Canon Fodder - Chapter (476)
“You’ll never succeed!” The octopus-man yelled over the storm around us. I parried his blow, playing up the challenge for the audience.
I wasn’t exactly sure how long we had been at this. Sooyoung and I had jumped from porno to porno without rest for at least 10 hours by this point. Each movie taking longer to get through.
The second film we screened was as Sooyoung said. It was about a female K-Pop group that got in trouble with the mob. It was super campy, but fun. Although I’d never admit that to anyone. I was cast as the role of the female K-Pop group’s manager and Sooyoung was one of the singers.
She had been reluctant to practice the singing and dancing, but actually had a nice voice. By the end, I beat up the mobsters and had all but her. She did some hand stuff with one of the other girls and it was counted for the scenario so she got coins.
The third film was a sequel to the K-Pop porno. Instead of the mob, the group had to do a show in North Korea. Then they found a new member from the oppressed people. At the end they showed their dictator that everyone could dance.
The second one wasn’t as heart wrenching as the first. But it was enjoyable trying to keep a straight face. I was banging all of them except Sooyoung through the whole thing. Finally letting loose a little, it was a great reminder why the side rooms were there in my Challenges. To give me a break.
We were currently in the fourth scenario. The movie was called Pirates which was a real porno, but this version took a lot more from the original work. Sooyoung and I were currently fighting the octopus-like Davy Jones and his full female crew on the Flying Dutchman ship.
Davy Jones used the tentacles on his face to get the compass out of my reach. “This is your last warning before I send you to my locker!” He yelled like some prerecorded message from a video game villain. The storm around us grew even stronger.
“I think you’ve been around long enough. Give me the compass!” I yelled. Unlike the compass from Pirates of the Caribbean that showed you where you wanted to go, this one directed you to who you loved.
“Do you need help with this?!” Sooyoung yelled. She was holding back the busty four woman crew of the Dutchman. How so few people could man this ship, I didn’t know. Hell, no one was even driving the damn thing.
“I got it,” I assured her. Sooyoung and I had spent the last hours getting to know one another. Though we hadn’t told each other much about our previous lives she did like to talk about her future plans once we got out of the dungeon. She liked to talk about most anything besides sex, that she just tended to watch.
After some quick acrobatics for the audience I got the compass from Davy Jones. He called a huge gail of wind to throw me into the sails. I acted hurt then dropped to the ground. When he gloated over me I leapt up and stabbed the curved blade into his heart. Then pulling back I chopped tentacles and his head off with one smooth motion.
As those around us noticed the captain was dead, the storm he had summoned subsided. Instead of a light engulfing me and us being thrown out the movie, the four women crew stopped fighting Sooyoung and kneeled to me.
“You are the captain now,” the head woman said. She was a brown haired woman in giant heels and wearing a bandana. Her breasts spilling out of her white shirt and brown vest I was reminded what kind of world this was as more Constellations tuned in.
“Oh right, porn,” I mumbled. This film had been severely lacking in sex. I scratched my cheek as I studied the three girls behind her. “Yes, I control the Dutchman…is-do we have sex now?” I didn’t have a script so it was hard to know what to say.
Sooyoung scoffed but the leader of the remaining crew stood. “Yes, if you are to prove yourself. You must satisfy us as only a captain can.” The four women walked into the ship, leaving their dead ex-captain on the deck.
“What the fuck?” Sooyoung asked for the millionth time.
“Don’t ask me,” I said. “I don’t write this shit.”
“Not that,” she mumbled. “You’ve literally done it like 20 times. It’s been less than half a day here. How are you still going?”
“Oh that…what does it matter?” I asked.
“These dungeons are meant to not be easy to conquer. I’m fairly certain if you couldn’t get it up and satisfy these girls we could be stuck here until someone came along that could.”
I wasn’t sure about that but shrugged. “Guess you’re lucky I’m here. Come on, that red head would probably like that stupid nipple flick you do.”
