Canon Fodder - Chapter (472)
As Easton disappeared and the world around me filled in with color and people, I noticed I was on a train. My body now standing instead of walking, I had been looking out of the windows on the door. In front of me was Seoul, South Korea. It was pretty easy to recognize. I had lived through three other lives that lived in Seoul or other busy Korean cities. The architecture and trains were rather distinct to me.
Looking to the other bystanders, the train I was in was rather packed. I began to use Observation Haki around me, no familiar Hakis, I guessed Easton was in some other part of the city living as another Weston. Clicking my tongue I leaned forward to stare into my reflection in the window. I looked about 20 years old. My hair prim and proper, I was wearing a nice suit. Memories began to flood in as the Memory Meld took hold.
I was Weston Woon, of course, but I was not living a good life. On the run from debtors, unable to find a job, I lived under a bridge. I had borrowed the suit I was wearing. My parents were alive, but they lived outside of the city in a small farming village. I had dreamed big of making it in the city with my hard work and knowhow, and life had smacked me pretty hard.
After getting robbed, I went into debt with the wrong people. Since then I had been calling in every favor I could to stay afloat, but my pride hadn’t allowed me to take a job below me. I had wanted to wait for something corporate.
“What an idiot,” I mumbled. “At least I’m not overweight again.” As I said the words my body was rocked by excruciating pain. Muscles bulging out, it took a long time. I was very strong in this hall thanks to Solo Leveling. The kind of strong that allowed me to lift and throw cars, destroy buildings, take on giant monsters with ease.
As the pain of the World Lasting Physique began to recede I received a notification.
You have chosen Omniscient Reader World
Good luck remembering it all.
“Fuck,” I said to myself, drawing some eyes of others around me, but I ignored them. I knew of the world, but I sure as hell didn’t remember much about it. Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint was a pretty good manhwa. It at least changed up the common manhwa tropes, or more accurately leaned into them.
Where typical manhwa followed some returner, or average kid thrust into some hell world, Omniscient took that to a whole other level. It followed a company man that didn’t have much going on in his life. The only thing he ever looked forward to was reading a story. A story that no one liked. It involved death scenarios with a game show feel as otherworldly beings watched Earthlings struggle to survive the scenarios. So basically Dungeon Crawler Carl, without the zany one liners and show cat.
Little did the average Korean protagonist know, once he finished the last chapter of the story, it was chosen as the end of the world scenario. Everything he read happened and he was able to access and remember it all. Unlike me who tended to forget way more than I remembered. Either way, the story was filled with death, returners, and a protagonist that died more than once as he tried to survive the apocalypse.
Suddenly, I was brought out of my thoughts as someone’s Haki skyrocketed in power. With a frown I looked to see who it was, curious if maybe I was in the same train car as the Omniscient Reader. Instead of finding a weak salary man in a suit, I noticed a male model.
About six feet tall he had black hair that was all over the place like mine usually was. A perfect jawline and perfect every other part of him, he was wearing a black trench coat. Underneath the coat was a black button down shirt and to my surprise there was a white collar around his neck, like a Catholic priest’s collar. I frowned, not recognizing him as his Haki stabilized. He felt strong, but not overly so.
Unsure what else to do, I studied the others in the train car. Work having just let out, it was all men and women in business suits. I couldn’t exactly remember what was supposed to happen next in the world, but I was pretty sure the survivors had to kill everyone in the train. Happy that there were at least no kids, it looked like I had lucked out in this world. I considered jumping out of the train to skip the first scenario, but as I did I received a quest.
Omniscient Reader Quest 1:
Complete the First Scenario without
Killing the protagonist
Blank Ability Choice
“Shit,” I mumbled. That quest was oddly specific. I eyed the preacher man. I was guessing he was the protagonist, or at least one of them. I began to study my status screen in a rush.
