Canon Fodder - Chapter (449)
There were too many angles, and too many things that were out of my control, and of course time was a huge factor that kept ticking away. We were only about 12 hours from when the
Arin’n Haelar was supposed to start. I was mostly healed from my fight with Gladiator/Kallark, but had mainly been spending my time in the underground bunker.
Apparently there was a whole system of underground tunnels under the city we were in. Originally they had been bunkers to protect from outer space attacks from millenia ago, but with the advancement in barrier technology and the ever watchful eye of the Shi’ar AI, the bunkers hadn’t been used in years. The underworld of the planet often used them for illegal fighting arenas, gambling dens, and smuggling, and now Lilandra used them as her hiding place.
The crime boss, Campos, was supposedly a distant Uncle that helped smuggle her from the capital, and after our misunderstanding was cleared up he set us up in some nice apartments far below the city. I was currently sitting in my own apartment, meditating as I manipulated my new power, Hoken.
It was actually a pretty sweet power. From what I could tell it was my Sparks, but useful in a fight. I could gauge how much Spiritual energy and Haki was put into it making it far more versatile. For instance, my Nen is that of an enhancer. Which allowed me to enhance my strength. When I charged water with my Nen it became more plentiful. Somehow the electricity I generated did the same. Charging the electricity with Nen, it could rapidly increase the volume of my electricity. Not so much making it stronger for attacking, but perfect for shooting into people and affecting their body.
If I charged the electricity with Haki, it became far more powerful. Making the electricity a physical weapon somehow. I had been able to cut steel and blast rock with the power. The Haki also made the electricity become coated in a black color like when I charged my physical body with Spiritual Energy. Giving me a cool Black Lightning affect when I distinguished between the two.
Along with this my Hoken still had the base methods of use. Shooting it into bodies to affect nerves and tell bodies what to do, this became more powerful when mixing it just with Nen. Making Nen focused Hoken good for attacking the body internally, and Haki focused Hoken focused on attacking everything else. A very interesting distinction that I was slowly getting better and better at as I trained.
As I played with the power I also thought. Quicksilver had found us easily enough and reported it was impossible to get the others out of the Shi’ar palace. Sequestered inside one of the inner apartments/cells, he was able to get to them, but couldn’t bring any of them out without locking the building down. No exterior windows he could reach were available to them. The current plan was to steal a starship and crash it into the palace.
But I didn’t want to go all suicide bomber on the Shi’ar. We were walking a tight rope of dealing with our problems and forcing the Shi’ar to declare a jihad on all humans if we couldn’t kill the Majestor.
Wolverine of course didn’t want to do it, which I couldn’t blame him for. He didn’t like not calling the shots, and being blackmailed into killing someone wasn’t exactly at the top of our lists of things we wanted to try. Especially if we failed since the Majestor would have every right to kill all of us.
Again I wished the future girls had been more talkative. I knew at least Wolverine and Anne made it back to Earth, and the Fantastic Four, Gwen too. I did think I remembered future Kitty Pryde or someone saying that they originally stole a ship to get home. I just wanted to know how they did it.
I also knew Lilandra had tried to kill us all the other day by using a dimensional distortion engine. An experimental weapon that the Shi’ar were working on had been what she used to obliterate our villa a few days ago. But that raised the question, if I hadn’t been here, how did they escape from it in time? Was it even used in the timeline that I went to? There were too many unknowns. Either way I wasn’t supposed to be here, and I had to somehow make sure that everyone got home safely despite what I may have changed.
I let out a long tired sigh as a knock sounded on my apartment door. Opening an eye, I looked at the large metal door that was at least a foot thick. Scarlet Witch stood behind it, her Haki nervous and excited I quirked my eyebrow, confused. “Come in,” I said.
Slowly the door opened to reveal her. Still wearing her red corset and facial crown, now her legs were covered by a white skirt that was in the style of the robes the Shi’ar wore. She smiled at me slightly as she stepped in, her legs peeking through the robed skirt with each step.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Just checking in,” she said. I was sitting on a large cushioned chair. I pointed at another seat across from me. Her Haki fluttered and sat down. Crossing her legs she smiled nervously at me.
“Any news from your brother?” I asked.
“No, he’s still running back and forth, trying to find a way to get to the others,” she said. “What about you? You’ve been holed up in here for a while now.”
“Just…training,” I admitted. I had moved rooms twice since I mostly destroyed the other ones due to practicing. Part of my quest was winning the stupid tournament. Though we weren’t currently in the hands of the Shi’ar, I had to try to find a way to get captured again if I was going to participate. Wolverine was fighting it, but I knew that attacking the Majestor was the only real hope. We needed all the help we could get to get back home. Though I didn’t trust this Liandra girl, I knew she was our best bet.
“Training for what?” Scarlet asked, genuinely intrigued as she relaxed in the seat.
