Canon Fodder - Chapter (456)
Peter’s fight ended in a tie. Both were exhausted by the time the foe stopped with her greenery attack. Basically a slap fight at the end, I was still impressed by Peter’s gains. He had fought a lot harder than the day before. I only needed to work on his ability to hit a girl. Which was a skill any man needed, but shouldn’t abuse. With great power comes great responsibility, that was for sure.
A tired and disheveled Peter Parker appeared on the floor of our enclosure. Breathing in and out heavily he was actually drying as his eyes darted this way and that. “Weston! She poisoned me. Save me!”
“Ohhh I was wondering why you were tripping everywhere like a little bitch,” I said as I got up from my seat.
“Little bitch?! She was strong. I think I’m paralyzed,” he whined.
“Roofied you, ay?” I asked, looking down at him. “Maybe you should have let her take advantage of you. Then you would finally get some.”
“This isn’t funny,” he said, legitimate tears in his eyes. “I can feel it moving to my lungs.” He coughed weakly. “I’m dying.”
“Dying is a little much,” I said. My Hoken told me his body was numb, but not much more than that. “Before you pass out. I’ll want an apology for whining so much.”
“I’m dying!”
“You’re gonna have to apologize for whining currently as well. Just because I’m a little tough on you, does not mean you get to bitch at me for it,” I said, locking eyes with him. I knew that he and Gwen were just stressed, which was why I was willing to ignore their transgressions. But we were friends, I wasn’t about to pass up a little fun.
“Fine-eh,” he coughed again and his body froze up completely. I charged some Nen heavy Hoken into my hands and slapped his face, shooting the power into his body. He convulsed a little but his body did move. No real wounds to heal, he simply passed out. I picked him up like a princess and set him down against the wall, out of our way.
“Was that really necessary?” Lyra asked. She was currently sitting next to her dad. Bruce Banner looked a lot more alive than he did the day before. Wearing some actual nice clothes, he had trimmed his hair and beard. He and Lyra had been talking all night, and it was the first time they weren’t conversing with each other.
“That was a little rough,” Bruce Banner said, agreeing with his kid.
I rolled my eyes. “He’s fine. The kid is tougher than he looks. So what’s your story? Have you given up the hobo life? I think we can all agree we appreciate your new smell a lot bett-” I stopped talking as Jean Grey disappeared. “Fuck,” I said turning to the stadium below. The red head appeared dressed and afraid amongst the quickly wilting trees. The nature girl’s power gone, the greenery was disappearing rapidly to reveal the rubble strewn fighting arena.
“Professor, we have to do something,” Scott said, standing up to approach the window. His Haki told me he really didn’t think she would be picked to fight for some reason.
“There is nothing we can do,” Xavier said. His nice and new floating chair slowly moving him to the large bay window. All the X-Men moved toward it. The background characters, Colossus, Storm and Beast, showing worry as Anne stood next to them.
“I need to be down there,” Scott said as he turned to face Carl Danvers. The blonde man was still weak, but it seemed he was gaining some of his powers back. He was currently causing the white Cosmic Energy to come to his hand. He looked up at Scott as the man approached. “You have to do something.”
“All I can do is forfeit for her. Give her advice if need be, but like everyone else here, I cannot intervene,” he repeated. I focused on the fighting area as her opponent was chosen. It was another muscle head. He was an actual Shi’ar with the triangle hair cut. A good seven feet tall he had yellow tinted skin and the crowd went bananas for his appearance.
“The undefeated Isepra has taken the stage!” The announcer yelled. “Born and raised on our homeworld, he has had a distinguished career. As we all know he shows no mercy. Let’s see how this human fairs against the bloodthirsty Shi’ar!”
Jean didn’t appear to be ready for this. Her Haki a cacophony of terror. I couldn’t help but want to save her. All I saw down there was Delilah. The scared girl that didn’t know anything of the real world and who I had grown to care for in only a few days. The only difference between the two was Jean’s hair was longer and she had less freckles. Internally cursing, I wasn’t sure how much I could see her get beat up. Peter was actually fun to watch, but seeing a woman hurt always left a sour taste in my mouth.
My once teacher began to backup as Isepra stomped toward her. I could feel his confidence grow with each step. Jean raised her hands and began to float some rocks around her. When he was only a few paces away she psychically threw them, only to have them bounce off his body. The big man laughed and disappeared.
Instantly he was within arm’s reach of her. His large fist hitting her in the stomach she puked up bile. As he pulled his arm back he gripped her head, taking her hair in hand. Without wasting a moment he swung her down smashing her into the concrete. Cyclops cursed, touching his visor a massive red blast escaped his eyes, destroying the glass of our enclosure.