Weston Woon
Current Quest:
World 1:
Second Life Ranker
World 1 Quest:
World 2:
Returner’s Magic
World 2 Quest:
World 3:
Solo Leveling
World 3 Quest:
Challenge Monarchs
World 4:
Beginning after End
World 4 Quest:
World 5:
Omniscient Reader
World 5 Quest:
First Scenario
Passive Skills:
Memory Meld
Dead Man Walking
World Lasting Physique
Level 163
1 Challenger Slot
Usable Abilities:
Status Screen
7 Challenger Slots
World Escape
Conqueror’s Haki
Tremor Devil Fruit
Journeyman Eye
Dragon’s Visage
Mana Manipulation
World Store
Light’s Hope
Medium Identify Theft Resistance
6 Challenger Slots
Fertility Control
Hardened Skin
Minor Psychic Resistance
Medium Magic Resistance
Love Bask
Minor Curse Resistance
Ailment Resistance
Force Dampening
Capsule – House
3 Challenger Slots
Demon King Armor
Achilies Greaves
Weakness Eliminator
Hall Door Fragment
Item Augmentor+
Item Copy
1 Challenger Slot
I moved through my Manhwa skills in a rush, reminding myself of the powers I had access to. I had only been in the Comic Hall for a few weeks, but I needed to remember everything I had at my beck and call.
I still had the Handicap skill in this world, so all of my power systems were nerfed. It allowed me better rewards, but I was ready to Dismiss it if things became too dicy. Gemini was what allowed Easton and I to split. World Lasting Physique let me keep the same strength in the Hall. The Player Passive Skill was the most recent addition to my repertoire.
I had received the Skill in Solo Leveling. It allowed me to gain experience and strength from anything I killed in any of the worlds of the Hall. Because I had focused on Solo Leveling once I found the world, I hadn’t received much experience from other worlds, but I knew it worked.
Next was my Hancock summon. I had been offered to bring her to this world when I entered, but decided against it. She would still be that homicidal Monarch, and I didn’t want to deal with that right now. My Status Screen allowed me to look at all the abilities I had access to. World Escape let me leave when I wanted. Chakra was the power system from Naruto World. It allowed me to cast jutsus and sex up women like crazy. Able to cast water and lust element chakras, it was my main source of attack. Since I was strong, I had a bunch of chakra to use now, unlike in the Comic Hall.
Conqueror’s Haki allowed me to overwhelm people with my Haki. Since everyone had haki/spiritual energy I didn’t need the ability to use Observation and Armament Haki, but it did make it much stronger. Nen was from Hunter x Hunter, and was basically my lifeforce. Able to access every bit of strength from my cells, I could coat my body in nen or move it through my body to make me stronger.
Tremor Devil Fruit was from One Piece world which allowed me to force earthquakes, and vibrate the air. Though originally it was rather weak, if I let it loose, I knew I could destroy most anything I wanted, especially in this body. My Journeyman Eye was originally Identification. I had received it in Second Life Ranker, and upgraded it to Journeyman Eye. Like a game, I could use the skill to identify information about most anything around me.
Inventory was my own subspace. Having received it in Tutorial is too Hard, it had been upgraded a few times to make it larger. I now had a screen that showed all the little items I had squirreled away in their own little slots. They would stack up to 99, and it allowed me to take things between worlds. Unfortunately the items were locked by rarity. I couldn’t put too rare of items inside the Inventory, but with luck I could upgrade it more to allow me to.
Chikyugi was my own special Sharingan from Naruto. Something special about my body and chakra, it allowed me to more easily channel Lust Element Chakra. I was only at the second stage, so my dick was around 9 inches and my libido was through the roof. I was able to awaken it pretty early on in Second Life Ranker world with the help of Hancock. With the thought of her I forced myself to move on.
Townsend was a skill I had received in Second Life Ranker World. It had originally been Light Step, that allowed me to travel a short distance in a single step by channeling mana. I had upgraded it to Townsend, which allowed me to step miles away. A rather useful skill when I was in a hurry, I had really wanted it on my Status screen, but Journeyman Eye and Inventory was more important.
Next was Dragon’s Visage. I had received that in Tutorial is Too Hard actually. It was originally called Dragon’s eye, and allowed me to see far away. Then when I went to Second Life Ranker I was able to evolve it into Dragon’s armor and eventually Visage. It actually allowed me to have the same strength, and reach of a dragon. By condensing mana, I could extend my arm out like a giant claw that could swipe small buildings away. I didn’t use it all that much since it was a little unruly, but it made me a lot more defensible.
Mana Manipulation was a skill I had received in Solo Leveling. This skill allowed me to channel the different types of mana in worlds. Sniffing the air, I could tell this Earth had some mana to it. The amount was actually growing as the seconds ticked away.
The World Store was something I had received in Tutorial Is Too Hard. I had received a similar skill in Manga, and the ability allowed me to access a store that sold certain items for that specific world. It was mostly useless because of my Inventory, but I had it upgraded to allow me to sell stuff. From all the monsters I killed I was able to gain a lot of gold coins from their corpses and materials. Though I usually spent it on potions, I kept a nice trove of gold just in case.
