The Saint’s Dungeon Business MTL - Chapter (1056)
What the Saints do in the dungeon Episode 962>
Thanks to all of the serious atmosphere that everyone became united, my threats became quite meaningless, but as a result, it was better.
Even in this situation, we saw us that we are talking to each other, and we have solved the boundaries as if we were in vain.
And when we drove the energy of the saint skills remaining in the body of the nine -tailed girl who fell on the floor, we finally heard the details from the nine -tailed nine -tailed lake.
“So, let’s listen to why you suddenly attacked me?”
“Because you said you stopped the war.”
Compared to the border tone, the tone became quite soft, but Kumi -ho still couldn’t hide his worry.
“huh?Wasn’t you hate war unlike others? ”
Was it wrong to guess that we were hiding in this place because I didn’t like war?
After all, Gumiho is also the same race, so do you instinctively like war?
I was suspicious for a while, but Kumiho shook his head slowly.
“I hate war.But I need it. ”
What are you talking about?I don’t like war, but I need it.
It was an incomprehensible statement, but Diana nodded as if he knew about the situation alone.
“Diana, do you understand what that means?”
“hmm.Of course, it’s just a guess.
There is a person next to me who knows the situation properly. Should I listen to this body?
Diana was a very brief look, but Diana told her speculation as if she didn’t want to explain.
I like to explain it anyway.So I’m talking to Diana on purpose.
Anyway, Diana’s story was quite long.
The nine -tailed fox is a race of drinking, but the ability to use is the ability to sex.
In other words, if you look at the power alone, it is rather an power that is close to the races of the goddess rather than the races of the drunk.
As a result, people who hate the goddess, the nine -tailed nine -tailed nine -tailed nine -tailed nine -tailed nine -tailed foxes were despised.
So far, I knew because Diana had already said.The problem is next.
According to the goddess, the war here was temporarily stopped.
Sarah’s grandmother, the unification of armed by the warrior Lirian Pleatus.
And the aftermath was told to the nine -tailed nine -tailed lakes.
There was no problem when they were in war, but after the war stopped, people could not control their bodies, and they searched for the next object to fight.
In the beginning, it is a bunch of strength and war.The war was over, so I couldn’t stop fighting.
And what was selected as the target was a nine -tailed nine -tailed fox with the power of the goddess.
Because of the end of the war, the nine -tailed nine -tailed lives became more dangerous.
But as we already knew, the war stopped was not very long.
Samuel Auden, who was missioned by the goddess, left the end of the war, the last winner of the war and the last remaining warrior, Lilian Pleatus, and left to the ground, and the remnants of the central point and deterrent were raised to stand up to everyone and began the war.It’s.
And thanks to the beginning of the war, the flames of hatred, which were concentrated on Nine Miho, disappeared again.
“What about?Is there something wrong with this body guess? ”
After confidently explained, Diana looked at the nine -tailed nine -tailed and required confirmation.
And the nine -tailed fox was looking at Diana with a look like a ghost.Usually it would be a nine -tailed nine -tailed role.
Well, our Diana has a lot of hair.
I don’t think I need to hear the answer.
“indeed.So it’s hard to stop the war again, so I tried to handle me in advance to prevent it. ”
“······is it so.”
Still, there was no conscience to kill the moxibustion, but Gumi -ho nodded slightly.
“But I don’t need that worry.We are not trying to stop the war with force like the last warrior. ”
“What does that mean?”
“You just felt my strength with that body?That way, the war will stop.When everyone turns around sex, there’s no reason to just hate nine -tailed fox?Rather, you want to be a kid because you want to taste Gumiho’s technique at least once? ”
When I still looked at the nine -tailed heart of the nipples, I still looked at the nipple’s chest, and I urgently covered my chest as if I realized what he was doing now.
But I felt a weak hope in my words, and I looked at me with earnest eyes.
“That, is that really?But no matter how powerful people have such power, people’s perceptions will change so easily. ”
Well, I can’t believe it.
But I already have a performance.It is also against the world’s most dangerous class in this world.
“Huh.It’s also useless too.I already picked up the descendants of the last warrior with this force.
Suddenly, I suddenly felt extreme pain on my side when I tried to proudly speak my achievements.
shit!I’m taking off my armor!
“Sarah didn’t talk!”
“I know this fool too!”
Then why …I think it’s the same thing that I feel bad even if I’m talking about Miriel.
I had no words to say, and I decided to accept the pain of my side.
We were so playful, but this time I did not relax when we saw us.
On the contrary, I hardened my body hard enough, and looked at Sarah with a trembling chin.
“Yo, yo, the warrior’s ····
“huh?that’s right.This is his granddaughter.As you can see, the power of the warrior inherits the power of the warrior, and usually ignorantly ignorant. ”
“Who is ignorant?!”
