The Saint’s Dungeon Business MTL - Chapter (95)
95 ===================
Clan creation
“I quickly eat.Today I’m busy all day. ”
Diana said in an excited voice.
why?Are you excited when you’re busy?
“But the only thing to do is to register for Clan.Is the procedure so complicated? ”
If you just submit the documents according to the form, there is an image of the end.Is it too modern?
Besides, I don’t think that’s going to be right.
If the work is fast, you are not a civil servant.Is it different here?
“What are you talking about?Isn’t it Taishan to do?We have to negotiate with the guild and information disclosure. ”
Oh, so.It was too.
Maybe it’s going to be longer?Perhaps the guild side will try to negotiate with them.
To be honest, I have no myself to lead the negotiations in favor.I haven’t experienced that I went to that place.
This part must believe in Diana’s annual ring.
“Then I will go back to the temple.”
After the meal, Layea stood up first.
Layea is the first to have been so long in the temple.
I want to shine my face quickly.
If you are, you have to follow salvation, but you can’t help it because there is a work today.
“huh.Ambassador…Please speak well to you.Maybe you can’t go today. ”
There is also an appointment to the ambassador, and even because of the mana pool, you should go to the temple.
But Diana said he was busy, so I can’t go today.
It’s really unfortunate, but it’s inevitable.
I’ve been thinking about studying for a long time.It’s a pity.
“Huhhu.yes.Do not worry.See you later.”
For some reason, Laya smiled and answered, and first woke up.
Layea shakes his hands and shakes his hands until he disappears over the door, and his salvation has a happy smile.
“What do you do?If you eat it all, you can prepare you soon. ”
Diana stabbed the side of salvation.
Ugh.Stop the surprise attack.
No matter how hard your attack is, you will be stuck when you suddenly stab your side.
“then.These bodies will also go. ”
Diana looked at Sarah and said with a cool smile.
“yes.Come on. ”
Similarly, even though they disappeared, they answered with a cool smile.
…Are you not talking?
“hmm?This person should be registered as a clan, so I have to go together, but I don’t have to follow you.I just relax and enjoy the rest after a long time. ”
“no.I’m just bored to play.I wonder how you do a clan registration, and I’ll follow. ”
“Ha, but the clan registration is not more fun.”
Diana said desperately desperately.
You are doing well!Salvation also cheered Diana in his heart.
No matter how much you have to confess again, it doesn’t mean Sarah doesn’t care.
I still care about how I accepted the words of salvation yesterday.
Once you don’t face a little, you’ll get a little better, but you keep on mind.
“Then I will go back then.”
But Sarah was lightly hit.
Diana seemed to have nothing more to say.
In the end, the clan registration decided to go together with Sarah, Diana and Salvation.
“ruler.Then let’s pick it up. ”
But Diana’s guide to the party was not the government office.
“Diana, here…? ”
“You don’t know?Clothes store. ”
No, I have snow, so I know that.
What I ask is what I came here.
It was a huge size of clothes stores that were different from the clothes stores that I went to on holiday.
Besides, what looks pretty luxurious is a shop that looks expensive for this salvation.
“Did you say?If you become a clan, you will be able to formally insist on rights.Will anyone register such a clan in the country?At least if you wear a thousand cloth you are wearing, you won’t have any opponents.Even if you have a suit for winning, you will be able to match. ”
For reference, the clothes of salvation are still the cheapest clothing on the street.
Anyway, the completion of fashion is face!If you wear my face, it’s a fashion!It is the foot of confidence.
…In fact, it’s just a bother to choose clothes like clothes.
Sarana Diana, on the other hand, is quite cool unlike when he first met.
After all, women’s creatures are like to decorate regardless of the world.
But it’s a suit….
If you make a suit in the fantasy worldview, you only feel bad.
You’re not going to wear it as promised?
“Then let’s try this this time.”
Fortunately, the feeling of salvation missed nicely.
The suit of this world was like a tuxedo that was quite well missed in the eyes of salvation.
It also includes a design that looks quite rustic from the original world of view, such as golden embroidery.
It was like a cosplay clothes of the game character, but according to the view, it can be accepted as part of the fashion.
I’m glad that I didn’t expect it.
After all, it’s a wonderful world.I have learned since the water facility was a high -tech facility.
“Yes….Doesn’t that look a little gorgeous?Salvation.Try this this time. ”
The problem was not the design of the clothes, but the passion of Sarah and Diana.
Sarah and Diana have been handing out clothes that are not distinguished at all where they are different in the eyes of salvation.
In the passion, salvation was forced to change clothes like a doll -in doll.
Honestly, I was a little excited at first.
It doesn’t feel bad for girls to choose clothes for me, but rather pleasant.
