Success Story of the Omnipotent Soldier MTL - Chapter (276)
Seongtae helped the driver to install navigation.
Then, Kang Seung -jin gave a gut to Sung -tae.
“Dongwon Training Officer?”
“Dongwon Training Officer must ride in the passenger seat.”
“Ah-Is that because of the upper stone?”
“yes.Did you know? ”
“huh.of course.I was an exclusive deputy of the Legion. ”
“Oh, I think I brought out a good story.”
“no.are you okay.”
Seongtae knew so well about the position of the upper stone when four people rode.
It is necessary to take into account the difference between when the senior drives and not.
Dongwon Chiefs is more than he is, but he is a junior rather than a staff, so he must sit in the left side of the rear seat, next to the staff, and he is third in the ranks, so he must sit next to the driving bottle and act as a tower.
After installing a driver’s bottle and navigation, Sung -tae naturally opened the door to the right of the rear seat.
Then the staff smiled and asked for Seongtae.
“Lieutenant Lieutenant?”
“Lieutenant Kang Seong -tae.”
“You know about the upper stone, and you’re smart.I usually don’t know this. ”
“Oh-thank you.”
The chief of staff was carefully closed in the car, and Sung -tae told the staff to the left door of the rear seat.
“Staff, I will leave right away.”
When the car departed, the chief of staff closed his eyes.
But it was not sleeping.
“Dongwon Staff.”
“yes.Staff. ”
“The Protestant Captain called.You said you didn’t get out of your seat, so you went to the management battalion. ”
Seongtae naturally focused on the conversation between the two.
“yes.Staff.That’s it. ”
“Oh ~ I don’t know what to say.I lost one motivation because of the decision, but is there no regret? ”
“okay.It’s your decision, so I’ll do it well. ”
“I will do well.”
Sung -tae also learned that the chief of staff acts as a mentor for the staff.
Seniors listen to juniors’ decisions and troubles.
It was a very warm atmosphere for Seongtae.
But the army was strange.
It was also a problem that the atmosphere changed in a moment.
“Do you know about the three inconveniences of three reserve training?”
“If you say three inconveniences……. ”
Dongwon Chief of Staff was embarrassed and eventually did not answer.
“Oh ~ Are you mobilized?What have you been in the meantime? ”
“ah…….I originally supported personnel, and I also served as a senior personnel manager and a personnel planning officer at the time of Major.So I’m just learning. ”
The staff said in response to the staff.
“Hey ~ Lee.Did you apply for personnel and have fallen? ”
“Iku, so I can’t mobilize.Ah- I can’t come to an expert, but I can’t come because there are less kids who don’t know anything like the Nakdong River Duck eggs.
The staff bowed and answered the question of the staff.
“As I focused on the division’s party, I couldn’t concentrate much on the practice.Instead, our staff practitioners are smart.…. ”
“Does that make sense?”
The chief of staff sighed and looked at Seongtae.
“okay.Dongwon Training Bridge. ”
“Lieutenant Kang Seong -tae.”
“What are the three inconveniences of reserve troops?If you answer, I will not be confused. ”
The staff looked at Seongtae with a chewy look.
If Sung -tae made a mistake, it seemed like a retaliation would come back right now.
But Seong -tae was not embarrassed.
I had already read the reserve tribute book, so I knew that question was basically.
“I will answer the staff’s question.The three inconveniences of reserve training are convenient facilities such as meals, transportation, and toilets.Can I keep seeing it? ”
“hmm…….Keep doing it. ”
“First of all, I think that the inconvenience related to meals is naturally felt by the reserve troops.In fact, the quality of internal meals inside the military has improved much more than before, but it is still not satisfactory, and it is true that it is not enough to meet the taste of the people who have eaten high quality food from the outside. ”
“For that reason, when the basic training is conducted, we have a contract with a nearby lunch box and provides lunch boxes to reserve troops.However, the training that runs for two nights and three days, such as mobilization training, is not provided, so it is still necessary to try to improve the treatment. ”
The staff smiled with the staff’s answer.
“good.Let’s ask one thing.Why do you provide lunch boxes for reserve troops with basic training and meals for reserve troops who are training?staff.First you answer. ”
The staff was embarrassed by the staff’s question, but he conveyed his thoughts.
“It’s hard to select a nearby lunch company to provide a lunch box for two nights and three days, and it’s not enough to feed only lunch boxes.…. ”
The staff nodded the staff’s answer, but asked Sung -tae with an unpleasant expression.
“What do you think of the lieutenant?”
