The Chaebol's Youngest son MTL - Chapter (61)
Episode 61.The decision of the siksik.
September 25, 1996.
Baeksan Hotel.
It was reported that Baeksan Heavy Industries had discussed the acquisition of the Pacific Merchant Marine from the Industrial Bank, and the economic swellers came to the hotel when the acquisition ceremony was held at the Baeksan Hotel today.
First floor convention room.
Economic swellers attended, exchanged opinions with each other, waiting for this event, and Han Do -young was talking to Han Hong -sik inside.
“Thanks to you, the hotel is quite promoted.”
“My uncle handed over to me, and I have to do this at the Baeksan Hotel.I will often hold this event in the future. ”
“okay.Just speak.I’ll clean it to use it anytime. ”
Han Hong -sik replied with his heart.
“By the way, is the little brother okay?”
“I am not a man who will be beaten and still.Honestly, I was worried that he would jump into the Pacific Merchant Marine. ”
“I heard that I tried to do that.But it failed because it was decisively failed to meet the demands of the KDB.All employment succession. ”
“I see.It’s hard.Do -young may have thought about it and made that decision, but be careful in the future.Labor costs cannot be ignored. ”
“i know.The Pacific Merchant Marine Workers are hard to replace.Experience is a property, and when you hire new employees, you struggle to go up to that stage.I’m going to expand the size of the Pacific Merchant Marine, so if they go out, it’s a board to dry.So I was able to make such a suggestion.He doesn’t have such a long -term plan, so he can never make such a suggestion.So I didn’t worry much when he said he was jumping into this plate. ”
“Ha, my sister is right.”
“Why did I sell your stake to you?My sister actively recommended you rather than a small type.It really looks different today.Be sure to succeed.Understand?”
“yes.My uncle. ”
Han Do -young bowed slightly and looked at the guests and journalists sitting in the chair.
At that time, Kim Joon -sung, president of the Industrial Bank, came to the back door.
Han Do -young first approached him and bowed his head slightly.
“It goes well.Please ask for the Pacific Merchant Marine.It’s a really good company. ”
“of course.If there is no possibility of growth, I would not have acquired it either.Now, shall we all be waiting? ”
As Han Do -young and Kim Joon -sung came up in the units, the reporters who were crazy began to take pictures with the camera.
The two raised their hands and took a gesture and sat down.
After signing the contract, taking a job, shaking with each other, the flash broke out.
Finally, the Pacific Merchant Marine left the company’s arms and hugged Baeksan Heavy Industries.
Kim Joon -sung retired with a supporting role, and Han Do -young stood up.
When Han Do -young raised his hands, the camera flash broke out again.
“How do you feel?”
The press conference began in earnest, and Han Do -young began to answer with their questions.
Many managers were reluctant to press, but they were Han Do -young, who used the media a lot in the previous lives.
There was a person who watched them from afar, Han Chung -sik and Hong Gun -hee.
“president.Are you proud? ”
“yes.My heart is overwhelming.I’m my son, but it’s really good.ha ha ha.It doesn’t matter if you tease your arms.I want to scream loudly, ‘Do -young is my son.’
“Is it an arm out?It’s a great talent.No matter how much I remembered, no manager showed that performance at that age. ”
Hong Kun -hee nodded and responded to Han Chung -sik’s words.
“But what about my father?”
Hong Kun -hee thought for a while.
He may not ask a question because he does not know the illness of the disease.
If so, it will mean that you want to know the intention of a disease about Han Do -young.
“sorry.I can’t tell you about your thoughts.Do you know the boss? ”
“It’s still heavy.”
“I get a lot of money.”
“Isn’t it negative about Doyoung?”
“yes.You are looking at it quite positively. ”
Hong Kun -hee only mentioned only the atmosphere that was before, and avoided specific answers.
“I’m going to do it right now.”
“What does it mean?”
Hong Kun -hee was able to speculate about the heart of Chung -sik, but he still asked carefully to know the exact meaning.
“Do -young and Kang -sik can’t see the fight anymore.If I push Doyoung clearly, Kang Sik will fold his vain dream. ”
“Do you want to hand over the stake?”
“There is nothing to do.Yehee and Hong Sik also handed over.And Do -young is only young and is a very good manager.I was aggressively managing my age, but the company’s financial position is stable.It is not easy to achieve that harmony, but the balance is exquisite.100 times better than me.So it’s not a futile to give 10%stake in Baeksan E & C. ”
“Even so, Han Kang -sik will never give up this competition.”
“Yes.If you win, you can get a 11%stake in your father.But it doesn’t mean that I give Doyoung a stake.It means that if Doyoung is in a crisis in the future, I will take off my feet. ”
“All right.I will tell you to the president. ”
Han Choong -sik nodded lightly and turned to the front and looked at Han Do -young’s press conference.
Hong Kun -hee looked at the face of the water.
I was looking at his face, and it seemed to know the winner of this competition.
