Canon Fodder - Chapter (426)
“Just go in there, grab what you like. Put it on super fast. Then I’ll pay for it on the way out,” I said as we floated over the department store.
“I can’t do that,” she mumbled, staring down at the building.
“Why not?” I asked.
“It just doesn’t feel right. I can go home, get changed, and I’ll be back in an hour,” she said.
“Oh and get sucked into like ten crimes on your way?” I asked. “Come on, I thought you wanted to go on a date.”
“You wanted to go on the date,” she said, blushing everytime I said date.
“You pretty obviously want to go,” I said. “Price isn’t an issue,” I said. “Anything you want.”
“I heard you were a criminal. Where did you get all this money?” She asked, locking eyes with me.
“I had it saved for a rainy day. Come on, Powergirl, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” I said.
“What’s that mean?”
“It means, don’t ask how the food gets on the table if you can’t stomach the process,” I said. “Swoop in, grab some clothes. I’ll buy you whatever you want.” She frowned, but her Haki was clear. She was getting excited. We began to descend as one. The large clothing store wasn’t all that busy on a weekday. She disappeared in a blur. I wanted to be able to move that fast…and perhaps there was a way to earn a Kryptonite form like my Viltrumite one.
I walked back in the direction she traveled. By the time I found her she was already dressed in an elegant white gown with lace stitchings at the edges. I whistled appreciatively as I approached. “Hot damn,” I said.
“This is what you wear on a date, correct?” She asked, genuinely curious.
“You can,” I said. “Dates are spontaneous. They all depend on what you want to do.” It was hard to pull my eyes away from her cleavage. She had at least DD breasts and my palms began to itch, wanting to touch her, but I held myself off. “So, Powergirl, what do you want to do?”
“I have a name, you know?” She informed me.
“Really? Your name isn’t Power?” I asked. “And what pray tell is this name? Or can you not tell a lowly criminal like me?”
“It’s Kara,” she said with a toothy grin.
“Kara, huh? Not short for anything?” She shook her head, causing her chest to shake and me to almost break eye contact. “Well Kara, I am Weston. I am at your service.” I did my best British accent. “How can I show you the hospitality of my people? As a newcomer to our planet I would love to roll out the red carpet and give you the best dating experience possible. Garnered to your every want and need, but I find myself at a loss. Having just learned your name, I find it hard to establish an agenda for our date without getting to know you first. So…” I looked around. “How about you try on some more clothes for me, and tell me about yourself?” I asked.
“What kind of clothes?” She asked, looking around.
“Well we have the very elegant gown. That shall wrap up our evenings activities. I believe you will need something easy to move in, for…an adventure. And another outfit to blend in with the common folk. An outfit that will allow us to explore the trash trove of a city known as Gotham,” I said.
She smiled and shrugged. “Okay,” she said and began her search for more clothes. I followed behind, excited by how well this was going. It was getting easier to see why though. She was lonely. Wherever Superman had squirreled her away, wasn’t around a lot of people. Wanting to explore, see new places, experience new things, I felt like whatever I suggested would excite her. But I wanted some answers first.
As she dug through a rack of clothes I asked, “How old are you?”
“Even on my planet, you shouldn’t ask that about a woman,” she said, smirking as she continued to look through clothes sizes.
“I’m just curious what you’re into,” I said. “Merely date oriented purposes.”
“How old are you?” She asked.
“43,” I said without missing a beat.
“Oh yeah?” She asked. Locking eyes with me she studied my face. I was pretty sure I looked younger but she went back to the clothes. Ready to go about her first mission. “I was 25 when Krypton exploded or imploded or whatever.”
“Ah, so you’re older than me, good,” I said.
“What?” She asked, looking up.
“That was what? 30 years ago?” I asked. “I mean, you don’t look a day over 20, so you Kryptonians age well. But you’re technically older than me.”
“I really am,” she said, her mouth wide as she did the math. “Well crap. That sucks.”
