The Chaebol's Youngest son MTL - Chapter (36)
Episode 36.Winners of the game.
“Oh, father.Are you okay.”
Han Chung -sik ran quickly and looked at the condition of a bottle.
“Ugly guy.”
Hanguk -guk was wearing his tongue with his tongue, and he looked around Seo Jae -eun, Han Kang -sik, Han Hong -sik, and Han Ye -hee.
Han Do -young stood quietly behind him.
“Han Kang -sik.”
When the disease was called as an official title, Han Kang -sik was creepy on his back.
In this case, the disease tended to be blamed.
Han Kang -sik urgently bowed and replied.
“Did Seojae -eun collaborate with the boss in a secret room?”
“Oh, no.That’s it. ”
Han Kang -sik hurriedly reached out and denied.
Hanguk took a look at him and turned to Seo Jae -eun.
Seo Jae -eun did not receive his eyes on his eyes and turned away from his eyes.
Hanguk shook his head and opened his mouth.
“Seo Jae will recover 11%of Baeksan E & C, which was delegated to the boss.And for the time being, I will keep my job as a representative of Baeksan Group.My thoughts were short. ”
In the shocking remarks of the disease, the meeting room became cold.
Han Kang -sik and Seo Jae -eun became a chewy look, and Han Ye -hee and Han Hong -sik began to worry about how to act.
Contrary to them, the expressions of the president and the president of the banks became bright.
They thought that both Han Chung -sik and Han River had a risk.
That’s why we welcomed our hands.
“This old man struggled with you.I’m sorry.”
Kim Sung -kyu, president of the bank, raised his hand carefully.
“yes.Kim. ”
“Is your health okay?”
“I’m forgot to get older.As it is known in the world, it’s not so serious, so don’t worry.Mr. Kim has been dealing with me for a long time, so do you know what I am now? ”
Kim Seong -gyu looked closely at the disease.
Kim Sung -kyu was not confident in the charismatic words he had shown in the past, and his eyes were also overwhelming.
“Now, you’d be busy, go back.And the family remains. ”
In a word of the disease, the board of directors ended.
Of course, I was able to fight, pointing out the problem of procedural problems.
However, no one elected an objection to the disease.
Beginning with bare hands, the president’s trust in the current Baeksan group was absolute.
When the president and the president of the banks exited the meeting room, the bottle handed the door to close the door, and sent all outsiders including Kim Hyuk -soo and other outsiders.
“Seo Jae -eun boss.”
Even though only the family was left, Seo Jae -eun became a pouring.
“When I delegated a 11% stake, I told you to support Han Chung -sik.But what is this? ”
Seo did not find something to say while biting his lips.
But soon, he made a strong look and faced Han Kang -sik and shot a bottle.
“The president is acute.Obviously told me to exercise 11%of the right candidates for Baeksan Group.So I supported Han Kang -sik, what’s wrong?President.If you are sick, take a break.Today’s behavior does not help the future of Baeksan Group. ”
“That’s right.Go to the hospital and rest. ”
I urgently helped the Han River.
Han Kang -sik urgently looked at Han Hong -sik and Han Ye -hee and asked for help, but the two turned away from the request for help.
In particular, Han Ye -hee, who was called a runaway locomotive and did not like it, shouted loudly and rioted.
Han Kang -sik became distant.
The two were able to join forces, but I was crazy about my tail.
“I lived in vain.”
Sighs came out of the mouth of a bottle.
I was in preparation for the ambitions of Han River, but I couldn’t imagine that Seo Jae -eun would come out like this.
If the disease was accused, I knew that Seo was wrong.
As a result, the disease had no choice but to sigh from the deep heart.
“father.Are you okay.”
When Han Chung -sik tried to come in a hurry, Hanguk raised his hand and restrained it.
He opened his eyes and looked back at his wife and children.
“Listen well.There is not much time I live.It’s been three to four years long even if you have surgery.As well as loyalty, as well as Kang -sik, I misunderstood it.One guy is too soft, and one guy is less powerful, but he is greedy.Jae -eun is not qualified, but he is smoking. ”
After scolding them, he reached out to catch the bottle.
My hands were trembling and I didn’t move.
It seemed as if it was paralyzed.
-As the disease progresses, the motor nerves will decline.In the process of gradual decline, your hands and feet suddenly do not move or move differently from will.At that time, you can take a deep breath and move slowly.
When I remembered the hospital director’s explanation, the disease was struck.
I realized that there was really few days left.
Han Do -young quickly pulled the water cup and put it in the hand of the bottle.
After a short time, he was able to move his hand, and he brought cold water at once.
‘There is no time.I don’t know when it will be in vain.If so, the Baeksan Group will fall into the magnetic that.Baeksan is my favorite child. ‘
The eyes of the bottles became more sharper.
“Everyone listens!”
They rolled their heads to find their way to live in a sounding voice.
“I will give you 11%of the stake to those who have evaluated two years later and achieved the best results.So let’s grow as much as possible.Do not cover the means and methods.From now on, it’s war.Be the winner.Only winners are eligible to have my stake and property! ”
“father.It is unfair. ”
Han River immediately reacted.
“say it.”
“I was in charge of Baeksan Heavy Industries was 30 billion won last year, and this year, the market situation is unclear.You have to invest with a long -term vision, then you lose. ”
“Then what do you want to take?”