“For…whatever,” I said with a shrug. “I only got my powers a few months ago. There is still a lot I don’t know.”
“Well, you seem pretty adept at using them,” she answered with a blush. This time I couldn’t miss it, her lust spiked a little.
I had noticed it now and then as we interacted over the last day. As we discussed with Quicksilver or Wolverine, she would look at me and her Haki would turn to lust or desire. I knew what it was from of course. I had fought toe to toe with Gladiator. Yes, the man could beat me if he focused, but in the midst of the chaos as she tried to escape, I was in the thick of it with Wolverine. I was starting to think she liked the show of strength. Which was a bonus for me. Why get into these life or death fights without the prospect of showing off to girls?
“How is your side?” She asked.
I hesitated for a moment. After all the drama with Anne, I was really leaning toward taking a break from moving forward with anyone. I needed time to get my head right. Figure out what I wanted to do. A part of me was leaning toward being monogamous. Biting the bullet and just being happy with one girl.
My eyes moved to her cleavage. The corset helped push up her breasts. Perhaps C-cup, she was gorgeous. Smooth skin, dark red hair much like Matilda’s, and thick full lips that pursed as I stared at her.
“It’s doing better,” I said, lifting the side of my shirt to reveal the wound. Gladiator had practically ripped open my side, but thanks to my Viltrumite form and telling my body to heal with Hoken, it was just a fist-sized scab. Again her lust spiked.
“Wow,” she mumbled to herself. I happened to show off more of my chest than I needed to. Having played this game before, I knew that showing off my physique was usually a bonus. “Does it hurt?”
“Of course it hurts,” I said, dropping the shirt. “By the way, thanks for running to find that Lilandra girl. That fight could have ended badly if you hadn’t.”
“No problem,” she said with a satisfied smile and slight blush. “I kind of felt useless anyway. I guess I’m lucky he didn’t focus on me.”
“What? I’m sure you could have handled him yourself,” I assured with a smile. She rolled her eyes and I winced as I leaned over for a drink of water.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just sore,” I said. I began to rub my shoulder. I looked over at her, pleading. “You uh, wouldn’t be able to help, would you?”
“Sure,” she said, her Haki leaping for the opportunity. I could read her like a book. The more time I spent near her, the better I could differentiate the minor alterations in her Haki. Currently she was thinking she was seducing me, and not the other way around.
It was no big surprise why it was happening. Strength was the ultimate aphrodisiac. It was a tried and true method I had proved in most all of my worlds. In fact I was pretty sure the majority of women on any world had this exact innate drive. To find a mate that could protect them. I had saved her at least twice in the fight with Gladiator before I sent her off, and the rewards were quickly proving worth the effort.
She moved to my back, straddling the back of the weird seat I sat upon. Her hands resting on my shoulders she leaned forward to my ear whispering, “This would be easier with your shirt off.”
“You think?” I asked, acting innocent. I looked up into her eyes, they were brown, but deep pools of beauty I hadn’t noticed before. I let myself blush and her lips split in a wide smile. Acting awkward and stiffer than I was. As I got the shirt off she began massaging me.
It didn’t take long for me to groan happily, relaxing into the deep cushion of the chair. “Holy hell,” I groaned as she dug into the knots I hadn’t noticed were there. “You’re pretty strong.”
“My power helps,” she whispered. My eyes drifted down to see her fingertips were glowing red.
“How’s that work exactly?” I asked lazily, not terribly interested as I enjoyed her touch.
“No idea,” she whispered truthfully. “I focus my power and things just happen. What I want to happen usually happens. Right now I’m thinking that I want to hit where you’re the most tense, my power kind of guides my hands.”
I nodded as I groaned appreciatively. I couldn’t remember her exact powers, and I didn’t think I saw that TV Show about her where she went batshit crazy. But she was supposed to be powerful, I knew that much. I just attributed her power to magic, which was good enough for me. It was rather telling how good it felt sense I nearly missed the perfect opportunity.
“There is somewhere on me a lot more tense than my shoulders,” I said, leaning my head back to look at her. She paused for a moment, confused, then looked to my crotch and blushed.
Instead of denying my words she continued massaging, saying, “Are you sure you weren’t at X’s school when I was?”
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I’d remember someone as beautiful as you,” I added making her blush further. Though she wasn’t as curvy as I would have liked, she was beautiful. The corset especially helped her aesthetic.
“I heard you were sleeping with that gray haired girl,” Scarlet said.
“Sleeping in the same bed, yes,” I said truthfully. “Not much further than that I’m afraid. But we have kind of cooled off.” I shrugged, letting Scarlet know I was done with the massage. She moved around the chair, looking down at me.
“Really?” She asked.
I nodded unashamedly. Feeling better about the whole situation with Anne, I was glad I decided to take a step back from her. “Yep, told her I’m not really up for dating right now.”