“I’m not standing here for this,” Scott said as others began to get ready to fight. I waited though, unwilling to give up on the plan yet. I knew it would happen at the most dramatic time possible.
As Xavier used his psychic powers to keep Scott back, Jean was thrown by her hair into a massive boulder. Her head striking the stone first, I held my breath as her Haki skyrocketed. “Wait!” I said, stopping the fighting. My eyes locked on Jean as she fell to the floor boneless. I watched as Isepra approached her again. Still stomping, still confident, he came up to her, towering over her apparently lifeless body.
But no, her power was only rising as he bent down to pick her up again. His hand taking her long red hair again he laughed and gloated, then burst into flames. The laughing changed to screams as the flames spread to Jean. She stood up in the inferno as her body lit up like a Christmas tree lit by a flamethrower.
Both of them engulfed in flames the fighting ceased in our viewing area as they feared the worst. Then Jean ceased the fire around her. Her clothes changed to that of the Phoenix. Skin tight black clothes with a red phoenix made of fire imprinted on her chest. Her hair held back by a bandana she raised her hands at Isepra.
The red flames he was consumed by turned blue. His screams grew louder then died down as the flames did. No longer was the massive body in the flames, but mere ash was left in his wake as she began to float into the air. Flames trailing behind her as she flew, the stadium was eerily silent.
When she was at the center of the arena, she shot flames from her body again. People screamed, but the flames took the form of the Phoenix on her chest. It’s wingspan a hundred feet across it soared into the air as she stayed floating in place. Her gaze moved across the Shi’ar crowd as she spoke.
“I am the Phoenix, and I have been reborn,” she said. Her voice echoing in the arena. All the while the flaming Phoenix visage flew up and up, never stopping as it flew off into space.
The arena was quiet for a moment, and instantly people began to scream and scramble away. People teleported, ran, flew, and did their best to find some way out of the crowded arena. Pure pandemonium breaking out, the Imperial Guards opposite us all flew and made their way to the Majestor.
Jean’s now otherworldly voice cut through the screams as she began to laugh. A smile on her lips and tears in her eyes, she began to float up and up. Bursting into flames once more she disappeared from sight, causing us all to stare in her wake. Awestruck and quiet.
The arena quieting with her escape. People stared up at where she had been. Thankful that she was no longer there. The guards around us leveled weapons at us and an explosion sounded.
I looked up, unsure if maybe she had attacked one of the starships and this was our chance to escape. But all the ships were still floating far above. The explosion sounded from somewhere just outside the arena. People screamed and another one sounded closer to us.
“Everyone, please evacuate this area. The Rebels are attacking!” The lackey of the Majestor yelled as alarms sounded. The stadium began to shake as another explosion sounded. I used Timeflow, thinking rapidly as I looked around.
I could beat up our guards easily. Maybe make it to the Majestor to help Lilandra’s attack, but I wasn’t about to put myself out there if Gladiator didn’t show up. The full might of the Imperial Guard was surrounding the Majestor now, and I had gotten my ass kicked fighting only a few of them.
My missing left arm aching, I let time go to normal. Alarms still sounded, and guards ordered us to the teleporter circle. Ignoring them, I extended my Observation Haki to encompass as far as it could. My mind searching over and over, I could not find the familiar Haki of Lilandra or Gladiator.
As the guards pointed guns at us, forcing us back to the teleporter and our cell, I waited, hopeful that more would happen. But no more bombs fell, in fact nothing happened around the arena out of place. My mind racing, I was finally dragged by our guards out of the floating platform. Unsure what was going on, I worried that Lilandra’s attack was dead as soon as it started.
“What the hell was that?!” Cyclops yelled as we stood in the main area of our lavish but obvious prison. “Who is the Phoenix? That sure as hell wasn’t Jean!”
“That was Jean,” Xavier said. “I assure you.” He eyed me, but I stayed quiet. This was his mess to clean up. “Jean has always been strong, but held herself back. I believe her fight brought her true power to bear.”
“That wasn’t just power. She killed that guy,” Scott said, practically in tears. “You saw her. No remorse. No nothing. And what was that reaction of the Shi’ar?”
“Well they are bird people,” I said, causing eyes to turn to me. I shrugged. “Maybe the Phoenix is like their god or something?”
“Who knows,” Xavier said as he frowned. “Either way, I don’t believe those explosions were Jean. The attack planned for today must have failed.” I nodded. Once we got to our cell we had a few more guards but no more explosions happened. Annoyed at the lack of planning. I had no idea how to get us out of this. Well, not from here anyway. My eyes looked out the window that faced the city around the palace. Still bustling and alive, I needed to find Wolverine and the others.
