The Saint’s Dungeon Business MTL - Chapter (467)
467 =====================
Reversed relationship
In conclusion, our operation has become quite fine.
Sarah first detects the presence of penguins from afar, and I approach by assassination.
Handling one by an attack attack and immediately proclaimed sanctuary.
In the meantime, even if you Sagara, the rest is how Sarah and Diana are handled while I am blocking the attack.
It was a tactic that Silvia, the same potential, could not be active again, but it would be okay.
Sylviana Matilda doesn’t have a job level as if you are catching a monster.
Anyway, the penguin does not go a lot, and two or three basics.There were a lot of four, so we had a hard time dealing with the penguins at first.
Except for some pain.
no.These guys, as Diana said, were really all -in the attack.
I will break through my defense.
If you look at the attack power, isn’t it similar to the fifth -tier monsters beyond the fourth floor?
Of course, the defense was so weak that I died as it was.
In addition, these guys, I didn’t know when they avoided them, but not only beaks but also wings were killed.
The short wings spreading sideways are like a blade.
“Salvation.Are you okay?”
Layea hurriedly approached me and touched me at the end of the battle.
Something was very happy to be desperately running while shortening the stride so that it did not fall on the slippery floor.
“…Wouldn’t you stop doing this with this body in between? ”
Besides, it’s even more so because it’s even with Diana in the arms.
In words, Diana, who did not escape from Laea’s arms, was also cute.
Perhaps it’s probably because Laea might be sulky.
Well, the expression was not so good.
cheer up.Diana.The best elderly caring, I am caring on my chest.
“are you okay?If you hurt a lot, why don’t you use the sanctuary?I am now getting used to the penguins, and I think I can handle it before coming this way. ”
“no.But you don’t have to be dangerous. ”
Yes, it’s better to be a bit sick than our kids are likely to be in danger.
In the beginning, a tanker is like that.
…My stats are only useful for my stats, so it should be helpful at this time.
Oh, it’s dangerous.If you think about it, you will be depressed again.
I deliberately trembled to avoid getting depressed.
“are you okay.Sarah is less hurt than you hit. ”
“sorry.just joke.”
“…Was it so sick? ”
I apologized reflexively, but Sarah mumbled with confidence with a sorry expression rather than anger.
okay.So.Even if you go, you don’t really enjoy hitting flying.
It’s natural to worry if I’m so sick.
good.This may be a chance.
“huh.It was very painful.very.therefore…. ”
“okay.I’ll hit you a little weak next time. ”
Before I finished all the words, Sarah laughed and talked to my nose with my fingertips.
no.In that case, it’s not normal to say that you won’t hit you next time?!
shit.Did you act so much?
“Chet.Then let’s go again. ”
“ha…But this is too slow.When will the road from the third floor find it? ”
Since seeing the penguin split into two branches, Matilda, who is struggling with the magic of the dungeon, sighed.
“don’t worry.I don’t think it’s far away. ”
At least in the map.
The same was true of the Kobold Cave or Ant Cave, but the road from the large to the small class was not so long compared to the road leading from the other class.
In other words, there is a high possibility of a passage in the closest place to the three tier on the map.
In fact, I was more concerned about the difference than finding a passage.
That’s the key.
When we crossed the small and the next class, so when we crossed the 1.5th and 2nd, 2.5th and 3rd floors, there was a passage in the huge manstone, so it was only if the boss was knocked down and passed by.
However, a key was needed when crossing the previous layer, the 1.5th and the first, 2.5 and the second tier, in a small class.
In other words, going to the third layer here means that the key needs a key.
It is also a penis that is not available here now.
Once you have all the genitals you get when you go to the third tier, if the monster’s penis is the key, we have no way to go to the third layer here.
In fact, in the penis of the 3rd tier monster in my hand… way.No way.
Anyway, I didn’t have to make it anxious, so I haven’t talked about it yet, but it was a possibility enough.
Of course, you can go to the fourth floor with the fake boss here.
Fortunately, food is enough.
But I wondered if Matilda could hold it.
no.Even if it’s not Matilda, it’s tired of exploring with an unstable foot in this way.
If it’s a king, I want to go to the third floor and reorganize and explore it.
I hid my uneasy heart and thoroughly searched around the map when the third floor was close.
Of course, the penguins that pop out of the middle are also dealing with.
“Look here!Isn’t this?! ”
And two days later, we were still looking for a hole and gathered in Matilda’s joy.
“Oh oh!hole!This is not a penguin penguin?! ”
“It will be!Obviously it will! ”
What are you talking about?
no.That’s it.Occasionally, if you avoid the attacks of penguins, they sometimes get stuck in the ground or walls.
Of course, there was no way to have a hole on the walls and floors, even the ceiling, but it was not easy to remember the position when there was no crazy battle.
no.If you remember it all, what if the penguin wipes were stuck in the original hole?
