Canon Fodder - Chapter (468)
I was flying us over the barren landscape of the US border. Linda latched onto my back. The girl was still ecstatically watching everything as her legs wrapped around me. The sun out now, I was glad she at least wasn’t crying.
After we left the observatory I had taken her to her home in Portland. She was an intern at the Observatory as she studied some weird astronomy major I had never heard of. Having been working there for a summer job she was plenty worried about her family. We got to her house but no one was there. Since it looked like the place had been ransacked I hoped they were okay.
Rather than being upset by the fact that they weren’t there she was content. I offered to drop her off at the safe hospital, but she wanted to go with me. After checking in on the doctors I let them know of my plan to check out the possible meteorite sites. They began getting excited and relaying the information to their sister locations around the world. Quickly gathering all the possible scientists needed to potentially study the space rocks, I hoped we were getting close.
The closest confirmed outbreak zone they gave me was near the American and Mexican border. Flying slightly slower so Linda could stay on my back, she had talked for a while. Asking about my super powers and how I got them. I embellished a little and took some notes from King Arthur and Manhwa. Stating I had been chosen to climb a tower and each level of the tower allowed me to gain new powers until I broke out and got back to Earth.
She listened happily and believed every word as I showed her examples of each power. Eventually the questions stopped though and she wanted to land for sex again. I obliged and we were finally back on our way to one of the many possible landing sites of the meteorites.
Far more around the world than I expected she stated that space junk and meteorites fell all the time. Most of it burned in the atmosphere, what didn’t was usually about the size of a rock so people never really noticed them. Since I didn’t know enough about this sort of stuff, I believed her and our search continued.
Unsure what I was looking for, it wasn’t until I felt something off with my Haki that I started to get excited. It was new, something I hadn’t felt before.
I had been to all types of landscapes and worlds. Each had their own signature Haki. Tropical areas felt warm, populated places felt chaotic, it all depended on what was there. So far this barren desert felt rather…calm. Very few animals awake or moving in the sunlight, it was mostly just sun and dried up soil. But off in the distance I felt some kind of wrongness.
As I moved in the direction of this new anomaly I noticed an increased amount of zombies coming from it. Women, men, and children, bags over shoulders they looked to be illegals running across the potential greener pastures of America. Then again there was no America anymore, were they illegal?
As I thought on the state of the world the eerie destination ahead let out a pulse of Haki.
“L-land-“ Linda said from my back. She began to retch, her own Haki beginning to reflect that of the area ahead. Immediately stopping, I flew backwards. Her Haki pulsed, growing weaker with each beat. “I’m gonna be sick,” she moaned as I took us down to land.
A good two miles away from whatever had caused her to feel sick, I skirted along the ground until her Haki stopped getting weaker. As if we passed some kind of threshold she took a deep breath. Dropping to land I let her go, allowing her to stumble on the ground.
Coughing and sputtering, she began to wretch again but nothing came out. It took her time but she slowly recovered. When she did I asked, “what happened?”
“I-I don’t know,” she mumbled, blinking rapidly. “I felt like I was dying. My heart rate slowed, and there was this b-burning on my skin.” She began to rub her hands on her skin. Trying to scratch as well as make sure there were no blemishes on it.
“I’m uh, gonna keep on,” I said.
“Don’t leave me,” she said, forcing herself up. I pushed on her shoulder, keeping her down.
“It’s fine,” I said, opening my subspace. “I’ll be right back.” I pulled out one of the many guns I had taken during my trek across the country. “Point and shoot this if anything comes your way. Or just shoot it in the air. I’ll hear and be right back.”
It took some more sweet talking but I was on my way to the source of the corruption. Flying quickly, I was completely aware of my body, but didn’t sense anything off. No weakening or changes to my Haki. Unsure if my immunity was due to my Viltrumite form or the new Disease Resistance, I kept on.
The area only got more…wrong. As if the whole landscape was sick and dying even the dirt was a discolored black. No people or zombies around. I didn’t know what to make of it. A part of me knew this was what was causing the zombies.
I could feel it. Taste the death in the air. I had been around it for a while now. Especially in 300 world when we killed by the hundreds. Had to shovel the dead to clear the killing zone for more death.
As I got closer and closer I knew this was different somehow. Where that had been war, this felt…mystical somehow. Like I was in some undead swamp, this felt otherworldly for some reason. It didn’t belong on the planet I grew up on, but it was here.
I began to sweat. My vision going blurry as I saw it. Not overly obvious, but an absence in the landscape. Fully cleared of everything there was a flat spot with a crater directly in the middle. As I stared at the crater my Observation Haki saw it as pure black.
