The Saint’s Dungeon Business MTL - Chapter (1510)
Saints in the Dungeon Episode 1557
After Ray’s cooperation, I immediately returned to Bis.
In fact, I wanted to experiment, but I didn’t have time to think of it in the morning that I had the influence of drinking with the help of Ray in the morning.
I hope that the uncles who are crazy about the war will be aware of today.
Thinking so, when I went to the operation room, the generals who had already gathered greeted 90 degrees at the same time.I finally realized that they should not be their own strength.
Was it so severe yesterday?As soon as I finished, I had sex like crazy, so I didn’t get a good report.
When I heard about the report, the damage was more serious than I thought.
To be honest, if this war wasn’t a war between me and Miriel, the gap was so widespread that it was not strange even if the gate was broken.
No matter how much the number is different, this result comes from the match.Did the people of the Araks use too much?Or did you have a problem when you try to command the Mercury?
Well, good.Thanks to this, the dependence on me will soar without knowing the sky.
“That’s how you guarantee this, so you have nothing to say!How to punish this bee……! ”
“Does not matter.”
“yes yes?”
I thought it would not be strange to fly if it was a fiery Nile’s personality, and when I was cool, the military opened my eyes and asked.
“I didn’t expect, it may be good. ”
“What the hell is that?…. ”
“From today I will take the command again.Deliver it to each unit so that you can listen and perform my command at any time. ”
Now you don’t have to go through the cumbersome work of using Albert to explain it.You can show it as a result.
If you follow my words without thinking, the victory is guaranteed.If we show such faith by showing the results directly, our plan is a success.
“Diana.Connect Silvia and Miriel to telepathy.Sylvia.Relax and make it comfortable.I will guess there anywhere. ”
“Choi, I will do my best!”
“no.I’m nervous. ”
As I read the tense Sylvia, I moved to the location overlooking the battlefield at a glance.
In fact, I was nervous too.Originally, I was postponed from yesterday, so if you think about it, you won’t have to be so nervous.
“cavalry!Now! ”
In fact, the command itself was not a big problem.I’ve already done the command itself.
Of course, the troops were much larger than before, but they had the advantage of being able to give more details as the number of soldiers to command was less.
The people of the Arakne also pretended not to be in my command and did not show the same power as before, and even though Plitus’s heads had a correspondence tactic, Silvia, which was heard in real time through Miriel, was accepted.
As a result, we were able to prevent Plitus’s onslaught without difficulty in the thirteen.
“Wow, ah!”
It was as squeezed as possible because of the combined elements, but the soldiers who don’t know it will think:
‘As soon as Nile commands, the battle becomes comfortable!Nile is really a god of war that descended for us! ‘
In addition to the soldiers of Bis, Plitus will think the same.Even in Plitus, I know it as a follower of the goddess, so this result is even more confusing.
So far, it was really perfect.
How great the presence of Nile is, and now everyone on this battlefield knows clearly.
The problem was that Plitus had a solution to overcome this situation.
I’m not on the battlefield, so it’s like that there’s a good power there?
“Me, Nil!Miriel Pleatus appeared! ”
“Don’t panic.There is a countermeasure. ”
From now on, it is important.In fact, Diana’s performance is more important than me, but the trembling was trembling.If you are a little clean, a massacre will occur immediately and the drinking will be resurrected.
I didn’t want to do this with a showmanship, but if you think about our purpose, you need this showmanship.I have to concentrate and do it.
I took a deep breath inside and lifted my hands to my head to focus my strength.
Wanted Wolyoung’s unique black mana, creating a small bead -sized horsepower lump on the hand, and then pressing Sarah’s power to amplify.
Then, at first, the beads, which were the size of the nails, began to get bigger.…Uh, uh, uh ……!?It’s too big than I thought !?Eight, I don’t know!
‘Diana!Please help me Miriel! ‘
Anyway, we have a fraudulent character named Daema, who is being supplied with mana for healing sex.
I came to the air as I lifted the huge beads over the head, which seemed to have been able to withstand the Earth.Of course with the help of Diana.
A horsepower lump that is overwhelming enough to stop the fight and see all the people on the battlefield.I took it in my hand, and I threw a ridicule at the soldiers on the battlefield.
It’s hard to see it anyway, but if you’re going to do it, it’s better to do it right.
As he lowered his hand, he began to fall slowly by sprinkling shockwaves around the black sphere that was almost a meteorite.
If that’s a real clash on the ground, it’s not a matter of Plitus, but you don’t have to worry.
There’s a warrior there.
When Miriel lifted the sword over his head, the white energy gathered in the sword and began to get longer, and it became a pillar of light that seemed to penetrate the sky.
It wasn’t that much when I fought sincerely before.Diana sneaked into enchant magic.
Indeed, the white pillar of the sword that cuts evil is leaned down and clashed with the black sphere on the path.
“Big ……Ugh……Haah! ”
The two mana, who had a straight and dangerous sound and maintained their seats without stepping up, exploded with Miriel’s complex and offset each other.
