Canon Fodder - Chapter (481)
It was like coming home. I had been in Solo Leveling for nearly 6 months by this point. Hancock and I living it up in a way we hadn’t tried in other worlds. Hunters were treated like celebrities in this world, and we were two of the best in only a few months. Having traveled all over the world, had sex in interesting places, and with beautiful women, we had lived it up.
Our wedding had been international news. A week after it was announced we were Korea’s most recent S-Rank Hunters, we had conducted the ceremony in the largest hotel in Korea. Booking the entire place for ourselves we had invited everyone we knew, and then some. Hunters and guildmasters from all over the world had attended our wedding. Each with ulterior motives to learn our secrets, or try to poach us from Korea.
The wedding had been as Hancock wanted. White everywhere, doves galore, her wedding gown practically see through with how fine it was. She even had it enchanted to glow, which wasn’t cheap. It had all been worth it in my book. Giving her a day she never thought she would have. A day her past lives had dreamed up for her.
As I had hoped, the wedding night was as I wanted. Rather than just taking my bride, Hancock had invited more than a few women Hunters to help with the nuptials. None were her bridesmaids, but women that had flown in from other countries. It quickly turned into an orgy that none of the other girls had expected. Doing things with them they never planned to allow, we spent a whole day in our bedroom. The girls forced to leave to catch flights, they left in shame at what they had done as Hancock and I continued on.
We secluded ourselves on Jeju island for a week. Just she and I living out of the Capsule House as we took a real break. Reading manga and books as we watched the sun set, talked about our future together, the possibility of trying for more kids. That was when the honeymoon ended. Reminded of our twins in One Piece world, it was a sober moment for us.
Our break ended, and we continued our conquering of dungeons. Challenging guilds, and being overall dicks to everyone, it was really fun. No working in the shadows, letting the protagonist take the brunt of it, we were in the center spotlight of everything in this world. Hancock really did bring the best out of me, not so much the good out of me, but the best. I had more fun with her in the six months in this world than I thought possible.
But always the lives we lived before loomed over us. The unspoken topic of our kids a hanging weight over us as we seduced women and fought monsters.
“Fucking hell,” I mumbled, shaking my head. Legitimate tears in my eyes I ached to talk to her again. We had so much left unsaid. We got married and we stopped talking about kids after the reminder of Lupin and Lily. I knew it made her ache with worry randomly, but I ignored it. There was nothing I could do. That world was locked, and I didn’t have the key yet.
“Now she’s fucking gone,” I mumbled, my fists clenching so tight they almost drew blood. I hadn’t seen it coming. Taken over by some other entity. A part of me hoped I could bring her back, but a bigger part worried I couldn’t. Those dead eyes of the Monarch that took over her body still haunted me. Far stronger than the Hancock I knew, she had thrown everything she had at me. Ready to end me with each attack.
All my plans in place, and I would have to add making certain no one killed her to my list. Hancock had to be in there somewhere. I needed to trap her in this dimension somehow. If I didn’t get a quest for an item to help me, I could maybe go to Easton’s worlds to find someone. For now, there was too much to worry about.
“Are you alright?” Hae-In asked as she sat up in the bed. We were on my private jet, flying to New York City. Though I had many offers for companionship during the ride, I wanted Hae there with me. As Hancock’s closest friend, it was somehow comforting to have her with me. As if a part of Hancock was still beside me.
Her naked body showing from the discarded blanket, she crawled over to me. Resting her chest against my back as her chin sat on my shoulder. She breathed in deeply and let out a long sigh. “I miss her too.”
“It’s only been a day,” I mumbled.
“I know,” she said, blushing as she held me tighter. “But I talked to her everyday.” She mumbled the last words, sadness leaking into her Haki as she actually began to cry. “Every day for years.” She let out a sigh and looked over to me. “Did she ever tell you how we met?”
“She said you touched breasts,” I said, chuckling as I looked over my shoulder at her.
