Canon Fodder - Chapter (457)
Dropping down, I tossed Gladiator on my back. Though limp, gravity kept him on me as I grabbed Jean’s hand far above the ground, but she still screamed. Her eyes staring at my junk and down to her naked body, I internally cursed myself as I flew us away from the wreckage of the ship. Positive that the AI had a lock on us, I yelled down, “Shut up!”
“Weston! What is going on?!” Jean yelled, her eyes as big as saucers. The confident Phoenix no longer there in her eyes.
“Just shut up,” I said as I pushed a Rift into my subspace out. “You see that black hole in front of your eyes?” She looked down to the floating hole in space. “There should be a small metal cube there. Grab it.”
“What about all the gold?” She numbly asked as she reached in.
“Ignore that. Just the cube,” I said. When she pulled the cube out I shut the rift. “Push the green button on the side.” She looked up at me, but did as I asked. Energy filled the air as a holographic image appeared around us. Making us disappear. Looking up there was a ship descending into the atmosphere above.
Gritting my teeth, I began flying us away. More ships landing at the wreckage, a sleeping Gladiator on my back didn’t feel the straightest since I was still naked. Shrugging him to a better position I flew us as far away as I could.
-I assume you can still read minds?- I asked in my head. Jean looked up. Her Haki was as powerful as before, but much more erratic. She was plenty strong, but didn’t appear to know how to handle it.
-YES!- She yelled in my head causing me to falter in my flight.
-Calm it down- I said. Looking back I didn’t doubt that there were some Shi’ar with good hearing. I felt more comfortable talking in our minds. -You’re a lot stronger now. So whisper, please-
-Weston, what the fuck is going on?!- She yelled more quietly as she stared up at me. -Where are we? Who is that? And why the fuck are we fucking naked?!-
-This is Kallark or Gladiator or whatever- I thought, shrugging my shoulders. -He’s like the indentured guardian of the princess of this planet. Why we are here isn’t important. Why we are naked…we kind of had sex.- I looked down at her, showing her how serious I was.
-You have got to be kidding me…- She said, tears in her eyes.
-I wish I was- I thought truthfully. -It was consensual…Do you like, want to see my memories?-
-YES!- She thought and raped my mind.
That was the only way I could think of it. Before when I felt a psychic on me, it was a light touch. Currently my mind felt like it was getting fisted as she barreled in, seeing my most recent memories. I began to drop, unable to fly as the memories replayed and took all my focus.
“Jean! Fuck!” I yelled, my eyes closed as we dropped. She pulled back instantly.
“Sorry,” she said, still holding on. “I-I am way too strong now. I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“It’s fine,” I lied. It really wasn’t, my head was hurting like crazy as I righted my flight. I sped up and once we were out of eyesight of the crash I dropped us down to one of the many trees littering the area. The holographic cube keeping us hidden I dropped Kallark like a sack of potatoes as I rubbed my head with my lone hand.
“Are you alright?” Jean mumbled, concern in her voice as she moved to my front.
“I’m fine,” I said, shaking my head as I opened my eyes to look at her. “How are you, did you see…”
“I did,” she said, blushing and turning away. “I uh…think I remember now. Kind of…thought it was a dream again.”
“Again?” I asked.
“Yeah, I uh…think I remembered a while ago what happened in Limbo. Or I’ve been putting it all together. I remember Magnus and…your room of pillows,” she said. Lust and embarrassment leaking in. I didn’t say anything, leaving it all to her as she worked through something. Eventually she turned around, tears in her eyes as she looked at me. “What is happening to me?”
“I have no idea,” I said truthfully. She groaned as she made fists. “I have an inkling of an idea though. Has the Professor ever told you how he blocked your powers?”
“He said he hid them from me for a bit and I would awaken them some day!” She said exasperated. “I feel like I have a whole other personality breaking out every chance she gets.”
“That’s not too far off,” I said, which made her curse. “Or it’s not a personality at all. I don’t know, maybe it’s the real you.”
“The real me? I killed like twenty people back there. And that guy in the tournament? I’ve never even hurt someone in my life,” she said.
“Okay,” I said, seeing her issue. “But at least you’re strong.”
“What the hell does that matter?!” She yelled, looking gorgeous while angry and naked.
My eyes shot back up from her chest. “I don’t know. Strength is the ultimate currency in the universe.” She frowned, not understanding me. “What? If you’re strong but poor, go take money. Someone tries to hurt you, become stronger than them. It’s the way of the world, Jean. I saw how scared you were at Calhoun when the Marauders attacked. Do you really think any of them would have a chance against you now? Did you see how bad you were getting beat in the tournament? You incinerated that guy. Come on, Jean, it’s pretty badass.”
“Not with a split-” She stopped talking and zoned out again. This time it lasted a split-second and a stronger, more confident voice came out.