She swiped at me. “I have to help somehow,” she hissed. Her face had been beat red every time she joined in for the sex. But she got the same amount of coins for passing as I did. Probably not as many donations from constellations though. Either way, it was easy to see she wasn’t into the lesbian stuff.
I laughed at her as I walked faster. Heading into the ship we were immediately in the captains quarters instead of the galley like I expected. “Cheap ass porn sets,” I mumbled as the scene in front of me was revealed.
The four women were already going at it. The main brown haired girl was pulling one of the girl’s faces into her crotch. The red head and dark haired girl were 69ing. Each moaning like pornstars, they came loudly and often in each of these worlds.
“Time to get us out of here,” I said. Eyeing Sooyoung, her Haki spiked with a little lust again. A part of me felt she wanted to join in. The lust increasing with each instance. “You uh, wanna go first?” I asked.
She looked down to my erection then face. A blush moving through her I dodged before she could hit me. Laughing, I made my way to the bed.
The first girl closest to me was the blonde between the leader’s legs. Their Haki pure want and need for this, I didn’t hesitate to enter her from the back. She moaned loudly as she ate the other woman out.
My hard dick penetrating her already sopping wet cunt she shivered as I entered. But like Sooyoung said, I was supposed to please them. Bending over her body my hand moved down her stomach to her pussy. My fingers alight with Hoken I touched her clit as I fucked her from the back.
She came instantly. Crying out from the woman’s legs she took a break as I slammed into her. My hand playing with her clit I used the other to grab her neck. Pulling her up to me she kissed me hard as her body writhed against me.
Pulling out and thrusting back in hard, my libido was set to high as I released Hoken in both hands. My hand at her neck simulated the same nerves firing as the girl from Deepthroat. Though this woman didn’t have a clit in her throat, the nervous system still had to pass from her brain to the rest of her body through the neck. Allowing me to basically copy what the pornstar from Deepthroat had felt when I made her cum.
Like a forest fire, the nerves in her neck lit up then sped to her brain. She squirted out almost uncontrollably as her lower body and head came at the same time. I thrust in quickly as she short circuited and came in her as far as I could.
She became boneless in my hands. Her eyes crossed and tongue hanging out of her mouth from the simultaneous orgasms. As my load finished inside of her, I let her go. Dropping to the bed, she was passed out as the other three stared hungrily at me.
I had been hesitant to try the throat orgasm but I wasn’t positive these were real women. The best time to practice this was now. I had screwed it up the first couple of times but got the hang of it. Something that these girls were hungry for after watching it.
Rather than beg for it the three crawled over to me. Each began licking my glans, shaft, and balls. Taking turns as they moved who had control of the shaft. My dick in rare form as it bulged out, they licked and sucked it hungrily. Moaning in pleasure from the taste of the other girl.
When I came, they jerked me off into their mouths. Each taking a shot until I was empty. Then they began making out with each other. Slurping the loose cum up happily.
I turned back, causing Sooyoung to look away. Her thighs had been rubbing together, but I acted like I hadn’t noticed. Turning back to the trio still awake I moved to the redhead.
Laying on top of her I thrust into her in missionary. She screamed out in ecstasy from the simple move. As I began humping into her she let out louder yells. Instead of the other two working with each other though they wanted a part of what I was doing.
The leader pushed me up and sat on the redhead’s face. The dark haired girl began making out with me as I fucked her lover.
My dick made the woman moan loudly with each thrust. Uncaring if I was hurting her or giving her pleasure, I grabbed breasts and made out with the other two as I fucked her for all I was worth.
Loud smacks echoed in the captain quarters. Only accented by the desperate gasps and pleading of the women around me. Forgetting the outside world and my other problems, this became all I knew as my libido only rose. My pleasure increased as my dick bulged in the girl’s tight cunt.
When my own orgasm built up I grabbed her throat and shot Hoken from my dick and hand. Her nerves coming alive, she came hard as I filled her with my own seed. She too passed out after the attention.
