Canon Fodder - Chapter (433)
“Holy fuck, I keep falling asleep,” Anne whispered. We were spooning on the bed in the one dry spot, or at least mostly dry. My chest against her back, she preferred all the skin contact as my arm rested under her neck, and other hand ran along her side.
“Sleep then. You deserve it,” I whispered in her ear. Biting her lobe she shivered.
“No, I’m not missing a second of you here,” she said.
“Then have Kitty pull me back,” I said. “It could be a fun weekend once we fix all this.”
“I’m not doing that,” She mumbled.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re dead, Weston,” Anne said. “No amount of wanting is going to stop that.”
“You’re right,” I said with a frown, still part of me holding out hope. “You should move on.”
“I’m not saying that,” she said, turning around to face me. Fear in her eyes she stared at me hard. “Weston, I love you. I just wanted a part of you.” Her hand moved to her belly.
I opened my mouth. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what she was implying. I mean, we hadn’t been wearing condoms, but I wasn’t fertile at the moment. A part of me assumed she wanted a kid, but I wasn’t about to dump and run…again. “I mean…you want a kid? In this world?”
“I want something,” she said. “A part of you.” Her hands moved to my chest. “You aren’t here, but at least you could live on in some way.”
I knew she wasn’t wrong. This was most men’s goal in life. Meet someone, pop out some kids, give them a good life, so his name, and everything his ancestor’s had worked for wasn’t a complete waste. Then I realized that I was a reverse Kyle Reece from Terminator. Instead of coming from the future to knock someone up, I was coming from the past.
“You really really want a kid?” I asked.
“Of course,” she said. “Not anyone’s kid. Yours.” She smiled at me, pleading as if asking for permission.
“Well I mean…okay,” I said. Turning off the control I moved back on top of her.
“How are you still hard?” She asked. “We are at like what? 20?”
“There abouts,” I said. Now that we were talking about actual baby making sex, I was getting even hornier as I entered her. “Wait, before this. When exactly do you get kidnapped by aliens? I need to make sure I see it. Maybe I can gleam something or come along.”
“Oh uh…do you remember when you came back with Delilah?” Anne asked.
“Oh right. What happened with that?” I asked, distracted and hoping for clues on what to do.
“Don’t start,” she said, glaring at me. “I may have said some things I regret. But I’m not going to talk about her with you inside of me.”
“Even my kid inside you?” I asked, nibbling her neck. She moaned, getting wetter. “Please?”
“F-fuck fine. So Delilah wasn’t as-” Anne stopped as an alarm sounded. I stayed buried inside of her, praying it would go away. “Get off!” She yelled. I pulled out and jumped back. She scooted off the bed, dressing as quickly as she could. “That alarm means Sentinels are in the area.”
“I assume they are always around here,” I said.
“Not this close,” she said. “They usually-” She was cut off again as a loud explosion sounded below us. “Fuck!” She yelled and ran out half naked from the room. I joined her. Keeping pace with her, then when we got to the stairwell she surprised me by floating up and dropping down the center.
“You can fly now?” I asked.
“Not the time, Weston,” she said, so many emotions rolling through her. I wanted to know everything but knew she was right. People were running this way and that. Rogue was actually glowing below me as she sped up. Unsure where her powerup had come from I followed behind, trying to sense everything around me as chaos ensued.
We got to the floor that held the machine they had been working on. Anne and I flew over the heads of everyone running away. Inside I could see three Sentinels trying to get into the room. They shot lasers or some kind of concussive blasts from their hands. I powered up my body with Nen as Anne began to glow brighter.
We each hit a machine, but neither exploded out like before. Cursing, I was going to have to use it all. Pouring more Nen into my body I connected with the face of one, and sent out a Nen Blast. This time it’s head blasted off. I hoped my inverse resistance, whatever that was, was helping.
Rouge was firing off some weird glowing energy at her Sentinel but it seemed not to affect the other two. They changed their target to her. I roared, punching both at the same time and blasting their metal faces to smithereens.
