The Chaebol's Youngest son MTL - Chapter (51)
Episode 51.Han Ye -hee’s choice.
Baeksan Department Store.
“What is your brother?”
Han Ye -hee looked at the Han Kang -sik and asked in a unique high tone.
“For some reason.Can’t you come to my brother? ”
Han Kang -sik sat down on the sofa in the center of her office.
“Why do you need money?”
Han Ye -hee smiled and sat opposite the Han Kang -sik.
“Will you lend me if necessary?”
“It’s true.”
“Doyoung is pushed by.”
“What kind of baby says that?”
“Or no.Why are you talking about it?Do you think there’s something stabbed? ”
Han Ye -hee laughed at the distorted face of Han Kang -sik.
“It’s like a bad girl.”
“I don’t have money.I won’t lend it.We are competing.Did you forget? ”
“There is a saying that blood is thicker than water, but isn’t it too low?”
“There are so many things we have.Will you leave the collateral?If you are a shares of Baeksan E & C, you are willing to accept it. ”
“done.I’m a crazy guy who came to you. ”
Han Kang -sik stood up.
When Han Kang -sik turned his head with his expression, Han Ye -hee still opened his mouth with a comfortable lean on the sofa.
“Don’t try it.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I think the successor was decided by Do -young?”
“What are you talking about?Do you think it makes sense to leave a group to a high school student? ”
“huh.Even if you do it right now, you can’t help you with the high school student.Would you have come to me with this expression if I could break him?And my big brother is unconditionally on the side of Doyoung, but how to win?It was rumored to have a cash bread.Don’t lose everything after fighting. ”
“Do you have your head bowed to your nephew?”
“Why are you leaning?Stop independence.You can create a group even if you are independent with only Baeksan Department Store.If you say that it will pass 5%of Baeksan E & C.
Han Ye -hee smiled and flipped the inside of Han Kang -sik.
“There is no ship.”
Han Kang -sik spit out and opened the door.
Han Ye -hee looked at the ceiling on the ceiling for a long time on the sofa.
‘That idiot is still stubborn.’
Han Ye -hee went to Baeksan Hospital a few days ago.
She opened the door of the room and tried to go in, and when she had a conversation, she took off her hand and listened.
The sound of the conversation between Han Duk -Byeong and Hong Kun -hee flowed through the slightly open door, and shockingly, Han Duk -Byeong and Hong Kun -hee praised Han Do -young.
Han Ye -hee was shocked.
I thought it might be a winner if I tried hard like the Han River, but the dream was shattered.
I knew that Han Do -young moved vaguely, but through the conversation between the two, I realized that Han Do -young’s power was never a high school student.
“I want my big brother.I have a good nephew. ”
Han Ye -hee picked up the cigarettes on the table and asked.
Baeksan Hotel.
Han Kang -sik found Han Hong -sik without abandoning his regret.
“uh?Brother, what is it? ”
“Can you come to my brother?”
“Sit so much.Well, would you like to drink? ”
Han Hong -sik opened the refrigerator and crossed a cup of cold water like ice, and Han Kang -sik brought cold water at once.
“say it.What are you doing that way? ”
“This time, my brother is trying to take over Kunyoung Construction, but the competition is very intense.Especially strong competitors. ”
“I don’t have money.”
“This baby doesn’t even listen to the end.”
“I don’t know.It’s not Alba, who had been a big success that his brother expanded his business.Honestly, I can’t be the winner in this race.I will live with a hotel like this. ”
Han Kang -sik, who heard Han Hong -sik, was annoyed.
‘okay.This was the original guy like this.The ambitions were not as much as a real man.Damn it.It’s a big deal.Do -young will sell a comprehensive machine and raise money. ‘
“Hey, is it okay to be a winner and a group?Can you bow your head to him? ”
“Why do you bow down?I have to be independent. ”
“You, did you get along with Yehee?”
“Hey, brother.Anyway, I was going to be independent even if my brother got a group.Isn’t it natural?So try to fight hard by yourself. ”
“You have changed a lot.When Seo was fanned, he revealed quite ambitions. ”
“It was the same as now.I have a lot of rewards in exchange for pushing my brother.When have you been aiming for the management of the group?No.I’m the same.It’s just if you live with stalls. ”
As the conversation with Han Hong -sik also ran parallel, Han Kang -sik lost his strength from his legs.
“Can you really help me?”
“I’m lace now.race.What do you help in this situation?Each person will be united.Each person. ”
Han Kang -sik bite it.
I knew Han Ye -hee and Han Hong -sik were holding quite a lot of extra funds, so I felt more betrayed.
Han Kang -sik, who came out, looked at the hotel and grinded it.
‘Let’s see it.these guys.I won’t let you go later. ‘
Baeksan Heavy Industries.
“Uh, aunt.”
Han Do -young was alerted to see Han Ye -hee, who appeared, but soon smiled and welcomed.
“Oh, look at this expression.Who will you see as a high school student? ”
“Didn’t you come to see your nephew?”
“What, humility?”
Han Ye -hee looked around Han Do -young’s office and sat down on the central sofa.
“Please ask ice Americano.You can only drink it here? ”
“well.You may find it, but it’s not a common coffee in Korea. ”
Han Do -young made two glasses of ice Americano and handed a glass of glass to Han Ye -hee and sat down and drank a sip.
“I’m going to make a coffee chain later.I like this so much. ”
“okay.It suits you. ”
Han Ye -hee was slightly frowned at a sip, but it was not as grumbled as the Han River.
