The Chaebol's Youngest son MTL - Chapter (68)
Episode 68.Meeting with Cho Sam -young.
Bohan Steel was bankrupt, but the Korean economy seemed to be at least no shock.
The stock market climbed 55 points and finished at 685.11, and corporate bonds fell to 12.06%.
But I started to go away from inside.
Banks, which had a big loss due to the bankruptcy of Bohan Steel, began to apply the regulations to extend the loan, and companies with the expiration of loans began to scream.
The government tried to take the acquisition of the steel as a result of Daehyun, Future, Jungwoo, and TL Group, but all four groups demanded that all four groups were forgotten, but the creditors could not accept it..
Baeksan Hospital.
Han Duk -Byeong called the news that Cho Sam -young came and called Han Do -young.
“You called.grandfather.”
“Today, an old man will come.Do it tightly. ”
Han Do -young immediately came up with a businessman.
It is called a bulldozer and is the first place in the business world.
His hungry properties were famous in the business world.
“Are you talking about Daehyun Group Chairman Cho Sam -young?”
“Huh huh.yes.There is only an old man.why?Do you want to meet? ”
“no.I wanted to meet you. ”
“okay.Probably that old man will ask you a few words.Just answer comfortably. ”
Hanguk -chi smiled and read Han Do -young’s shoulders.
His hand was very unnatural, so Han Do -young was devoted.
“If you fit now, you’re in trouble.”
“Would you be okay?”
“Anyway, my disease is known to the world.I’m eating stimulants, but I’m getting longer.I will take care of my bottle, so you learn hard or hard. ”
Han Do -young was worried about a bottle, but could not dry.
In fact, it was an incurable disease, and the disease was slowly progressing.
The time available for the illness has changed from time to time, it was also a proof that his mind was not intact.
“If the old man came, there would be nothing wrong.”
The bottle was nervous and stretched his tongue and soaked his lips.
After a while.
I heard a squeaky sound from the outside.
Han Do -young was excited to think that he met Cho Sam -young for the first time.
When he was in full swing in his previous life, Cho Sam -young was already deceased, so it was the first time he faced him.
“Iborau.Deuk bottle. ”
“older brother.Welcome. ”
Cho Sam -young approached the bed with a broken voice.
He carefully looked at the face of the disease and lowered his voice tone.
“Is it okay?”
“It is not okay.”
“Well, it’s okay to see a big voice.”
Jo Sam -young sat down next to the disease.
“hello?This is Han Do -young. ”
Han Do -young politely greeted Jo Sam -young when she met her eyes.
His sharp eyes went down from the head of Han Do -young to the toes.
“Did you come to see me?”
“Humsa.I came to see myself because I was rumored to be a great the way.All of your children are all guilty, but how did you have such things? ”
“There is a genetic that skipping a generation.”
“Is there something like that?It’s a good thing for Baeksan Group. ”
“Be careful.”
“Do -young’s goal is the first place.1st.”
“Huh, it’s really good.But it won’t be easy.Baeksan is also a large company, but the difference in weight is quite large. ”
“The world’s No. 1.”
“Where are you sick?I was sick, so I would lie on the hospital bed.Eat cold water and wear it. ”
Cho Sam -young bodied her and Han Do -young, and she kicked her tongue, and she laughed as if the expression was fun.
“Do you have such an expression?”
“by the way.There was a saying that I would acquire Bohan Season, but what do you mean? ”
“President.I will tell you that. ”
When Han Do -young stepped in front of a step, Jo Sam -young looked at her sharp eyes.
“Bohan season has so many debt, so it’s hard to take over right now.Even if you are willing to take over, it is hard to take over unless the condition of removing many debt is not preceded.I will actively go out when the high -pressure attitude of the government and creditors is relaxed over time. ”
“If you know that alone, why did you tell the Sang -gu?”
“I can’t handle such a big company quietly through a secret story.Perhaps it will be done through an open sale procedure, and after several trials and errors, the acquisition will be decided.At that time, I think that the side of judging corporate value and presenting the best conditions will be the acquisition.The acquisition may be Baeksan Heavy Industries or Daehyeon Group.It can be a third party. ”
Cho Sam -young, who stared at Han Do -young, who was confident but calmly revealed, burst into laughter.
“What is your age?”
“18 years old ···.”
“I don’t need that.In those young people, there are at least 40 people in their 40s.Puhahaha.It’s very fun.also?What is the world’s number one? ”
“I will literally go to the world’s number one.”
“Did you stay still to overtake?”
“Isn’t Daehyun Group separated soon?The chairman’s old age was a lot, and the children were mature.I heard that I am considering separating work inside the group.Daehyun is the number one, but if it is separated, it will actually be similar to Baeksan.Isn’t it? ”
“What are you talking about?”
“no.Who should I say that?I know. ”
“I can’t sit anymore because I’m sick.Deuk Byeong -ah.Good body cooking.Do -young see you next time. ”
“yes.good bye.”
Cho Sam -young was greeted by Han Do -young and immediately went out of the room.
“.Even if you are all old, you can’t fix that temper. ”
Hanguk looked at the door and took his tongue and turned to Han Do -young.