Everything else around me was almost a glowing white. A neutral color, showing its neutrality to the outer world. Nature itself. The crater was like a black hole. Sucking in the neutrality of everything around it. Corrupting it, as whatever it was tried to spread out to the rest of the world.
“Fuck me,” I said, my stomach cramping up as I stared at it. My skin beginning to burn, I didn’t dare get any closer. Instead I raised over top of it. Flying just out of range so I didn’t get any sicker, my eyes focused on the crater.
Ignoring the Haki, the meteorite was a black. But instead of the malformed chunk of metal or space rock I assumed, it was in the shape of an oval. About the size of a loaf of bread, I could almost see whatever radiation or disease inducing aura it was exuding. A foulness in the air that I couldn’t place, I was done with my investigation.
I flew back to Linda. She had moved to a more open spot between bushes and was busily pointing the gun at everything that made noises. Hardly noticing as I floated above her, she screamed as I dropped down and took the gun for her.
“Weston, thank god,” she said practically crying. Latching onto me she pulled back. “What’s wrong?”
“I have no idea,” I said truthfully. Looking in the direction of the crater I frowned, confused about what to do with what I found.
“You can be as loud as you want here,” I whispered in Linda’s ear.
With the simple statement she let the floodgates go. Her hand moving from her mouth she cried out in ecstasy as she came. Her hands gripping the blanket under her she gritted her teeth as her entire lower half had a wave of pleasure roll through it.
My Hoken running through her, firing off nerves and synapses like a wildfire loose in the forest, a part of me knew I could push it further. I had used Hoken on Kallark, an impossibly strong alien, making him go through more pain than he most likely had his entire life. What could I do with pleasure to a normal person?
The power was there. Waiting and ready. The source of my Spark in my body was calling to be let out. I could mix it with Haki and Nen, customizing it to my will. A power I felt like I was barely scratching the surface of.
Linda was a sweating and moaning mess underneath me. I hesitated for a split second then let it loose. Nen-heavy Hoken gathering in my hand, it glowed white as it began to almost drip out of my hand onto her abdomen.
She came harder than ever. Normally when most anyone came it started at their sex. Dick or pussy or ass or wherever. Then the nerves sending those signals would spread out from there. Depending on how strong the orgasm was the active nerves would increase. I had once made a girl cum so hard that nerves in her feet fired off.
This was different though. Where the Hoken touched made her cum. Nerves in her abs lit aflame and spread from there. She cried out louder as her body tried to push up. My dick still buried in her I moved my Hoken filled hand to her breast. She came again.
Hoken so thick in my hand it looked like water I shrugged and poured it over her entire body. Spreading over her like mercury, she squirted instantly, something she hadn’t done before.
Liquid spraying across my abs and crotch, her entire body writhed. Arms and legs vibrating she actually passed out. The whites of her eyes showing, her body still moved sporadically as I let the power die down. Her legs kicking now and then I pulled out of her to let her recover.
Turning around I studied the room we were in. We were in a legitimate castle. The floor and walls were actual stone, the ceiling aged wood that could have been there for a century for all I knew.
We were somewhere in Northeast Asia, probably Russia or a country around there, I wasn’t exactly sure. Either way I had found another meteorite and dead zone. This time it was right in the center of a small town. Like some lich’s lair, the place had felt for a lack of a better word, wrong.
Stuck in my own thoughts, I had flown in the direction of the next until we stumbled upon the abandoned castle. It was a little renovated but had been abandoned for a few months. Most likely a seasonal home for some rich Russian oligarch.
Squirreled away in a massive forest we were miles away from people, dead or alive. A tall sitting chair next to the burning fireplace I got up and sat on it. Opening my subspace, I pulled out an aged whiskey I had hidden away and took a swig of it.
Ignoring the end of the world for a moment, I eyed the passed out Linda on the bed. Her body still writhing sporadically in her sleep, I frowned.
I had always enjoyed making a girl cum. It turned me on more when they were into it, and I knew they loved it. Ensuring I could keep them more than interested. Back when I had chakra it had helped me to ensure the harem life. I could make girls cum so much that they couldn’t hope to keep me sated.
This new power was something else though. Where before I knew women felt pleasure from the Lust chakra just by how they reacted. Now I could see what I did to them. Force them to feel pleasure where they hadn’t before. It was empowering and perhaps a little scary.
I could see this power being used for evil. Not some joke, like being granted a power that could be corrupted. It felt more like I could make a woman addicted to this.
I had read once that people that did heroin and other hard drugs felt so much pleasure from the experience that it made everything else pale in comparison. Making them an addict after only one instance. What I had just put Linda through could only be described as that.
I had known I was getting close to that a while ago. I’d made women in the 300 world cum some hard and often they didn’t have an interest in any one or anything else. Which was one of the reasons I was hesitant to use it on the girls in Marvel.