We could not abandon that possibility, and we combined the holes that the penguins drilled, and we went around the penis of the three -tier monster in all the visible holes.
Neurose was taken to put the monster penis into a hole on the wall.
I carefully observed the holes found by Matilda.
The size was almost the same size as the penguin’s crowd.
This is the right penis of Lizardman.
I pulled out the genitals of Lizardman from the inventory and squeezed it in a hole with trembling hands.
“……shit…Zenja Aang! ”
Another!Should I still pick up the penis in the hole!
I don’t want to touch the monster’s penis!
If it’s the penis of the 3rd tier monster, the texture of the hand is now known to know what monster’s penis is!Zenja Aang!
“Po, don’t give up!Let’s test something else! ”
Matilda had not yet abandoned his regret, but I was feeling wrong this time.
“It’s wrong!See this size!Not only Yeti’s saints and the polar bears are not the size of the polar bear!But the owl is too small! ”
I said so, but I took out the penis one by one and put it in the hole.
Of course, the hole did not respond to anything.
“Koo, Salvation, calm down.Obviously, it’s okay…Gu, salvation?! ”
“okay!There was still this! ”
In despair, I was more noticed by the staff in his hand than Rayea, who came to be ready.
As if he was taken from Laea’s hand, I handed the staff and muttered with a tasteful smile.
“This is also made of genitals.This is definitely…. ”
“Ji, understand my heart…. ”
Kugu Gugu Palace.
“…W, it was opened. ”
When the end of the staff was put into the hole, the ice wall in front of the eyes was divided and the passage appeared.
“Opened!Opened! ”
“Wow!you!good job!”
Rather than escaping the aisle, I and Matilda hugged each other and smiled.
I was not half -sane, but Matilda was mentally inquisition.
Even though I embraced me, I didn’t change to pink mode, but I just shared pure joy.
“Ida 3 layer!”
“The floor is not slippery!Mana concentration is much more than before…! ”
“okay!Now you don’t have to touch the monster genitals!Hahahaha! ”
Even in the third floor, I and Matilda didn’t know what to do with joy.
I felt a little different for the reasons for rejoicing each other, but if you care, you’re losing.
“But I don’t know what happened.It is not open to other genitals, which opens as a staff of Raya.Of course, it is made of genitals and strengthened with genitals, but is it all strengthened with what you have? ”
“……That’s right. ”
“You know something.”
“It’s easy to understand.”
I took off Shichimi, but I couldn’t deceive the sharp Diana and Sarah’s eyes.
Eight.Why did you get caught?Maybe it was a perfect acting?!
“…That’s actually.There is a monster that we only have only once in the third floor. ”
“…Half seal words are kuman. ”
“okay.I couldn’t catch it because it was cute.anyway.He’s the penis.After going down to the fourth floor, I think there will be nothing to see in the third floor anyway.. ”
“It is said that it was used as a staff reinforcement material of Rayian.”
“Net?!The child’s penis is on my staff?! ”
…Angel.Please don’t look so shocking because it’s a request.
No matter how cute it looks, it’s a monster.
Well, I was sorry when I caught it because I hadn’t attacked for a monster.
myroad.I didn’t want to talk about it.
“…Well, as a result, it’s good, so let’s talk about it.I have a new discovery that the staff can open the way. ”
It is said that my hardships that have been plugged in the genitals of the three -tier monster in the meantime, but if you think about it, let’s quit because you are sad.It’s all passed.
“ha…But I was really lucky.If the hole wasn’t really a hole in the passage, you almost had to go to the fourth floor without knowing it forever. ”
“…It’s as saying. ”
“Oh, no.I’m not blaming.I didn’t know if salvation would be like this. ”
When I saw my face, I was embarrassed by the embarrassment of myself, who had been leaving a half -minded line until I escaped.
Chet.It’s too late to come.My wounded heart is not treated.
I decided to hug Silvia and heal.
“Huh!Gu, salvation…?! ”
Although the resistance to me has been poor these days, Sylvia in battle was still much calm than usual.
Thanks to it, I was bored because there was no vibration except for a while, but nevertheless, Sylvia Therapy was very effective in mental and physical stability.
“Huh.Healed.good.Then shall we go back. ”
“…I don’t know where to walk from now on. ”
“Haha.What are you coming now? ”
“Do not laugh!If it’s not praise, this fool is this fool?! ”
Even though I was so happy that I escaped the ice cave, it was the same, and it was Sarah who accepted my stupid better than usual.
The road from the entrance of the ice cave to the village of the third floor was not far.
After a day campaign, we were able to return to the ground through the three -tier village.
“sister!Back!This is the genitals of mosquitoes promised here. ”
“oh!Salvation!This time, you came back very sooner than usual?Huh.Didn’t you hurry to keep my promise quickly? ”
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ASFDGADS // Thank you.I reduced my penguin head in the middle, but I couldn’t see it when I fixed it.It’s corrected.