‘The competition is over.Han Kang -sik holds Baeksan E & C in his hand and runs up, and Han Chung -sik, who holds Baeksan Securities, supports Han Do -young.The acquisition of Kunyoung Construction will suffer from financial difficulties, and Baeksan Heavy Industries, which combines with Baeksan Securities, which is rich in funds, will fly.The winner is decided.No way, the result will come out like this.When the president declared the competition, no one predicted these one.’
2 hours later.
“Are you tired?”
After the press conference, Baek Eun -ji approached Han Do -young and wiped the sweat on his face.
“are you okay.It was fun. ”
“fun?How much journalists are. ”
“You promote me for me.We promote it for free, but I have to take this hard work.Are you not? ”
“Who will we beat our Do -young in words?”
Baek Eun -ji was stuck with Han Do -young.
“Good work.”
“Oh, father.”
“I saw it all from the beginning.And I also reported how you acquired the Pacific Merchant Marine.It was a great judgment.Congratulations.”
“thank you.I was recognized by my father and I felt like I got the world.Please help me a lot in the future.If you walk the wrong road, please advice. ”
“This guy.You are better than me.What advice are you? ”
Han Chung -sik laughed as if he felt good and put his hands on Han Do -young’s shoulders and approached and said low.
“I would like to hand over a 10%stake in Baeksan E & C this year.The cost is that you pay after you get a group management.In terms of Baeksan Securities.I can do that. ”
When I imagined, ‘Would this day come someday?’
Finally, it secured a 20%stake in Baeksan Construction.
This was actually confirmed, so Han Do -young’s face was reminded red.
“My father gets to the president.”
“done.Hey.You say something you don’t even know.Do it well.My father will help you hard from behind.And I, I’m not confident than you. ”
Han Chung -sik hit his hands and blocked Han Do -young’s mouth.
“good job.”
Baek Eun -ji approached and said quietly with his arms.
Han Chung -sik smiled still and said it rang.
“It’s the most regret of decisions.”
Baeksan Construction.
Han Kang -sik went to Baeksan Hotel, but remained here and was silling.
Anyway, I wanted to get revenge on Han Do -young, but I was sick because I failed.
“The president of Baeksan Securities is coming.”
“My brother?Come in. ”
Han Kang -sik got up from his seat with a surprise.
Han Kang -sik, who saw Han Chung -sik, pointed to the sofa by hand.
Han Chung -sik did not sit in front of the Han River.
“Kang -sik.”
“what?Why are you doing your voice? ”
“I will pick up all of the pair play from now on.”
“What are you talking about?”
Han River was cooled and urgently asked.
It was because it was not like a model student who ran on the rails so far.
Hangang -sik was feared because he had a terrible weapon of excellent work and a 10%stake.
Whether or not he knows it, Han Chung -sik continued to speak with heavy bass.
“I will be over 10% of Doyoung, and I will remove the obstacle that blocks him in the future.”
“Are you thinking me as an obstacle now?I’m my brother.Brother.”
“So good.You go on your way, do not touch Doyoung. ”
“Wow, I’m crazy.Who touches who?It was a country.But why is it to me? ”
“So you said.paintingI will hit the application.Even if you hear the sound of your arms, I will do anything for Doyoung.So if you are going to take revenge on Do -young, fold it.I have to fight me before that. ”
Looking at the cool Hanchungsik, Han Kang -sik was clogged.
Silver has passed for a while.
Han Kang -sik, who judged that there was nothing good to stimulate Han Chung -sik, gently turned off with an awkward smile.
“Me, am I?My nephew was playing a bit of a joke, so I think I was piled up in my chest?What do people look at? ”
“Yes.How is Kunyoung E & C? ”
“Well, I’m arranging the duplicate part.I bought a lot of real estate.So I want to sell some cash. ”
“Good job.Because it’s a recession these days, let’s stock up as much as possible. ”
“What, good information?”
“The state of the season is serious.”
“It’s not happening yesterday today.”
“This time.It may really fall next year.The gaze at the steel that the government and banks is also cold is cold. ”
Han River’s expression hardened.
It was possible to assume that the Korean economy would be in a serious crisis if the Boyhan Steel in the 14th place was in the bankruptcy.
Only then was the advice of Han Chung -sik.
-On now, we must join forces to overcome the crisis, not the time to fight.
Han Kang -sik nodded slightly, but did not give up the group management.
“Then work hard.Is that advice if you give more advice to the big guy?Nagging. ”
“I drink anything while I have.”
“I have a meal later.Or drink a drink. ”
Han Kang -sik said on the back of Han Chung -sik, but Han Chung -sik shook his hand and left the president’s room.
When the door was closed, Han River kicked the sofa with his feet.
“Damn it.Will you come out like this?Do you know how to give up? ”
Han Kang -sik stared at the door with anger.
Soon his expression was full of despair.
No matter how much I thought about it, there was no way to win the competition.
‘You have to find a way.How to.My father should give me a 11%stake.That’s the only solution.What should I do? ‘
Han Kang -sik sat down on the floor with his head wrapped.
The crisis came in front of my nose, and anger was angered in a reality that could not do anything.