“What attack?” Reed Richards asked. He was no longer pretending to be hurt. Now Peter Parker was the whiny baby that had both Jessica Jones and Lyra Talbot beside him as he ate up the attention.
Xavier looked at Magneto, then me. I let out a sigh, deciding to explain. “This planet is going through some sort of power struggle. The sister to the Majestor was going to attack today, and we were supposed to help her.”
“Why did no one tell us this?!” Susan Storm yelled.
“It was a need to know situation,” Magneto said. “We are still not sure if they have psychics, or how many listening devices they have. Since it has failed, we will need another solution.”
“We are supposed to be on the same side here! What other secrets are
you people
hiding?” Reed yelled.
“You people?” Magneto asked. I rolled my eyes, somehow this became a race issue. As they continued fighting I turned around and headed to one of the other rooms. No one following me, I opened a Rift against the wall. The black hole in space formed, giving me a doorway through our cell.
Jumping out I pulled in my lifeforce, using Zetsu to keep my presence hidden. Floating out in the open air I almost smacked my face against another forcefield. Annoyed, I opened another Rift through this field and began dropping to the exterior of the palace.
Like everything else on this planet, the buildings and roads were all metal. Landing on a thick chunk of steel, I began running in the direction I was fairly certain the arena was. Since explosions happened around there I hoped to either find Phoenix, in the off chance she had caused them, or Wolverine in case Lilandrin’s people were the ones that blasted the bombs.
Using Observation Haki to make sure I didn’t run into anyone. I made my way to the arena easily. One of the military ships flying in the same direction I jumped onto it and took a ride. My presence mostly hidden, the only people that would notice me were ones that saw me. Since I was wearing Shi’ar clothes, with luck they would mistake me for one.
As the ship gained altitude I got a good view of the arena. Massive teleportation rings outside of the arena, there were paths leading from the circles to the arena, but there was no damage whatsoever around the stadium. High up, it was easy to see that no bombs had actually gone off in the area.
“What the fuck,” I mumbled, but was reminded that this place had very advanced holographic capabilities. “Did they fake the attack?” I mumbled as the ship soared over the stadium and continued on.
“What the hell do they gain from-does the Majestor gain from supposed “rebels?” I mused. Lilandra had said she was on the run. I assumed she and her people were the rebels they were talking about. Lilandra had mentioned Mandor was using this whole farce of a trial to declare war on the Kree, and help Thanos in some way. Was he using a bombing scare to help keep the people blind to the fact of an impending war?
“What the fuck is going on?” I mumbled. I felt like I was right. Either I was good at guessing or maybe my Haki had finally gotten to the stage of Rayleigh’s, where he could get a sense of what was going on based upon the Haki in the air. Or I’d watched too many movies.
The ship slowly raising up, I fell off and began flying in the direction of the underground bunker I had been captured in. If there was any way to find Lilandrin, Gladiator, and the other mutants, that was my best bet. Hugging the ground as I flew, I reached into my subspace, pulling out another holographic projector.
Before I could turn it on though, I was stopped as a voice asked, “What are you doing?”
I whirled in the air to face a smiling Phoenix. “What the fuck,” I said as I slowed down my flight. She matched my speed, staying just a few feet in front of me. Her Haki hidden from me for a moment, it flared to life instantly as we stopped in the air. “I thought you escaped the planet or something.”
“Hell no, I’ve got some unfinished business here,” she said with a smile. Her eyes sparkling wide as she stared at me.
“Wh-what kind of business?” I asked. Now that I could feel her Haki, there was a lot going on inside of her. Anger, joy, annoyance, confusion, more anger, and last but not least, a lot of lust.
“These Shi’ar asshats for one. Kidnapping me,” she tsked, floating to her right I began to float so that we were moving around in a circle. I was hesitant to let her get too close. “Did you see them scream when I announced myself?”
“Yeah…uh why exactly did you do that?” I asked. I was worried she had gotten memories from other past incarnations of the Phoenix.
“No idea,” she said with a laugh. “It just felt right.” Nodding I felt her draw close so I moved back. “Why are you so scared of me now?” She giggled. “You were all over me in Limbo. Have you forgotten the time we had together in your little, what was it, Pillow Room?”
“No, I uh…” I continued to retreat slightly. So much going on with Anne, Delilah, and Scarlet Witch too. I was a little overwhelmed. “I’m just hesitant. You uh, don’t have the best track record with staying in control.” She frowned. “I mean, your other personality takes over.”
“Ah, Jean,” she said with a nod. “I think she is gone for good. I feel so much stronger now. I can feel it too. That blocking the professor had on me is gone. I’m all me again.”
