The Chaebol's Youngest son MTL - Chapter (71)
Episode 71.Hansik’s heart.
As the white medicine proved to be invalid, the domestic economy worsened, rather than getting better.
Among them, there was a remarkable news to hit the economy.
May 10.
Han Do -young was watching TV in the office.
-Han Kang -sik, former representative of Baeksan E & C, acquired Hanshin Gun Young.Hanshin Gun -young had a bankruptcy due to the crunch of funds.Kim Jong -min, CEO of Hanshin Kun -young, made a decision to sell Hanshin Gun -young in 1 billion to save the company.But Hanshin Kun Young’s outlook is dark and opaque.As the economic downturn continues, the sales of 1.4 trillion won must be paid back.It is noteworthy what the former representative of Han Kang -sik will release.
Han Do -young took the remote control and turned off the TV.
“You eventually had an accident.”
Han Do -young put the remote control on the table and returned to his place and published the documents.
Boo Woo Woong.
Cell phone ringing with vibration.
It was Baek Eun -ji.
“Did you hear the news?Your uncle said that he acquired Hanshin Gunyoung. ”
“yes.I saw it on the news now.Honestly, I want to dry, but I’m not listening to me. ”
“okay.What the hell are you doing with?I also live on real estate.It’s not upset these days.By the way, do you take over a construction company that everyone avoids?Uh, it’s frustrating.stuffy.”
Baek Eun -ji made Han Kang -sik to make Han Do -young’s ears.
“Do -young, you should never help your uncle to help.Understand?”
Hangang -sik was forgotten by the power that Han Kang -sik tried to drive Han Chung -sik.
She wanted to laugh at Han Kang -sik’s fools, but he was worried that he would be harmed by Han Do -young.
“Do not worry.You know that cool.There will be no financial support. ”
“okay.Never forget that your uncle was trying to drive out your dad in the past. ”
Baek Eun -ji was afraid that Han Do -young’s heart would weaken.
She forgive all others, but Han Kang -sik and Seo Jae -eun could hardly forgive.
“yes.All right.”
After listening to Baek Eun -ji’s new party, the call ended.
Han Do -young, who looked at the cell phone for a while after the call ended, laughed.
‘So if a woman has one, it’s frosted in Onuwol.I couldn’t forgive a big homeroom for my mom.Can you be forgiven? ‘
Han Do -young closed the cell phone folder and put it in a pocket and opened the documents.
Hanshin Gunyoung.
Han River was busy.
He established the Planning and Coordination Office and sat down on the director.
“Uh, what is your brother?”
Han Kang -sik, who was busy finding the company’s work, suddenly saw Han Chung -sik and stood up.
“boy.Can’t you come to my brother?Is it worth it? ”
Han Chung -sik looked around the office and sat down on the couch.
Han Kang -sik sat opposite him and looked at Han Chung -sik’s expression.
“I didn’t expect anyone in Baeksan.If I think about what I’ve been doing, I pray for expectations. ”
“Did you be good at that?Is there anything hard? ”
“Many.Well, if you tell me to help me? ”
“You solve it.I have a heart, but it is hard to watch.What if you didn’t try to hit me?Ugh.”
Han Chung -sik hit his chest whether it was frustrating.
Han Kang -sik was ashamed to remember that he had been criticized for criticizing him as “indecisive milk” and “no management.”
If he was one, he would never have done this generous behavior.
No, it would have been in a hurry to bury.
“thank you so much.I won’t forget that brother’s heart. ”
“okay.Still, isn’t we blood?You will help you in the line that can help you, so work hard.You know it’s a very difficult time now?Switch to tightening mode.Secure cash.That way, this crisis can be over. ”
“I will.”
It would have been a protest if it was before, but I was immediately convinced that I knew the sincerity of Han Chung -sik.
In fact, he was abandoned in Baeksan -ga, but he was grateful to tears because he recognized his heart as much as he was.
“And take care of the vice president.People were Jinguk.Honestly, where is the executive who matches this much? ”
“know.I was a little surprised too.Honestly, I thought I wouldn’t follow.So I left the head of the Planning and Coordination Office.I’ll work hard. ”
Today’s Han River was different.
He did not explode and exploded, and he also accepted Han Chung -sik’s advice.
Han Kang -sik was kicked out of Baeksan Group and realized his position as he lived in the night.
At first, I was sure to take revenge, and it shouted so loudly, but it didn’t take much time to realize how reckless delusions were.
That’s why Han Kang -sik became quiet.
No weakened.
‘guy.In the meantime, you have been in trouble. ‘
Han Chung -sik suddenly felt sorry for Han Kang -sik.
“already?Even meals. ”
“are you hard.”
Han Chung -sik left his office with his shoulders.
Han Choong -sik, who came out of the building, still looked up at Hanshin Gun -young.
‘Good.It will be very hard this year. ‘
Han Chung -sik shook his head and got on the car.
The vehicle he boarded was gently departed and headed to Baeksan Hospital.
Baeksan Hospital.
When I entered the hospital room, the bottle was looking at the ceiling with a dazzling eyes, and I didn’t recognize that Han Chung -sik came.
Han Chung -sik’s heart was thumped and down.
“Guardians.Don’t scream and wait a while. ”
Since the doctor urgently gave attention, Han Chung -sik soothed his heart and quietly sat in the chair.
“I’m here?”
In the powerless voice, Han Chung -sik approached him and held his hand.
“guy.Now that the awakening system doesn’t work well.I didn’t want to show this. ”
“We’ll be well managed, so my father will devote himself to treatment.Excessive adoption of the stimulant will only worsen the side effects. ”
“She’s loyalty.”