Han Kang -sik’s eyes were rounded by the suggestion of the disease.
I didn’t know how to listen seriously to his own proposal.
“Please build Baeksan.”
“It’s not possible.father.”
This time, Han Chung -sik rebelled.
Then, the disease raised his hand to restrain him and opened his mouth.
“Chungsik is Baeksan Securities, Kang Sik is Baeksan E & C, Yewi is Baeksan Department Store, and Hongsik is a Baeksan Hotel.”
His decisive command was carefully asked.
“Then the heavy industry?”
Hanguk -chi kicked his tongue after seeing such a chungsik.
‘Too back.In this case, we should insist on the construction of Baeksan.. ‘
Hanguk -sik did not like the good sex of Han Chung -sik.
If you live as an ordinary person, Han Chung -sik was a great adult, a great husband and father.
But it was a shame to lead the Baeksan Group.
“Who will be in Baeksan Heavy Industries?”
The brothers noticed each other and no one raised hands.
It was because I thought I would be eliminated from the race as soon as I was in charge of the troublesome heavy industry.
“I will try my grandfather.”
“hey!Do Young.You interrupt here! ”
“Kang -sik, quiet!”
“Oh, father.”
“I don’t have anyone who will be in Baeksan Heavy Industries because I will open my eyes because I think I’m going to take my stake now.But Do -young is going to take a look. ”
“But how do you believe Do -young, a high school student?It doesn’t make sense.Obviously, in less than a year, I will eat Baeksan Heavy Industries. ”
“Then you take it.”
“why?No confidence?If you don’t want to do it, it’s still.Do not spray. ”
Han Kang -sik shut his mouth in the yell.
It was the end of the moment when I was caught in a horseshoe and took over Baeksan Heavy Industries.
How would you be the winner by taking on the Baeksan Heavy Industries, a late deficit?
This was a common idea of the brothers gathered here.
His disease looked at them and opened his mouth again.
“Doyoung’s wealth is over 40 billion.In a little over a year, I invested 3 billion in stocks.I will give 3 billion place here, so I can make 40 billion people by next year.Then I will give you a 11%stake. ”
In addition to Han Kang -sik, Seo Jae -eun, Han Ye -hee and Han Hong -sik lost their mouths and lost their words.
This time, Han Chung -sik pointed out.
“But this is not.Gambling.father.”
“I feel like that now.Gambling.Baeksan is collapsed, so I’m going to find the right person by gambling.So you are the winner by showing your ability at this time!Then it will. ”
In the end, Han Chong -sik also shut up.
Han Chung -sik was not worried that Han Do -young would be the winner, but he was in charge of the headache heavy industry and failed to be discouraged.
It was true that he showed a unique and amazing eye, but he was a high school student.
“Then know what was decided.Hong! ”
When the disease was screaming, Hong Kun -hee urgently opened the door and bowed.
Hong Kun -hee is the backAs the head of the Mountain Group Strategic Planning Division, the instructions of the soldiers were given to each affiliate and the subsidiaries were monitored.
Hong Kun -hee was the second place in the real power sequence.
Of course, if the bottle resigned, he would also retire, so Han Kang -sik was virtually ignoring him.
Although it is two years.
‘Do you have to face that strange man?Even if you think about it, headaches are already. ‘
Hong Kun -hee was the only one who satisfied the disease with unique memory and bulldozers so called computers.
Hong Kun -hee checked and checked thoroughly as much as it was called a daypiece.
“Did you call?”
“Proceed.The only thing that changed was that Han Kang -sik was in charge of Baeksan E & C and Han Do -young was in charge of Baeksan Heavy Industries. ”
Hong Kun -hee bowed his head and followed the instructions of a bottle.
A bottle happened from the seat.
“Oh, father.”
When Han Kang -sik stood up again and tried to say something, the bottle cut his horsetail.
“2 years, not long.Hurry.”
Hong Kun -hee left the meeting room with a bottle of disease, and a strange atmosphere flowed in the conference room.
Han Ye -hee and Han Hong -sik, who thought they had no opportunity, were thrilled to dream that they could take the management rights of the group.
Han Choong -sik, who was stolen by the construction, tried to make up the uncomfortable mind.
Although the construction was obtained, the heart of Han Kang -sik was uncomfortable.
“Do Young.”
“yes.Big host. ”
“Are you really thinking about Baeksan Heavy Industries?I ran to my grandfather right now and say that I thought wrong …. ”
“I am confident.”
Han Do -young replied firmly.
Han Kang -sik was stupid in his cool eyes and his stately attitude.
‘Damn it.Chun -young is still on Bill. ‘
Han Kang -sik was more bitter when his son, Han Choong -young and Han Do -young, were compared.
Moreover, Han Chung -young was one more year old than Han Do -young.
Therefore, it was a more miserable mood.
Still, the brothers were able to run a happy circuit in their own way, but Seo was miserable.
It was thanks to the 11% commissioned attorney of the disease that she was able to do it, but now everything has flew.
Moreover, Hanguk declared that he would give the winner that he would give everything, including the stake, and even if he died, there was no share of Seo.
And when the cool eyes of the soldiers who looked at themselves came to mind, Seo was desperate.
It was an eye that I never showed.
I thought it was really over.