“So what’s your plan?” I asked. “Kill all the Shi’ar?”
“Woah…I hadn’t thought of that,” she said, stopping her flight. Her hand went to her chin as she thought. “Do I need to kill all of them?”
“I don’t think so,” I said, regretting my choice of words. She felt far too indecisive at that moment. As if her goals could change on a whim. It was easy to see she didn’t know the full extent of her powers. The Prophecies of the Phoenix made me a little scared of what she could do. Right now I pictured her as probably the strongest person I had met, whether she knew it or not, and it was a little terrifying. “I think killing the Majestor would probably work.”
“Okay,” she said with a nod, making her chest jiggle. My eyes were drawn to the perfect globes, causing her to smile wide and float closer to me. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you can do though.” I didn’t retreat, my gaze locked on her eyes as she began to glow slightly.
“Oh uh-” I was cut off as she kissed me. It was weak as I pulled back. My right hand holding her elbow as I stared at her. “What about Scott?”
“Who gives a shit about him?” She asked, her eyes taking on the gleam that said I shouldn’t pass this opportunity up. “I can read it in your mind. You are much more fun.” Her chest pushed against me, causing my dick to harden as she moaned. “Do what you did to me in your mind space, Weston. I can still feel it.” She moaned in my ear as she bit my lobe. “Jean could feel it. All that time, dreaming of you.” My hand went down to her firm ass, my dick digging into her muff.
“We can kill the Majestor. Then go out there. See the universe,” she whispered hotly. “Forget Earth. My place is out here. Doing whatever I want. The question is, do you want to join me?”
“What makes me so special?” I asked, trying not to believe how simple she made it sound. I was being offered a free ride with a gorgeous woman that could potentially challenge the gods of this world. It was far too tempting to have her by my side.
“I don’t know,” she said with a shrug, but smiling wide. “Something tells me, you’re more like me. Take what you want, damn the consequences.”
“Fuck,” I said, knowing she wasn’t wrong. I knew she was psychic and probably stealing thoughts from my mind. I couldn’t feel any intrusion, but she was a lot stronger now. At the moment I didn’t really care though. She was far too appealing to pass up.
I channeled some Nen heavy Hoken into her, causing her to moan as her nerves began to come alight where my lone hand touched. Suddenly we were both on fire. Before I could feel any pain though the flames disappeared and we were naked.
“That’s fucking hot,” I admitted as her naked body pressed against mine. Giggling happily, I finally felt her psychic fingers move across my brain. Instead of digging for information though, they were somehow making me feel good. Like my own nerves were alight with pleasure as she manipulated my brain waves.
“Fuck,” I grunted, my dick never harder as I pushed more Hoken into her. She came instantly, her control over my mind broken for a moment as I made her body convulse in pleasure. Mid-orgasm she grabbed onto me and opened her legs. Still floating in the air she halted flying and fell onto my dick, causing her pleasure and pain as I pierced her hymen.
“Goddamn,” I grunted, caught off guard by how forward she was being. I still worried Jean would take over and come back, then I really would be cucking Scott. But Phoenix was there in full force. Her eyes fluttering, she settled with my dick fully sheathed inside of her.
“Finally,” she said with a gasp as her long nails raked across my back. Her lower muscles writhed around my cock as she shuddered and her orgasm finished. “That’s uh…bigger than I thought it was.”
“You’re just-fucking tight,” I grunted, unbelieving how good she felt. I thought she was hot before, but her cunt felt like it was over 100 degrees. My hand holding her ass, she took my chin with both hands, drawing my gaze up from her perfect rack.
Her eyes staring into mine, there were no need for words. All she did was nod as I pulled back and slammed back into her. She cried out in pleasure and pain again as I thrust harder. Her naked chest jiggling with each thrust I poured more Hoken into her, causing her legs to wrap around me as she breathed in and out heavily.
Her arms holding onto me for dear life, I pistoned into her with all I had as I shot Hoken from my dick. As she came again, her psychic fingers moved to my brain again. Making me feel new pleasures as wherever she touched me felt like I was on the precipice of cumming. Unsure how she was doing this, I guessed she was copying what I did to her.
More turned on by the act, I sped up, humping into her harder until I came into her as far as I could. Her body still wrapped around me. She moaned happily in our post-orgasm, but she wasn’t done. In fact she felt like she barely started as she began to writhe on my front. Squeezing me for all I was worth.
“You talked so much about what you could do,” she moaned, her own hips pulling back and slamming into me. “Show it to me.”
