Canon Fodder - Chapter (463)
As the area inside the new door began to fill in with the new world I noticed water below me. Falling through the air, other people materialized around me as I took over the body of a new me. Taking a breath, my body landed feet first into the water below me. Water splashing all around, others were falling in as well.
Once I resurfaced, I looked above me to see the end of a wooden pier. The type usually used on the coasts of oceans to let anglers reach deeper waters to fish. People were screaming above and around me. Sputtering as they spit up water and stared up at the end of the pier, my eyes followed them. Those still above were trying to run to the end of the pier, and apparently jumping off of it. The Haki of the people around me was panic, causing my own to jump up since this was a comic world and could be anything. Unsure what the hell world I was in, I looked for the other Weston.
“Yo,” he said, waving at me a few yards away.
“Good, you do show up,” I said as I swam over to him. I had worried he would appear in a different version of us across the globe. “Any idea what’s going on?”
“Nope,” he said. As I got closer, I noticed he had no shirt on. He turned to face the shore then back to me. A wide grin splitting his face he asked, “Race you to find out?”
I opened my mouth then shrugged. “Sure,” I said. He laughed and put his hand on the top of the water, then surprised me by pushing himself up. As he did, he revealed that he was completely nude now. His bare feet stepping onto the water he stood atop it like it was a normal thing to do.
“Fucking chakra,” I said, jealous of the power. Shaking my head, I had actually forgotten he could channel chakra to body parts to distribute the weight under him. Allowing him to walk on water and any number of other skills. Like playing a game for years, then quitting for a while and coming back, I’d have to relearn everything he could do.
“Fucking chakra,” he said with a nod, reaching his hand down.
“We aren’t supposed to grab hands, remember?” I said as I rolled my eyes and began to float out of the water with my Viltrumite flight.
“Damn, you can fly,” he said as I stayed level with him.
“Yep, and I have clothes…and muscles,” I said as I looked him up and down. He appeared to be about 17 years old, which was probably how old my body was. Not much for muscle on him, that tracked with how our physique was at 17.
“And-” He said as I stopped listening. Immense pain shooting into me, I struggled to float as I pushed through the pain. My muscles bulged out and my clothes nearly ripped from the strain as I bulked up.
When the World Lasting Physique was done, I breathed in and out heavily. “And, you can kick my ass now,” Weston said.
“Yep,” I said as the notification appeared.
You have chosen the Walking Dead World.
Everyone is dead, see if you can fix that.
“Of fucking course,” we said as one. He was staring at an invisible screen as well. As we dismissed the notification, Weston raised his hand as more people jumped from the end of the pier above us. As his hand raised, a fist-sized puddle of water lifted up from the ocean. It flattened as he began to manipulate the water with his control of Water Element Chakra. It elongated and became a vertical puddle for us to look at our reflections. Staring into my young face new memories began to flood in.
I was Weston Walker, of course. I had just turned 18 years old, and for my spring break for senior year, my family took us to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We had enjoyed about three days of tourist traps and swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. Then the news began to roll in about a zombie attack.
Of course it wasn’t called that, but it wasn’t long until the attacks had spread all over the country. We had stayed in one of the coastal hotels as the chaos and death had begun quickly. Many escaped the packed vacation spot, but then zombies were at our doorstep. Police took charge in the beginning, and then when they left to protect their own families, the righteous men took over.
After about a month these righteous men began to fight among one another. Trying to monopolize resources, they were happy to take advantage of the situation in the city. Like before the apocalypse, real estate became a much-contested resource that everyone wanted their hands on. Taking the best seaside hotels to ensure access to fish, a view, and a last resort for escaping.
Recently the top three warlords on the coast started to actually send orders to kill one another. Which ended up in one warlord using the undead to infiltrate the other team’s home base. Which was why all the residents I had gotten to know over the last few months were running blindly to the end of the pier.
