…a little while ago. I met this…mutant. He was desperate for powers. So desperate that when he didn’t awaken them he was ready to kill himself. He was convinced he was supposed to have one. He was like 8 years old and he was ready to hang himself because he didn’t.”
“Who-” I glared at her, she quieted.
“Then he decides he doesn’t care. Powers or not, he will help people. Everybit a hero that most people aren’t. He was ready to give his life to save one person. Someone noticed that and gifted him their power. He became whole again. He had a power, and he could finally help people.”
I let out a shuddering breath. Sometimes I forgot why Midoriya from MHA had been the protagonist. “Then a while ago, I come to find out that he really did have a power. It was just ripped away from him, and he was forced to forget about it. But his body remembered. That’s why it was so convinced that it needed a power. Forcing him to almost kill himself because the body didn’t feel whole without one.”
Jean was quiet next to me. I knew my backstory in the world was that I was some normal kid, but I didn’t care. I’d gotten out of bigger holes in my stories in these worlds. “So the reason I bring this up is, I have no idea what would happen to someone if their power was suppressed. I assume your body wants to use that full potential. Aches for it. But how does it change you if you can no longer smile or laugh? You’ve been living your life without a huge chunk of your strength, Jean. You got to this world and it awoke. I’m not sure why hitting your head caused you to forget, but you have a lot of power inside of you.”
Her Spiritual Energy was far more turbulent than it had been before. Instead of the volume turned down, the volume was set on sporadic. First high then low, it was lucky she didn’t use her powers too much or she may have lost control of it.
“What should I do?” Jean asked, fear in her voice.
“Let it happen,” I said. “Don’t force it. You…acted like a new person. But I kind of think you acted like the real you. I am really hoping your head will heal more and you’ll remember.” I wanted that sex crazed she-demon in my head again. “Until then, just forget about it. You have a boyfriend, and a life. I’m fairly certain you like who you are now.”
“Of course,” she said, but didn’t sound convinced.
“Good,” I said. “Above all things, you should love who you are,” I said. Instead of talking more though I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. She stiffened slightly, but as I pulled her to me she relaxed. Exhaling out her nose she moved to rest her head on my shoulder. We watched the party like that. Jean breathing deeply through her nose on my shoulder until she fell asleep.
I wasn’t sure when she was supposed to awaken the whole Phoenix thing. From what I remembered in the comic, the version I got was mild in comparison. Unsure what the future would bring, I couldn’t help but pray that she would come back though. She had really been fun.