“And why is that?” She asked, not exactly put off, but putting on a cautious gaze.
“I like options,” I said standing up in a smooth motion. She was too close, my body pushed up against the white robed skirt and red corset. She didn’t have a chance as my hand moved to her lower back and pulled her closer. Our lips locking, she moaned as my other hand grabbed the opposite side of her lower back and I picked her up. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around my waist as our lips explored one another for the first time.
All other women were forgotten in that moment. Our tongues colliding she moaned loudly as I walked us to the bed behind me. Her Haki exploding in lust, I was happy to know I wasn’t forcing it. She wanted this, and I did as well. Too many near death experiences, we were finally doing something that normal people did. Fucked like crazy when the world went crazier.
Her white robe skirt slit open as I laid her on the bed. My rock hard dick pushing into a pantieless muff she gasped as she rasped, “just once, okay?”
I didn’t need to be told twice. Pulling the waist of my pants down my nearly ten inch dick was exposed to the air, slapping against her abs as she writhed underneath me. She looked down, eyes widening as she got more excited and began unbuckling the corset at the side.
“Corset stays on,” I ordered. She hesitated but then giggled as she moved the stray cloth strands of her skirt away to reveal her milky white thighs. Her pussy cleanly shaven it glistened in the split-second I saw it, but I was far too horny to appreciate it. With a thrust I was finding her entrance and moving into her tight cunt.
“F-uck!” She gasped as I stopped half-way in. Her eyes widening she pushed on my chest. “S-slower.”
I didn’t apologize, but nodded as I moved her breasts over the top of her corset to reveal her nipples. Licking them slowly she added, “Can’t believe I’m doing this with a human. My father would-”
“You like it,” I said, making my dick pulse as I began to descend into her again. “Fucking turns you on doing what daddy doesn’t like.” Her Haki pulsed, telling me I was right. “Now don’t bring him up again while I’m inside of you.” She didn’t have time to reply as I slammed the rest of the way in. She gasped in pain at first, but then realized all she felt was pleasure.
I was pushing my Hoken into her by that point. The main reason I had used my Sparks originally was making women feel pleasure. Able to talk to their bodies, Hoken hadn’t lost that aspect but only made it stronger. As I mixed nen with the electricity, her nerves fired far more easily than they had before.
Since Nen was lifeforce, and most likely linked to the soul in some way, it was having a very new effect on her. Instead of just nerves firing off I could feel her actually gaining something as my Nen stayed rooted inside of her. It wasn’t awakening her Nen, thankfully, but it was staying inside of her like it had with Kallark. Instead of wanting to hurt her though, I wanted to give her pleasure.
I controlled the Nen to move through her interacting in ways I was struggling to describe. But I could tell she liked it.
“HOLy FUck!” She cried out as the Hoken moved through her in a tremor that shook her entire body. Letting the power do what it wanted I focused on my own pleasure as I began to pull out and slam into her with all I had. Her skinny thighs in hand she proved herself rather flexible as I split her legs to do the splits as I humped into her. My dick hitting her hard and fast I let my lust go as I took her for all she was worth.
When the Hoken began to die down I sent another bolt into her, causing an actual orgasm this time. Her cunt clinched around my dick as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her hands began to play with her own nipples.
My thrusts never stopping as she came. I sped up and came inside of her as her orgasm finished. Her hands wrapping around me she moaned happily as she felt my dick pulse with each spurt of cum inside of her deepest parts. Buried inside of her I took a deep sniff of her neck. Having missed this very moment of post-nut clarity, I wasn’t sure why I had been so stressed lately.
The worries going through my head about pissing off others was past, and my own worry about the coming fights in the day ahead were gone as well. “What the hell was that?” Scarlet whispered as her nails ran along my naked back.
“End of the world sex,” I said as I moved back with a chuckle.
She giggled as she locked eyes with me, her hands moving to rake my thick chest muscles. Her eyes drew in all she could as she studied me. “Give me more,” she pleaded.
“Okay,” I said. “But we gotta be quick. We are going to have company soon.”
“Wh-” She said but stopped as I pulled out and slammed back in. Pushing more Hoken into her she gasped as I pulled her up while humping into her. Making it as quick as possible, she took everything I gave her as I held up her body to sit up with me as I fucked her hard and fast. Timing her orgasm to match my own with Hoken, we came again in less than a minute and I was jumping up to put my clothes back on. She laid prone on the bed, going weak from the power of the orgasm I gave her as the door to my room opened.
The giant Kallark appeared. His eyes scanning everything, he noticed Scarlet as she yelped and pulled a blanket onto herself. The bodyguard didn’t much care as his eyes landed on me. “The Majestrix will see you now.”