Hae blushed furiously. “Ugh, I hate it when she says that.” She became shy again but continued on. “She was trying out for our Hunter Guild. She was A-Rank, and I was the only one strong enough to test her. Before we met she had to go through an obstacle course against a few monsters. She had a lot of goblin blood on her. She showered, and I came in before my evaluation of her. I tripped onto her as our towels fell open. My face landed right between…”
“So you had a soft landing,” I said laughing. My arm moving around her, I pulled her to my front. Letting her sit on my knees as she leaned against my chest.
“Very soft,” she said. “During the whole evaluation I couldn’t focus, and nearly went too rough with her. She laughed it off though. Saying I always had a place by her heart. Then squeezed her boobs and winked.” I laughed again. I knew that Hancock had been part of the Hunter guild over a year before we came to this world, but it did sound a little like the real her. “We were inseparable ever since.”
“Until I came along,” I mumbled. She began to play with the hair on my chest, but only nodded. I looked down to her. “Do you…hate me?”
“For what?” She asked, worry in her eyes.
“I stole that from you. Your friendship. You probably went from hanging out every day to talking every day,” I said truthfully.
“True friendships aren’t so fragile,” she said. “Did I get jealous…yes,” she said with a nod as if confirming with herself. “But she loved you.”
“She did, just wish I was a better husband,” I said.
“We all wish that sort of stuff. I wish I was a better friend.”
“How could you have been?” I asked.
She rolled her eyes. “You know, she has been trying to get me to join the both of you for months, right?” She blushed furiously, unable to look me in the eyes.
“I assumed,” I said. “What made you change your mind?” We had only had sex with her for the first time the day before in this World.
“You saved my life for one,” she said, slapping my chest lightly.
“And for two?” I asked.
She hesitated, the words held in her throat for a moment. Then she admitted, “Cus I love you both.”
“You do?” I asked, a little surprised.
“Her for sure,” she said, squinting her eyes at me. When I didn’t tease her she continued. “You…I’m getting there. I kind of see what she saw in you now. Always on the move. Doing what you wanted. You were both getting stronger as these Players, right?” I nodded. “I still can’t believe it. You’re able to get stronger.” She shook her head, disbelieving it was possible.
Most Hunters awoke as a certain tiered Rank and stayed there. Unable to strive further. Hancock, Jinwoo, and I were the only people without limits. Or so I had thought originally. It was so obvious to me now that there were others around the world. I had read reports of Hunters far exceeding their previous Rank for months. I simply attributed it to luck, or incorrect Mana Meter readings.
“Hey,” Hae said, moving my chin to face her again. “It’s okay. We will get her back.”
“Yeah,” I said, no real conviction in the words.
come back,” Hae said more firmly. “Then she can continue her education of the bedroom arts, or whatever the hell she called it.” I laughed, Cha Hae-In had been a virgin before we had her. Hancock had promised to be gentle and help guide her. It was something Hae had been ashamed of before, but she became a little more bold with Hancock not there.
Looking up at me, I felt her lust pulse, causing my own to react. Pulling her toward me we kissed deeply. Moaning in my mouth she didn’t fight as I picked her up. Her body practically as heavy as a feather I moved her back to the mattress. Her legs opening wide I entered her causing her to moan happily.
My large dick causing her to wince, I stopped about halfway. She was S-Class, so she was strong and could take a lot of pain, but there was some pain even strength couldn’t fight against. I felt her lower muscles writhe around me and begin to relax as we made out. My body hovering over hers she gasped as I began to enter her again. Moaning again I began to pull out and begin yet another session with her.
With Hancock it was always go as fast as possible. She got off on the pain as of late, practically living and breathing sex when we weren’t fighting monsters. For Hae it was slow and rhythmic. I could feel she liked it to be built up. Still getting used to sex, she was far more into the kissing as my speed increased.
Loud slaps sounding as our sexes collided, she began to pour out liquid. My rock hard dick sliding into her more easily I began to push chakra into her. She came instantly, yelling out as her head rocked back. Caught off guard by the pleasure I moved my hands to her wrists, holding her down as I slowed again.
Continuously pouring Lust Element chakra into her she cried out louder. Her legs relaxing to near the splits as I pulled out then found her hole as my dick moved slowly back in. Her teeth gritting, the pleasure only redoubled, causing her to squirt up my abs. As she did so she moaned, “I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” Ashamed that she couldn’t stop.
