The Saint’s Dungeon Business MTL - Chapter (1119)
What the Saints do in the dungeon Episode 983>
“Excuse me!”
To be honest, I was prepared to have a battle, but the incident was unexpectedly over.
Looking at the guards who are greeting us by bending 90 degrees to us, I briefly thought about how perfect I had done a while ago.
This is because the first surveillance soldiers were not able to use Silvia properly and were overwhelmed by Silvia, and the surviving soldiers who flocked to us could not think of it.
Besides, I ordered Silvia because I was still with my arms folded behind.
How strong is the guy in the back of the load?
Perhaps they thought so and be careful.
“there!What are you doing?! ”
But that’s why I couldn’t just pretend to see us, so they kept a certain distance surrounding us, and in the meantime, a guy who seemed to be a squad leader appeared.
“You’re just scared of two guys!”
He was feared by us without seeing the guard’s overpowering himself.
“hmm.I think it’s going to be twisted as it goes.Sylvia.First of all, mash the head of his guy as an example. ”
“Turn off!Senior!Let’s say! ”
And at the same time, at the same time, Silvia really turned his head of the squad leader to his knees, and his attitude turned quickly as if his attitude was upside down.
Because Bapra is a sapa, he is a martial arts.If you don’t like it, aren’t there anyone who kills them casually?I thought about it, but it was more than imagination.
By the way, who is older?who.I don’t think I’m younger than me with that face?
“hmm.I will listen to the will.Let’s talk. ”
“I, we were looking for people with the command of Bafra!”
When I cheated Silvia and stopped Sylvia for a while, he shouted in a desperate voice as if he had a chance.
No matter how much you notice, the story will be different if you listen to the name of Bapra!
Maybe I thought so, but what about this?I’m not scared at all.
“What are the features?”
“yes yes?”
“It’s the character of the person looking for!”
“That, that’s ···!”
When I’m not dying at all, it’s not this?The end of the horse was blurred.
It was a secret to seek Raybapra.
“Click!Please forgive me!It’s confidential!I can never say this! ”
boy.Still, it’s quite heavy.
Once again, I crushed my head on Sylvia’s knees and didn’t open my mouth and even squat.
“good.Then let’s just ask one. ”
“Yes, yes.”
“Is it similar to me?”
“I, it’s completely different.”
When he said, he shook his head as if he had nothing to see my face in detail.
That’s right.The skin is not the same, and it’s not a woman in the first place.
“But I didn’t know anything about the topic.
“That, it may be a collaborator for him.”
“I thought it was that?”
“That, yes.”
Chet.After all, things got bothered.To go with Ray in the future, there’s nothing good to know that there is a collaborator.
Well, it’s a spilled water, so it’s useless to complain.
First of all, think about getting out of this place.
“Then Silvia is similar to him?”
“I, not at all.sorry.”
I asked so much that it was natural that Ray and partners were acting together.
And the idea of a person is once a stereotype, and it is a way to accept it as if it is true without any doubt, so he looked at Silvia and immediately apologized to us.
Silvia was still using the hood, but chests, ah, no.If you look at it, it’s a distance from Ray.
“And we have grabbed an unrelated person.”
“Did you just hold on to it?”
“Sorry for it, it’s sorry.”
“okay.So is the will end? ”
“Hi profit!sorry!sorry!”
Do not apologize so desperately.I don’t really want to kill it either.
Unlike the guys who kill and see if they are like you, I am a lion of a loving goddess.
Then shall we go out of this place?A little while ago, Ray acted like a collaborator, and he was aware that he had only one partner as a bonus.
Well, the thing I thought was improvised.
Oh, if you say it’s improvisation, it’s good.
“Huh.Well, good.Sylvia.Solve it. ”
“Uh, huh?”
When I woke up and said, our Silvia immediately released him and moved behind my footsteps.
I suppressed the urge to stroking Sylvia’s head, and I smiled a soft smile to the squad leader who kneaded his arms.
“Thank you for the beautiful village shining in a dark night.”
“yes yes?”
hey.I released it, but what is that embarrassing look?Well, if you suddenly say this, even if you’re like me, you’ll want to be crazy.
“I don’t want to do something that takes me with a bloody village.”
But I didn’t care about his expression, but shook his head with a calm smile.
I tell you as a reference, but it’s not because I am crazy about saying this suddenly.Of course, the two bottles suddenly exploded in the inner sleep, so it’s not even more.
I just want to be framed.
I was framed anyway, so it’s not a problem because I write one more time.
Is there a problem?Well, how about it?It’s not my problem.
Two of them were covered with a hood, so I didn’t see my face properly, but when I thought about the jawline or soft voice, it would probably look quite compliant.