“Shut the fuck up,” Phoenix said to herself, not staring at me. “All you’ve ever done is bitch and moan.” Her voice became high pitched, talking in a mocking tone. “Oh I’m Jean. Protect me Scott! Oh my, I wish I could do that, why can’t I? I wish Scott would make a move? I don’t want to seem improper though?” Her voice became deeper again. Back to the stronger Nix voice. “Nag, nag, nag, nag, whine, that’s all you do.” She zoned out again and her facial expression changed to the weaker Jean.
“I am
that way,” she said.
“Yes, you are,” Phoenix said. “I’m that part of you that-”
“Let’s please not have this conversation outside,” she said. Unsure what was going on the woman or women or whatever shut down. Their eyes closed they appeared to have a mental conversation as her Haki flared between the outgoing Phoenix and introverted Jean.
I was at a loss for words. Reminded of Twice from My Hero Academia, I hadn’t expected two personalities to pop-up. Unsure why that made her hotter for some reason I mentally boiled it down to the librarian and biker chick all wrapped up in one package. Curious who would come out on top I turned away from them as Kallark began to wake up.
I moved over to him. The big purple skinned man blinked a few times and groaned as he rubbed his mohawk. “Have a good sleep, Grimace?” I asked, referencing the purple…thing from the old McDonald’s commercials.
“Weston?” He asked, confused as he blinked more. His eyes locked onto my dick. “Why are you naked?” Then he shook his head. “Where is Lilandra?!” He began to get up.
“No idea,” I said truthfully. Resting my arm on his shoulder I pushed him back down. “What happened to you guys?”
“We were attacked,” he said, his body shaking in rage and pain as he grimaced. “I’m sure you gave our plan away.”
“I most certainly did not,” I said, angry and offended.
“Did you get captured?” He asked.
“Well yeah,” I said.
“Then they must have psychically delved into your mind and got our plan from you,” he said. I rolled my eyes. I had thought they went a little easy on me when they found me at the same place their princess had escaped from. That solved that mystery. “I thought we had covered our tracks. But it appears not. They struck at our other base this morning before we could commence the attack.”
“So the bombs weren’t you?” I asked.
“Bombs?” He asked, confused. I filled him in on what happened, leaving out the Phoenix part. “Mandor is growing desperate. The Shi’ar people still believe she is in seclusion after their mother’s death.”
“He told them she was a rebel,” I said.
“Mandor changes the story often. He will probably try to pretend they are united then have a bomb kill her. Blaming her own Rebel group for the death and justifying a war at home and abroad.”
“Fuck,” I said. “When? How?”
“Soon,” he said, groaning as he stood up. His eyes finally noticed the naked Jean as her Haki shifted over and over from her and Phoenix. Frowning, he looked down at me. “Thank you for assisting me, but I must save her.”
“How?!” I yelled as he began to float. “Storm the palace? Kill all the Imperial Guards?”
“I must do something,” he said.
“What if I had a plan?” I asked, causing him to stop mid-flight. He looked down at me.
“What kind of plan?”
“One which will get you right in front of Mandor. I’m not sure what happened to Lilandra, but it could get you past all his guards.”
“He is the emperor of a thousand planets. You could crash a starship on his location and the forcefields protecting him wouldn’t allow a scratch to hurt him. Not to mention an all-seeing AI that is programmed to protect him above all others. Any plan you have will fail,” he said.
“Nah, I think this one will work,” I said, having worked it out over the last day or so. “It really just depends on how long you can hold your breath.” Gladiator opened his mouth then turned his head, confused by the statement.
“Where am I?” Jean asked, looking around.
“Back at the palace,” I said. The other captives from Earth were below us in their cell. I was sitting on the ledge above them as Jean stood behind me. The holographic projector still going, we were hidden to most eyes.
“Did you dress us?” She asked, looking down at the clothes I had put on her. She and Phoenix had been arguing for at least two hours, and since I got sick of waiting around, I decided to dress us and fly us back.
“Do you mean us as in, you and Phoenix, or you and me?” I asked, looking back at her.
“Uhhh…” She closed her mouth, confused. “I don’t know.” She let out a tired sigh, obviously Jean as she moved to sit next to me. She looked down at the ground tens of floors below, gulped and decided on sitting cross legged instead of letting her feet dangle.
She was quiet for a time, then slowly her hand reached over to mine. Gripping it as she leaned her head against my shoulder. “What is happening to me?” She mumbled.
“A metamorphosis maybe?” I asked. “Or awakening?”
“Call it what you want, I don’t want any part of it,” she said.
“Like it or not, it’s happening,” I shot back.
She let out another tired sigh. “When did you start becoming the teacher?” Then she stiffened. “Oh my god, I had sex with my student.”
“Technically I stopped being your student a while ago,” I said.
“You’re 17!” She said.
“And you’re like 22?” I asked. She frowned. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll wait until we get to Earth to report you.”
“You took my virginity,” she said.
“I do feel a little bad about that,” I admitted, my face flushing.
“Just a little?” She asked.