“I love it,” I growled, slamming back in. Stopping with the flow of chakra her orgasm faded and she gasped. Her body wrapping around me she held me as tight as possible while I was buried in her. Taking it as a challenge I began to thrust into her. She was so tight against me the thrust barely buried me in deeper, but felt heavenly as her Haki told me she wanted more.
I pulled back, her body lifting with it and humped again. The mattress denting and the plane actually rocking with the motion. Hae and I stopped, surprised we had moved the plane. Frowning, we then began to laugh. When our laughter subsided I was far more gentle with her. Thrusting in short bursts it wasn’t long until I was cumming inside of her.
She moaned my name as I filled her up and channeled more chakra into her. Making her cum again she scratched my back, content as can be as another session was concluded.
My face buried in her chest, she ran her hands through the hair on the back of my head as we took comfort from one another. Hae hummed happily, and for a moment I forgot my worries of Hancock. Then I felt guilty for feeling happy, and I was fucking Hae again.
That was how our long plane ride continued on. Random bouts of lovemaking, naps, and talking, we spent legitimate time together for the first time since I came to the world. My every other interaction with Hae-In had Hancock in the middle, which was fine. But I was starting to see what Hancock saw in her as well. Someone devoted. One of those few friends that put your needs above their own. The type of friend I would have killed for in my original life, instead of the type that killed me in my Challenge.
I pushed back the bad thoughts and enjoyed my time with her. Hearing about her childhood, awakening as a Hunter, and everything else she could think of as the hours ticked away. As the pilot let us know we were landing, we got dressed slowly. Reminded of the real world as our moment to ourselves ended. To be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure what was going to happen, but I wanted Hae-In to be there. That was for sure.
We left the private room at the back of the plane to find a group of very uncomfortable guildmasters. I owned the plane, and offered them a ride. But apparently they hadn’t planned on listening to Hae-In and I having sex the whole time.
Hae-In blushed, finally reminded they were just outside, but I ignored them. I had fought most of them in the last month or so, and knew I was stronger. They could whine all they wanted and get a different ride home if they had a problem with what I did on my plane. After the awkward few seconds as we stared at one another, no one spoke and we disembarked.
Outside, we found news reporters bombarding us with questions as we walked to a stretch limo. I dropped my two large suitcases in the trunk and we were headed across town quickly.
“I still can’t believe they agreed to this,” Choi Jon-In mumbled. He was the other vice-master of the Hunter Guild with Hae-In. Although I was pretty sure he held more power. He was a mage while Hae was a warrior. Both were S-class.
“It’s been tried before,” Chairman Go said. The big man took up a large side of the limo. He was old, but one of the strongest men in Korea. Truly one of my friends in this world, I had gone drinking with him more than once as he talked me into becoming his successor.
“The threat is real this time,” I said. Jin-woo threatening them all with his undead shadow army probably helped move things along as well. “How are they spinning it?”
Chairman Go was busy looking at his phone. “Looks like a few dungeons are breaking faster than normal. They are saying this Summit is related to that.”
“Fun,” I mumbled. I knew Easton was dealing with one. I worried that the Monarchs had control of the portals. Were they going to overrun us with monsters before we could set up a defense? “Did they get that thing I requested?” I asked Chairman Go.
“They did,” he said.
“What is it?” Hae asked, as the other guildmasters listened in.
“A surprise show and tell,” I said, putting my finger to my lips.
“Weston, what the fuck,” Lim Tae-Gyu said. He was the guildmaster of the Fiend Guild in South Korea. A tall man with black hair and a goatee, I actually respected him. He tended to stay away from the drama of the other guilds. “You drag us half-way across the world. Say the entire world is in danger, and expect us to just go along without giving some answers.”
I opened my mouth, then shut it. “I’m sorry,” I decided on instead, surprising them all. In this world I had strayed from saying sorry. When I stepped on toes I offered to fight them to settle the beef. But he was right, and I was too tired to deal with anything else at the moment. “I really don’t have all the answers. I just know we need to meet. I promise in…” I pulled a watch from my Inventory, “two hours you will have all the answers. Until then, just bear with me, please.”