In particular, Sarah had such a thing yesterday, so it made me think about salvation a lot.
Isn’t this really good for me?
Isn’t it?Or does it make sense to choose clothes so hard?
However, when the changed clothes became ten, twenty, and thirty -one passed over, such excitement of salvation gradually disappeared.
“I…Can I just pick it roughly? ”
“What are you talking about!There is no word about this body dictionary! ”
“is it so.I’m choosing this, so I have to choose something right. ”
On the way, salvation also made a weak resistance, but of course it didn’t work.
I knew it.The crush on me is not a problem, but they just enjoy shopping itself.
“But he said he would be busy?Is it okay to spend time like this? ”
“It’s okay.I said that I would be busy by calculating this time from the beginning. ”
What is it?!So, then I mean, I was already in a trap since I had breakfast?
Diana…enfant terrible…!
“If you have time to complain, try to change with this clothes here.”
“I quickly.I still have a lot of clothes to wear. ”
In the end, salvation was forced to change clothes like a machine until Sarah and Diana were satisfied.
“I think this is the best.”
“Yes.After all, salvation suits this.Then shall we do this? ”
“hmm.That way.What do you do?Wake up. ”
“Yes?what?Oh, is it all over? ”
Salvation, which was losing the joon, found insane in that word.
Is it finally over?I’m liberated now!
Salvation shed tears of joy.
In the previous world, every time I went to shopping with a woman, I thought this time when I saw a boring and died.
Still, you are a woman who will go with you!Babies to be stabbed by the bamboo window!
But now, salvation is desperately sympathetic to their mood.
It’s definitely hard.It was a too hard fight.But I overcome it!
“Would you like to go?”
Salvation tried to finish the calculation before the two minds changed.
But there was a voice that braked on such behavior.
“What are you talking about?Now that you only have one clothes you want to wear.Now we have to choose the clothes we will wear. ”
In one word of feeding a crystal hit, salvation no longer thought.
“Salvation, how about this?”
“haha.Pretty. ”
“Is this?”
“huh.It’s pretty too. ”
“I just answered the same since earlier.We also worked hard when we picked it up, so please look at the salvation. ”
“As Sarah says.Isn’t it too sincere?What about this? ”
“huh.Yes too…. ”
“you.Are you listening to these bodies? ”
But Sarah and Diana demanded a variety of appreciation so that salvation could not be relaxed.
damn.What do you mean by me?If I knew the clothes so much that I had a different view of each clothes, would you have been wearing only the cheapest thousand clothes?
“Think about your face.Whatever you wear, what do you do to see me?To blame you, blame you pretty, no matter what you wear. ”
In the beginning, you know that you are pretty unlike you.
Wasn’t there any kids who were pretty aware of what they were wearing?
Just choose roughly.Anyway, whatever you wear.
“That, is it like that.”
But at the end of salvation, Sarah and Diana were surprisingly blushed.
what?Why are kids who are confident in their appearance?
You’re not ashamed of this.
I really like me….
“Hmm.You can’t say anything like this. ”
At Diana’s words, salvation suddenly looked around.
Most of the guests in the store were paying attention to this.
In particular, most of the customers in the store were women, so the gaze felt more warm.
…what is this.
Somehow, it is getting a lot of attention.Because of my words?
Are you looking at how pretty everyone?
No matter how confident in your appearance, it’s a bit ashamed.
“Joe, good.So how about this?I’m going to compare my favorite clothes.In a tournament method.So let’s choose the last thing left. ”
When I was in crisis, a good idea came to mind.
shit.If this thought came to mind, I wouldn’t have suffered so far.
“Yes.Then do that. ”
“I can’t help it.”
what?Why is the reaction?
I thought it was a great idea, but somehow Sarah and Diana’s reactions were not very favorable.
If you say it, you can get out of here quickly…Seo, no way!
Do you still want to enjoy shopping in this situation?
Do you not see those eyes in your eyes?
There’s a woman over there, jealousy, you can kill you by gaze at the sky.
But do you want to do more shopping?
scary.Woman is scary!
Salvation was thrilled.
“Then I will show you two, so salvation picks something better.”
“what?Isn’t it better to just decide?I’m a fashion sense. ”
“I know when I usually wear it.”
Is it?.No, it’s a reasonable judgment.
But isn’t it?Do people hurt surprisingly trivial?
“But it doesn’t matter because I chose it anyway.I also need male opinions. ”
“hmm.Then shall we make this body so? ”
Eventually, Sarah and Diana’s clothes were chosen.
Sarah’s simple and sophisticated dress that makes the usual cool image stand out, and Diana has a cute dress with a lot of frill that makes the cute appearance more brilliant.
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