“Don’t get used to that!” Anne yelled. “They learn quickly to counteract whatever energy you used.”
“Okay,” I said, hoping I could keep with the Nen. If not, I had a few options. We got to the room to find Emma, Forge, and a few others inside.
“What happened?” Anne asked as she took control of the room.
“I don’t know,” Emma said. She pulled her eyes away from me, her emotions all over the place as well. “They just showed-” I blasted Angel with a Nen Blast. He was thrown back into the wall.
“Weston!” Anne yelled.
“He did this,” I said, stomping toward him. “It’s all over him. I can see the betrayal.” I grabbed the man with white wings at his back. His Haki was full of shame. Unable to look me in the eyes I punched him in the gut. “Why?!” I yelled.
“Weston!” Others yelled, but I wasn’t hearing it. He threatened Anne by bringing them here. That was unforgivable. Gripping his neck I pushed him into the steel wall. He began to choke and kick.
“Answer me! What did you do?” I wished I had the Makuramoto, but I didn’t. Real torture would have to work. “You know me, Angel. You remember why I had to wear gloves at the school, right?” I grabbed his hand. Squeezing the four fingers together I fused them to one another, making a flipper. “You’ll be fucking known as the Penguin if I keep going.” I let the hand go and he stared at it, yelling loudly. I moved for the other hand and something clicked inside of him.
“Fuck,” was all he got out before he exploded from the inside. Blood and guts shot out of him pushing me back as he breathed his last breath. More than a little surprised by what happened I let go of his throat to let the top half fall to the ground.
“I didn’t do that, I swear,” I said, looking at the others in the room.
“It’s them,” Anne said. “They must have got him at some point. Using the threat of a bomb to bring us in.”
“Fuck,” Emma said.
“What are we going to do?” Kitty asked.
“We are still being attacked from above,” Rogue said.
“Then we go below,” I said. “What happened to the sewer exit?”
“Sewer exit?” Anne and Emma asked as one.
“Yeah, this is the old Osborne lab where I got my powers mixed together in a soup. Didn’t you know? Below is where the Lizard tried to escape,” I said.
“No, we only remembered this place recently,” Anne said, getting excited by the idea. “Theres really a sewer exit?”
“Yeah, that’s why I assumed you used this place. Hisako was there she…” I thought and the only reason she wouldn’t tell them hit me. “Fuck,” I said. As I said it I felt more Sentinels coming our way. From the floor below, where the sewer access was. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Forge, dismantle this thing. I’ll deal with the Sentinels at the sewer.”
“I can’t dismantle the Cerebro II,” Forge said.
“Then unplug the damn thing. I’ll move it,” I said. “Anne, go get Hisako. She is probably a traitor.”
“Goddammit, not another one,” she said but lifted off as her skin glowed white again. I followed her. Meeting at the stairwell I used powerful Nenblasts to bust the brains of the Sentinels. “Stay safe!” She yelled as she flew up.
“You too,” I said as I stood at the stairs looking down. There were more of them coming from below. It was time for some Terminator termination. Punching my knuckles together I floated off the ground and dropped. Falling slowly, the Sentinels ruined my cool entrance as they blasted their arm canons at me. The tall robots, all emotionless, but big balls of electrical energy, I needed to defeat them all with my Nen. It was alien to them, and I might as well use it while I could before I used any other energies.
Blasting them hard, with my pointer and middle finger, the thin Nen Blast sliced their heads in half, one at a time. Spinning wildly I felt like I was in a John Woo movie as explosions happened wherever I pointed. One after another was destroyed, proving the true worth of the American taxpayer’s money.
I got to the bottom floor and there were ten of the Sentinels lined up for me. I powered up the Nen and blasted them with all I had, killing all ten. Then was in the large room where I had saved those experiment subjects all that time ago. Still dark, there were items littering the floor. The Sentinels had cleared a path through the area to get by and I continued killing them.