Light’s Hope was my newest and strongest ability. In Solo Leveling I had become the Monarch of Light. Able to make light into a weapon, step to different sources of light, and create illusions with it, I really wanted to keep the ability to play with it more. Since I had only been in Solo Leveling for less than six months I hadn’t been able to learn all the little tips and tricks for the skill. Using those skills of course cost mana, not every world had mana, so I wasn’t too sure how helpful it would be.
Moving down to Bonuses, most were as they sounded. Identity Theft had helped me from being taken over by a Monarch. Fertility Control made it so I didn’t accidentally make a kid, Hardened Skin made me tougher. One interesting one was Medium Magic Resistance. I had received light, dark, elemental, and nature resistance from other worlds, then they eventually combined together to be all magic. A very important skill in any world.
Love Bask was a skill I had received in one of the smut halls. It allowed me to heal more quickly when I was near someone that loved me. Since I usually fought with Hancock by my side, it had been an invaluable skill. I would have to watch how much damage I took in this world.
Force Dampening lowered the amount of damage I took from giant monsters. Having fought huge building size monsters in these worlds, it was rather useful. Clearguard was my most recent reward from Solo Leveling. It allowed me to equip gear instantly, and it would become invisible on my body. This allowed me to walk around with armor on, and no one was the wiser.
My Capsule House was of course the house from DBZ. Filled with random books and trophies, two bedrooms, and a kitchen, it was my home away from home. The Demon King Armor was a set I received in one of the smut worlds as well. Since the task in the world had been to kill another demon king, Hancock talked me into skipping to the end. He was pretty strong, especially his armor, so the armor and sword were useful.
Achilles Greaves was an Item that removed all of my weaknesses. I had received it as a random reward in the Tutorial is too Hard world. I didn’t know much about it, but it would replace the greaves of my Demon King armor, boosting my strength somehow. The last item that I needed to remember was Annihilation. I had received it in Second Life Ranker. It would instantly kill everyone in a room. It released a massive amount of mana in a set location, searing people to the bone with mana. I most likely needed it for Second Life Ranker, but I had used it a few times. Since the bomb simply had to sit in a room for a couple of hours to replenish the mana inside, it was reusable.
Satisfied with everything I had gained over the last year, I looked up as the air began to condense at the end of the train car. Where it was becoming harder, a pink mist began to form. Then poof, a small white ball of fur materialized. As it did, the train screeched to a halt, making people jostle forward and notice the floating entity.
The ball of fur rolled out like a Gremlin born, revealing a white furred monster. About two feet tall it had black eyes, sharp teeth, and two small horns on it’s head. Between the horns was a small top hat, and a black robe formed over the fur.
“Here we go,” I mumbled as people began to back away from the floating furball.
“Can you hear me?” The monster asked in a static voice, as if it were talking on an intercom. Then it coughed and the voice changed into a higher pitched one as it asked, “Better?”
“What the fuck!” People yelled as they backed away from it. Their haki’s leaking fear, it was good to see they knew this wasn’t normal.
“Good, good,” the monster said as it nodded. “A common reaction amongst your people. Now stop the screaming, I have an announcement to make.” People continued to try to scramble back. The man with the preacher’s garb stepped forward, unafraid. He had a Returner feel to him, almost bored as he stared at the floating demon.
People yelled, spouting things like they had to get to work, or asking if they were on a TV show. The monster tried to talk over them, but when people didn’t listen it snapped its fingers. Three men in front of it had their heads explode. Blood spurted out of their necks as people screamed, but when the monster spoke again everyone listened.
“This is not a dream. Welcome to your new reality. Before today, I’m sure everything was rather normal as you ate and shit, slept and woke, and went about your meaningless lives in this corner of the universe. Yet with everything in life, there is a price. That blissful existence you pretended to enjoy now has a fee. I have come to collect upon that debt.”
“Money? You need money?!” Someone wearing a rolex asked.
“No, no, no,” the beast in the tophat said. “Your currency is no good here. Every worldly thing you own is now as worthless as your lives. So you must prove your worth in this new world order. Providing entertainment for me and mine.” He put his hand on his breast as a notification appeared.
Dokkaebi Channel:
#BI – 7622 now Live
Constellations have joined the Channel.
People around me looked into thin air. It seemed they received them as well. It was nice to know I wasn’t the only crazy person that saw invisible screens.