The last few fighters facing off against the horde at the beach, the populace showed their true colors as they kept pushing to the ocean, and pushing people like myself off the pier. I looked up to see those that had pushed me off were now being pressed against the railing as panic took over the survivors’ reason.
“Get anything?” Weston asked.
I looked over at him, confused. “Yeah, memory meld worked.”
He frowned. “Didn’t for me.”
“Shit, well this is Myrtle Beach. We were here on vacation. Our dad died a month ago, and mom followed him soon after.” I didn’t tell him it was suicide. “Our sister is somewhere in the city.”
“Great,” he said, beginning to walk toward the shore. Stepping over people as they tried to grab onto us, I frowned.
“Weston?!” A girl yelled as she stared up at me from the water. Her eyes wide she turned from me then to the naked version of me.
“Shit, Grace,” I said as I reached down my hand to her. Her eyes wide, she stared at it like it was a snake. Rolling my eyes I grabbed her shoulder, pulling her up. She was my vacation girlfriend.
Having met her my first day on vacation we had spent everyday together since our hotel rooms were so close to one another. When the world went to shit, our companionship only deepened. Helping one another through the deaths of family members, we had never strayed far from one another.
Her Haki all over the place I looked up at the pier. My Haki expanded out to sense everything around us. I could feel that many were bitten and turning into the undead. Frowning, I floated over to the tree trunk-like pillars that held up the pier. Covered in barnacles and other ocean debris I said, “Hold on here. I’ll grab you later.”
Dropping her into the water she yelped but latched on like many others did. “Weston?” She asked, still in shock but I turned to the very naked Weston doing his best impression of Jesus as he stood on water.
“Our girlfriend in the world,” I explained
“Cool,” he said with a nod. It was nice to not have to explain the weird feelings that took over from the Memory Meld. Though he was naked, he was rolling with the punches rather nicely. I looked back up to the pier, the sound of footfalls and yelling above us only grew louder.
“What can you do?” I asked.
“You know what I can do,” he said.
“Not really,” I admitted. “It’s been a while.”
“Oh, well, you should be able to see,” he said, looking at an invisible screen. “Yeah, there, pull up your screen. It says Other next to Status Screen.” I brought it up. I had forgotten about the Other category where I could see Hancock’s screen. I wasn’t sure if this was always there, but Weston was the only other screen I had access to.
Weston Walker
Current Quest:
World 1:
World 1 Quest:
World 2:
World 2 Quest:
World 3:
World 3 Quest:
World 4:
Walking Dead
World 4 Quest:
Passive Skills:
Memory Meld
Dead Man Walking
World Lasting Physique
Matatabi – Level 8
1 Challenger Slot
Viltrumite Physiology
1 Challenger Slot
Usable Abilities:
Status Screen
5 Challenger Slots
World Escape
Berserker Mode
Major Psychic Resistance
5 Challenger Slots
Medium Body Mod Resistance
Hardened Organs
Medium Adaptability
Minor Radiation Resistance
Fortune’s Blessing
Venom Resistance
Poison Resistance
Illusion Resistance
Fertility Control
Minor Inverse Resistance
Minor Sonic Resistance
Gantz Armor
Stored (24)
2 Challenger Slots
Shi’ar Armor
Bonus Copy
Hero Costume
Door Fragment
World Role Choice
Hall Door Fragment
World Choice
His screen was the only one listed so I brought it up.
Weston Walker
Current Quest:
World 1:
Walking Dead
World 1 Quest:
Passive Skills:
Memory Meld
Dead Man Walking
1 Challenger Slot
Usable Abilities:
Status Screen
6 Challenger Slots
World Escape
Conqueror’s Haki
Tremor Devil Fruit
Journeyman Eye
Medium Identity Theft Resistance
5 Challenger Slots
Fertility Control
Hardened Skin
Minor Psychic Resistance
Medium Magic Resistance
Capsule – House
2 Challenger Slots
Demon King Armor
1 Challenger Slot
“What the fuck,” I said as I floated next to him.