“It’s not my taste.What is this good. ”
“But what’s going on?”
“You say you are going to be big?”
“Did you know your aunt?Oh, I thought I was quiet alone, but I know everyone knows.ha ha ha.”
“Do Young.”
“Will this aunt bet on Do -young?”
Han Do -young was blinded by an unexpected proposal.
The vigilance that was softened by sharing this and that conversation lifted the head like a viper.
In his view, Han Ye -hee was never a good opponent.
“Don’t think it’s hard.”
“It’s a surprising proposal.Last time, my aunt was not on his father, but on his side.But suddenly I will bet on me, so it’s natural to be alert. ”
“Look at you.What high school students are so cautious? ”
“If you are not careful, you’ll lose it.Please talk more.That way, I will decide too. ”
“I want to give you a 5%stake in Baeksan is it?Gumi pulls? ”
Han Do -young was upset.
If you can get a 5%stake in Baeksan E & C, it will be a great strength to compete with the Han River.
Of course, if you look at the stake, there were 5%of Han River, but it was obvious that the Han River was psychologically shrinking because the competitor Han Ye -hee supported Han Do -young.
Han Do -young’s mind, which summarized his thoughts, was calm.
When Han Do -young’s excited eyes sank, Han Ye -hee looked at it with an interesting look and laughed.
“also.You are not a high school student. ”
“I’m a high school student.”
“I’m a high school student.This weapon will be sitting inside.So my dad is happy to see you.Should I be happy because my grandchildren are cute?Anyway, I pick up is it.Are you interested? ”
“If you take management rights, make sure to fully independence the Baeksan Department Store.The group also extends the debts lent to department stores. ”
“Then I’m a loss.The loan is much larger than the equity value. ”
“A, Do -young.I thought it was smart, but it’s a bang. ”
Han Ye -hee’s rough provocation was Han Do -young, which was not shaken at all.
Han Ye -hee, who confirmed that, nodded slightly and continued the conversation.
“When you have a management rights of the Baeksan Group, if I proposed, the loss is right.But not now.We are competing, and I’m trying to reach out to you.But should I hand it?No.Anyway, even if you remove the department stores and hotels, the Baeksan Group is huge.The value of the companies that my father has in hand is equivalent to the value of our brothers.You also know this and hang your life to obtain management rights.Then my proposal is appropriate. ”
Han Ye -hee was much more realistic than Han Kang -sik.
“Why do you make this suggestion to me without suggesting a big host?”
“There’s a big brother behind you.I have cash.And the assessment of your father and Hong is not bad.Baeksan Tire The giant was also is it?Do you understand this aunt’s heart? ”
“I understand.”
“How about holding our hands?”
“I can’t go back.”
“Let’s write a contract.If you look at the damages, you will not be able to hit the back of each other. ”
This could confirm her sincerity.
Of course, it was true that she was still suspicious.However, if you add to the contract to compensate for damages in the event of a violation, you will be relieved to some extent.
Although it is financially lost, it was not a loss because it could approach one footsteps to secure the management rights of Baeksan Group.
“Now, sign up.”
She opened the handbag and pulled out the contract.
“You are dense.”
“Well, it’s getting to the whole department store.”
Han Do -young started reading carefully with a contract.
I have written numerous contracts in my previous life.
After reading and signing it, he was ruined by the toxin clause, so he slowly enjoyed the contents with a cool eyes.
“Who is a high school student?It’s more poisonous than dad.Very terribleIt’s terrible. ”
Han Ye -hee looked at the appearance of Han Do -young and squeezed his tongue and took out a cigarette and asked in his mouth.
Han Do -young frowned at the smell of nicotine, but did not take her eyes off the contract.
“There is no toxin clause.”
When Han Do -young put down the contract, Han Ye -hee pointed to the ashtray with his fingers.
Three cigarette butts caught the eye.
“I am convinced.”
“Did you sell your stake well?”
“No, you will be the winner.Usually this situation will be greedy ahead of the contract.If you are a little suspicious, you will call the staff to confirm it.But you checked carefully and checked the toxin clause carefully. ”
“Of course it is.”
“How many executives do you think they are in Korea?Even though the sense of management is bright, there are few people who are meticulous in writing and confirming documents like you.It is also a good sense to sell Joseon, a deficit, and acquire a surplus.It’s great to sell a comprehensive machine and make a strong game with my brother.So I give you a stake to you. ”
She frowned and asked a cigarette.
And for a long time smoked smoke.
Han Do -young didn’t like the cigarette smoke, but he didn’t avoid it or frowned.
“What are you doing with you?I have to take a department store.Stay, do you have?Isn’t it? ”
“no.What do I think. ”
Han Ye -hee shook her head.
Then I opened my mouth again.
“Do you want to sell a comprehensive machine and participate in the acquisition of Gunyoung Construction?
“That’s right.that’s right.This scary guy.No, it’s like this nasty nephew.Thank you for the future.Scary nephew. ”
Han Ye -hee woke up with a contract.
“Don’t forget that the moment your father raises your hand, this contract is effective.”
Han Ye -hee again left the boss’s room with a sound of angle.
Han Do -young, who was left alone, woke up and muttered.
“I got a department store and got a stake, so I made a business.If my aunt would not sell a stake, no matter how much money, I couldn’t live.Finally, I have stepped up to the management rights of Baeksan Group. ”
Han Do -young laughed brightly.