“What? Scott wasn’t doing the job. You saw Nix, she wanted it gone,” I said. “I’m an impressionable youth. Who am I to say no to a bombshell like…you…both?” I raised my eyebrows suggestively. She blushed, leaning into me more as both of her hands held onto mine. We stayed like that as the sun set in the distance. The area darkening quickly she shivered slightly and Phoenix took over.
“Wanna do it?” She asked, her hand letting me go and moving to my crotch.
“Goddammit, do you still not have control on who is in charge?” I asked.
“No we do, it was her turn, but she couldn’t make a move,” Phoenix said, her eyes sparkling as she moved to straddle my thighs.
“So what? Jean likes me?” I asked.
“Don’t talk about other girls when you are about to be inside of them,” Phoenix said. Moving the robe-like bottoms of our outfits she got my dick out as her pussy was revealed. Without hesitation she lined me up and sat back down on my rock-hard dick. “Fuuuuck,” she said sighing happily.
“You’re telling me,” I said. A part of me was actually kind of into this split-personality thing. From what I could tell, Jean was starting to see what Phoenix was, and the thought of having the librarian and biker chick at the same time made it almost a threesome.
“A threesome?” Phoenix asked. Reading my mind as she began to rock back and forth. “There’s an idea.” Her haki shifted and Jean said, “No.”
Phoenix took back over instantly. “You had your chance. Tell me, what’s it like to have another woman in bed?”
“Pretty awesome,” I admitted. Unable to help but smile as I got more into the sex. My hand at her back I began pulling away as Phoenix did, then thrust forward as she did. Hoken shooting out of my shaft she began to lightly cum as she scratched at my back. Her movements speeding up our grunting and groaning became more frantic as her pussy tightened around me.
My dick flexing to it’s max length she gasped. “You’re slamming into my cervix,” she grunted.
“Sorry,” I said.
“Don’t be, do it more,” she said, making my dick grow harder. Gripping her ass I sped up more. Loud smacking noises were the only sound around us as I took her again.
-Cum in me- She ordered telepathically. -I want to feel it. All of it. Blow it in as far as possible. I’ll lick your cock clean so you can do it again and again. Take my ass. Let me keep feeling all of this- She shuddered as she came harder. I began to float in the air, allowing her legs to open wider as I sped up.
Finally able to feel like I could actually sate my lust on someone I pistoned into her harder. Pulling all the way out only to slam back in as far as possible. Her orgasm redoubled as my Hoken lit up her lower half. Making her ass cum too with a redirection of the Hoken, she cursed as she bit my chest. Finally I came into her as hard and deep as possible as she cried out.
Breathing in and out heavily she laid on my chest as we floated in the air. “I can’t believe I did that,” Jean mumbled.
“Me either,” I said, uncaring which of them she was at that point. We laid like that for a long time. Me floating us in the air as my hard cock filled her to the brim. When the night air began to get a little cold she shivered and I pulled out.
“Holy jeez that’s sore,” she mumbled, holding onto me as she righted her clothes.
“Sorry about that,” I said. “Umm so what’s the verdict here?”
“For what?” She asked, the meek Jean back.
“Like uh, what are you doing with Scott?” I asked, my eyes drifting to the holding cell below us.
“Oh my god, no,” she said. “I uh need to break it off with him.”
“I would appreciate it,” I said truthfully. “Should we…” I stopped asking as I opened a Rift into one of the emptier rooms.
“Y…es,” Jean said and I floated us through. We dropped back into one of the bedrooms. Jean looked around for a moment, spreading her own psychic fingers around to see where everyone was. She turned to go toward the door but then changed her mind. Facing me she kissed me on the lips once then blushed as she ran out.
Annoyed at my own stupidity for allowing this drama to happen, I mentally shored up my psychic defenses and stepped out into the sitting room. Front and center were Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver. Wolverine’s clothes were in tatters, showing he had been beat to hell, but the twins looked fine.
“Where the hell have you been?” Wolverine growled. I eyed Jean who was whispering something to Cyclops. Her Haki all over the place. The one-eye became worried as she dragged him away.
“Out for a walk,” I said.
“How did you get out?” Colossus asked, but I ignored him.
“I see you’re back. Get your ass kicked?” I asked, Wolverine.
“Me? You’re missing a fucking arm,” he said.
“Oh yeah, just a flesh wound,” I said, shrugging my left shoulder. “So you guys fail the attack today then?”
“Yeah…” Wolverine began explaining what happened to him. After he, Scarlet, and Quick escaped while I was getting my ass kicked, Gladiator found them and took them to their new spot. They confirmed everything Kallark said about being found that morning, but Wolverine got his ass kicked by some Imperial Guards. Scarlet and Quick were smart and played dumb.
“They have the princess now,” Wolverine said.
“Any idea what they plan to do with her?” I asked.
“Nothing good,” was all he said. I nodded, content with my own plan. Since no one else was needed for it, I decided to keep it to myself.