“Yeah, I know, it’s shit,” he said. “Remember, I only cleared one world. You took over half of my Challenger Slots. Trust me, I got some good ones. I just didn’t get them before I assigned the Slots.”
“A while ago I got a World Choice, Hancock begged me to use it on a world in the Book Hall, so we checked it out,” he said. I wanted to ask, but all the screaming around me was getting annoying. I looked at those treading water and trying to hold onto the tree trunk pillars holding the pier up. Grace was still lost, but at least safe. I really cared for a lot of these people in my past life, so I needed to save them. As I thought that a new quest appeared.
Walking Dead Quest 1:
Kill Zombies (0/100)
Disease Resistance
“Nice,” we said as one.
“You have to kill zombies?” He asked. I nodded. “Mine says, World Lasting Physique for the reward.”
“Mine says Disease Resistance,” I said, a little surprised. “I’m guessing since I have World Lasting Physique, maybe it’s trying to catch you up.”
“Guess so,” he said as he dismissed the notification. He looked up to the pier. “Shall we start?”
“Yep,” I said as I began to float higher into the air. As I did he lifted himself up by a puddle of water at his feet. I kept it slow as we moved to the height of the pier. Some people began to turn into zombies in the crowd. I moved to kill them as three droplets of water shot at them at breakneck speeds. I could almost feel the Nen inside them, making them increase in volume. Then they punctured through the heads of the turning humans, killing them instantly.
“Nice,” I said with a nod. In the past we didn’t have enough skill to kill with water, but had to freeze it. His control of chakra must have increased. I looked around, not wanting to be outdone.
I noticed more zombies as I extended my Observation Haki outward. Going nearly a half-mile around me, I gathered Hoken in my hand. The electricity began to build up as I poured Haki into it. The pure white power turned black as the infusion of Haki took hold. Shooting my arm out, the bolt of lightning streaked to the nearest zombie.
It’s head exploded and the Hoken jumped to another and another, killing a dozen before it was out of range. All guided by me as I floated in the air.
“When the hell did you become God Enel?” Weston asked.
“No idea,” I admitted. I hadn’t put that together before. But I could watch a wide area with Observation Haki and control electricity, it was a comparison I didn’t care for, but was accurate. “Shall we?” I asked.
“We shall,” he said as he shot toward the end of the pier, ready to help save as many people as possible.
“I really wish you hadn’t walked on water,” I mumbled as we stared down at the pier. Sitting atop the hotel our group had taken over when this all started, everyone was safe once more in their respective rooms below us. Their Haki radiated a number of emotions I didn’t like. Dozens of people had seen other Weston walk on water, us fly, and kill a few hundred zombies that had threatened to kill most everyone. Because of it, they were a mix of reverence, jealousy, and any number of emotions that said we would have a hard time leaving them alone.
“Dude, that’s my thing,” Weston said as he continued to do pushups. He and I had both finished our quests of killing 100 zombies. I won the race to 100, and we then received an update of 1,000 zombies to kill. I would receive a Bonus Upgrade and he would get the Disease Resistance Bonus. Because he now had the World Lasting Physique he would have to start getting stronger in this world to translate it to others. It was at least good to see he hadn’t given up on getting stronger in new halls.
“They’re practically ready to worship us now,” I said. “The dead rising, a dude walking on water, and flying around, this is going to be a pain in the ass…” I groaned. Normally I tried to keep powers hidden, but past me liked all of these people. Though the leaders in the area had been dicks, the average person was friendly as we tried to muddle through the end of the world. “I think we should leave.”
“Leave?” He asked. Flipping over, he began doing sit-ups. “Why would we leave? The ending to the Walking Dead comic was a community where people were safe. We just need to make a stronghold safe from the zombies and canon should finish.”
“That could take years,” I groaned. “You know as well as I do that Kirkman probably didn’t mean to end the story that way. He was just wrapping up the story so the TV show execs couldn’t steal more of his ideas.”