Sweating from the simple act, I nodded and stopped flying. We free-fell the short distance to the ground and I landed hard, but couldn’t care less. Laying her down in the cyan-colored grass of the planet I pulled out and slammed back in all the way. No longer going easy on her, I used my real strength. Which was awkward at first to only do this with one arm.
My dick shooting out Hoken as I penetrated her again and again, she cried out. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head the grass around us was singed by fire, combusting the area around us. At the moment I couldn’t care less. Her psychic powers manipulating my body to feel more pleasure than I had imagined possible. I tried to repay it ten-fold as I continued using my Hoken on her.
“Fuck! Fuck! God-yes!” She cried as one orgasm rolled into another. Somehow mirroring what she was feeling onto me I came into her again. My large dick depositing an even bigger load into her deepest parts as she began to squeeze and knead her tits.
When I was done cumming she sat up on her elbows, her face inches away from mine as she licked her lips. Groaning, I pulled out and flipped her one handed like a pancake. She gasped, as I manhandled her into doggy style. But instead of taking her like an animal I used my hand to pull her up so she was sitting on her knees.
Slamming my dick back into her she gasped, turning her face to kiss me as my hand pinched her nipple while cupping her breast. Her haki told me she liked the rough treatment as I slowed down on the Hoken. Letting the wet sounds of our sexes colliding accent her moans as we kissed over and over from over her shoulder. For the first time in a while, I felt alive again.
No more worried about the feelings of this person or that. I let the sex do the talking as I pulled out and slammed back into her. Her legs quivering, trying to keep up with the strength I was pounding into her with, she began to cum again. Moving my hands to pinch her nipple harder I moved it to her neck and squeezed slightly.
Acting on instinct I could feel her orgasm only increase in strength as my hand shot Hoken into her own neck and brain. Firing the synapses and nerves inside of her she only cried out louder. This time setting a further area around us aflame.
“Fucking, light headed,” she said then laughed as she wobbled. Her hand moving to the back of my head she pushed into me, keeping me from fucking her. Lower muscles tightening around me she moaned loudly as she wiggled on my front. “This is so much better.”
“You’re telling me,” I said, calming my libido slightly as my hand explored her front. A minor break in our love making I looked around, seeing the extent of the fire she called with her pyrokinesis. Worried that someone may have noticed us, I extended my Haki outward.
Immediately feeling a ship in the distance I was worried for a moment, but noticed they weren’t heading toward us. About to draw my Observation Haki back in, I noticed a familiar Haki inside the ship.
“Fuck,” I said, pulling out of Jean. She dropped to the patch of grass still there.
“What the hell, I just wanted a break,” she said.
“No, it’s Glad-Hard to explain. I need to get to a ship that way,” I said. I had been looking for my clothes but remembered she burned them up. Cursing, I lifted off and began flying toward the ship. Picking up speed, a naked Jean followed behind.
“What is it?” She asked, mildly concerned, not about the person, but wanting to make sure we could keep with the sex.
“This strong ex-Imperial Guard guy, he works for the princess or whatever,” I said. “He is in that ship there. He feels knocked out.” I pointed at a ship ahead of us. His Haki said he was weak and restrained, but not dead. The ship was large, and had two engines at the side that lit up blue as the ship’s speed increased.
Jean sped up around me, uncaring how naked she was, or of the white cum leaking from between her legs. Her hand reaching out toward the ship I expected flames to be shot out, but instead the ship exploded. Not in a fiery hellflame, but every part of the ship shot away, like she had dissected it instantly. For a moment the ship continued in it’s trajectory as the people inside screamed, then the two engines on the sides exploded as the now unstable parts collided with one another.
I shot forward, grabbing the unconscious Gladiator between the blasts. Covering myself in Nen, I was protected from the shrapnel as everyone else on the ship was killed. Dropping down, Phoenix lit the rest of the ship on fire with a hot blue flame. Dodging around it, I circled around back to her as she incinerated everyone and everything from the ship.
“That was…awesome!” She laughed, looking at her hands.
I couldn’t help but agree. Her indifference at killing two dozen people was a little off putting, but mainly because the mild Jean wouldn’t have done that. That’s for sure. “I-I can’t believe I did that. It was so natural. Is this what sex does?”
I barked a laugh. “I’m good, but not that good.”
“I don’t know,” she laughed. “My mind feels so clear now. I think I could-” She stopped talking for a moment. Her eyes going glassy, I looked at her concerned by the weird stare. Her Haki shifting in an odd way, I frowned as she looked at me.
“Weston?” She asked, confused, then looked down to my naked body.
“Fuck,” I said as I looked down to her naked body and she did the same. Jean was back now. It was easy to see as she began to scream as she fell to the ground.