Everyone quiet from my reaction, they grumbled but dropped it. Making calls to subordinates in Korea, they had their own work to deal with. I relaxed in the seat, my arm over Hae’s shoulder as she held my hand. Content in our moment out of the spotlight.
Without much time to spare we stopped at my hotel. Easton had already checked in for me. The receptionist a little confused as I requested more keys, luckily my face was well known so they didn’t question too much. Hae-In and I headed up to our room as we split off from the rest of the group. Everything was on me since I called them there, so they would probably rack up the room service. In the end it didn’t really matter, I was glad they had put away their anger at me for the time being.
We got to our room to find a red portal floating in the air. Easton in front of it he looked back at me with a thumbs up. “Finally,” he said.
“What the shit?” I asked as I dropped my luggage and walked over to him. The room was large, with two levels, there was a wide main room that had a balcony beside it. The red portal in front of Easton was floating over the coffee table as he stared up at it.
“I don’t know,” he said. “My Rift skill is acting funky. I think I can make portals with it.”
“Where does it lead?” I found myself asking. Back on Walking Dead world we had discussed our skills and what we thought they could do. I had asked him to try opening a Rift through one of the doors in the Red Room, but he said he already tried it and it hadn’t worked. For some reason, now it does.
“This tropical world I found,” he said. “I don’t know, I kind of remember the feeling of the world. I think my Rift is able to open dungeon portals.”
“That’s…awesome,” I said.
“Uh Weston?” A voice asked from the floor above. Slowly the young girl began to walk down the stairs toward us.
“Jin-Ah?” I asked, confused. She was Sung Jinwoo’s sister. A young girl of about 18, she had recently graduated high school. Since Jinwoo and I in this world were childhood friends I had known her practically all my life. “What the hell are you doing here?” I looked to Easton, my eyes wide. “Did you-”
“What?” Jinah asked. “You flew me here…” She pointed at Easton.
“Uh, yeah,” Easton said. “I uh ran into this girl. Not really sure who she is.”
She was wearing a bathrobe and my anger flared. Rather than yell it I pulled up our Chat. -DID YOU FUCK HER?!- I typed furiously.
“What? No,” he said innocently, his haki saying he meant it. “I thought about it.”
I let out a sigh of relief. “This is Jin-ah. Jinwoo’s sister,” I said as I approached him. He looked at me confused, “The Shadow Monarch.”
“Ohhh the main-right, right, right,” he said looking at the girl in a new light. “That’s right. You told me you guys were childhood friends. Jeez, that was close.” He laughed.
“You’re telling me,” I said, far more worried about this than the red portal in front of him.
-Wait, you didn’t bang her?- He typed surprised.
“Well, I was tempted,” I admitted. “But it was better to threaten Jinwoo with it to keep him in line. Besides, she’s so cute,” I said moving to her and giving her a hug.
“What the hell is going on?” Hae asked as Jin-Ah pushed me away. “Who is this?” She pointed at Easton.
“Uh yeah, he’s not really my clone,” I said. “He’s uh… in that dungeon a part of my consciousness split off. This is the crap left over. All the gunk they could find in me, the perverted nature, the stalker vibes, all the crap.”
“Hell no,” Easton said. “You’re the Devito to my Schwarzeneggar. Yeah, I’m uh Weston, er Easton. But I don’t have the memories he does.”
“What the absolute hell is going on,” Jinah said, getting more lost.
“Just pretend he is my shadow clone,” I said, waving at him. “Now tell me more about this portal.” I moved up to it, amazed that it really did feel like a dungeon portal. Instead of blue and black it was a cyclone of red.
“So I think it’s the mana in the air or body, I don’t know. My MP aren’t decreasing so something is reacting with it. Anyway, I can feel the other side of the portals and I just kind of make it happen.”
“That’s awesome,” I said truthfully. I knew there was a Monarch of Portals, which was very worrying. It meant they could easily come to our world if they wanted, but if Easton could do the same, that meant we could take the fight to them rather than let them destroy Earth. Many plans began to formulate in my head as Easton talked. Very happy I decided to grab him, killing him was the furthest thing from my mind as the glass of the windows shattered as someone flew straight at me.