“Why would that suck?” I asked.
“I’m an old lady now,” she said, almost hurt.
“No, you’re looking at it all wrong. You’re experienced without all the downsides like aging,” I said. “So now that I know your age, I think I have a pretty good idea where to take you.”
“Where’s that?” She asked.
“The Country Buffet. They have a senior discount and-” She threw a pair of short shorts at me. I let it hit and laughed. “I’m joking. No, pick out your clothes and we can go to the first stop.”
“Fine,” she said, picking up a large stack of clothes.
“Do I get to help you put them on?” I asked, shooting another shot.
“Hell no,” she giggled. “Wait out here. Maybe I will show you what I decide on.” I smiled wide, waiting expectantly like any man would. Ready to spend all my money on this woman I furiously thought on where the hell to take her. Despite my confidence, I had no idea. Where do you take a girl from an alien planet that can travel around the world in the matter of hours?
“What’s that?” She asked.
“An emperor penguin,” I said.
“Why are they called emperor’s?” She asked.
“Because long ago, they ruled a great empire that spanned continents. Their short stubby legs, though slow, are great at vertical leaps. They could launch themselves like darts at people, killing them instantly,” I said.
“Uh huh, and the real reason?” She asked, smiling wide as she munched on some cotton candy.
“I have no idea,” I said. “Let’s see if the sign says anything.” We walked over. I read over it and it really did answer. “That’s hilarious. They already named another penguin the King Penguin. So since these were bigger they decided on emperor.”
“That’s dumb,” she said, shaking her head. “Which word is penguin?” I pointed to it and she began sounding out the letters. Having been born on a sister planet of Krypton she of course didn’t learn the English language, because her education was lacking. A fact I pointed out to her, and she said that wasn’t true, they just didn’t know about English. I didn’t let up though.
“Pen-gween,” she said.
“Very good,” I said truthfully. “The guin is weird so it makes the gwen noise.”
“Hmm, that’s a fun word to say. Penguin,” she said.
“There’s a guy in town here that goes by Penguin, so don’t say it too loud,” I said.
“A guy? What kind of guy is named Peng-” I raised my finger. “P-name.”
“A criminal kind,” I said. “He runs a few nightclubs. He deals with the nasty underbelly of Gotham.”
“And people take orders from a guy named P-word.”
“Yes,” I said. “Supposedly he has a limp and kind of looks like one,” I said. I put my hand to her lower back and directed her away from the emperor penguins. We continued with the aquarium tour and she happily ate her cotton candy.
“So, where were we?” I asked. “You grew up on, Balthazar-”
“Belozon,” she corrected. “My mom was Superman’s dad’s sister.”
“Right, so you’re his first-cousin,” I said. “I thought he said that your people didn’t do space travel anymore. How did they travel between the worlds?”
“They only stopped that about a year after I was born. We were self-sufficient so there was really no need,” she said.
“And why exactly did your people not like tech?”
“Sugarcane,” she said. Our safe-word, I couldn’t remember how we landed on that. She could talk about some things but not others. Instead of admonishing me, she would say sugarcane to change the subject, which often led to me having to reveal a secret about myself.
“My most genius robbery happened when I was 12,” I said. “My mom was a notorious penny pincher. Never allowing us to spend money on anything. I really wanted to go to the arcade though. So I paid a buddy of mine to get “hit” by a car. She ran out, and I stole the change out of her purse,” I said.
“You didn’t. Why?”
“I needed money,” I said defensively. “I was desperate. Trust me, it’s easy to look back now and say I was a selfish jerk. Back then it made perfect sense.”
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed you don’t talk about your other crimes,” she said.
“Oh,” I said with a nod. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you like hearing about my crimes.”
“I most certainly do not,” she said, catching my eye. She was being mostly truthful.
“Really? Then I’ll stop talking about them,” I said walking past to the next exhibit.