In the aftermath, the soldiers in the middle of the battlefield were pushed from a few to several tens of meters.…Will it be okay?Still, being at the forefront is elite, but it wouldn’t have died that much?
While reflecting on the lack of strength, I immediately prepared for the next attack.
A little while ago, Miriel’s confrontation may seem to have been rebuilt, but today’s purpose is not a confrontation with Miriel.Rather opposite.It is in avoiding confrontation with Miriel.
“Archer!Now! ”
When the soldiers were almost hardened in front of the gods’ war, the archers urgently aimed to live.
The arrow flew away between the soldiers of Plitus, as if it had not been able to carry it properly because it was not so strong.But that’s enough.
When I reached out and granted a sword to the pouring arrows, the arrows that were flying without a Mac quickly turned into a shower of death that bombed Plitus.
“Shield disease!Listen to the shield! ”
If you do this, you can’t help Miriel.
Of course, it was not a force to prevent the shield of the general soldier, but Miriel jumped the soldiers’ shields and swung the sword straight.
After splitting the black shower with a single white flash, Miriel landed on the floor and shouted at me with a warrior.
“Cowardly!Come down and fight with me!That’s the way that’s the way!? ”
“Ugh!It’s a dare to open a mouth……!Nil!I can’t stand it!Nil, this shame……! ”
“I don’t care.”
Miriel’s cry was more resentful and shouted by the soldiers around me than me, but I calmly shook my head and told them.
“Your life is important now.Continue the battle.Make it all. ”
The so -called ‘It is more impressive that the person who was not cheap is better than the original person who did well.’
I did not confirm the emotional faces of the soldiers, and I gave a tactical instructions again and operated the mana at the same time to attack a large range of attacks toward Plitus.
Well, as well as before, and I still specify the attack method and location, Diana will split it with magic.
And Miriel’s defense is the same.If Miriel pretends to block roughly, Diana creates a magic that goes well with Miriel’s movements.
In other words, Diana is attacking Plitus with his magic, offsetting himself with his own magic, and defending himself.
Of course, all of Diana may be suspected of people who are sensitive to mana, so I and Miriel are moderately or not.Although it is very powerful.Still, it’s not comparable to Diana.We have a lot of trouble.
Anyway, I continued to attack like this, and Miriel had no choice but to stop it.
As you know that plitus people are also a top priority to reduce casualties, you can’t stop Miriel, who focuses only on defense.
So I was able to continue to lead the Visun by avoiding the front confrontation with Miriel.
“Ugh!Today I will withdraw!Everyone retreat! ”
In the end, Plitus had no choice but to retreat without any income today.
“Wow, ah!”
Needless to say that the soldiers of the bis shouted and shouted.
It was a more valuable victory as it was a terrible victory.And not to mention the cause, it was Nile’s command.
Bis’The soldiers were soldiers, but the gaze at me after the battle was that of a devout believer who looked at the gods.
“Me, Nil!”
“The war is not over.Tomorrow, the same battle will continue.Mainten the posture in this gap. ”
I dared not meet my eyes and leaned my head and lightly pointed out the shoulders of the soldiers.
If you look around, you can feel the changed atmosphere, so you don’t have to explore it anymore.It is not bad to push the mysticism further because it has become a deity.
Besides, I have a lot to do.
“Diana.are you okay?”
“……Um. ”
First of all, I was worried about Diana, the most troubled Diana, but fortunately, Diana seemed no problem.
It was clear that the mana was slightly lacking, and I felt the sense of climax.How many times.
Did you focus too much on using large magic in a row, and did you think about the lower body’s senses?If you are a magic, we’ll really think so.
“Can you stand a little more?”
“Are you going to go to Pleatus?”
“Do so.”
After the end, my face was slightly red, but Diana nodded as if it was patient.
“huh.I’ll go soon.It’s okay if you do it as it is. ”
I lightly kissed Diana, and I immediately used shadow movements toward Plitus.
If you go to Pleatus, you really need to see the result of today’s battle and listen to how it reacted, so it won’t take much time.It’s time to take time.
Well, it’s going to be a problem because it’s going to be with Diana.
“I was not sure, but I noticed to understand.”
Today, Miriel was not sexually excited, there was Sarah in Miriel’s room instead of Miriel.
As expected, no one blamed Miriel’s actions to prevent life damage.
If you ignore the attack on the soldiers and attack me and then massacre, you will not be able to prepare for the invasion of the goddess that follows the war.
“Then what is the countermeasure?”
“well?Wouldn’t it be possible to see the meeting longer? ”
Then, for the next few days, you’ll repeat the same process today.very good.
“okay.thank you.Then I……. ”
Don’t look at that look.If you look like that, you don’t want to go.
“Sorry.Today I have something to do today. ”
When he kissed Sarah’s cheek with a difficult smile, Sarah barely released and sent me.
Sorry.Sara.But when you see the sensation from the lower body, Diana is dangerous if you don’t go!