The dark haired girl offered me her ass this time. The leader laying underneath us she moved between licking my balls and the black haired woman’s clit. When I came into her ass the leader sucked it out of the passed out girl.
Finally at the leader, Sooyoung decided to join. She wouldn’t get any credit if she didn’t help so she positioned herself fully clothed next to us. The brown haired girl didn’t let her just watch though.
Grabbing her head, she forced Sooyoung into a kiss as I entered her. Sooyoung fought it but slowly got into the kiss. My hand at the leader girl’s back I was fucking her sitting up as Sooyoung kissed her.
When they both pulled away, Sooyoung and I locked eyes and I risked it. Leaning in, I kissed her as well.
She was far less reluctant with me than she had been with the woman. Her tongue actually moving into my mouth she moaned happily as I fucked the last boss.
We made out for five minutes straight. My lower half on auto pilot as I fucked the last girl, Sooyoung kissed me hungrily and I reciprocated. Her hands on my chest, at the back of my head, or touching my arms. Her tongue was in my mouth, or biting my shoulder, or anywhere she could reach as the girl in front of me moaned.
As Sooyoung breathed heavily in my face, my hand moved to her ass, making her quiver in excitement. Letting out a moan she began to pant as I released Hoken into her.
“I’m going to cum,” I grunted. Her forehead pressed against mine she nodded as I sent Hoken into her and the woman I was fucking through my dick.
Both women came simultaneously. Each grabbing onto me for dear life as they did. Though just their lower halves were cumming, it was powerful enough for both.
My dick emptying into the last girl I breathed in and out heavily as Sooyoung did the same. When I pulled out I had to hold her upright. Our eyes locking for moment I asked, “you want to…?”
Her eyes went down to my dick. Thinking for a long moment. Then it all turned white.
Instantly teleported to outside the fake world we were next to the poster and clothed again. The poster now ripped after we conquered it. Sooyoung stumbled to the wall, turning away to hide her blush.
I let her have a moment to herself. Regretting that we didn’t get the opportunity to finish our own fun. I could see that a lot of constellations had hoped we would as well. Comments and donations having poured in there at the end. Giving her time, I looked down the hall. Instead of another poster there was a staircase.
“Shall we?” I asked. Sooyoung jerked as if struck. Straightening her clothes she side eyed me. Deciding that she needed more time, I walked past to the staircase. When I was a few paces away she caught herself and followed.
Her Haki filled with shame and lust, I decided to hope we had more posters to go. My Observation still wary of an attack, I walked up the stairs to find a door that said Reward Room over top of it.
Opening the door, Sooyoung was a step behind as she rasped, “finally.” As we walked inside we received a notification.
For making it this far, please choose
(2) rewards.
“I knew it,” Sooyoung whispered as she looked around. Inside were rows of glass cases. Each one held an item. I moved to the first.
Love Compass-Replica, was written on a plaque next to it. Inside was an exact replica of the Love Compass from the Pirates movie we had been in. Curious if it worked I looked over other items.
There was a microphone that was said to mesmerize people from the second K-Pop movie. It had been a secret weapon North Korea had made to hypnotize the world in the porno. Of course my K-Pop group showed them that music was in your heart, not forced upon you. Next to it was a doctor’s stethoscope. It was called Erogenous Finder. I guessed I was supposed to use that in Deepthroat to find the woman’s clit.
Along with props from the movies we starred in there were a dozen more. One box had an item called a Love Doll Potion. Another had a Bondage Whip that caused pleasure and pain. There were shackles, butt plugs, and any number of random toys that had special powers.
“What are you getting?” I asked Sooyoung as she opened one.
“I…” she said but hid it. Her Haki turning secretive again. Frowning, I had hoped we were getting passed her lying, but decided to ignore it and move on. In the end I chose the Love Compass and something called a Soulheart. The Soulheart was a simple heart. Something a child would cut out of paper for Valentine’s Day. But for some reason it didn’t have Replica at the end of the name and it radiated some Nen. Not much but more than anything else in there. I wasn’t really sure how the rest could be useful so I left it up to random luck. It wasn’t like I could take the items out in other worlds anyway.