“Ah!?sorry!sorry!The horse is in vain! ”
Once again, I barely avoided Sarah’s hand, which was attacked on his side, and I begged Sarah to mercy.
And besides me, there was a man begging Sarah to beg for mercy.
“Hii profit!Mo, I don’t know you really!I’m really sorry!Champion! ”
It was a nine -tailed nine -tailed nine -tailed fox who stepped back three steps back.
It was not even mature nine -tailed nine -tailed nine -tailed fox.
Immediately after the release of my saint skills, I was crawling up to the nine -tailed girl who hid in the bushes, and I was sought for forgiveness from Sarah.
It’s been a while since the warrior disappeared.
Here, what the warrior meant was, and I could see it.
“Sara.Have you seen it?How scary you are ·····. ”
“Do it while watching the situation.”
Sarah stared at me lightly by staring at it, and then he approached the nine -tailed knee with a awkward look and bent his knees.
“wake up.I don’t have to do it for me.Even if it’s a warrior, it’s only a job, and I don’t know anything here. ”
“Is that, yes?”
Sarah did not try to raise his body immediately, but Kumiho only lifted his head and looked at Sarah’s complexion.
For some reason, I feel like I’ve been talking about all the things I’ve been talking about.
Just put Sarah in front of the beginning and said, “Gumiho!The descendants of the warrior came here!Come and say the situation! ”Didn’t you be able to listen to the story while being enshrined as a village?
I didn’t think so for a while, but I might have been doing this because it would have been like Sarah anyway.In the end, it was solved well.
After that, Sarah had to suffer quite a bit of a nine -tailed nine -tailed lake, and after a while, the two Gumiho were barely trembling and wandering.
And with the opportunity, I decided to increase my requirements.
“Anyway, it would be better for you, so I don’t have to worry about it.So I want to listen a little more.I keep talking about it here a little bit, so don’t you go to the village and tell me the approximate situation here?What do you know
Hey I think I can make a specific plan. ”
“Yes, yes.”
Because of Sarah’s dead, the request to guide to the village was also accepted, so we finally turned through this enchantment and headed to the top of the mountain where the nine -tailed nine -tailed lives gathered.
Since I had to go through the encounter, I had a long time to go to the top of the mountain than I could see.
In the meantime, I just walked silently, so I was late but I tried to talk with a simple name.
Mature nine -tailed nine -tailed fox Loel.The nine -tailed girl is named Lisa.
“There is only a woman in the village?”
“yes.The nine -tailed fox is a race that only exists. ”
As if I didn’t know that there was a nine -tailed lake on your party, Roel nodded and answered.
Somehow, at first, Lisa was a man at the end of the man and the attitude was strange.Was it really the first time to see a man?
For reference, Lisa has never been words.
There may be a reason why I was scared by Sarah, but I am also a man.
“But what about the child?new yearAre you having birth by yourself? ”
“no.Men are ·····. ”
Seeing Roel, who seemed to be difficult to answer, I could notice what the situation I was roughly.
Is it real?If my thoughts are right, it’s completely Arakne Clan MK.It’s like 2 guys.In that it sucks the man’s regularity to the bone marrow.
“oh!Roel.Lisa’s lady is …
Anyway, when I arrived at the top of the mountain while talking about such a conversation, two slender nine -tailed nine -tailed people took the window in his hand and looked at us and watched us.
“I’m my guest.Rap the window. ”
“yes!Excuse me. ”
Looking at it, is both Loel and Lisa in a high position between the nine -tailed fox?
Lightly passed by Roel’s words, we were finally able to arrive in the village of nine tails.
As I heard from Roel, the village had only a woman.It is also a person who needs to attach the modifier of ‘Mi’ before.
Beauty, beautiful girl, immortal girl.Even if you look at it here, there are only beautiful women.Should it be called a race specialized for being a man?
In addition, it was rare to see a man walking in the middle of the village, and it was more strange because the eyes of the passing nine -tailed nine -tailed nine -tailed ninefold were stuck in me.
Is it similar to the first time I went to the Arakne Clan House?
The resistance to beauty would have risen much more than that time, but it feels like this.Since it is a place where nine -tailed nine -tailed lakes live, is Mana with a unique fascinating power in the atmosphere?
“I only see four beautiful ladies in my eyes.”
Of course, there was a person who was tight next to it, so I didn’t do it all the time while watching the nine -tailed people.
“This is here.Come in. ”
One day, Lisa was hiding the trace, so we were informed of Roel and in a large building.
As I thought at the entrance, Roel may be in high position among the nine -tailed nine -tailed lakes.
“Then it was about the rough situation.We do not go out in this encounter, but we are not detailed …. ”
Sarah doesn’t care at all, but Roel, who is seemingly mature, seems to have caught up with his mind.
As before, Roel slowly started explaining the current situation.