Marvel was the type of place that was permanent for me. I was currently in some weird otherworldly tournament where I had the opportunity to earn powers and strength by fighting in Challenges. At the end of this tournament I was supposedly getting one wish. Though I had no idea what it entailed, I wanted my wish to include being able to continue going to these worlds. Continue my lives in each. Making kids, having many wives, traveling the worlds and making them how I wanted.
Thus I had to know what I was going to be in these worlds. I was setting the groundwork. Establishing what I wanted to be.
I knew if I used a power like this on Anne, she would probably do whatever I wanted. I could skip all the drama and use my cheat to make her mine. At least that’s what I assumed.
Letting out a sigh, I continued to drink. Not really feeling anything with my part Viltrumite physique, I used it as a way to relax. Content in the stone surrounding me, the crackling fire in front of me, and chair under me.
My thoughts a jumble, I didn’t break away from them until Linda stirred. She moaned happily as she rubbed her body on the silk sheets. When she woke up enough and noticed me she walked over.
“Holy moly that was good,” she said. She sat on my lap, my hands going to her naked body as she moaned again. “What was that? I don’t remember much but I know it was…I don’t know how to describe it.”
“Orgasmic?” I offered.
“Ha, more like a Orgasmi.”
“No, a mix of tsunami and orgasm,” she said. “I’ve-what was that? I had a boyfriend that couldn’t even make me cum, but you? It’s like the difference between being on the bottom of the ocean and being on the sun.”
“That good?” I asked, a smirk on my lips as I studied her. I knew that of course. It was hard to compete when I had otherworldly powers.
“No, better than that. God, I’m still tingling,” she said, finally turning from the fire to look at me. “What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Nothing,” I said with a tired smile. Still unsure what to do. I liked Linda, but I wanted to test my own thoughts. “What are we exactly?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, why did you let me have sex with you that first time? Am I that handsome you just couldn’t help yourself?”
“Maybe,” she said, biting her lip as her legs kicked over my leg. My hand went to her lower back as she leaned into me. Her hand began to move along my chest. “I really wanted end of the world sex. Those asses at the observatory kept hinting at it. But they were all married, old, and annoying as heck.”
“So I was the first guy your age?” I asked.
“More like you have super powers,” she said. “I saw you destroy those zombies with ease. Flying around like it was nothing. And you’re in this mission to save the world? I never thought I was the type to sleep with someone on the first day of meeting them. I made my last boyfriend wait years for that. But my lord, I was swooned beyond belief.”
She looked at me hungrily then. Kissing me hard I moved into it. My dick poking her legs as the kiss became more heated she shyly slid down me. Moving between my legs her eyes stared down at my dick.
“It’s so big. How does it fit inside me?” She asked as her hand began to move along it.
I chuckled, knowing it could be a lot bigger. It sure was in Manga world when I had the third Chikyugi heart. Despite her dried juices coating it she began to lick along my dickhead. Her inexperienced but enthusiastic tongue moving below the mushroom head.
“That felt amazing. How can I repay you?” She moaned, trying to be sexy. It mostly failed since I could feel her Haki regret the words.
“This is a good start,” I admitted, drawing her from her thoughts. She smiled wide and sucked on my glans. Relaxing a little I leaned back, happy for the distractions. Moving down she got about halfway before she choked a little. But that was only her testing the waters. She began to move up and down.
Going to the tip then back down to her choking point her hand moved to my balls, playing with them. More liquid pouring out of her mouth she pulled off, gasping for breath she moved to my balls. Taking one in her mouth as she jerked me off with her saliva as lube.
Her Haki pure gratitude, want, and a little confusion, I knew she was spitballing with what to do. I let out a few appreciative groans when she did something right. Helping her along as she moved from my dick to balls.
When I felt my orgasm build I nodded and she licked quickly on my glans until I released in her mouth. She took the huge shots of cum, swallowing a load only to accept another. When I finally finished I let out a content sigh as she pulled back and began kissing my shaft.
“How are you still hard?” She asked, her eyes wide as she stared at my dick.
“I could go again,” I admitted. “You uh…”
“I uh,” she got up and winced. “I can try.”
I frowned, instead I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. Shame leaked out of her but she grabbed onto my dick, jerking me off.
“I don’t want you to push yourself,” I mumbled.
“I appreciate that,” she said, shame still pouring off her. “What can I do?”
“No idea,” I lied. “Let’s just figure out our next move.”
We were quiet for a bit. Both of us staring into the fire. I decided to change the subject. I wanted to focus on finishing the world up rather than deal with drama.