With my choices made, Sooyoung continued to look for her last reward. On the other end of the room were two doors. One read Exit, the other read Next Level. I considered what to do as Sooyoung chose an invisible camera that would record you wherever you wanted. Supposedly just for private films, she would probably use it for some normal reason.
“What’s next?” Sooyoung asked as she walked over to me. She read the doors and to my surprise leaked a little sadness when she read Exit. “Are you thinking of continuing?”
“I am,” I said. “Been pretty easy so far. And I have a lot of people watching.”
“Me too,” she mumbled.
Rather than say anything though I moved for the next level door. Opening it I flung the door wide and stepped through. Sooyoung hesitated but followed after me.
A smile on my lips we walked up the dark staircase together. The stairs turned and we followed them. No new door in sight, we kept walking in step. Up and up until…
I woke up to giggling. Before my eyes fully opened I basked in the sound of it. I could feel the day even without seeing it. The sun was bright already casting its warm rays upon me, birds were chirping a mindless tune. The day already felt nostalgic. Like it would be memorable. I could almost feel it becoming a core memory, a moment I would remember forever.
“Time to wake up,” the voice that had been giggling said.
“No,” I said, turning my head as she nuzzled up to my neck.
“Please,” she moaned in my ear as her fingertips moved across my abs. “I need you,” her voice was like pure sex. Somehow relaying into my ear how much she wanted me.
“I need you,” I admitted for some reason that I couldn’t place. Pushing into her I rolled us on the mats until I was on top. My eyes finally opening, they landed on the beginning of it all. The woman that made me the man I was today. Dark hair splayed along the ground, her kimono spilling open to let loose her breasts, pale skin that glowed in the sun, she smiled wide as I stared down at her.
“This was what you wanted the whole time,” I told her out of nowhere, as if I was continuing a conversation I couldn’t recall.
“No,” Reina said, looking away shyly. My dick was rock hard. Already beginning to find its way home inside of her. Her cunt radiating warmth as it dripped on the mats below us.
“Oh well, I don’t want to have the unwilling,” I said, pulling back.
“Wait,” she said, grabbing my elbows to pull me back. She still looked away, acting as if we hadn’t done this a hundred times before. “I maybe want you.”
“Oh well, I
want you,” I said with a chuckle. My dick hovering toward her pussy yet again.
“Just maybe?” She asked. Almost angry as she turned to look me in the eyes.
“Maybe maybe?” I offered.
“That’s worse,” she said, offended.
“Maybe it is,” I said, but was done with the game. My dick plunged into her, ever so slowly. With each inch she moaned louder until I was buried in her. Holding onto me for dear life I squished into her curves. Kissing her neck and nibbling it.
“I missed this,” I found myself saying. Reina below me, I could feel her love as she stared up at me with concern.
“It’s only been a few-“
“No,” I said, cutting her off. “It’s been so much longer. It’s been…”
“Again?” Hina asked. The confident blonde tsking as she beheld us. But as she did her body moved on instinct to undress herself.
“No, no, no,” Hinata said as she followed her. “We have so much to do today. We are not spending all day in this room again.”
“Oh come on, we can be quick, you know how he is,” Hina said.
“I’m quick?” I asked offended. “You’re the ones that barely last.”
“I didn’t say we weren’t quick too,” Hina said as if it were obvious. I chuckled, finding myself smiling from ear to ear. My eyes moved across them. Hina, Hinata, and Reina. My beautiful brides from Naruto world. I was sure Shinju would follow after them soon, making our morning to break out into another orgy.
My eyes landing on Reina last she moved her hands to the side of my head, radiating beyond love. Devotion maybe? It was needed and made me love her more.
Then my vision flashed and she was strapped to a table again. Her organs open to the world in Orochimaru’s sick underground experimentation bunker.
I pulled back and the scenery shifted to the deck of a ship. The waves making the ship sway back and forth I forgot what I had been doing.