“are you okay.It is evidence that you evaluated you very high.Good job.It’s not easy to be recognized by that old man, but I did very well.Oh.Go.I have to work. ”
Hanguk -chi patted Han Do -young’s back with an awkward gesture.
Cho Sam -young, who came out of the car, turned around and looked at the room where the bottle stayed with a nasty look.
‘I thought it was a tiger, but it was a tiger.I don’t know if all of my sons are eaten by him. ‘
Cho Sam -young trembled lightly in an unknown fear that he thought about how he was at the age of Han Do -young.
‘I actually got a Baeksan group at the age of 18.But it’s unique and prudent, and it’s great.I don’t have a sense of how much it will grow. ‘
Cho Sam -young shook her head and boarded the car.
The shock received from Han Do -young was considerable.
It was only a short time conversation because it was Cho Sam -young, who was considered to be excellent in seeing people.
‘I have to be tight.’
“Departure Harau.”
The high -end sedan, which carried him at the short direction of Cho Sam -young, softened the headquarters of Daehyun Group.
Baeksan Construction.
As I entered the president’s office, a familiar face welcomed him.
It was one.
The chairman was officially a bottle, and Han Chung -sik was in charge of construction and securities as before.
“My grandfather?”
“Whatever you do, you try not to look weak, but I’m sorry.I hope you will put it down and devote yourself to the treatment of bottles. ”
“I’ve been running only before.It’s like a death sentence to him. ”
Han Chung -sik pointed to Han Do -young to sit on the couch.
Han Chung -sik, who brought two cups of warm coffee directly, sat opposite him.
“What are you going to do now?”
“If my father decides, I have to follow.”
“I told you last time.This father will help Doyoung to grow well. ”
“Isn’t it too irresponsible?”
“You’ve done well so far.If you want to think carefully and talk to me.It would be better for you to go out for small things and to do big things.Because there is something about society.Now, tell me. ”
Han Do -young briefly organized her thoughts and opened her mouth at Han Chung -sik’s repeated demands.
“It’s a bit unfamiliar to say that I wanted to say with my father’s urge.Honestly, I will tell you my thoughts. ”
Han Chung -sik smiled comfortably and leaned back.
“I want to fulfill my grandfather’s wish.In the next three years, we will acquire steel mills, steel smelters and shipyards.As you guess, the steel mills are Dangjin Steel Mills built in Boyhan Steel.Steel smelting companies are special steel and steel companies.The shipyard is one of the three major shipbuilders held by Daehyun, Future, and Middle and Central Group. ”
“This should be surprised, but it’s not amazing anymore.I’m in vain. ”
Han Choong -sik shouted ‘Nonsense’ in his heart, but he decided to trust and entrust his son, so he did not pour out negative words.
“It’s a big company, so if the plan is revised in the middle, it tells me.Even if only one of the four plans will be successful, the business community will greatly recognize your ability. ”
“Then then.”
“Is there again?”
“yes.You shouldn’t end with steel mills, steel companies, and shipyards.Currently, the Pacific Merchant Marine is a connected business,That’s not enough.If the car comes out as a sale, I will actively run. ”
“Hey.The car is really big. ”
“So if you said.father.I’m going to fight hard in the capacity of the ability. ”
Han Do -young revealed a part of his plan.
“What about funds?One of the four plans is overwhelming with the funding power of Baeksan Group.The economy is in a recession, so you have to secure your free funds.I can’t invest all.Do you know what I mean? ”
“sure.Did you know I invested in the United States? ”
“okay.Aren’t you scared?As I am a representative of the securities firm, the information continues to come in, and the warning that the bubble will burst continues.Of course, there are a lot of information to go up.Honestly, I’m worried.This steep stock is steep when you go down.It will not be easy to sell the timing. ”
Han Do -young sympathized with Han Chung -sik’s worries.
Nasdaq is not enough to fall in 2000.
If Han Do -young did not know the history, he would have thought about the timing to sell while fixing his eyes on the stock market.
“I’ll keep seeing the timing.”
“okay.You want to take care of it. ”
Han Chung -sik nodded and asked Han Do -young with a colorful expression of what he thought.
“You are confident that the Korean economy will fall this time.yes?”
Han Do -young’s calculation is possible only when the Korean economy falls down.
Han Do -young nodded.
“The bankruptcy of Bohan Steel has set fire to the bombing line of the bomb.If the bank begins to recover the loan and the company begins to collapse, no one will stop this. ”
“Huh, you shouldn’t come until that situation.Otherwise, the Baeksan Group turned into tightening mode.We are working hard to secure cash. ”
“Collect dollars.”
“In 1994, Mexico fell into a foreign exchange crisis.If the Korean economy worsens, there’s no law like Mexico.Of course, it’s not likely, but if you prepare, you can be ahead of those who are not prepared. ”
Han Chung -sik nodded.
He liked Han Do -young’s advice to him, who was originally a prudent personality.
“If you say, the dollar will soar, so the luck of Baeksan Group will be wider.”
“I think so too.”
Han Do -young nodded with a light smile.
“Oh, Kang -sik is snooping around.”
“I hope you don’t take the wrong company in a hurry.”
“He luck.Shall we go to eat? ”
Han Do -young woke up with Han Chung -sik.