I doubted she was actually the Majestrix since her brother was in power, but didn’t say anything. I nodded and walked to the door as he turned around. “Let’s continue this later,” I said to Scarlet as I gave her wink. She blushed but her Haki said yes as I left the room. A smile on my face, I followed behind the massive Gladiator as he stomped through the halls.
My mind mentally felt Tabi close to Wolverine, she would hopefully stay close now that we had a plan. Haki watching all the people around us, I studied the surroundings. Everything metal, it was like a massive echo chamber as we went down corridors and side halls. It was some time before we were at the princesses little corner of the underground complex. Her accommodations about what I expected, she had secured another throne here as well and sat upon it as Kallark bowed to her and moved to near the door.
“Mr. Weston, correct?” Lilandra said as I made sure not to bow.
“Yes, Ms. Naramani,” I said.
“You will call her mis-” Kallark tried to interrupt, but I fired back.
“We have already played this game. Cut the shit,” I said. “When she is in power again, I’ll call her that. Until then, she is a fugitive, like me.” I turned to face her. Still wearing her metal full body suit she was pretty as she glared at me. But slowly she calmed down. Waving at Kallark in some kind of signal, the guard dog begrudgingly relaxed.
“You have asked to see me, I am granting that wish. What is it you wanted to ask?”
“Everything,” I said truthfully like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “For starters why the hell did you try to kill us?” I asked. It was pretty obvious they were the ones that used that dimensional bomb. They wanted us all dead for some reason, I wanted to make sure that risk was gone.
Lilandra hesitated, shame leaking into her. Kallark stiffened, ready to attack me in a moment’s notice. It took time but Lilandra let out a tired sigh as she blushed. “The tournament,” she mumbled, much more resigned than before.
“What about it?” I asked.
“Normally the Haelar is a battle royale. Conducted on another planet. I knew he was going to create some excuse for war. We have been expanding our network. We have spies set up on the planet the Haelar would have been conducted. With luck we could have secreted you all away one by one. Removing the risk without anyone being the wiser. The fact that this has become a tournament makes things rather difficult.”
I internally cursed. I had messed things up pretty bad mentioning a tournament. “What the hell? Why was a tournament chosen?” I asked, playing dumb.
“I do not know,” she said as if defeated. “But your people have no hope of beating ours. Many of our kind have been bred for the Imperial Guard. The best lineages in worlds all training to protect our people.”
I wasn’t so sure we were doomed, but decided to move on. “Then what’s the plan here? You said we were part of killing your brother or whatever. What is the plan?”
“I told you, that will be re-”
“I don’t give a shit. I’m so fucking sick of being in the dark on this planet. You people with your stupid fucking rules have done whatever the hell you wanted. So I want answers.” Her anger flared again, but she calmed down once more. Telling me that she wasn’t so bad. She had some empathy for my plight, which was good enough for me. I already liked her more than her brother, whose haki had painted him like an entitled ass.
With an annoyed sigh she stated, “We will use your own tournament,” she scoffed. “Normally this event is conducted immediately, but my brother has taken many traditions for granted. He is treating this situation more like a circus than the holy rite for justice it is meant to be.”
I nodded, having thought it was odd he gave us three days to prepare. In the comic I was fairly certain this Haelar thing took place right away. Commencing a huge battle royale for the trial against the Shi’ar, not this hodge podge of the Universe Got Talent it was turning into.
“How are you going to plan to assassinate him?”
“Depending on how well your people do and if you can make the fights last, the event will take a few days to wrap up. On the second day we will attack. That is all you need to know.”
“And our part?” I asked.
“You and your human friends will assist us. Your hairy friend and yourself seem capable. If your other people are even half as strong, then we could use you. In payment you will be given your ship when I am back in power,” she admitted. I frowned but nodded. Xavier wouldn’t like killing the Mandor-dick. But then again killing aliens was usually a blind spot for morality in comics, so maybe we will get lucky. Either way, Magneto would be with us at least.
“Fine,” I said. I wanted to get recaptured to get into the tournament before that. If they were going to use the fighting as a distraction to get close anyway, then I would have more fun with front row seats to the actual fighting to help make sure that the others could survive. Still unsure if this happened in the past in the future timeline I was in a short while ago, I let out a sigh.
“Fine, what can you tell me about Thanos?” I asked.
“I real-” She said but then cut off, perking up. “That’s all you wanted to know about the plan?”
“Yeah,” I said, trying to devise a plan to get in her good graces to go outside and get captured. “You said Thanos was controlling this? I want to know who he is and his part in the universe.”
“Um…” she said confused, her eyes darting to Kallark then back to me. Surprised by the change in subject she relaxed a little. “He is-” She cut off as the room began to shake. At first I thought it was an earthquake but as Kallark dove for Lilandra I knew it wasn’t. Charging my body with Nen and Haki in an instant it all went red as a beam of energy tore through the underground complex in a flash of light.