Low on Nen I used Spiritual Energy and my Berserker mode to break the rest. Plenty angry by the state of the world, my muscles bulged. Though the Sentinel heads weren’t exploding like I hoped, they did dent in nicely. Using my Timeflow I held off from fusing them to each other just yet and simply punched for all I was worth.
It took a lot of time, but I eventually got all of them. Standing over the beaten bodies of the Sentinels felt like one of my many badass moments as some went through their robotic death throes.
Coming to the entrance from the sewer I found that there was actually a human there. Waiting to either report back or control the Sentinels somehow. I knocked the guy out and took him with me. Flying back to the room where Emma and Forge waited, I tossed the bad guy on the ground.
“Is it ready to transport?” I asked.
“Well yeah, I unplugged it,” Forge said, pointing at the normal home power cord he pulled out from the socket in the wall.
“Oh,” I said, deflating. I had pictured large cables needed to be disconnected. A little disappointed, I pushed my Rift out. Opening a hole into my subspace I noticed all my stuff was still there. Smiling wide that I could bring stuff between worlds I picked up the overly large chair and walked it into my subspace.
“I’m sure we have other hideouts we can use. This one is burned, so let’s-”
“What did you just do?” Forge asked. Emma stared at me wide eyed as well.
“A subspace I have. Opens into another dimension,” I said.
“That,” Forge said. “I want that.”
“I can’t give you that,” I said.
“I don’t care. Let me study you,” he said.
“Another time. The sewer is clear, I’m going to start sending people there. You all lead them to the next hiding spot,” I said. I turned, about to head back to find Anne when Emma Frost stopped me.
“Weston,” she said, grabbing my arm.
“What?” I asked, annoyed. This wasn’t the time for this.
“Nothing, I just, I’m glad you’re back. We never got our…”
“I know,” I said. “And when I’m done with this, maybe we can make time,” I lied. Anne could be in danger and I wasn’t in the mood for flirting right then. Too many Sentinels around, this place was a deathtrap and I wasn’t going to let her get killed right before we had more fun. I flew away and moved up to the upper floors.
“Head to the basement!” I yelled at people. “Basement!” I repeated every now and then to the people I passed overhead. On the main floor I could hear fighting going on. Unsure what to expect, I was not disappointed.
An army of smaller Sentinels was outside. My Observation Haki watching everything, they fought a line of mutants that sprayed them with fireballs, ice, acid, some sort of super viscous fluid, and I thought one guy was made of rubber using a Jet Gatling that Luffy was known for. The sad thing was, our people were losing. Yes, Sentinels fell, but there were far more outside than had been coming through the sewers. This was a losing battle.
I ran through my options. I had Tabi, but if I exposed the Sentinels to chakra they had the potential to become immune to it. If I used my trump card now, that could screw things up if they got worse, which usually happened. I still hadn’t received a quest yet, so I wasn’t sure how tough this battle was going to be.
In a normal battle I could maybe grab the leader of some group, threaten them to stand down. We were fighting robots though. There was no leader. I was sure there were a lot harder Sentinels out there if they had been on the losing side for years. The only reason I was having luck was because they hadn’t run into Nen before. I needed to push it, and try to squeak by without giving my absolute all.
Breathing in and out slowly, I relaxed my mind. Sensing the water around me I opened myself up to the natural energy of the water. Replenishing my stores of energy I pulled out my Soulsword. My lifeforce pouring out of me into a physical weapon the sword shined as I raised it up like I was He-man.
I flew out the side of the window breaking glass as I joined the fray outside. Stabbing the face of a Sentinel that had been pointing it’s laser hand at Anne it jolted and died. The weapon cut smoothly and I put a smile on my face. Happy that I had made the sword and continued to pour nen into it daily.
“I cleared the way to the sewer!” I yelled to Anne. She was blasting some white flame or weird energy from her hands at the Sentinels, but they had experienced it before. Despite the power of the blasts they weren’t as affected as they were to my Soulsword.