Of course, it would not be for me, but wouldn’t it be about me now, which is lowering the attractiveness with the weakness?
In addition, if you are stepping on us properly, you will soon stop by here, so there was no better talent to be framed.
So if you’re going to blame, blame yourself, who threw muscle mass twice in our table at the restaurant.
“That, right?”
“okay.Do not hold on to the strict person and defile this wind. ”
“Yes, yes!sorry!Excuse me! ”
In this way, the first 90 degrees of the guard is completed.
hmm.I always think about it, but I think my ability to respond is natural.
So even if you fall into this world without knowing anything, you have been alive so far.Haha.
Waving my hands lightly on the guards, I accompanied Silvia and exited the village.
“older brother!Did you be safe! ”
And when he walked a little toward the milestone, who told Saminbang to be first, God and Yuri made a worried look.
It seems that we have exited the village safely while we were holding all the surveillance soldiers.
“of course.Seeing me.Those beans.I can’t do it even if I go all at once. ”
Really, not bluff.If you have a sanctuary, will everyone grab a bridge and fall?
If it weren’t for the resurrection, it’s all about heaven.
God seemed to accept my words a little different, but I don’t have to correct it.
Anyway, I joined the two couples and headed to the place where I told them to Samin Room.
Through guy, I’ve been with them for a long time, and now I’m just talking about it without suffering.
“Oh, salvation!Did you be safe? ”
“Uh, yes.Was you okay? ”
“yes.We had no problem.But suddenly, so many guards are around.Is there a problem?”
It was just a word of greetings, but it seemed really no problem.
Chet.Didn’t you have a fertilization on guards like us?
no.That’s what we’ve deliberately pushed out the spears from the beginning to get a lot of attention.
“okay.I went out a little spying to find out my hide, but I met an unexpected person there. ”
“Are you unexpected in this place?”
Anyway, we don’t know here?Duke asked him with a look as if he was saying.
Well, it’s a question.
“okay.Don’t be surprised to hear.It is Ray Bafra. ”
I proudly spoke of the best results today.
Of course, Saminbang looked bewildered, but he didn’t expect it for them in the first place.
Only two couples I expect.Now, I’m surprised!
“My brother?Is it a person named Ray Baffra?Why are you the same castle like Bafra? ”
But unlike my thoughts, it was the same with the bewildered expressions of God and glass.
no.wait for a sec.Do you know Ray Bapra?
I liked the sense of seeing Bapra as an enemy and turning it from you to you, but how do you know how the daughter of the boss’s daughter?
“My family to Bafra … ah, God.Then I used to. ”
“Oh, that’s right!”
I look absurdWhen they were, the two were worried about their foreheads, and they raised their head as if Yuri realized something first.
Don’t just know each other, but say something.
“Bapra is a terrible pure bloodist, so a woman who has a child has picked up only one Dark Elf woman.However, the Dark Elf is hard to have a child, so I rarely had a successor, but I heard that I had only one child about 30 years ago.But Tae
The child was a woman and the woman died after giving birth. ”
That guy was a dark elf.Somehow the skin is black.
The most skin I knew was Alicia, but if it was a milk coffee, Ray was blacker than that.
no.That’s not important now.
“Then I have a daughter.Why is there no family? ”
“I heard that Baffra, who lost the only Dark Elf woman and couldn’t have a pure bloody Dark Elf successor, had been crazy and killed all the people there.And so far, my daughter’s rumors have never been heard, so I know that my daughter was killed on the spot.
I did, but if the child at that time was alive …. ”
indeed.So you thought there was no family.
Besides, about 30 years ago, even before these guys were born, it would be all to hear them.Then it didn’t understand that it took time to remember.
In addition, after listening to the story, I thought about the two colonies that I had hidden with Rei, and I felt that the puzzles were perfect in my head.
Why Ray runs away.Why Ray is afraid to be dragged by calling Bapra.And from the words that the frivolous side of the colon said that he would be able to eat Ray after the work of Bafra, even what is the work of Bapra.
So Bapra did not treat Ray in the first place.
Baffra doesn’t think he has a daughter, but even though he is a precious house, these guys are not yet strange.
“Wait.But I said that I met his daughter here now. ”
“okay.It’s a bit different from you, but Raybapra is also running away.If you go well, you might get the strongest weapon to break down Bapra. ”
Besides, this hand is not just one Raybapra.
Pointing to a lot of women on the boat, the crews are definitely a truth to be dedicated to Bafra.
It’s a pure bloodism, so you don’t even think about it with a woman who is not a pure hematopoietic dark elf, you need so many women.No matter how much you noticed, you can’t feel it?