“I didn’t say that,” she said, quickly catching up. “I simply want to know what possessed you to do such…terrible things. You know, to make sure you won’t relapse.”
“Really?” I asked. “The mighty Powergirl, checking up on the lowly criminal?”
“You’re not a criminal,” she said with a frown. “Are you?”
“I was,” I said. “But probably not anymore.”
“Probably not?” She asked.
“Well yeah, I mean, I don’t have a beautiful blonde to watch my every move. To make sure I stay on the straight and narrow. I’m in Gotham, the city of syndicated crime. How do I know I won’t get the urge to steal candy from babies again?”
“So now I have to stay here?” She asked, laughing as she shook her head. “Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know. Why wouldn’t you?” I asked. “Do you have a home currently?” I asked.
“I stay with my cousin and his family,” she said.
“Ah, so no,” I said. “How about you just move in with me? Under your watchful gaze I doubt I could bring myself to steal from the church, let alone anyone else.” Which was true. I had challenged her to an arm wrestling match at lunch and she whooped me. I doubt she used a quarter of her strength. I could tell that the idea excited her. Not so much living with me, but breaking away from her cousin.
“And what would we do if we lived together?” She asked cutely as she tapped on a glass of the aquarium.
“Hmm spend every day like this,” I said. “Getting to know one another. Seeing new things. We could travel the world. We could fight crime. Make Gotham the city of safety. Then probably get married. Pop out some kids. Fight more crime. Stop the world from ending a few times. Start up our own super group.”
“That sounds like a lot,” she said. “Why don’t we start a little simpler?”
“Fine,” I said, rolling my eyes. “We can stick to the marriage and kids thing.”
“You don’t even know me,” she laughed.
“I don’t? Should I have led with the getting to know you thing?” I asked. “Damn, I always jump right in. I’m always so mixed up. Let’s start over. I say we finish up with the zoo. You put on the gown. I take you ballroom dancing. After that I’ll drop you off at your cousin’s place. We end the night with a little makeout session, then take it from there?”
She side eyed me, her lips still quirking up in a smile. “Okay,” she said and this time took my hand. I smiled wide, not having sealed the deal yet, it was crazy easy to push the boundaries with Observation Haki.
I could feel her emotions in real time. Like my own little psychic ability, I could tell what she liked me saying and didn’t like. For some reason she liked the idea of marriage. Again, not specifically to me. This wasn’t some Disney movie where people fell in love after meeting. But she was on the lookout. I wasn’t sure about the process for Krytonians, but she was 25 and had recently lost almost her entire people. Maybe some survival instinct wanted her to find someone, or she was always like this, I didn’t know.
Either way I was pretty happy with my progress as we left the zoo. She was wearing a white sundress despite the cold. Showing off her cleavage she drew every eye as we walked to the car I rented for the day. Kara didn’t know how to drive so I set about teaching her from place to place. A quick study, she only almost killed us three times. Establishing this as the best date she had ever been on, I was getting to know the blonde bombshell piece by piece.
“Now what is ballroom dancing?” She asked.
“Ah crap, I forget you’re not from around here. Ballroom dancing takes quite a bit of practice. I didn’t think of that,” I said. “Maybe we do that for a second date. That might be a little advanced for a first. Instead we could hit a club.”
She frowned. “What’s a club?”
“It’s a place for constant partying. People your age gather there to drink…and probably do drugs, but mainly to dance.”
“I don’t understand your people’s obsession with recreational drugs,” Kara said. “On Krypton there were no such things.”
“I really don’t know either,” I said. I could tell being around crime wasn’t at the top of her list of activities. “Hmm we could skip to a third date activity.”
“What’s that?” She asked.
“We could go to my place, pick up some food, watch a movie,” I said.
“What kind of movie?” She asked, more than interested.
“What do you like? Romance? Comedies?”
“I like comedies,” she said. “I haven’t seen a romance movie yet.”