“Hisako ran away!” She yelled at me. I cursed. Anne turned to the other line of mutants. “Get the people out of here!” Anne yelled at Hancock. My buxom bride nodded and left the front line. I cursed, still not knowing her power. But a group of three Sentinels went for me. I cut their hands off and then their heads. Slicing through them in huge arcs, the tide was turning as I used Timeflow and ended another ten.
Our people were pushing back. Getting the emotionless monsters away from the place as people began to evacuate. I thought we were going to win this, then he fell from the sky. Sleek metal exterior, smooth white face, glowing white chest piece, black and gray metal armor. It was fucking Iron Man.
“The Iron Sentinel!” Rogue yelled. Panic increased in the area and a soundless blast reverbated from the Iron man and everyone but the Sentinels was knocked back. A huge section of the lab was knocked away from the Iron Sentinel’s attack. Causing bricks to fall and pile on the line of mutant fighters. I was knocked down as well. Thrown back into the wall I hadn’t expected such a hit from Iron Man. Whatever he had done was powerful.
Shaking my head I stumbled back outside. Somehow thrown into the upper floors of the building my hand caught me then I fell again. My ears ringing, I breathed out and groaned as I got back up. Too unbalanced to fly, I dragged myself to the hole in the wall I had made. When I got there, Iron Man was holding Anne by the neck.
“Finally,” Iron Man said through hidden speakers. “The little rebel leader.”
“Fuck you, bitch!” She yelled at the supposed Avenger.
“What the fuck is going on?!” I yelled. More to myself than them, but they looked up. An army of Sentinels following Iron Man’s gaze. I stood up on the third floor, staring down at the battle. “What the fuck is wrong with the world?! It’s so fucked up. What the hell are you doing, Iron Man? You’re supposed to be on the good side. Look at you! It fucking makes me sick! These are
, you know?!” I jumped down, slowing my descent with flight. I was letting the rage roll over me.
So much death going on around me, I was sick of it as tears fell from my eyes. Not all of it was from getting blasted away. I felt like we were winning, then this asshole shows up to ruin it. “Fucking say something!” I yelled, my voice cutting through the air like a knife. I raised my hand and my Soulsword flew back to me. “I’ll fucking carve you out of there if you don’t.”
To my surprise the facemask opened. But not to reveal who I expected. My eyes widened as I studied her face. “Morgan?” I asked in disbelief.
“Seems you were alive, Weston,” the blonde said with a bitter smile. She had a fake metallic eye and scar over the eyelid, showing she had seen some shit too. “But you’re wrong, these aren’t people. They fucking killed my father, and I’ll kill them for that.”
“Who, who killed your father?” I asked. I now knew her dad was Tony Stark…and I had forgotten to call her. I hoped past me called her before he left planet but I doubted from how indifferent to me she felt.
“Magneto! That bastard,” she spat. “Well he will pay. They all will.”
“This isn’t you,” I said, shaking my head. “Stripper Morgan wouldn’t have done this. She wanted to do science crap. Not become a leader of some dystopian totalitarian army.” I was hoping that she would be reminded about our conversation, but the words only made her angrier.
“You have no idea who the fuck I am, Weston,” she said. She looked around. Despite her words, her Haki was all over the place. Seeing me was affecting her. I didn’t feel Hope Pym around us, but I doubted she would have been much help anyway. “You have two hours before this building will be demolished. Get your people out of here,” she said then blasted off. Carrying Anne with her into the sky. I moved to go after her, fighting it out right there and then, but that was when I got a quest.
Marvel World Quest 8:
Save all the mutants you can from the internment camps
Dependent on Results
“Fucking hell,” I spat. The Sentinels were still there, staring at us with their blank faces. They didn’t make a move for us, but I knew they would if we stepped away from this spot. I wasn’t sure why Morgan gave us time, but I hoped a part of her was still the young girl from Calhoun.
“Let’s go, people,” I said. “Mend our wounds. We are moving.” I began to think as I dug people out of the rubble from Morgan’s sonic blast. There was so much going on, but at least now I knew what the world wanted me to do. I was supposed to fuck some shit up, and that’s exactly what I planned to do.