The Main Scenario has arrived.
Main Scenario #1
Proof of Value
Kill one or more living beings.
Type: Main
Difficulty: F
Time Limit: 30 minutes
Reward: 300 Coins
Failure: Death
“With that, let us begin,” the monster said. He disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke. Frowning, I was pretty sure his species was called Dokkaebi, from the channel screen. I couldn’t remember it’s name before, but a dokkaebi was a mischievous creature from Korean folklore. I knew they were basically the game hosts in the world. They were the antagonists, pushing people to kill and become the murderers that Constellations wanted to watch.
Since we were on a game show, these constellations would pay money to people that did what they liked. Anything from letting people live, to doing interesting things, these sponsors were the most important aspect of Omniscient Reader. I had to be entertaining or else I would-
I lost my train of thought as the preacher man pulled a sword out of thin air and sliced the heads off four people around him. The act having happened in one smooth motion I felt his Haki change to killing intent as people screamed and backed away.
His movements slow to me, I restrained myself from meeting his blade. In all my other worlds, I tried to be good. I tried to help people along, not kill indiscriminately. But this guy didn’t care. Probably the Returner in the story, he had most likely done this exact scenario a few times and was now trying to speedrun through the beginning stages.
“Fuck,” I mumbled. Not wanting to do this. As I thought it, I pulled my Demon King’s sword from my status screen. The blade itself was 6 feet long and four inches wide at the base, the metal tapered off to a tip at the end. The metal a silver color, the hilt was an immaculate diamond and ruby encrusted handle with a gold spike guard. The kind of thing you see on the main character at the end of a game, it thrummed with power.
“I’m sorry,” I said and used one of the swords skills. Channeling Nen into the hilt, the blade turned black and smoke billowed out of it. Filling the room in a few seconds, people screamed then they all died. Their bodies dropping to the ground, I stopped channeling Nen and the smoke rushed back into the blade. As it did I received notification after notification.
You murdered someone
100+ coins
You murdered someone
100+ coins
You murdered someone
100+ coins
They kept coming in, adding up to 2,900 coins.
You now have access to your status screen.
“Great,” I mumbled, pulling up the screen.
Error &@$^
Reading Stats…
“Of course,” I said. I was probably close to endgame strong in this world. This could take a while. I looked over to the preacher as he glared daggers at me.
“What did you do?” He asked, his voice hard as he stepped between the bodies around him.
“Just followed your lead,” I admitted. He had been killing them all for a reason. The amount of coins I received was proof enough for that.
“Who the fuck are you!?” He yelled, growing more agitated than I expected.
“Just…” I said with a frown. “Oh duh, you probably killed me in your other returns.” I nodded, that made sense. He was most likely used to killing everyone in the car. I had really stepped on his toes by getting all the coins. But unluckily for him my quest said I simply had to let him live. My eyes drifting to those dead at our feet, I felt a little less bad, knowing they would all die by his hand. But I needed to do well in this world. With luck I could get strong enough to handle Solo Leveling more easily.
“What is this?” The Dokkaebi asked as it reappeared. “Done already? Interesting.” He eyed me then the other man. “Well I guess there is no reason to delay.” He snapped his finger and we both received more notifications.
Main Scenario #1 Proof of Value
has ended.
Survivors of Bulgwang Train 3434
Carriage 3807: Total 2 people.
Weston Woon
Yoo Joonghyuk
Reward: 300 Coins
Omniscient Reader Quest 1: Complete
Complete the First Scenario
Blank Ability Choice
The Blank Choice was in my Abilities on my main screen. I clicked it and received another pop-up.
Choose an ability from a World’s Status Screen
to add to your Main.
That ability would have been useful before. WIth that thought my new screen popped up.
Name: Weston Woon
Age: 20
Constellation: N/A
Personal Attributes: Unknown
Personal Skills: Cold-Blooded LV 10, Demon King’s Requiem LV 29
Stigma: Heir to the Demon King
Overall Stats: Stamina LV 152, Strength LV 142, Agility LV 166
Mana LV 166
After running some numbers it looked like the stats were one-third of the stats from Solo Leveling. Hopefully, if I leveled up here, they would level in the other Manhwa worlds.
The other man in the compartment stiffened, about to make a move for me. “Don’t,” I warned, pointing a finger at him. I wasn’t in the mood. The death of everyone around me, annoying me more than I had thought. I hoped Easton was having better luck.