“Then let’s go to the video store,” I said. Luckily streaming wasn’t as big in this world so there were quite a few. I directed her where to drive and we spent an hour looking over the various options. She grabbed about 20 movies, a mix of comedies, romances, and classics, and we went to my place.
The suite I was in was rather large. A two bedroom with a small kitchen, seating area, and large TV in the center. Kara plopped on my couch without a care in the world as I made popcorn, and we watched Dumb and Dumber. I held the popcorn, threw my arm over her shoulder, she actually leaned into me a little and we relaxed until the movie started. It wasn’t long until she was confused though. The movie was quickly littered with her questions as she tried to understand what was going on.
“Why was he in the back of the limo?” She asked.
“Limo’s are expensive. He was pretending he was rich by being in the back,” I said.
“Why did that car explode?”
“That’s the joke. He was talking about car accidents happening more than plane ones, and he just caused one,” I said.
“Shouldn’t an ambulance be coming for it?”
“Kara, this movie isn’t real. You know that right? It’s not a documentary.”
“It’s not?” She asked.
“No,” I said, unable to help but smile at her innocence. “These people are actors. They pretend stories happen.”
“Why?” She asked.
“Have you read books?” She nodded. “Most of those didn’t happen either. Why read them? Because they are entertaining.”
“Ooooh,” she said. “Now I get it.” She nodded and continued watching. But it wasn’t long before she asked, “What is with the worms?”
“They’re…how about a romance movie?” I asked instead.
“Okay,” she said with a shrug. “This movie seemed dumb anyway.”
“Hence the name, Dumb and Dumber,” I said.
“Oh, now I get it,” she laughed, but only half got it. I laughed and put on the Notebook like a simp. To be honest I hated the movie when I first saw it. But I had promised to show Robin and Nami at one point. Too bad I forgot so much of it. I used this as a refresher so I could show them the full thing when I got to One Piece world again.
Kara had no problem understanding romance movies. About half-way through she was leaning heavily onto me as she watched. My arm over her shoulder, my fingertips ran along her arm, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere.
“Why did you not just suggest this for our date?” She asked.
“There aren’t any carnivals going on,” I said pointing at the TV.
“Not what’s on the movie. This. This movie thing,” she said. “I much prefer this.” She opened her mouth and I tossed a piece of popcorn into it. She caught it and munched on it happily.
“Ah, well this isn’t very exciting,” I said. “And again, more of a third date thing.”
“Why did we skip the second date?” She asked.
“The second date is even more boring,” I said. “I was going to suggest we fight crime or something together.”
“We already did that,” she laughed. “So we have done the second date, then the first, and now the third? What’s next?”
“Next?” I asked, looking down at her. She stared up at me and I bent down kissing her. My lips pressed against her pink and full lips and her heart fluttered. Caught off guard for a moment as we kissed I slowly pulled away. “There, we just had our fourth date.”
Kara smiled at me then hid it, trying to get her blush under control. Her Haki all over the place she settled back into my shoulder for a time, but was distracted. Stealing glances at me as I watched the movie I couldn’t help but enjoy her reaction. The date had gone far better than I anticipated so far, but since she could kick my ass, I didn’t want to piss her off.
With the thought I looked back to her. I wouldn’t have run from Colossus for kissing his sister, why would I want to run from her? As I locked eyes with her she blushed furiously and looked away. Instead of waiting though I turned my body to face her. Letting her fall to the couch with my arm under her head she let me do as I wanted.
“You did say we could end the date with a makeout session,” I said.
“No I didn’t,” she squeaked, but I moved for her anyway. My lips on hers she pushed into it and moaned. My free hand moving for the small of her back I pulled into her so we shared the couch. Her glorious pillows pushed between us. I ventured my tongue into her mouth. As it entered I sent some pleasurable sparks into her. She moaned louder as her lips parted to allow my tongue in.