“We should head back to the observatory,” I said. “I need to get stronger to deal with the dead zone from the meteorites.” I had received quite a few rewards from killing zombies. I was tempted to use them on the disease resistance but I wasn’t exactly sure they were emitting diseases. I felt like it was most likely some form of radiation. Maybe having gone through something weird in outer space before landing on earth.
“They should have processed the sun flare information too,” Linda said, releasing me as she got up.
“Hey,” I said. Grabbing her hand I could still feel the shame leaking off of her. “I really do like you, you know?”
“Thanks,” she said with a frown. Moving her hair behind her head she forced on a smile. “Come on. Let’s uh go back to civilization.” She grabbed my hand but then thought better of it. Seeing the balcony. Instead of dragging me to our clothes she moved us to the glass doors.
Opening them wide she laughed as she stepped out onto the stone balcony. The full moon out, we could see everything around us. A large lake beside us, it truly did look beautiful outside.
“Crazy isn’t it?” She asked. “The world goes to crap, but nature is still gorgeous.”
“And deadly,” I reminded as my hand moved along her lower back as we stood near the stone carved handrail. “Hurricanes will still happen. Forest fires. Causing more death. It’s so…indifferent.”
“Sometimes,” she said with a nod. Staring up at the night sky. “But it’s why I wanted to study astronomy. So much beauty here. I couldn’t help but wonder about the beauty out there too. I wanted to see them all. Those other planets that have this same beauty.”
“That’s a weird reason to devote a career to,” I said, smiling.
“They say do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life,” she reminded. I nodded as her head leaned against mine.
I took in a deep breath from my nose. Enjoying the scent of her and the world around us. Though I’d known her a short time I really did like her. It was moments like these that reminded me why I searched for women in each world.
I had spent weeks traveling with a shadow clone. Then a few more on my own as I worked with the scientists. This right here, with a beautiful girl, made the work so much more worthwhile. I was creating memories with her. A moment I would remember forever.
Though I might not spend a lot of time in this world, no matter what happened, I had these moments. I was here. I had made a mark on the life of this woman. I would be remembered, and it was somehow comforting to know that.
“That’s weird,” Linda mumbled quietly.
“Hmm?” I asked. My thoughts empty as I stared at the ocean.
“Now that I think about it. We know that the sun didn’t have anything to do with the Z’s. I mean, there were those meteorites, so it couldn’t have been a sunflare.”
“Right,” I said, realizing she was correct. There was no way a sun flare caused this.
“But you said they landed east to west over like 24 hours or whatever,” she said, staring out. “Which is astronomically rare.”
“What are you saying?” I asked, not understanding.
She pulled back, thinking as her eyes took on a glassy stare. “I didn’t know it before I started my education but the universe is pretty big.”
“Really?” I asked, Sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, hitting my chest.
“Yes, like huge. So huge it’s rare to get meteors from the same spot. Whatever these zombie makers went through to emit that death inducing crap, they should have all fell around the same time, because the Earth is moving really fast. But that couldn’t have happened since that would mean they came from different directions at once. So that means they were spread out hitting different spots along the world over a day’s time. Which is beyond weird. The Earth is moving through space throughout the day. If these rocks went through the same radiation to emit that stuff they would have needed to be close together. But they weren’t. They were spread out. But somehow hit Earth. I don’t know if any landed in the ocean, but it’s astronomically rare for this to happen. Especially for the meteorite to survive.”
“What are you saying?” I asked. “It wasn’t a coincidence?” I asked, starting to wonder.
“I have no idea. I’m just saying it’s rare,” she said. Slowly her eye drifted up. “When did the meteorites land?”
“Beginning of July,” I said.
“What time?” She asked. I shrugged. “Cus if it happened at night maybe a meteorite landed on the moon too.” She pointed up at the near full moon above us.
I looked up at it. “What would that matter?”
“I don’t know,” she said with a shrug. “There’s very little atmosphere there. Maybe something happened to the meteorites when they struck Earth. Also the meteorite wouldn’t be so broken down on the moon. Maybe there was a nice exterior around the gooey center that protects it from exuding that crap. Or the heat from entering atmosphere caused a chain reaction that cooked whatever it was made of to zombify everything. So if there is a sample on the moon, maybe we could actually test that one without dying.”
“Would it be on the dark side of the moon?” I asked, seeing her point.
“Probably,” she said with a shrug. “Maybe there is a satellite we could send-where are you going?!” She yelled as I raised in the air.
“The moon,” I said with a laugh. Flying up into the air I decided it was as good a time as any for a space walk. Since I knew I could go into space now, it was time to check out the moon. Become the first person in existence to walk on it barefoot. Increasing my speed, I broke the sound barrier as I flew straight at the white glowing orb in the sky.