“Maybe,” he said.
“We need to find the High School of the Dead ending,” I said, thinking back to the Manga world. “We find the cause of the virus, and the canon should end.”
“Didn’t Kirkman say the cause of the virus was some space spore from an asteroid or some bullshit,” he said.
“Yeah, I think so,” I said, thinking back to what I remembered. “We can cover a lot of ground with our flight. Wrap this world up while we catch up.”
“Or…” He said, sitting back up. “We split up. I do my thing, you do yours.”
“What the hell, I thought we were supposed to talk about what we have been through while we worked together,” I said. “Catch up, learn each other’s skills to come up with a plan for Solo-Leveling.”
“We can do that,” he said as his hands made a shadow clone jutsu gesture. Another Weston appeared next to him, wearing the same salvaged clothes Weston had taken off of a dead guy. “My shadow clone can catch you up. When he ends, I’ll get his memories and send another.” I nodded, slowly, agreeing that it could work. But there was no guarantee that-I stopped thinking as two notifications appeared in front of me.
Walking Dead Quest 2:
Find the cause of the Zombie Virus.
Dependent on Results
Walking Dead Quest 3:
Create a safe harbor from the zombies.
Dependent on Results
“Seriously?” I asked the sky.
“Looks like the System wants us to split up,” Weston said with a smile.
I rolled my eyes. “Does it want us to split up, or is it offering us both options because we talked about plans?” I asked.
“Who cares, the System works in bullshit ways,” he said as he and his shadow clone stood up. “So, you go play Call of Duty, and I’ll play CIV here. Make a nice little stronghold to come back to.”
“Great,” I said, agreeing that there was no real reason to stick together. We had both killed hundreds of zombies, and though he wasn’t strong yet, his Haki, Nen, and Chakra would make him more than strong enough for any issues.
“Should I go try to find the main cast too?” I asked, trying to think back to the show and comic. “Where the hell were they? Georgia?”
“Alabama or Georgia, I can’t remember,” he said. “If you find them, send them my way. Oh right, and you said we have a sister?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure she is alive. Her name is Amanda,” I reached into my pocket and pulled out a family photo, giving it to him. “Also, take care of Grace.” My vacation girlfriend had been too awestruck to talk to me.
“Sounds good, I need the Chikyugi in the Comic Hall anyway,” he said with a wide smile.
“Ah fuck, getting cucked by myself,” I said, rolling my eyes but not really caring. “At least don’t become an asshat like the other leaders here. Take care of the people.”
“I don’t know man, I might pull a Negan and make a nice big harem in this world for us,” he said.
“I’m not sleeping with
you do,” I said with a laugh. “Alright my triplet,” I said to my clone as I showed my back. “Jump on, let’s go figure out what caused the zombie virus.” He moved to my back and I gave him a piggyback ride as I began to float up into the air.
“Stay safe,” other Weston said as he waved. “I love you, be back for dinner, wear protection, try not to get bit.”
“You too, dumbass,” I said and the clone slapped the back of my head.
“Fuck you,” I said, throwing him off my back. He fell off the building and didn’t save himself, choosing to end himself before he hit the ground. I rolled my eyes. “Make me another.”
“Not if you’re going to waste them,” Weston said, frowning.
“Well, tell them not to hit me,” I said.
“I don’t control him,” he said.
“He has your memories,” I shot back. “Don’t play dumb.”
“Fuck you,” he said, frowning. “I don’t have a whole lot of chakra to make these guys yet.”
“Doesn’t the chakra get replenished once they die?” I asked. He shrugged. “Well get to resting. I don’t want to be here all day. And tell me more about these harems you’ve made. I’ve been seriously lacking in that department lately.”
“Ah man, you gotta see this girl in Tutorial is too Hard. Like ten out of ten rack. Hancock had the biggest crush on her, but she was fully straight. During the first meetup of the climbers of the tutorial I saved her from…” He continued on, me sitting across from him as he told me of his adventures.