We quickly became a grunting and groaning mess as she learned how to kiss. Though inexperienced or perhaps out of practice, she was a quick study. My tongue in her mouth she reciprocated and gasped as my one free hand moved to her thigh. Sparks shooting into her, nerve clusters lit up as my hand moved along her body. She gasped and the kiss only got more heated.
It wasn’t long until I maneuvered her to sit on top of me. Her thick thighs straddling my sides she ground up against me as my hands massaged her perfect rump. Weak electricity shooting more pleasure into her she shivered and sat up. Pulling her face from mine, her legs shivered and she crossed the finish line far faster than I meant to happen. Her whole body squeezed together as she came.
Having an orgasm from the simple touch she pulled my face into her bosom on reflex as her panties became drenched. Her nerves aflame with power I couldn’t help but add a little more to extend the sudden orgasm. Her lower half bucking into me the couch actually tilted to the back legs from the force of her thrust.
“Fuck,” I said. Muffled by her chest.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, blushing furiously as the orgasm ended. “What-what happened there?”
“I uh, think you came,” I said, unsure of her experience exactly.
“That was…I thought that’s what it was, but….” She shook her head to clear it. “But from kissing?”
“I uh, may have helped it along,” I admitted. Not about to lie to the strongest woman in the world. Wonder Woman be damned.
“You can do that?” She asked in surprise. Then her Haki became pure want. “Can you…keep doing that?”
I nodded, my eyes wide as I stared up at her. She was then attacking me again. Now the one putting her tongue in my mouth I didn’t have to think much. My hands lit up with power as I sent more pleasure into her. She came again after a mere touch of her nerves.
“I uh, woah, may be backed up,” she said as it faded.
“You think?” I asked, but pulled her head back to mine. This time I rolled her so she was on the couch. My groin against hers my rock hard dick pushed into her and she shivered. My lips moved from her mouth down to her neck. Sucking on her skin to give her a hickie, my hand slid into her dress to touch her skin directly. Dialing back the spark she moaned as the pleasure built up again.
My other hand making it’s way to her chest I was lost in the lust. Excited to be there, nothing else mattered in the world but having this girl. Though she had been hesitant around me, she was pure lust now. Either repressed, or happy to be alive, I didn’t care. All I wanted was to be inside of her. My hand inching ever closer to her chest, I was stopped as she grabbed my wrist.
“What?” I asked, and she looked over to the purse I bought her. Inside, a cell phone was ringing.
“Fuck,” I said, sitting back up. She rolled off the couch, laughing and cursing as she waddled to the purse. Answering it, her voice squeaked as she answered.
“HelLo,” she said. “Uhhuh. Sorry I uh, got busy. Crime is pretty bad in Gotham. Yeah…the worst criminals.” She locked eyes with me and I blew her a kiss. She smiled and blushed but turned away. “Righ-right now? No I uh, yeah I can. Just give me a bit.” She hung up and shame filled her Haki.
“I understand,” I said, acting annoyed. “You have an emergency. The world needs saved. You hate to do this-” She stopped me by kissing me again. It was quick but needed. I set my hands on her shoulders. “I’m joking. I do understand.”
“I’m sorry,” she said, frowning. “I really did have a fun time.”
“Me too,” I said, forcing my erection away. “Can we do this again sometime?”
“I-I’d like that,” she said. She would, but I could see she was hesitant still.
“You know where I live,” I said. “Don’t forget your stuff.” I pointed to the bags on the kitchen table.
“I uh-”
“I bought them for you. And they won’t fit me,” I said. She blushed and nodded. Picking them up she said a few more goodbyes but left through the window. I let out a tired sigh. Though the date hadn’t ended where I’d hoped, it had gone better than I would have believed originally. Hopeful that there was a chance with her, I walked to my window and locked eyes with the woman watching me from across the street.
“Come on in,” I said, waving the skull mask wearing girl into my place. Sitting back down on the couch I continued watching the Notebook as I waited.