“Do not just think about Do -young, but I also think of Kiyoung.Kiyoung is sad if you pass it all on Doyoung. ”
“I’ll take care of it.Do not worry.I will pass on a company that is also like Kiyoung. ”
Han Chung -sik wiped the sweat flowing on the forehead of the bottle.
“I have been meeting.Do you know Hanshin Gun Young?I took it there.Now I have become a representative of the company. ”
“Kang -sik did something unnecessary in this difficult time.”
“Kang -sik has changed a lot.”
“I should watch.”
The disease was still cold.
As a son and as a manager, Han Duk -chi gave Han Kang -sik a failure.
Therefore, I heard that Han River has changed, but no trust was formed.
“Do not support you even if you cry, blow, and hang.This is a great opportunity to fix his nature.If you have a hard time dying this time, you will hear some iron.Foolish guy. ”
“Because it has changed a lot.”
“People do not change easily.For the first time, I would have shrunk, and you must have noticed.It will be hard this year, so if you are in a corner, your nature will pop out.If you can’t fix it, it’s a great steal. ”
The bottle squeezed his tongue and then disappeared again.
Since the silence continued for a while, Han Chung -sik looked up and looked at his face.
The eyes of the bottle were looking at the ceiling with their focus.
“You have to rest now.”
On the advice of the doctor, Han Chung -sik nodded.
“father.I’ll come again next time. ”
Han Chung -sik stared at the disease and left the room.
Han Chung -sik, who came out, wrapped his face with both hands and shed tears.
Memories with the disease came to mind.
In May, Samlip Foods and large farming companies were further bankruptcy.
Hannam -dong.
“Uh, what is the lady?”
Baek Eun -ji was surprised at Han Ye -hee’s sudden visit.
“My sister was good.”
“Me, what.”
Baek Eun -ji looked at Han Ye -hee with suspicious eyes.
Han Ye -hee mocked to join hands with Han Kang -sik.
After that, Han Do -young promised 5% of Baeksan E & C, and empowered Han Do -young.
Therefore, for Baek Eun -ji, Han Ye -hee was the existence of love.
“I still hate me?Should I keep standing like this? ”
“Look at my mind.Come on in.”
Baek Eun -ji first sent Han Ye -hee.
When Han Do -young won the confrontation with Han Kang -sik, her role was absolute.
Therefore, she did not feel like Han River.
Han Ye -hee, who was sitting on the couch and talking about this and that, took the point.
“New sister.Do you know that you are going to be a big farming? ”
“I know.Mido Pado Department Store is going to be a bankruptcy. ”
The Dae Agricultural Group was a parent company of Mido Pa Department Store.
Mido Pa Department Store’s bankruptcy has been greater than the bankruptcy of Daeong Group.
“My sister is also interested in the department store?”
Han Ye -hee’s question, Baek Eun -ji stared at her and looked at her.
“miss.What do you want to say? ”
“Would you like to manage Midopa?”
“well.As you can see, I’m a housewife, do you know management? ”
“A, new sister.Solve it all if you have something sad.sorry.”
Han Ye -hee is Baek Eun -jiI grabbed my hand and bowed my head.
Baek Eun -ji was surprised and didn’t know what to do.
Han Ye -hee’s actions were unexpected.
“thank you.”
Silence flowed for a while, and Baek Eun -ji opened his mouth.
“But why are you me?”
“Men don’t know the taste of consumption.My sister or I know big and luxury.If you leave a department store to someone you don’t know, sales will fall. ”
Baek Eun -ji nodded.
Han Ye -hee’s proposal was set up in her heart.
So far, she had been quietly raising her husband and raising her children.
Of course, it was a pretty big hand in the real estate market, but at least it was not directly on the front.
“To take over that giant, it would cost quite a lot of money.”
“So.How much will it cost?Debt is a problem.If you take it right now, you have to take over your debt, and you can take a good time for the debt.I’m burdened alone. ”
Han Ye -hee put in a moxibustion and held a conversation with Baek Eun -ji’s hands.
“I’ll be honest.I was advised by Do -young.You know.How good is Doyoung’s sense?There’s nothing wrong with Do -young. ”
“Do you want to take over department stores?”
“I’m not just that much, but as a leader in the distribution industry.And in the United States, there is an online mall such as eBay and Amazon, but what if I introduce it in Korea. ”
Only then did Baek Eun -ji looked clearly in Han Ye -hee.
“I mean to act as a Jeonju.”
“yes.I’ll give you a stake.Look at this. ”
Han Ye -hee brought the prepared documents in advance and unfolded on the table.
After passing the first chapter of the Baeksan Distribution Group, the group’s organization was at a glance.
Baeksan Distribution was a holding company, and the holding company took control of department stores, discount marts, convenience stores and online malls.
Baek Eun -ji, who was calmly looking at it, covered the documents.
“how is it?Are you interested? ”
“So the acquisition of Mido Pa White Store is not the core.”
“yes that’s right.It’s good, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have anything.You can buy real estate or company cheaply during this recession.The problem is money.So I absolutely need my new sister’s help.Can you help me? ”
Han Ye -hee knew that Baek Eun -ji had a lot of money.
It was a moment when Han Ye -hee’s real purpose was revealed.
Even though she knew her real purpose, Baek Eun -ji did not shake and drank coffee.
There was a mountain ball with a big hand of real estate, and it was possible to show prudence that was not bite even if a good suggestion came.
“I’ll think about it.”
“My new sister should now work.The kids were all big.please.”
Han Ye -hee handed the documents to the hands of Baek Eun -ji and stood up.
“I’ll take a serious review.”
“thank you.New sister. ”
Han Ye -hee bowed his head and left Baek Eun -ji’s house.