“I think the opinion is right.However, the number of people who are undergoing basic training is not a soldier, but the number of mobilization training is legally applied as a military law, so it seems to be because it is more free from responsibility materials. ”
In the words of the legal status, a smile came to the face of the chief of staff.
Even if the Korean military law has already been in the military law, the soldier turns into a soldier when he enters the mobilization training.In other words, it must be subject to military law and obey the command of the commander.
However, those who were undergoing basic training at the reserve army and those who were trained in the direction of the direction were different.
Sung -tae knew it because he read the contents through the reserve tribunal.
It was especially interesting because it was very interesting.
‘The eyes of the officer!’
The part that was read carefully and remained in memory could be read as a hologram notepad.
“In 1999, according to the Constitutional Court ruling, the troop mobilization house, the troop mobilization training house, and the educational house are all served in the military units and served in accordance with the active duty, so the reserves serve under the same command and service system as active duty soldiers.There is a precedent that applies to military criminal law.On the contrary, reserve training is organized independently with the army, and is subject to local reserve training methods, and it is a commute rather than a lodging, so they are not legally soldiers. ”
In response to Sung -tae’s answer, the chief of staff asked for Seongtae.
“Lieutenant Kang has been mobilized separately?”
“no.This is the first time. ”
“okay?Is it great?Who taught me? ”
“It was written in the reserve army.”
The staff trusted Sung Tae’s answer.
It was also satisfied.On the other hand, trust in mobilization staff raised the bottom.
It was because the staff who did not know more than practitioners could not be forgiven.
However, the disappointment was not revealed.
Because his intellectual words eventually affected the practitioners, they did not want to make the staff difficult and make the practitioner difficult.
“Study the staff more.I unintentionally mobilized, but I have to be an expert in one not it?”
“you’re right.”
After the story of the chief of staff, Sung -tae made a report.
“Then, the second, about traffic……. ”
“it’s okay.It’s enough to just listen to it.I’ll ask the rest of the stage. ”
“yes.All right.”
“okay.How many minutes left to arrive at the training ground? ”
“20 minutes left.”
“okay.I’m tired because I’m talking a lot today.Let’s use the remaining energy in preparation. ”
I closed my eyes if the chief of staff was tired.
The staff also noticed the chief of staff and shook their heads and began to write something in the notepad.
In the midst of quiet, Sung -tae made a tower and thought about what he had to do.
The chief of staff summarized the things that he emphasized in the car today, and he arranged the contents and sent it to the medical commander.
[Loyalty, medical commander, Dongwon Training Center.The staff will arrive 20 minutes later.I asked me about the three reserve troops in the vehicle, and I answered that it was convenience such as meals, traffic, and toilets.You will definitely ask, so remember it.Please check if there are some parts you want to take.] [okay.thanks.Do you have anything to remember again?] [Yes, nothing else said.And the chief of staff, you ride to the right of the rear seat.I think you should refer to it when you do it.]20 minutes later, when I arrived at the Dongwon Training Center, there were all stage executives, including medical officers.
After a group salute, the medical commander held a right door to greet the staff.
“Staff, you have a hard time coming.”
“okay.Medical duty, is preparing for training well? ”
“yes.Since Friday, the executives of the starting teams have completed the first maintenance, and all executives and soldiers arrived at the training ground, except for the stage caregivers this morning, and prepared for the takeover and training of the training ground. ”
The chief of staff looked at the medical officer from the entrance of the training ground.
But the point is seen from the beginning.
The wheel marks in the wide parking lot are not worrying.
“There is no parking lot management?”
In the staff’s point of view, the medical commander made a firm expression and first acknowledged the point.
“’re right.The parking lot management is insufficient. ”
Since then, he has added what Seong -tae said and continued to talk about his later actions.
“In traffic issues, which are three inconveniences of reserve training, it is necessary to secure a wide and convenient parking lot, and I decided to do the parking lot flat work after an hour.”
“yes.And since the training center is 1.6km away from the bus stop, the internal circulation bus is dispatched, so that the reserve troops who have not brought the vehicle will not move on the walk and train in a pleasant atmosphere.We have also taken measures to proceed. ”
“I see.”
“I also heard that there are a lot of toilet problems.So I cleaned the toilet.I checked the outdoor toilet installed in every training ground, and the manure was full.The smell was very severe, and I called the maintenance battalion and asked for the cooperation of manure processing vehicles.
The staff smiled at the medical officer’s sense.
“What did you think about that?”
“The staff emphasized the three inconveniences of the reserve army, and the mobilization training officer said.”
Episode 278.