“Anchors set,” Nami rasped from the upper deck. “Should we…” she flicked her head to the side. Pointing to the sky.
“Go on an adventure?” I teased.
“No, do the stuff,” she said, talking in code so the others couldn’t understand.
“Have sex in the pile of gold again?” I asked.
“Not so loud,” she said, running down the stairs. “That was one time,” she looked down shyly as she approached.
“It was more than once,” Robin said from my side. Appearing behind me as if out of nowhere.
“That sounds fun, tell me more,” Hancock said. My head looked up, suddenly I was laying on a bed. My head on Hancock’s lap as she rubbed my hair. It was hard to see her through the valley of breasts in my face.
“It was rather spiky. Way too much jewelry in the pile,” I said. She laughed. Her entire body moving with it. When she was done she looked down at me through her mounds. Smiling with all the love in the world. Then her Haki shifted. She became angry with me, rage filling her vision. Her hand chopped down at me and I raised my hand to protect myself.
“What are you doing?” Toru asked. I looked to my feet which were on the ground now. Looking up, no one was there. The semblance of a forgotten face in my vision.
“What?” I asked the empty room.
Suddenly a girl appeared. Naked with pale skin showing. No, it wasn’t pale anymore. There was a very slight outline of a bikini on her. Only her breasts and crotch were pale. She had been so proud to get a tan during our vacation. Her green and slightly yellow hair hung down her shoulders, nearly touching her breasts. The unique hair had a slight curl to it.
I found myself on her instantly. My hands all over her I picked her up easily. “Toru,” I said, the name was soaked with love and want. As if the name meant far more than I could express with a simple word.
She giggled as I said it. Her legs opening as I set her down on my dick. She gasped as I entered her expertly. My hand moving to squeeze her ass I breathed in deeply, taking in as much of her scent as I could.
“Oh, Weston,” she moaned. Her hand at the back of my head as my face buried in her neck.
“I missed you,” I said.
“Good,” she said. The perfect response. The only response possible. I looked up at her. My mind begging me to not move anywhere else. This was where I belonged. This was the girl that made it all worth it. She was everything. She was…gone.
Invisible again I turned, looking for her. But then the trio appeared. The girls from One Punch Man. Our shared trauma written all over them. Their bodies strapped to the tables around me as they were injected with shot after shot. Their bodies screaming pain as we were subjected to tests to make us something beyond normal humans.
“No,” I said, “no, no, no, no…” I continued saying it. Rejecting the visions. My mind clear as I recalled all of it. Slowly I came out of the vision to a woman writhing underneath me.
She had dark hair, pale skin, and a birthmark under her eye. She was sweating profusely. Her eyes shut as she gritted her teeth. Her body cumming again as she rasped, “Weston.”
“Sooyoung,” I said.
“Oh, you’re awake,” a male voice said. His face was right next to mine. I turned to see a muscular man crouching next to me as I fucked Sooyoung. Not just muscular, he was immaculate. White hair long, it was almost silver in the dim light of wherever we were.
“Keep going,” he ordered me. His eyes black, they were strong. Conveying that he was an ancient being. His skin like bronze he was the perfect specimen of a man. Everything I hated all at once in one person.
My hand released Sooyoung’s breast. Raising up, I called upon my Soulsword. It was so much stronger than before. My Nen almost empowered by the love I had felt just a moment ago.
Something exploded with power from my breast pocket of clothes underneath me. It was the Soulheart I had just received. It raised up out of my pocket, floating in the air in front of my eyes. Then it began to fall like a leaf from a tree. Moving side to side as if falling to the Earth. But instead of going down it moved to my Soulsword. Landing on the blade.
The Soulsword glowed and began to thicken and grow longer, shooting straight forward. The blade made from my soul formed inside the man’s throat in an instant. He stared at me confused for a moment and I sliced out, cutting his head off.
His head rolled off of his body and everything around us became bright. No longer held by the spell and Mind Control he had put us in. The world was lit up again. Revealing the reality was so much worse than the dream.